Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #26

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Supposedly. That article I linked says we can go outside “for fresh air” but then it later says “Non-essential travel on foot, bicycle, scooter, automobile or public transit is prohibited”

So I’m a little unclear. :confused:
OMG. That's severe. The outdoor air is not contaminated, dogs need to be taken out. I suppose it's hard to control an urban population without strict rules - but who will enforce it? What about the wandering homeless people?
Coronavirus: 54 new cases confirmed in Ireland bringing total number to 223


THE NATIONAL PUBLIC Health Emergency Team (NPHET) has confirmed there are 54 new cases of coronavirus in Ireland, bringing the total number in the Republic to 223, up from 169 yesterday.

Seven new cases were confirmed in the North earlier today, bringing the total number there to 52.

This means there are 275 confirmed cases on the island of Ireland.

The NPHET said the news cases are of 30 males and 24 females.

  • 41 are associated with the east of the country, 11 are associated with the south and 2 are associated with the north/west of the country.
Dr Tony Holohan said early modelling indicates we should expect 78 confirmed cases tomorrow, 109 cases on Wednesday rising to a daily number of 355 cases by Sunday.

Trump: Americans could be hunkered down until at least July or August because of coronavirus

Trump says coronavirus crisis could last until July or August

President Donald Trump Says Coronavirus Crisis May Extend Into July Or August; Urges Country To Avoid Gatherings Of 10 Or More

Etc. etc.

Italy’s Coronavirus Victims Face Death Alone, With Funerals Postponed
As morgues are inundated, coffins pile up and mourners grieve in isolation: ‘‘This is the bitterest part.’’


A death notice for Renzo Carlo Testa appeared on Friday in a local paper, L’Eco di Bergamo.Credit...L’Eco di Bergamo


“But the ultimate metric of pandemics and plagues is the bodies they leave behind. In Italy, with the oldest population in Europe, the toll has been heavy, with more than 2,100 deaths, the most outside of China. On Monday alone, more than 300 people died.

And the bodies are piling up in the northern region of Lombardy, especially in the province of Bergamo. With 3,760 total cases reported on Monday, an increase of 344 cases from the day before, according to officials, it is at the center of the outbreak.

Hospital morgues there are inundated. Bergamo’s mayor, Giorgio Gori, issued an ordinance that closed the local cemetery this week for the first time since World War II, though he guaranteed that its mortuary would still accept coffins. Many of them had been sent to the Church of All Saints in Bergamo, located in the closed cemetery, where scores of waxed wooden coffins form a macabre line for cremations.

Unfortunately, we don’t know where to put them,” said Brother Marco Bergamelli, one of the priests at the church. He said that with hundreds dying each day, and with each body taking more than an hour to cremate, there was an awful backlog. “It takes time and the dead are many.””

* This is Wuhan all over again.
They were burning hundreds of bodies a day. Many people didn’t even get to say bye to their loved ones, moo.

Is this the American way? To throw money as a fix? How about $ instead to hospitals and those in physical need of resperators?
I think the concern is for people who will then keep going to work when infected. Or those who are in very real danger of losing their homes or having their children go hungry. Many people lack the savings to withstand missing a paycheck.
It's very windy in south bay, California. Howling wind. I can feel those viruses in the air. Maybe they fly in the air. I think I need psychological help.
Just try taking a break from it and regroup for a little while. You are just overloaded and it is not abnormal at all. This is causing a lot of anxiety. Try a walk or a funny movie. Good luck and stay safe.
Coronavirus: Six Bay Area Counties to 'shelter in place'

Quotes from article:

Six Bay Area counties announced a virtual public lockdown in the face of the rapidly expanding coronavirus pandemic aimed at slowing transmission of the deadly COVID-19 respiratory disease.

Health officers for Santa Clara, San Mateo, San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin and the city of Berkeley, which has its own independent public health authority, announced the new “shelter in place” restrictions Monday amid a head-spinning flurry of new limits on public gatherings across the state and country.

“Temporarily changing our routine is absolutely necessary to slow the spread of this pandemic,” said Dr. Sara Cody, Santa Clara County Public Health Officer. “The Health Officers from the largest jurisdictions in the San Francisco Bay Area are united and we are taking this step together to offer the best protection to our respective communities.”

The announcement involves a legal order from the health officers of those counties directing their respective residents to shelter at home for three weeks beginning at midnight March 17. The order limits activity, travel and business functions to only the most essential needs. The order will be in place until April 7 and could be amended to end later or sooner, San Francisco Mayor London Breed said Monday.

The order defines essential activities as necessary for the health and safety for individuals and their families. Essential businesses allowed to operate during the recommended action include health care operations; businesses that provide food, shelter, and social services, and other necessities of life for economically disadvantaged or otherwise needy individuals; fresh and non-perishable food retailers (including convenience stores); pharmacies; child care facilities; gas stations; banks; laundry businesses and services necessary for maintaining the safety, sanitation and essential operation of a residence.

In addition, health care, law and safety, and essential government functions will continue under the recommended action.

Marin County Health Officer Matt Willis said “essential things we need will be available to us.”

“Grocery stores will remain open,” Willis said. “You can get your medicine from your pharmacy, you can still visit your doctor. We can all expect to experience some cabin fever. You can still walk your dog.”

Health officers acknowledged Monday how difficult the extraordinary and unprecedented measures will be for families already struggling to cope with the rapid upending of their lives, with children told to stay home from schools, businesses urging employees to work from home where possible and events canceled. But they said the dire threat of the outbreak makes a regional response necessary.

“We are in a rough place, and we are going to have difficult times ahead of us,” San Mateo County Health Officer Scott Morrow said. “The measures we’re putting in place are temporary, but they will last longer than any of us want. This is the time to unite as a community, come to each other’s aid and dig really deep to find your best inner self and pull out all the compassion, gratitude and kindness you can.”

The guidance, they said, comes after substantial input from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and best practices from other health officials around the world.

Grant Colfax, the director of San Francisco’s Department of Public Health, said health officers from all six counties conferred over the weekend and concluded that they needed to put in place the new restrictions as soon as possible.

“Every hour counts,” Colfax said. “The evidence tells us that now is the time to implement this step.”

San Francisco Police Chief William Scott said that violation of the order is “enforceable as a misdemeanor” but added that “that is an absolute last resort.”

“We’re looking for voluntary compliance,” he said. “If we do get called to those situations, we’re going to try to educate the public.”

The shelter-at-home order follows new data of increasing local transmission of COVID-19, including 258 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 4 deaths shared by the seven jurisdictions, as of March 15, the health officers said. The Bay Area’s collected confirmed cases is more than half of California’s case count, they added, and that does not account for the rapidly increasing number of assumed cases of community transmission.

As testing capacity increases, the health officers said, the number of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases is expected to increase markedly.

Shelter in place is a term typically used in a public safety context in which residents, workers and students are urged to stay indoors where they are, and has been used in cases of police activity near schools or neighborhoods or toxic fumes from refinery fires.

The Bay Area has been at the center of the viral outbreak in the state and is one of the nation’s hot spots for infections. There are at least 335 confirmed cases statewide and six deaths, two of which were in Santa Clara County.

Of the Bay Area counties urging shelter in place, by Monday morning Santa Clara County had 114 confirmed cases, San Mateo 42, San Francisco 40, Contra Costa 30, Alameda and Berkeley 18, and Marin 9.

The latest announcement follows a week of progressively tightening government restrictions and guidelines against public gatherings to slow the COVID-19 outbreak. On Sunday, Governor Gavin Newsom’s called for closing bars and nightclubs, limiting restaurant service and for the elderly to hunker down at home.

Newsom’s guidelines — which he suggested would be enforced if needed — came as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention called for no gatherings of 50 or more for eight weeks. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued an executive order closing bars, nightclubs, gymnasiums, theaters, bowling alleys and restricting restaurant service to takeout.

Newsom on Monday was expected to announce new protections for renters who fear losing their apartments as shutdowns put them out of work. There governor is also expected later today to clarify his latest order.
Need to focus on other things now, but just wanted to share that (if Hollywood & the theater are any indication), there seemed to be strong disapproval of war profiteering in WW2 era. Seems I saw it in a number of movies, and All My Sons and The Little Foxes come to mind as far as plays go. Maybe our artists will help shape our ethics in this crisis, too. Toilet paper hoarding & Purell resale as a morality play.
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CA: Bay Area orders "shelter in place" - Sacramento Bee article

Quotes from article:

In an extraordinary move, six Bay Area counties issued a sweeping “shelter in place” order Monday, directing residents to stay at home as much as possible to quell the spread of coronavirus. The directive, set to take effect at midnight and would last through April 7, bans all non-essential travel and social activities, even having friends over for dinner.

Sacramento County’s top health official said Sacramento leaders are discussing the possibility of imposing the same restrictions here, but have not made a decision yet, and are calling on residents to stay calm. Under any circumstances, people will be able to go to the store, go to necessary healthcare appointments, and be outside.

In urging bars to close, restaurants to curtail business and senior citizens to “self isolate,” Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sunday ruled out making those conditions mandatory, at least for now, saying martial law wasn’t necessary and he believed most residents would comply with his advice.


Read more here:
Coronavirus: Silence shrouds streets in cities across Italy, France and Spain
After the coronavirus, nothing will be as before," Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte tells the Corriere della Sera newspaper.

“Scientists are telling us that the outbreak has not reached its peak, these weeks will be the most risky, and the maximum precaution is needed," Conte said, explaining that the lockdown's results will be seen in a few weeks.

Authorities have filed complaints against 20,000 people for violating the lockdown, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

The total number of coronavirus cases in Italy rose to 27,980 Monday, including the dead and recovered, the country's Department of Civil Protection chief, Angelo Borrelli, said.

More than 23,000 remain infected, and more than 11,000 are hospitalized. Nearly 2,000 of those hospitalized are in intensive care, while about 10,000 are isolated at home.”


“In Madrid, streets that are normally bustling at all hours of the day and the night were empty throughout the weekend and into Monday.

Spain enacted a partial lockdown Saturday night as the country tries to stem the outbreak. People are only allowed to leave their homes to go to work, the pharmacy or a hospital.

“It’s silent outside,” said Cassandra Nelson, 25, who lives in central Madrid after moving from Charlotte, North Carolina, in August to teach English.”
CA: Bay Area orders 'shelter in place' restrictions for 6 counties - LA Times article:

As coronavirus spreads, 6 Bay Area counties ordered to shelter in place

Quotes from article:

MENLO PARK, Calif. —

Six counties in the San Francisco Bay Area will be placed under a shelter-in-place directive by public health officials in a bid to slow the spread of the coronavirus, a move that will close virtually all businesses and direct residents to remain at home for the next three weeks.

San Mateo Mayor Joe Goethals said he believed that the order, announced in a pair of press conferences Monday afternoon, put the six counties — San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Contra Costa and Alameda — on perhaps the most restrictive public health footing anywhere in America since the outbreak of the potentially deadly coronavirus. Earlier the mayor had said nine counties would be affected, but then he corrected that number.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed confirmed that, effective midnight, city residents would be required to stay at home “except for essential needs” and that all but essential businesses and public services would be asked to closed, starting at midnight Monday. The order will remain in place through April 7.

“Many people are calling this the new normal,” Breed said. “It’s the new normal, temporarily, in an effort to protect public health.”

“These measures will be disruptive to day-to-day life,” she added. “But there is no need to panic.”

Effective at midnight, San Francisco will require people to stay home except for essential needs.

Necessary government functions & essential stores will remain open.

These steps are based on the advice of public health experts to slow the spread of #COVID19.

Only police and fire departments, hospitals, grocery stores, gas stations, banks and pharmacies and restaurants serving takeout and delivery customers will be allowed to remain open under the shelter-in-place order, officials said. Residents will be able to go to grocery stores and other essential services, but Goethals urged residents not to rush, adding that stores will remain fully stocked.[BBM]

The order further escalates the economic damage caused by COVID-19, this time hitting the nation’s tech capital. But many health experts say extreme measures are needed to prevent the virus from spreading further and overwhelming hospitals and the healthcare system.

The San Francisco Bay Area is the region hit hardest by coronavirus in the state. More than 250 cases have been reported in the six Bay Area counties of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara, with more than 100 in Santa Clara County.

Monday’s order came from public health officials in the six counties and from the city of Berkeley.

“Staying home is the best thing that we can do right now,” said Goethals. He said the communities are trying to “flatten the curve” — reduce the speed of the contagion so that there is not a sudden jump in cases that overwhelms hospitals.
Need to focus on other things now, but just wanted to share that (if Hollywood & the theater are any indication), there seemed to be strong disapproval of war profiteering in WW2 era. Seems I saw it in a number of movies, and All My Sons and The Little Foxes come to mind as far as plays go. Maybe our artists will help shape our ethics in this crisis, too. Toilet paper hoarding & Purell resale as a morality play.

The Little Foxes: Bette Davis at her finest. I love that movie. A great American play! Regina Giddens is among the strongest female characters in dramatic literature.
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Of all things, my Discord server hasn't been able to connect for a while. It's the main way I converse with my daughter in Japan. :( Hopefully some of the interruptions are just random and will be back online soon. If not then hopefully Skype will get through. She's got cabin fever and is showing signs of mild depression.

Another thing bothering me - and I know it's trivial compared to other stuff going on - is that I also use Discord to connect with my local friends that I game with.

By itself it's not a big deal but we have two recovering addicts in the group and I worry about them. One has been clean for decades so I believe he'll be fine but the other just hit his one year of sobriety.

Again, it sounds silly, but our gaming group (and the game) has played a big part in keeping my friend occupied. Being disconnected from his friends could have a negative impact on him. We've been interacting with him via Discord so I hope the connection comes back soon.

He just earned the right to see his little girl again and I believe she motivates him to stay clean so maybe that will be enough. But I worry.

It's crazy how far reaching this virus is, affecting us all in one way or another.
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