Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #29

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well one thing as apparent, there’s a number of posters on here who believe that mothers and their children don’t have a right to go to the store, but they do. It’s frightening, the breakdown of civil courtesy.

When I was in Costco yesterday, there was a guy behind me in checking out had two girls around nine years of age in the grocery cart. I figured he thought it was better to corral them that way than have to keep track of how close they were getting to people. Children that age can not legally be left alone at home or in the car, so what was he supposed to do with them otherwise? With restricted grocery store hours, it is making it even harder for couples to shop for their families, and I can't even guess how single parents are managing.
Thank you, but I don't mod, I have enough stress in my life, my job is to keep the forums organized and clean, but to tell you the truth, I have been very consumed with what has been going on with coronavirus since mid-January (when my daughter flew home from southeast Asia) that I have neglected posting new cases, have no idea what is going on with other missing persons cases I've been following, I feel awful.

On that note, I haven't been around the past day or so because so many things have been happening at work.

First, I dropped my phone in a puddle yesterday morning getting out of the car coming into work, after I retraced my steps I found it. As such, a new phone will be coming on Saturday. So I'm phoneless during this crisis with both my daughters living out of state in New York and Florida. Luckily, they are sheltering in place and working from home, my daughter sent me a picture of her on the streets of New York City wearing a hat, surgical gloves, and an N95 mask. I love them.

As far as my (real) job is concerned, all work has just about stopped. Managers have left to keep the amount of people low in the office. Some support staff are left, others took work home and we are going to a skeleton crew. My company has decided to shut down for 2 weeks starting tomorrow. They just advised us to come in yesterday and today to wrap up everything we are working on. They are offering to pay us a full salary for the next 2 weeks. After that they will re-evaluate and if the situation is the same or worse, we will all have to file for unemployment.

Yesterday, I was told that a manager's daughter's boyfriend has the virus, the daughter has symptoms, and the manager was in contact with both. Did he self-isolate? NO! He walked into the office yesterday, freaked everyone out to the point where HR had to tell him to go home. He had been in my office, touching my files, he was all over everything the last 3 days. He was not happy, screaming how he shouldn't be forced to go home, he does not have any symptoms, this is all overblown by the media ... yada, yada, yada. How many other people are walking around thinking the same? Makes me shudder.

I've never had 2 weeks off in a row (even for a vacation). My husband is disabled and more of a homebody, so I don't have to worry about him. The two of us have decided we are going to take a ride to the beach each day, bring the dog, and take a walk, just to get out of the house until isolation is mandatory. We thought that would be good to do, no worries about running into other people at this time of year.

I just feel so defeated. I cry every day, angry that no one in governmental authority, or friends, family, my boss, took this seriously. I feel so bad, tried to warn people 2 months ago.

I also cry whenever I hear about the "old people". I want to donate my time and even my own money to help whoever is out there, alone, scared, and/or unable to leave home - to help them in whatever way I can. Does anyone know of any place I can reach out to? Sometimes, I thank God that my parents have since passed, I don't have to worry about their health or whether or not they have eaten, if they have enough food. Geez, I'm crying again.

In the meantime, for the next 2 weeks or so, I'll be in and out here. I have no clue what went on yesterday in the world, other than a possible $1,000 each from the government, taxes are delayed 90 days, and that they were threatening to shut down NYC and Hoboken, NJ.

Sorry for rambling, but thanks for letting me "talk" it out here.

P.S. I just saw an email from work, sent at 11:45pm LAST NIGHT that a tenant on the 20th-floor of 225 Liberty in NYC (our NY office in the Freedom Tower) has been confirmed with coronovirus and that NO ONE from our office is to report to work today until further notice.

Take care everyone.

I tried to PM you but apparently that's not allowed o_O Praying you're able to de-stress a bit today and get a good walk on the beach with your dog!!

Speaking of "the old people," I loved these articles yesterday:

Adorable picture of man chatting to his elderly dad through a care home window goes viral - during coronavirus lockdown

Split by COVID-19, Man Celebrates 67 Years With Wife Outside Her Nursing Home
Horrible! Such a risk for anyone already suffering with diminished capacity.
I’m set for a month, I’m not a huge eater, so anywhere I go for the next couple weeks, I’ll be on horseback, lol.
Savannah Guthrie is not in the studio this a.m., she’s home with a sore throat, but participating by computer, as is Al.
Some COVID-19 patients have 20-30% reduced lung function after recovery, according to Hong Kong doctors NowThis on Twitter
When I was in Costco yesterday, there was a guy behind me in checking out had two girls around nine years of age in the grocery cart. I figured he thought it was better to corral them that way than have to keep track of how close they were getting to people. Children that age can not legally be left alone at home or in the car, so what was he supposed to do with them otherwise? With restricted grocery store hours, it is making it even harder for couples to shop for their families, and I can't even guess how single parents are managing.
It is tough....but he just put anyone who was within 6 feet of them at risk to DIE....Let that sink in.
We have to figure out new ways to do things. It is imperative.
This is how society breaks down, when people start to attack other groups of people based on their own fear, and feel they are more privileged and have more “rights” than others.

ALL Americans are asked to stay home unless necessary, and no “age” of people are restricted from being able to get the supplies they need. We all have the choice if we feel more vulnerable, to stay home and out of the public.


Not every mother has childcare, there are single mothers, mothers who can’t leave them with elderly family members, etc.
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It is tough....but he just put anyone who was within 6 feet of them at risk to DIE....Let that sink in.
We have to figure out new ways to do things. It is imperative.
If someone wants to find a way, I believe they can.
Our gov’ has stressed to our state that this is not a vacation. The school system is shut down due to a health crisis, because children are transmitting the virus.
Tales from the front line...or, more accurately, my trip out this morning.
It’s been a week since I last left the house and I really needed to move some money around for my Dad before I self-isolate by choice. I got the last few things for my Dad’s care package (chocolate cakes and biscuits) and popped into the pharmacy to pick up some paracetamol for me - just in case.
Everything quite calm so far, most people staying a good distance from each other. Nobody wearing masks or gloves, which surprised me.
Found out the bank has cut its hours, so in the half hour I had to wait before it opened, I thought I’d take a quick look around ASDA. It was like Dante’s Inferno. Locusts with trolleys piled high, shelves stripped bare, queues and queues of people (many of whom I noticed were coughing, mouths uncovered *barf*), I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Cancelled my hairdressing appointment but it was good to see they had a hand sanitising station set up by the door and were disinfecting the door handles each time they were touched.
I had a whole bus to myself on the way home - something I was very grateful for.
Now I am safely home, I have no desire to leave it again for a good long while.
I have to catch up on most of the last thread - didn’t it move fast!
Still can’t eat, still feeling sick with nerves. 6lbs down now.
Stay safe, everyone ❤️

3:25 a.m. U.S. hospital association warns of ventilator shortage
The largest national hospital organization in the United States is urging Americans to adhere to the recommended health precautions amid the coronavirus outbreak so the health care system doesn't become overwhelmed with patients.

"There are limited supplies of ventilators and hospital beds, which is why hospitals and public health officials all across the country are urging the public to follow the guidance of the CDC and other public health leaders on social distancing and other actions," Nancy Foster, vice president for quality and patient safety policy at the American Hospital Association, told ABC News in a statement Tuesday night. "The best way not to overtax the health care system is to keep more people healthy. That is the reason public events have been canceled, schools are closed, businesses are instituting telework policies where possible, and other changes have been made to the way we routinely lead our lives."
Coronavirus live updates: Wuhan, China, reports just 1 new case for 2nd straight day
@margarita25 I filed for unemployment benefits yesterday for my Mom, who was laid off in Las Vegas. Everything is closed in Vegas, no one can "look for work". I was wondering about this question.

I worked at unemployment insurance for a few years, after 9/11, it was craziness. We had extensions at that time. Constant work. When Mnuchin states unemployment rates could be at 20%, that is absolutely optimistic.

YES, your mother is available for work. Unemployment doesn't ask if there are jobs available.

Most states require a person apply for two jobs per week. You can do this on line. Lets face no ones gonna call about interviews during the outbreak.

I think they will temporarily suspend this requirement. I think Virginia did back in 2009 when out unemployment was double digits.

YES, your mother is available for work. Unemployment doesn't ask if there are jobs available.

Most states require a person apply for two jobs per week. You can do this on line. Lets face no ones gonna call about interviews during the outbreak.

I think they will temporarily suspend this requirement. I think Virginia did back in 2009 when out unemployment was double digits.


I think every state remove the “must look for work” criteria. Thank goodness. I’ll look for a link.
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We must get a drug and eventually vaccine. We can have treatments, antibody prophylaxis, point of care diagnostics for early detection by fall. That must be focus. #COVID19 doesn't go away. Initial wave will run course into summer but it'll be back until our technology stops it.
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter

Reminds me so much of when I was a child and polio ran rampant. There was fear and uncertainty everywhere. Everyone lived near someone who had it or knew someone who had it. Heck, our own president had it. Then came the vaccine. I don't remember anyone who was against the vaccine. It was given out in mass settings and we were glad to get it. I am so thankful for modern medicine.
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