Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #31

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More....still SMH

Feinstein, a California Democrat, sold $500,001 to $1 million worth of stock in a company called Allogene Therapeutics on Jan. 31, less than a month before panic about the virus caused markets to plunge, Senate records show. Her husband sold $1,000,001 to $5 million worth of Allogene shares on Feb. 18, according to financial disclosures.

And Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, dumped as much as $400,000 worth of stock on Jan. 27, records show. He sold shares in five different companies including Apple, PayPal and Brookfield Asset Management, according to a disclosure report.

Feinstein spokesman Tom Mentzer said her husband made the transactions, not the senator herself.
I haven't seen a link to today's WHO presser, watching for it and will post as this is pretty later than usual.

Prince Albert, the leader of Monaco, has tested positive for coronavirus

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

Cuomo live now (about 8 minutes into start of the youtube.

Watching. Big crack down for vulnerable and "non" vulnerable residents.

FM's 'stay in' warning as virus cases rise

Nicola Sturgeon has warned people to stay at home this weekend as coronavirus cases continue to rise.

The number of positive cases in Scotland has risen to 322, a rise of 56 from Thursday. The number of deaths remains at six.

The first minister urged the public to continue to follow the recommended measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

She warned young people the advice to limit socialising "is not optional".

Ms Sturgeon told a media briefing that she understood they were asking people to "fundamentally change the way we live our lives".

"And these changes will become more apparent and more difficult as we head into the weekend," she added.

"There will be some of you who are wanting to head out to the pub for a final night out or a meal out with friends.

"But my guidance to you is crystal clear - please do not do this. You must not consider this vital health advice to be merely optional."

She said she was concerned that young people would be disappointed that they will not be able to meet friends over the weekend.

"But again I cannot be clearer," she said. "Please do not think this advice just applies to other people and not to you."

The public have been asked to reduce social contact, work from home and stay away from crowded places.

Those who are most vulnerable should stay at home as much as possible.
I wish Governor Cuomo was my Governor. Wow. He’s fantastic.

10,000 tests JUST LAST NIGHT!!!
(Compare to 9,000 tests TOTAL to-date as of yesterday in California!!)

He is so well-spoken and pro-active and shows such leadership for his state.

I haven't seen a link to today's WHO presser, watching for it and will post as this is pretty later than usual.

Prince Albert, the leader of Monaco, has tested positive for coronavirus

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

Cuomo live now (about 8 minutes into start of the youtube.

Just jumped on...anybody have a link to the WH presser for today. @Henry2326 :rolleyes::)
Great news (I think): DH's CoV19 test was negative! Whoohoo! Lots of kissin' going on in the Gardener home today. :D

Now I can go (carefully) search for food. We are out of all fresh produce and meat. We have been eating rice without butter for 2 days. All the stores that have curbside pick-up around me don't have any slots available until next week. I put in a small order for next week at one store as a back-up plan but I'm going to suit up with gloves, a mask, a headscarf, wrap-around sunglasses, a small supply of wipes and drive to the stores to check things out for myself. Any shopping tips? :)

Happy Dance !!!
Gov Cuomo NY Governor live presser MSNBC

**New York now testing per capita more than China and South Korea.

"Numbers are going up because of this. Just discovering what was already present. 10,000 tests just last night. Total 32, 427 tested to date (to minute I should add."

100% work reduction unless essential employer/employee.

"Ventilators are NY's greatest need."

"What a locality does matters (1918 Spanish Flu example - Philadelphia vs Saint Louis."

"Statewide order - He accept full responsibility because of divergence of opinion with state and local officials."

"Save one life and it will be worth. I want to be able to say, I did everything I could do."

Gov Cuomo:

WA - 1000 cases
CA - 1000 and change cases

NY - 7000 cases

Gov Cuomo: perhaps, NY may be testing at a multiple of the other states -
We know we are doing more tests per capita, but don't know what the actual infection rate is

NY has the tightest controls in the country
I wish Governor Cuomo was my Governor. Wow. He’s fantastic.

He is so well-spoken and pro-active and shows such leadership for his state.

Yes, he has been wonderful. IMO, he is literally the only governer in the entire country that jumped all over this crisis.

Other governers are all playing catch up.
“The numbers are going up at such a rate it has more than doubled the capacity of the hospital has also tripled the capacity of the ICU system...”

My transcription moo
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Just wasted my time on Nothing Northam!!

Today presser...

Mental health was the main topic
  • gave hotline numbers
  • not activating NG
  • no to closing non essential business
  • looking at trying to get supplies from private company, but still counting on feds
  • if your employer is non compliant talk to them, or call OSHA
  • Lets all take a walk and enjoy the beautiful day
  • limited questions to 4!!!!
Something in the koolaide....

Governor gives coronavirus updates, Virginia has 114 confirmed cases

I’m all caught up here. That knot of stressy-nausea that’s been sitting on my chest lately- it’s back with a vengeance.
@Henry2326 a sincere thank you for the amount of research and thought you put into all your posts here. It’s very much appreciated.

Yes, I had an oddly sleepless night, I just think its Pandemic Anxiety

One thing that really does help me is listening to wonderful relaxing music when I go to sleep.

Instead of listening to BBC Radio (which is just updating all the COVID-19 news), I went back to listening to an old favorite:

Music from Hearts of Space. It's a subscription streaming site with a huge library of curated "new age", some classical, some ethnic music, without vocal lyrics. They create a set based on a theme, of 8-10 pieces that last about an hour total. I'm usually asleep befor it ends.

The moderator, Stephen Hill is part of the famous Windham-Hill duo and has the most relaxing voice possible.

I encourage you to look at their free content and consider this as a real break from your activities or a real sleep aid. You can also find it as an app.

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