Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #31

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Sorry to hear about you getting laid off. I definitely understand about what you mean about being relieved of the anxiety of not knowing what would happen. Take care. Together, we will all get through this.

Thanks sky. This week has been a rollercoaster. I can’t believe it’s taken this long to shut down.. I was convinced the whole country was going to be shut down last weekend. It was painful watching this drag out all week, knowing what was to come. I worry it’s too little too late, but I guess there’s no sense in dwelling on what should have been. Like you said, we will all get through it together. Hugs
‘At War With No Ammo’: Doctors Say Shortage of Protective Gear Is Dire

The Open Cities Community Health Center in St. Paul, Minn., is considering shutting down because it doesn’t have enough face masks. Doctors at Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis are performing invasive procedures on coronavirus patients with loose fitting surgical masks rather than the tight respirator masks recommended by health agencies. At a Los Angeles emergency room, doctors were given a box of expired masks, and when they tried to put them on, the elastic bands snapped.


“There’s absolutely no way to protect myself,” said Dr. Faezah A. Bux, an anesthesiologist in central Kentucky who in recent days had to intubate several elderly patients in respiratory distress without the respirator masks and protective eye gear recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Not only can I not protect myself, I can’t protect my patients.”

At a White House briefing on Thursday, President Trump said millions of masks were in production and that the federal government had made efforts to address the shortages, though he did not provide details. But he said it was largely up to governors to deal with the problem.

“The federal government’s not supposed to be out there buying vast amounts of items and then shipping,” Mr. Trump said. “You know, we’re not a shipping clerk.”

I know. My heart breaks to think that most of those people are either dead now or dying.

And it's just hospital ward after hospital ward full of nothing but COVID-19 patients, most of whom seem non-responsive

The ones in the hall seem less affected, but it's a horribly grim scene
The ones in the hall are waiting for someone to doe, so they can have a bed!
Why in heavens name would it take 90 days to approve a facility to make masks? Think about that....crazy

I've been working on an N95 mask production project with a team for about a week now
We just got off the phone with NIOSH. They told us that approval for a new mask production facility in the US will take at minimum 45 days, but more likely 90.
A lot of people are gonna die.

Matt Parlmer → on Twitter

We have now entered a new phase of our battle with #COVID19. Yesterday, #Ohio had its first death from the #coronavirus. It was someone who @LtGovHusted and I knew very well. He was very well respected by everyone who knew him. All of us extend our deepest sympathy.
Governor Mike DeWine on Twitter

When confronted with the finality of death in the Judeo-Christian traditions, we often turn to Scripture for Comfort.
The 23rd Psalm tells us that:
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me.
The beginning of the Psalm is also well known. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” For a while it is going to seem like we are living in the “valley of the shadow.” But we will get through this. The sun will come out and shine upon our state. Our beautiful #Ohio.
Governor Mike DeWine on Twitter
Coronavirus news and live udpates: Deaths from Covid-19 top 10,000 globally - CNN
Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles closed until further notice
Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles is closed until further notice due to the coronavirus pandemic, a representative at the golf club confirmed to CNN Friday.

Owned by President Trump, the 18-hole golf course is located in Rancho Palos Verdes, 30 minutes south of Los Angeles International Airport. It is generally open to the public.


Delta CEO: Second quarter revenue will decline 80% from last year due to coronavirus
Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian revealed to employees that the airline now expects revenue to plunge $10 billion in the second quarter of this year — or an 80% decline compared to last year — as the airline deals with the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

"It's also clear, given the underlying damage the virus has created to the overall economy, that demand recovery will take an extended period once the virus is contained," he said in a letter to employees, obtained by CNN.


Large increase in firearms purchases during pandemic contributed to background check delays
A large increase in firearms purchases during the coronavirus pandemic contributed to a delay in background checks for firearms, according to a statement from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

TBI processed a total of 14,657 transactions between March 12 and March 16, the statement said.

During a comparable five-day period, Feb. 13 through Feb. 17, they processed only 7,901 transactions, according to the statement.



NY has a critical need for PPE including gloves, gowns & masks
We need companies to be creative to supply the crucial gear our healthcare workers need. NY will pay a premium and offer funding.
Need Funding? 212-803-3100
Have Unused Supplies? 646-522-8477
SHARE widely.
Andrew Cuomo on Twitter

Call volume is high.
If you have any of these unused supplies, please email

Andrew Cuomo on Twitter
Connecticut Joins N.Y. in Tightening Rules Over Virus: Live Updates
Two governors order most businesses to close and tell residents to mostly stay indoors. New Jersey was expected to follow suit.

The sharp increase in cases in New York is thrusting the state’s medical system toward a crisis point, officials said.

Here’s what you need to know:

Army Corps may convert empty New York City hotels into hospitals.
The Army Corps of Engineers has sent service members to tour hotels in New York City to figure out how to convert up to 10,000 vacant rooms into temporary hospital rooms amid the coronavirus outbreak, Army officials said on Friday.

The Corps had not yet decided where the temporary hospitals would be, but General Todd Semonite, the Corps’ commander, said that candidates included empty hotels and the Javits Center on Manhattan’s Far West Side.


The control tower at Kennedy Airport was closed after a worker tested positive.
The air traffic control tower at Kennedy International Airport, one of the busiest airports in the country, was temporarily closed after a worker there tested positive for the coronavirus, the Federal Aviation Agency said in a statement.


Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called for schools to reopen during a meeting with government officials on Covid-19 on Friday Japan’s prime minister calls for schools to reopen
There are numerous ads running on television all day and evening for the Olympics. Scary to think about. July is a ways off, but who knows by then what will be happening. Japan is rolling some dangerous dice.
Agree about the recipe thread! I know we have a regular recipe section but one for this situation would be helpful to me. I mean, don't get me wrong, maybe someday I would make Coq Au Vin (I can't even type that without laughing...and I don't even know if that recipe is in the other thread), but I need recipes using limited ingredients with nothing fancy that I definitely won't have on hand.

Ahem.......I make an easy dish ( hubs is a Brit ) I call .......
Bangers and mash seaside style as in Seaside Heights NJ.

Hot sausage links...over mash with sautéed peppers and onions .....yum
GEORGIA....large cluster in this area....

Cartersville Medical Center has set up tents in front of the main entrance. They have been screening folks that try to enter. Someone has put up a sign #WeAreAllInThisTogether in the lawn. #COVOD19 has hit #BartowCo hard. @PortiaFOX5 has the details on #fox5atl Jim Zorn on Twitter

Jim Zorn on Twitter

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