Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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Mum furious about coronavirus school closure ‘attacks her own husband and children’

Jessica Cambray, from Utah, US, allegedly launched a drunken attack on her family and has been arrested for domestic violence

Mum furious about coronavirus school closure ‘attacks husband and children’

This is another worry of mine, we don’t want anymore missing and deceased person cases here.

Going to school will have been the only respite some children have from horrendous home environments.

Clam digs now banned along southern Washington coast to prevent COVID-19 spread
All clam digs have been canceled along the coast in Pacific County.

Right now, that county is one of the few in the state that hasn’t reported any COVID-19 cases and officials say they want to keep it that way by cutting down on the number of places where people can gather to help prevent the spread.

Also having that many people on the beach would make it difficult to make sure everyone is following proper social distancing mandates and large crowds could have an impact on the local food and healthcare supplies.

The order went into effect just after midnight Friday morning and remains in effect until further notice.

So, do people who "know" believe that this virus is actually airborn? That is why people are supposed to actually stay in their homes? It is Spring, and kids are supposed to stay inside all of the time?

What Does ’Shelter In Place' Mean? Here’s What Life Is Like Under the Mandate

7 ways to optimize your home for staying in with kids

Hi, I haven’t read these yet but it reminded me of something Cuomo said this morning iirc - that California was no longer using the term “Shelter in Place?” No way I’m going to paraphrase but making a note moo


Is there a transcript? Noting / not seeing quote yet

It’s Not ‘Shelter in Place’: What the New Coronavirus Restrictions Mean
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Has anyone used a sanitizing light on their groceries, keyboard, car door handle, etc.?
I'm looking for someone that has experience with them and whether it would be worth it to send to my Aunt as a gift. So much easier than bleaching products.
Two people in my office have them. We were sent home and I never was able to try it out or ask questions.
Lol about the holes, thank you. Woops.

Trial and error.

See I did not want to waste wipes either and figured the water bleach thing is good (I still think it is) but it was dumb if me with the holes. I didn’t know...

That alright. No biggie. Grateful for what I do have.

This is A LOT of work and time cleaning everything but it’s worth it for peace of mind, sheez.

Can’t take any chances.

Where are we with the latest reputable sources on surface transmission?

I don't know how to define "reputable" anymore after this week, LOL.

I found this from the FDA: Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

It says in part:

March 17, 2020
Q: Is the U.S. food supply safe?

Currently there is no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19.

Unlike foodborne gastrointestinal (GI) viruses like norovirus and hepatitis A that often make people ill through contaminated food, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is a virus that causes respiratory illness. Foodborne exposure to this virus is not known to be a route of transmission.

The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. This includes between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet), and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. However, it’s always critical to follow the 4 key steps of food safety—clean, separate, cook, and chill – to prevent foodborne illness.


Q: A worker in my food processing facility/farm has tested positive for COVID-19. What steps do I need to take to ensure that the foods I produce are safe?

Coronaviruses are generally thought to be spread from person-to-person through respiratory droplets. Currently, there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 by food. Unlike foodborne gastrointestinal (GI) viruses like norovirus and hepatitis A that often make people ill through contaminated food, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is a virus that causes respiratory illness. Foodborne exposure to this virus is not known to be a route of transmission.

If an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, employers should inform fellow employees of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace but maintain confidentiality. Sick employees should follow the CDC’s What to do if you are sick with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Employers should consult with the local health department for additional guidance.

While the primary responsibility in this instance is to take appropriate actions to protect other workers and people who might have come in contact with the ill employee, facilities should re-double their cleaning and sanitation efforts to control any risks that might be associated with workers who are ill regardless of the type of virus or bacteria. For example, facilities are required to maintain clean and sanitized facilities and food contact surfaces.

See: FSMA Final Rule for Preventive Controls for Human Food.

  • Food facilities are required to use EPA-registered “sanitizer” products in their cleaning and sanitizing practices.
  • In addition, there is a list of EPA-registered “disinfectant” products for COVID-19 on the Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 list that have qualified under EPA’s emerging viral pathogen program for use against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
  • IMPORTANT: Check the product label guidelines for if and where these disinfectant products are safe and recommended for use in food manufacturing areas or food establishments.
Q: Do I need to recall food products produced in the facility during the time that the worker was potentially shedding virus while working?

We do not anticipate that food products would need to be recalled or be withdrawn from the market because of COVID-19, as there is currently no evidence to support the transmission of COVID-19 associated with food or food packaging.

Additionally, facilities are required to
control any risks that might be associated with workers who are ill regardless of the type of virus or bacteria. For example, facilities are required to maintain clean and sanitized facilities and food contact surfaces.

More at the link: Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

BBM. It doesn't seem to address my concerns that a sick store employee or even another customer who has Covid-19 might have coughed or sneezed on my bag of frozen broccoli just before I got it. I watched someone pick something up, look at it and put it back more than once today. Or open a freezer door and stick their head in and look at the food closely. :eek:o_O

ETA: This sentence doesn't exactly give me confidence:
"It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads."

I'm going to operate as if it's possible and likely, clean items as best I can, wash my hands and avoid touching my face after cleaning the groceries. MOO.
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So here is a question for people on here .

does anybody suspect they had this in late January/February?

I am now convinced I had this at the end of January as I had a hacking dry cough , high temperature and earlier on I went though my whatsapp messages from January and I also complained of Shortness of breath and my ribs and Lungs hurting from the coughing and the headache. This went on for about 8 days for me so all the symptoms would match.

I also travelled twice to France by coach there and back and went to Wales so I would of certainly been open to infection.


I believe I may have been infected during the first week of March. Although I had been following the news closely, I shut it down for about a week as I attempted to prepare (food, documents, household necessities, warning my adult NYC children - users of public transportation and "city rats," etc).

I am a very heavy sleeper and woke up one night out of my sleep sweating profusely. I tossed off my comforter, wiped the sweat off my face and tried to go back to sleep. I had a restless night as I broke in & out of my sleep.
COVID19 never crossed my mind. By morning, I had a persistent dry cough, no other symptoms other than feeling very fatigued which I attributed to a terrible night's sleep.

The second evening, I again woke up several times with my face drenched (like the old menopause days/nights), and realized that I must have a fever. Took some Tylenol and went back to sleep. I awoke again and felt like I had a brick on my chest. I propped up with additional pillows, but when I heard mild wheezing, I got up to search for an inhaler (have not had an asthma attack in probably 2-3 yrs), gave up and fell back asleep sitting up.

The third day, along with the persistent dry cough, chills and now a persistent headache, I unintentionally fell asleep before noon that day and did not wake until 7:30 pm. I was damned confused when I woke up since I never ever nap/sleep during the day unless I am very sick! Again that night, I awoke feeling like I had a brick laying on my chest.

The fever, chills, wheezing and brick on the chest feeling ended on my fourth day. Persistent dry cough remained. I never suspected I could have COVID19.

I turned on the news, read the papers, and self quarantined. Yes, I suspect I caught COVID19.

I'm feeling much better, but I am not leaving my apartment. Hell no! Not in this city (which I love so much) and not after how long it has taken for me to feel better!
A few local nurses have begged for homemade face masks on our little community forum, so I’m going to spend tomorrow working on the masks I started earlier today. I’ll go until I run out of elastic (because I can’t really run out of fabric). I did 4 today, I think. But that pattern from IN that calls for 7 inches of elastic is just very wrong. Gaping mask. Between 5 and 6 inches is better with that pattern. You want a snug fit.
That's very good of you and your sewing friends to do this. I looked at the pattern instructions and I immediately thought I would make long flat tie strings instead of elastic. Some people have a skin sensitivity to elastic bands (related to latex) and prefer tie on masks.

WideOpen, hope your daughter and grandson get better soon. It must be so frightening for you. Hope the BF is okay too.

So my spouse just walks into the Living Room and said things are going to get bad. He wanted to go pick up a mower part tomorrow but the place is only doing mail orders now.

Thank you @Kensie ...for all of us out here I think the worrying is just beginning. I just want to drive my little jeep right out there to Vegas and bring her back home to South Carolina- but she wouldn't have it. I'm so worried for the loss of their innocent youth. We have all been good parents and raised strong and resilient young people-they will help BEAT THIS. Still, God wrap your protection around the websleuth community and their families!
March 20, 2020 | 5:11 pm Information on Novel Coronavirus

Governor Cuomo has put NY State on PAUSE: All non-essential workers are directed to work from home, and everyone is required to maintain a 6-foot distance from others in public.GET THE

Department of Health
Questions? Call the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Hotline: 1-888-364-3065

New York State on PAUSE

Governor Cuomo announced the "New York State on PAUSE" executive order, a 10-point policy to assure uniform safety for everyone.

The 10-point NYS on PAUSE plan is as follows:

  1. Effective at 8PM on Sunday, March 22, all non-essential businesses statewide will be closed;
  2. Non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason (e.g. parties, celebrations or other social events) are canceled or postponed at this time;
  3. Any concentration of individuals outside their home must be limited to workers providing essential services and social distancing should be practiced;
  4. When in public individuals must practice social distancing of at least six feet from others;
  5. Businesses and entities that provide other essential services must implement rules that help facilitate social distancing of at least six feet;
  6. Individuals should limit outdoor recreational activities to non-contact and avoid activities where they come in close contact with other people;
  7. Individuals should limit use of public transportation to when absolutely necessary and should limit potential exposure by spacing out at least six feet from other riders;
  8. Sick individuals should not leave their home unless to receive medical care and only after a telehealth visit to determine if leaving the home is in the best interest of their health;
  9. Young people should also practice social distancing and avoid contact with vulnerable populations; and
  10. Use precautionary sanitizer practices such as using isopropyl alcohol wipes
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Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

“LAST UPDATED: MARCH 20, 2020 8:30PM
What You Need to Know
  • New York State on PAUSE: In New York we know that Policies Assure Uniform Safety for Everyone
  • Governor Cuomo will sign an Executive Order mandating that 100% of the workforce must stay home beginning Sunday, March 22 at 8PM, excluding essential services.
  • All non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason are temporarily banned.
  • Enacting Matilda’s Law to protect New Yorkers age 70+ and those with compromised immune systems
    • Remain indoors
    • Can go outside for solitary exercise
    • Pre-screen all visitors by taking their temperature
    • Wear a mask in the company of others
    • Stay at least 6 feet from others
    • Do not take public transportation unless urgent and absolutely necessary
  • All barbershops, hair salons, tattoo or piercing salons, nail salons, hair removal services and related personal care services will be closed to the public effective Saturday, March 21 at 8:00PM.
  • New York will implement a 90-day moratorium on evictions for residential and commercial tenants.
  • Casinos, gyms, theaters, retail shopping malls, amusement parks and bowling alleys are closed until further notice. Bars and restaurants are closed, but takeout can be ordered during the period of closure.
  • Testing is free for all eligible New Yorkers as ordered by a health care provider.
  • Your local health department is your community contact for COVID-19 concerns.”
Thank you @Kensie ...for all of us out here I think the worrying is just beginning. I just want to drive my little jeep right out there to Vegas and bring her back home to South Carolina- but she wouldn't have it. I'm so worried for the loss of their innocent youth. We have all been good parents and raised strong and resilient young people-they will help BEAT THIS. Still, God wrap your protection around the websleuth community and their families!

Anyone that has adult children has seen the loss of their innocent youth. It is so hard to witness just like when your kids realize the truth about Santa Claus. Being a parent is a never ending job and never ending worry.

WO, I would do the same thing. I would want my child and grand baby close by especially when they are sick. I have a son in DC and it is endless worry for me. I keep telling him you don't have to stay there, there is plenty of room in Alabama for you but he says no. Kids!!!
“Earlier today, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced he is signing the "New York State on PAUSE" executive order, a 10-point policy to assure uniform safety for everyone. It includes a new directive that all non-essential businesses statewide must close in-office personnel functions effective at 8PM on Sunday, March 22. Guidance on essential services under the executive order is as follows:

ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES OR ENTITIES, including any for profit or non-profit, regardless of the nature of the service, the function they perform, or its corporate or entity structure, are not subject to the in-person restriction.

(Essential Businesses must continue to comply with the guidance and directives for maintaining a clean and safe work environment issued by the Department of Health).

This guidance is issued by the New York State Department of Economic Development d/b/a Empire State Development and applies to each business location individually and is intended to assist businesses in determining whether they are an essential business and steps to request such designation. With respect to business or entities that operate or provide both essential and non-essential services, supplies or support, only those lines and/or business operations that are necessary to support the essential services, supplies, or support are exempt from the restrictions.

For purposes of Executive Order 202.6, "Essential Business," means:

1. Essential Health Care Operations, Including:

  • research and laboratory services
  • hospitals
  • walk-in-care health facilities
  • emergency veterinary and livestock services
  • elder care
  • medical wholesale and distribution
  • home health care workers or aides for the elderly
  • doctor and emergency dental
  • nursing homes, or residential health care facilities or congregate care facilities
  • medical supplies and equipment manufacturers and providers
2. Essential Infrastructure, Including:

  • utilities including power generation, fuel supply and transmission
  • public water and wastewater
  • telecommunications and data centers
  • airports/airlines
  • transportation infrastructure such as bus, rail, or for-hire vehicles, garages
  • hotels, and places of accommodation
3. Essential Manufacturing, Including:

  • food processing, manufacturing agents, including all foods and beverages
  • chemicals
  • medical equipment/instruments
  • pharmaceuticals
  • sanitary products
  • telecommunications
  • microelectronics/semi-conductor
  • agriculture/farms
  • household paper products
4. Essential Retail, Including:

  • grocery stores including all food and beverage stores
  • pharmacies
  • convenience stores
  • farmer's markets
  • gas stations
  • restaurants/bars (but only for take-out/delivery)
  • hardware and building material stores
5. Essential Services, Including:

  • trash and recycling collection, processing and disposal
  • mail and shipping services
  • laundromats
  • building cleaning and maintenance
  • child care services
  • auto repair
  • warehouse/distribution and fulfillment
  • funeral homes, crematoriums and cemeteries
  • storage for essential businesses
  • animal shelters
6. News Media

7. Financial Institutions, Including:

  • banks
  • insurance
  • payroll
  • accounting
  • services related to financial markets
8. Providers of Basic Necessities to Economically Disadvantaged Populations, Including:

  • homeless shelters and congregate care facilities
  • food banks
  • human services providers whose function includes the direct care of patients in state-licensed or funded voluntary programs; the care, protection, custody and oversight of individuals both in the community and in state-licensed residential facilities; those operating community shelters and other critical human services agencies providing direct care or support
9. Construction, Including:

  • skilled trades such as electricians, plumbers
  • other related construction firms and professionals for essential infrastructure or for emergency repair and safety purposes
10. Defense

  • defense and national security-related operations supporting the U.S. Government or a contractor to the US government
11. Essential Services Necessary to Maintain the Safety, Sanitation and Essential Operations of Residences or Other Essential Businesses, Including:

  • law enforcement
  • fire prevention and response
  • building code enforcement
  • security
  • emergency management and response
  • building cleaners or janitors
  • general maintenance whether employed by the entity directly or a vendor
  • automotive repair
  • disinfection
12. Vendors that Provide Essential Services or Products, Including Logistics and Technology Support, Child Care and Services:

  • logistics
  • technology support for online services
  • child care programs and services
  • government owned or leased buildings
  • essential government services
If the function of your business is not listed above, but you believe that it is essential or it is an entity providing essential services or functions, you may request designation as an essential business.

Houses of worship are not ordered closed however it is strongly recommended no congregate services be held and social distance maintained.

Businesses and entities that provide other essential services must implement rules that help facilitate social distancing of at least six feet.

Requests by businesses to be designated an essential function as described above, should only be made if they are NOT covered by the guidance.

To request designation as an essential business, please click here.

Restrictions on requesting designation as an essential business:

  • Any business that only has a single occupant/employee (i.e. gas station) has been deemed exempt and need not submit a request to be designated as an essential business.
  • Businesses ordered to close on Monday, March 15, 2020 under the restrictions on any gathering with 50 or more participants, including but not limited to, bars, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, casinos, auditoriums, concerts, conferences, worship services, sporting events, and physical fitness centers, are presumed to be compliant with NYS issued restrictions and must remain closed and are not eligible for designation as an essential business for purposes of this guidance.
For Guidance on cleaning and disinfection of facilities, refer to the New York State Department of Health Interim Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfection of Public and Private Facilities for COVID -19 at: _general_building.pdf.

For further information: New York State Department of Health's COVID-19 Webpage Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Center for Disease Control and Prevention Webpage:

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Local health department contact information can be found at: County Health Departments

Governor Cuomo Issues Guidance on Essential Services Under The 'New York State on Pause' Executive Order
I just got off the phone with my daughter who lives in Las Vegas and works in the Casino with her bf. She was audibly sick with a heavy chest cold and cough. She said the previous two days she had not been out of bed and quite sick. The baby (my new grandson) has had a runny nose for a couple of weeks and his father (who works at circus circus and is also now out of work) is ill with similar. She sounded very unwell but says she didn't want to worry me. Vegas is a direct target for the virus to be shuttled in on airplanes from around the world. Disaster imo.
Daughter says she will go to doctor if she gets sicker. She has a fever of 100.1. I can hear the weight of congestion in her chest.

Thank you & God bless you; to those here posting the truth and accurate info! priceless

I hope your daughter and family recover soon!

Your post reminds of of something I am curious about. The Covid-19 cough is supposed to start off quite dry and non-productive? Would it later get more productive? If you hear someone with a chesty cough would that be likely to be the Covid-19 or not? Is there a way to tell from the sound of a cough?

There was someone coughing outside earlier, I think they were visiting someone in another flat where I live, and their cough sounded to me very thick with mucus.
I Highly recommend this if you've got any tense muscles, or, if you are just tense... because of all of this.
* I do not own, or get a penny for this recommendation.
I just want to share. What I do.
Zyllion Shiatsu Back and Neck Massager - Kneading Massage Pillow with Heat for Shoulders, Lower Back, Calf - Use at Home and Car, Black, (ZMA-13-BK)
@ Amazon. Link here:

*Smile amazon donates to SPCA: (Animal Charity). Anyway....
If you are in need of some comfort, this little bad boy will do the trick. Trouble sleeping? Try this. It's $49.50 (free shipping).

Just read the nearly 13,000. ratings/reviews.

My personal review? I use it multiple times daily. No Drugs, just massage and heat.
Good Night my friends. Sleep well. Be well.

Yep. I can attest to the power of this device. I purchased it about 3 weeks ago. It does indeed work wonders. :):):)

There's a possibility I've had this virus, but am not 100% sure.

Two Sundays ago:

Went for a long walk, as I often do on a Sunday. Was already getting the initial feelings I was coming down with something, just a nagging feeling about it, then...

Sunday night, uncontrollable sneezing, common when I come down with stuff. I drank some water and went to bed.

Woke up early that Monday morning, like 3AM, with a mild fever, chills, and sweating profusely. Coughing started shortly thereafter. I took two Tylenol PM and went back to bed.

Stayed in bed and slept most of the day, couldn't eat well and didn't try to, really.

Got up around 7PM that Monday evening, severely dehydrated from all the sweating. Coughing was constant, even a little heaviness in my chest.

Went to bed that night after two more Tylenol PM, fever felt like it was pretty much gone at that point.

Woke up early AM hours on Tuesday, coughing and hacking, dehydrated and still sweating. No fever. Drank water, went back to bed.

Since then I have had a heck of a time shaking the chest part of the illness, in fact this Friday/end of the week is the first time I wasn't coughing and spitting up thick mucous nasties (sorry for the visual).

Strangest symptom of the episode was a numb/tingly feeling in my thorax/midsection, but I don't remember if it was 1st or 2nd night. I don't ever recall having such a weird sensation ever before in my life, really strange.

Only pre-existing condition I have is HBP, for which I take an oral once per day.

I'm healthy and in my mid-40's, again I walk a lot in all kinds of weather, for exercise and general health.

I continue to drink green tea every night before bed, which helps me sleep generally and really helped me through the last week and a half of trying to shake this crap. I've never smoked and quit drinking a while ago (last year).

I had strep for the first time in many years, about 6 weeks ago, and had trouble shaking that, too.

Previous to this year I was last sick in early 2018.

There has been a lot of crap going around this flu season, my theory is as follows, and it's 100% unscientific just observations and a theory:

1. COVID-19 has been around since late-2019. My theory is the first wave hit, then the 2nd wave hit in December and started a rampage across the globe.

2. We're still in the 2nd wave.

Just wanted to share my flu season war story. I hope this virus blows through and we can all get back to our usual lives, and soon.
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