Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #41

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Thank you!!! I like this post 1 million times!!!

The number ONE question I have for all 50 governors, and WDC is what have each of you done with the BILLIONS of dollars the federal American taxpayers has given you EACH year to support your healthcare system, and emergency funds?

This is beyond what is collected from state, and local taxpayers. Each yearly state budget allocates funds for emergencies.

Yet it seems no state had any stockpile of their own consisting of medical PPEs.

Each governor knows at anytime they can have an catastrophic emergency that will require healthcare workers, hospitals, and a multitude of medical equipment, and supplies. Yet all seem to be so ill prepared themselves.

Now they all expect the federal government to work miracles providing everything for ALL 50 states.

I want to know what happened to all of the money already given each year to them by the federal government, and where all the money was spent that was supposed to be for an emergency fund on a state, and local level. In just a few short years it would be trillions of dollars given to the states.

It sure wasnt spent stockpiling needed supplies in cases of emergencies just like this pandemic.

Sounds like the same policy they re-enacted in NJ/NY the other day. Nothing changed.
With us (the UK) first two weeks it was advice, then they closed the schools and everyone flooded the National Parks, so then they made it mandatory lockdown and if you are caught on a non essential trip, you get fined. We are allowed out once a day for exercise in place, but are not supposed to drive to somewhere to exercise.
I could only "like" this post once - if I could I'd give it a hundred likes. All my immediate family is in VA, I'm 2 1/2 hours away from the largest cluster of family, across a state line. They have irresponsibly ignored all common sense and suggestions, stating repeatedly to me, " I wouldn't break the law" One sister, her husband and my other BIL all went shopping last week at Lowes to pick out cabinets, counters, appliances, etc for a kitchen remodel. The same sister sent me a picture a couple of hours ago of a lone wrapped roll of TP she had located after searching multiple stores, with the text "Doing my part". She didn't need this roll of TP - but she was out exposing herself and all others by doing so, while at same time taking away from someone that may actually need it. They have gone on with their lives as usual - this sister even told me last week, she thinks it's being exaggerated! Our mother is 85. My sister and her husband both have severe respiratory issues. Did I mention this sister is a retired RN? Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. I seriously fear I may lose this entire group of my family during this situation.
I think - I hope, my girls and their families appear to be more conscientious and practicing social distancing; if not, then at least they have enough sense to not tell me. Thankfully they are located outside this cluster of family.
I have relatives who are minimally touched so far.... and they doubt both the virus itself and the 2T that has been approved. So hard for me to hear their lack of empathy for what so many of our fellow Americans are going through...... everyone should listen to Bill Gates has said... that this affects us ALL. This is the most ominous factual thing I have listened to yet.
Almost wish we could "deputize" lots of unemployed folks to be trackers... I know its probably a fantasy but it seems like it could be set up to be safe... no direct interaction or communication.. I would think that the "out of stater" has to provide a cell phone number on that form.

Seems like an app could do this. Most people aren't going to buy a burner phone right now. Take their numbers, put them in a database, then have trackers watch to see if the trackees go outside their geofence. I would pay unemployed folks to do that. They could then make phone calls to let the quarantine-runners know that they are noticed. That would help with compliance.

This isn't going to go away any time soon, although the big wave we're going through will probably never be repeated.
I’m in a TX city with a Stay Home/Work Safe order. It allows for outdoor exercise etc. This past Saturday, I went to my bank and saw a packed dog park and walking/biking trail head entrance.
The parking lots were packed and people were not following the 6 ft distance guidelines.

This is exactly what happened in UK. Everyone off school and work, weather good, "let's all go to the park and congregate". Next step is parks get closed and locked.
I can't believe my eyes, the pictures of these folks crowded together. I realize this is a special event to see the Comfort as it enters the harbour...but really. Where are the police?

Help at last: Navy hospital ship the USNS Comfort docks in New York harbor | Daily Mail Online

Crowds gathered to watch the USNS Comfort, a Navy hospital ship with 1,000 beds for patients, arriving in New York City to alleviate the strain on the city's hospitals as it continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic - despite being warned to stay at home.

On Monday, crowds gathered near Pier 90 to watch the Comfort arrive.

I have relatives who are minimally touched so far.... and they doubt both the virus itself and the 2T that has been approved. So hard for me to hear their lack of empathy for what so many of our fellow Americans are going through...... everyone should listen to Bill Gates has said... that this affects us ALL. This is the most ominous factual thing I have listened to yet.

I'm curious where they live, that they are untouched. I guess they don't know any nurses, doctors, respiratory techs, policemen, pharmacists, firemen, EMTs or teachers. All of those groups have been affected, everywhere.

I guess they also don't have good friends who have kids or relatives in those professions. My best friend's son lives in New York. A very dear friend of his is in critical care, still on a ventilator (80% of people who go onto ventilators will die, is what we're reading, but this is a 39 year old, so we're hopeful).

Meanwhile, in an effort to keep older people from getting this disease, education for children is completely disrupted in many places.

Show them the picture of the body bags in the corridors? I donno. Maybe it doesn't matter if everyone is educated about this, but it seems to me that we're just going to roll back downhill and be unprepared the next time. With 8 billion people so closely connected on a small planet, and so many different vectors of viral disease, this will not be the last time. And it wasn't the first time. As with everything else, the strains in the system are showing.
Ooh-er. Are they going to recall Quaker Oats? What will happen?

The virus cannot survive long outside a human host. It's a virus, it lacks all ability to reproduce in oats. So, quarantining of oats should be more than sufficient. Plus, we cook them before eating them. I am guessing that virtually every food processing plant in America has someone who would test positive, if we had sufficient testing. And many more with antibodies (who could continue working without making people afraid).

But fear over virus in the food supply is, IMO, misplaced.
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