Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #41

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So my town has been doing the social distancing thing for close to two weeks already. Despite that, half the infected people are under the age of 40.

On our police Facebook page, they just posted about breaking up a large party of 50 young people (not because of the virus specifically, but because of a noise disturbance).

What a bunch of nimrods.

I'm not a fan of government overreach at all, but I would be wholly supportive of cities, towns, etc., imposing large fines on any groups that defy any orders r/t limiting group sizes, i.e., no more than 10 people in a gathering, etc.

Some of us responsible adults would like to get back to work sooner rather than later.
If people would simply stay home, we'd all be okay a whole lot sooner.

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I'm in a SW VA small town, every couple of days I ride out to see whats happening, I wouldn't dare think of getting out of my vehicle. I am shocked at the number of young mothers with kids out.

My Grandkids are going nuts, they are confined to their yard, snap chat and FaceTime. My 15 yo granddaughter cried on the phone last night. She said, Grammy 30 more days and I can't see any friends. It's really taking a toll on kids, but they do understand the seriousness.

I just cannot imagine what this is doing for teens. We just must understand how important socialization is... was the same for all of us during those years. There will be hundreds and hundreds of studies on how this affected each generation...
Seems like an app could do this. Most people aren't going to buy a burner phone right now. Take their numbers, put them in a database, then have trackers watch to see if the trackees go outside their geofence. I would pay unemployed folks to do that. They could then make phone calls to let the quarantine-runners know that they are noticed. That would help with compliance.

This isn't going to go away any time soon, although the big wave we're going through will probably never be repeated.
A thousand times NO. It's bad enough that government spies on people, but at least those gov. spies are background checked. Criminals, sex offenders are being released already, I don't want them to have an app on their phone to track me.

MOO only MOO
First child dies from the coronavirus in New York City as Gov Cuomo begs for help amid a 'staggering' number of deaths in the state

The age of the child has not been revealed but, according to NBC, the minor did have an underlying condition, but it's unclear what that condition was.

First child dies from the coronavirus in New York City | Daily Mail Online

This news is incredibly sad and very tragic. My thoughts and prayers are with the child’s loved ones.


It's national Doctors' Day. I would like you just say thank you to all of the doctors working so hard, risking their lives for us.
A special thank to my sister. She is a pediatrician in the Detroit area. I am so proud of her.

yes we should all be thankful for their service right now

i just can't believe what it must be like to be a doctor or nurse and having to go to work each day and deal with the risk involved

they really are heroes
The number ONE question I have for all 50 governors, and WDC is what have each of you done with the BILLIONS of dollars the federal American taxpayers has given you EACH year to support your healthcare system, and emergency funds?

This is beyond what is collected from state, and local taxpayers. Each yearly state budget allocates funds for emergencies.

Yet it seems no state had any stockpile of their own consisting of medical PPEs.

Each governor knows at anytime they can have an catastrophic emergency that will require healthcare workers, hospitals, and a multitude of medical equipment, and supplies. Yet all seem to be so ill prepared themselves.

Now they all expect the federal government to work miracles providing everything for ALL 50 states.

I want to know what happened to all of the money already given each year to them by the federal government, and where all the money was spent that was supposed to be for an emergency fund on a state, and local level. In just a few short years it would be trillions of dollars given to the states.

It sure wasnt spent stockpiling needed supplies in cases of emergencies just like this pandemic.

ETA: I read an article that before this pandemic the average cost for N95 masks was around .65 cents a piece. Now its costing up to $7.00 per mask. Ugh!

I work for a major medical center. I couldn't agree more. I think that there needs to be a long hard look at preparedness. I know we practice and simulate pandemics.
What happened?

" Just in time" " Lean" inventory control has no place in a major medical center. IMHO....and MOO.
yes we should all be thankful for their service right now

i just can't believe what it must be like to be a doctor or nurse and having to go to work each day and deal with the risk involved

they really are heroes

They are amazing being on the front line of all this.

Also all the people who work in supermarkets, care homes, funeral parlours, pharmacies, schools, petrol stations and other places serving the public, plus of course the factory workers, truckers and delivery drivers making sure we have enough of everything we need.

The list of lower paid behind-the-scenes workers is endless. Heroes, all of them. Who knew?
Saw this pic on reddit - arriving in NYC via hospital ship. Makes me tear up for some reason.
"DHHR is the official reporting agency for COVID-19, which in turn provides official case numbers to the CDC. Medical providers are required to report test results to their local health departments, which provide them to DHHR, and commercial/private labs are also required to report test results to DHHR. However, the reporting of negative and pending tests to DHHR has been inconsistent, thus causing a delay in official reporting."


Today they didn't include a number for tests pending.
UK coronavirus measures 'making a difference'

Today's UK deaths rose by 180 to 1,408 so we are close to the NY figures.

"Sir Patrick Vallance told a news conference that social distancing measures are "making a difference".

Transmission of coronavirus in the community is thought to be decreasing, which could mean fewer infections.

Hospital admissions data suggests cases are not rising as fast as feared.

There are currently 9,000 people in hospitals in England with coronavirus, up from 6,000 on Friday.

This amounts to about one in ten of all hospital beds in the country.

The latest number of deaths announced in the UK of people with the virus has reached 1,408.

The deaths include a further 159 people in England, six in Scotland, 14 in Wales and one in Northern Ireland.

Sir Patrick said the NHS was seeing around an additional 1,000 patients a day and described this daily rise as "stable".

"That shows that it's going up not in an increasing amount but in a constant amount, which may suggest that we're already beginning to see some effect," he said.

After the daily number of deaths fell for the second day, he also cautioned against paying "too much attention" to day-to-day fluctuations in figures, explaining "we need to look over time and see what's happening"."

More at link.
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