Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #44

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In the USA, 8,910 people have now died as a result of the pandemic, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which has also reported 330,891 cases.

Over the weekend, the CDC updated its case count to 304,826 and said 7,616 people had died across the USA. But that the numbers were preliminary and had not been confirmed by individual states.

Coronavirus live news: Italy reports lowest day-to-day rise in infections in a week

The number of people who died from coronavirus infections in French hospitals has increased by 10% in a day to a cumulative total of 6,494, the country’s health minister Olivier Véran has said.

He added that including partial data about the number of people who have died in nursing homes, the total death toll from the disease rose to 8,911 from 8,078 on Sunday, which is also a rise of 10%.

In both cases, the rate of increase has speeded up again after several days of slowing.

Coronavirus live news: Italy reports lowest day-to-day rise in infections in a week
FOX 10 Phoenix
54 mins ·
One ER nurse is demonstrating how quickly and easily COVID-19 can spread with cross-contamination, even if you wear gloves to the grocery store. "There’s no point in wearing gloves if you’re not going to wash your hands every time you touch something."

Something I have been doing for weeks....
Don’t take your cell phone in the store.
New York City

Hospitalisations are down and the rate of increase in deaths has levelled off in New York; the country’s hardest-hit state. Its governor, Andrew Cuomo, has said:

While none of this good news, the possible flattening of the curve is better than the increases that we have seen. If we are plateauing we are plateauing at a high level.

While hospitalisations are down, the number of coronavirus cases in the state has increased by 7% over the past 24 hours to 130,689. Deaths rose by 599 to 4,758, roughly on par with the 594 increase reported a day earlier.

Cuomo also said he was extending an order to keep non-essential businesses and schools for another two weeks until 29 April and chided residents who he said did not adhered to guidelines in seeking to enjoy good weather over the weekend.

This virus has kicked our rear end. Now is not the time to slack off from what we are doing.

Coronavirus live news: Italy reports lowest day-to-day rise in infections in a week
I'm aghast at the lack of respect for Captain Crozier and his devotion to his crew.

Headline: "Acting Navy Secretary blasts USS Roosevelt captain as ‘too naive or too stupid’ in leaked speech to ship’s crew"

It is a misleading partial quote in the headline of the article. Here is the full context from inside the same article:

If he didn't think, in my opinion, that this information wasn't going to get out into the public, in this day and information age that we live in, then he was either A, too naive, or too stupid to be a commanding officer of a ship like this,” Modly told the Theodore Roosevelt’s crew on April 5. “The alternative is that he did this on purpose. And that's a serious violation of the UCMJ which you are all familiar with.”

Which is 100% correct. Either he was naive and stupid and thought that none of the 20+ people he leaked it to would leak it further or to the press, or he himself intentionally leaked it to the press (a crime).
A.A.Milne‏ @A_AMilne
“It’s hard to be brave,” said Piglet, “when you’re only a Very Small Animal.” “It is because you are a very small animal that you will be Useful in the adventure before us,” said Rabbit. Piglet was so excited at the idea of being Useful that he forgot to be frightened. ~A.A.Milne


10:51 PM - 5 Apr 2020
Coronavirus: Elton, McCartney and Stevie Wonder set for gig to thank frontline workers

The "One World: Together At Home," event is to show support for healthcare workers and the World Health Organisation.

Sir Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder will perform in a live TV special, under the direction of Lady Gaga, to support healthcare workers in the fight against coronavirus.

Now, they have announced the "One World: Together At Home," event will be broadcast simultaneously on several networks, including NBC, on Saturday 18 April.

During a news conference, Gaga said: "We want to highlight the gravity of this historical, unprecedented cultural movement, and we want to celebrate and encourage the power of the human spirit."

She said she plans to raise more money, but explained that the TV special is not a fundraiser, adding: "Put your wallets away, and sit back and enjoy the show you all deserve."
FOX 10 Phoenix
54 mins ·
One ER nurse is demonstrating how quickly and easily COVID-19 can spread with cross-contamination, even if you wear gloves to the grocery store. "There’s no point in wearing gloves if you’re not going to wash your hands every time you touch something."

Well, you not going to wash your hands every time you touch something either. I am disinfecting my gloves with hand sanitizer if I go out.
Be warned that if you sign up for Walmart's grocery delivery service your exposure might be the same or worse than actually going to the store.

I work for an outpatient clinic, and I thought it would be a good idea not to go to the store or stand in long lines--just in case I'm an asymptomatic spreader. I've used the WMT drive up service previously. The pick-up folks have been signing that the customer agrees to to the replacements/order. Relatively, no contact.
Walmart in our area is advertising unlimited pick up service. It sounded like a good no contact option, right?

Well, imagine my surprise when I had to sign for the order on the delivery driver's personal cell phone! Had to get within 3 feet just to reach for his phone. Not his fault. He's just doing what he's been told is "policy."

If I'm an asymptomatic spreader, that means he could get infected and go spreading this to anyone trying to stay home. Also, I'd assume that the more vulnerable population might use this service--not just healthcare workers trying to limit spreading infection in their communities.
Are all the grocery delivery services like this?

I ordered pick-up at Kroger's and when I pulled into the marked parking spot and called the phone number posted outside to let them know I was there, they came out and loaded the grocery order into the back of my SUV. Nothing to sign, I had done that online six days earlier when I made the order online. I had made a THANK YOU sign and held it up in the window, while saying the words. Young female employee and young male employee loaded it up. I heard her tell the guy that she was glad that we ordered lightweight cat litter, as it was easier to lift into the car then the ordinary kind. They seemed like nice, happy, pleasant kids (looked college age).
“BANGKOK (AP) - Asian shares and U.S. futures rebounded on Monday as investors grasped at threads of hope that the battle against the coronavirus pandemic may be making some progress in some hard-hit areas.

Markets in Tokyo, Seoul and Sydney gained more than 2% in early trading and Hong Kong was up nearly 1%. New York futures were about 3% higher.

The gains followed another Friday session of losses after the U.S. said employers cut 701,000 more jobs than they added last month, the first drop in nearly a decade. Investors fled the market ahead of the weekend. Oil prices were higher.”

Shares rebound on glimmers of progress in battling virus
Apr 5
'Why are doctors being told to let us die in hospital? We're all being betrayed"

Dr Jon Hastie, who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, fears if he contracts Covid-19 he will not be saved as doctors have been told to make "brutal"

"The guidance recommends that critical care is denied to people that might take longer to recover from Covid-19.

"In essence, thousands of the most vulnerable people will be denied treatment and left to die.

"I’m Jon, I’m 39 and I have Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a rare genetic muscle wasting condition.

"I started using a wheelchair when I was ten years old, and my muscles have gradually deteriorated.

"Now I use a ventilator to breathe. Based on my current health, I could live another 15 years.

"If I get sick and go to the hospital, under this guidance, I will likely be denied critical care, based on an assumption that I will take longer to recover.

"I’m angry about this, but most of all, I’m just scared.

"My life is valuable, I have a PHD, I’m the CEO of a small charity supporting others with my condition and I volunteer for NHS England.

"And I have a husband and a loving family. I don’t want to die.

Why are doctors being told to let us die in hospital - we're all being betrayed

I really feel for people like Jon who have significant health problems and are worried sick about catching coronavirus. Everyone’s life matters and people should not be denied life saving treatment because they unfortunately have health issues. I understand there aren’t enough ventilators for everybody and not everyone can be saved but it is extremely difficult to accept.

I am nearly 36 and have a frailty score of 5 because I walk with crutches due to botched spinal surgery in 2006 and I also have Crohn’s Disease. I’m concerned that I wouldn’t be given a ventilator and it would go instead to an able bodied person. I’m terrified of catching the coronavirus because despite my health problems like Jon I still want to live. I’m not ready to die yet there are still things I want to do in life.

I share your concerns. I also have crohns and the man I care for has cerebral palsy ( category 7 on the fraility score ) I can only pray that if and when any of us catch this, that the hospitals aren’t as swamped as they are now, so the doctors don’t have to decide which patients are more worthy of the ventilators.
We just need to keep ourselves as safe and isolated as possible for now.
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