Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #44

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Here’s part of it. Eye opening for sure:

Doctors are left with impossible choices. Too much oxygen poisons the air sacs, worsening the lung damage, but too little damages the brain and kidneys. Too much air pressure damages the lung, but too little means the oxygen can’t get in. Doctors try to optimize, to tweak.

Nobody can tolerate being ventilated like this without sedation. Covid-19 patients are put into a medically induced coma before being placed on a ventilator. They do not suffer, but they cannot talk to us and they cannot tell us how much of this care they want.

Eventually, all the efforts of health care workers may not be enough, and the body begins to collapse. No matter how loved, how vital or how needed a person is, even the most modern technology isn’t always enough. Death, while typically painless, is no less final.

Even among the Covid-19 patients who are ventilated and then discharged from the intensive care unit, some have died within days from heart damage.

Even before Covid-19, for those lucky enough to leave the hospital alive after suffering acute respiratory distress syndrome, recovery can take months or years. The amount of sedation needed for Covid 19 patients can cause profound complications, damaging muscles and nerves, making it hard for those who survive to walk, move or even think as well as they did before they became ill. Many spend most of their recovery time in a rehabilitation center, and older patients often never go home. They live out their days bed bound, at higher risk of recurrent infections, bed sores and trips back to the hospital.

All this does not mean we shouldn’t use ventilators to try to save people. It just means we have to ask ourselves some serious questions: What do I value about my life? If I will die if I am not put in a medical coma and placed on a ventilator, do I want that life support? If I do choose to be placed on a ventilator, how far do I want to go? Do I want to continue on the machine if my kidneys shut down? Do I want tubes feeding me so I can stay on the ventilator for weeks?

Right now, all over the country, patients and their families are being asked to make these difficult decisions at a moment’s notice, while they are on the verge of dying, breathless and terrified.
I’ve stayed far away from this thread lately and this post explains why. The last coma I was in was for eight days. I remember seizing and my granddaughter calling 911. The next thing I heard were women talking slow like I was in a dream. I couldn’t see anyone but they were talking about how interesting it is to see their patients first wake up from a coma and how inspired they are. Then I heard laughing, talking about how their husbands don’t get it and until they’re here, they never will. Then I felt something being jerked from my throat and nose. My eyes opened and the nurses were smiling. My daughter was sitting in a chair smiling at me. I asked where I was and what happened. They told me my daughter had been sitting in that chair for eight days waiting for me to get stronger. Eight whole days. I couldn’t believe it. I was in shock. Comas have helped me to realize that though - in a sense - I was gone. Life does go on without us. Ive been through these decisions several times with medical, legal and spiritual guidance. I went back and forth and had some time to make my choices. I feel for those who must make hasty decisions. These are the tough questions we all must make as we face mortality.
Coronavirus: Queen thanks healthcare workers for 'selfless dedication' in 'testing times'

The Queen has thanked health workers for their "selfless dedication" during "testing times" as the country battles coronavirus.

In a statement released on Tuesday morning, Her Majesty said: "On the occasion of World Health Day, I want to thank all those working in the healthcare profession for your selfless commitment and diligence as you undertake vitally important roles to protect and improve the health and well-being of people across the commonwealth, and around the world.

"In testing times, we often observe that the best of human spirit comes to the fore; the dedication to service of countless nurses, midwives and other healthcare workers, in these most challenging of circumstances, is an example to us all.

"My family and I send our enduring appreciation and good wishes."
The referenced article is dated 23rd March, so that is old info .... New Zealand enters near-total lockdown

NZ now has 1,160 cases of coronavirus ... with one death attributed to the virus (a woman with pre-existing conditions).

"Cases of coronavirus have begun to stabilise and decline in New Zealand, with experts saying the country may be the only western nation with a chance of totally eradicating the disease."

New Zealand health minister demoted after beach visit broke lockdown rules

That makes me laugh saying that NZ is in the Western world. They are the most Eastern nation in the whole world. First nation to see the sunrise every day.
Sorry if I upset you.
I really was clear about saying if this information was not correct, that I would discard my comments.
The news media. Really?
Have they 0 shame?
I guess not.
Anything for clicks for their advertiser's and the money they make from them.
I find it all... disgusting.

In this case i do not see any wrong information by media or anything they need to be ashamed of (despite there are sources which are questionable) or any question about advertising or money.

It is just an older report brought as an example by another member, it is clearly dated with 23rd March, so properly done by BBC.
Also from the article The coronavirus can live on a surgical mask for 7 days, cloth for 2 days, and paper for 3 hours. Here's how to disinfect surfaces properly.

...The Lancet study found a similar link between the virus' lifespan and the surrounding temperature. At 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees Fahrenheit), the virus lasted up to two weeks in a test tube. When the temperature was turned up to 37 degrees Celsius (99 degrees Fahrenheit), that lifespan dropped to one day.

That's because some coronaviruses, including this new one, have a viral envelope: a fat layer that protects viral particles when traveling from person to person in the air. That sheath can dry out, however, killing the virus. So higher humidity, moderate temperatures, low wind, and a solid surface are all good for a coronavirus' survival, Graham said.
So maybe keeping your masks in the hot car worked well to keep you still healthy. Hopefully forever!!

I haven't reused any of them yet. Still have 6 unused ones left. I had a small box but gave some to our kids and some to my hubby.

I think I am going to use the next one UNDERNEATH a cloth mask. Then I can wash the outer mask in boiling water and soap, and dry out the surgical mask in the hot car.

I think using both will keep the surgical one more protected?
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The Stockholm Region, which has the most cases of the Covid-19 have finally decided to publish the number of cases by district. Så många är smittade – i din stadsdel
The two districts with the highest number of cases belongs to those districts with the highest number of citizens either born outside Sweden or having parents born outside Sweden (between 60 and 90 percent). I'm not surprised, as I read an article a week or so ago that it had taken Region Stockholm two weeks to get information out in other languages than Swedish about the corona virus to the suburbs with many whose understanding of Swedish is limited.
The Region also seems to have missed when doing infection tracing of those first diagnosed who had been in Italy, to ask them how they got home from the airport or train station, so that there hadn't been any tracing among for example taxi drivers. Many of the taxi drivers in Stockholm are immigrants, and live in those areas with many infected now.

Region Stockholm has the most cases, 3,143 cases, while Region Västra Götaland (with Sweden's second largest city, Göteborg) have 605 cases. The Region have a larger area, and the population is about 3/4 of what Region Stockholm has, so the proportion of cases is much lower. Region Skåne with Malmö, Sweden's third largest city, and the part of Sweden closest to Denmark and the continent, has 348 cases. Both Göteborg and Malmö have many foreign born and those with foreign born parents.
Coronaviruset: Här är de senaste siffrorna
My Region is the penultimate on that list, with 36 cases, 1 dead, and yesterday 4 at hospital, 1 in ICU.
Coronavirus: New Zealand health minister demoted for taking family to beach during lockdown

New Zealand's health minister has been demoted after he flouted the country's lockdown rules to take his family to the beach.

David Clark described himself as an "idiot" after he broke the coronavirus social-distancing measures put in place in March, early on in the country's COVID-19 lockdown.

He drove around 12 miles to the coast from his home in Dunedin on New Zealand's South Island to take a walk with his family.

Mr Clark had earlier admitted driving to a trail at a park near his home to go mountain biking.

U.S. health care supply company 3M says Canada will continue to receive its N95 masks following an agreement the company made with the United States.

Speaking during his daily COVID-19 response briefing on Monday, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that they had made a deal with Minnesota-based 3M to produce 166.5 million face masks for its health-care workers.

A press statement from 3M released after Trump’s announcement confirmed that both Canada and Latin America would continue to receive respirators.

Coronavirus: 3M says Canada will continue receiving N95 masks following U.S. deal

In a tweet Monday night, Ford responded to 3M’s announcement to continue sending masks across the border.

Doug Ford


I am very pleased that a resolution has been reached between 3M and the U.S. administration. I want to thank 3M and officials on both sides of the border for their support to ensure Canada’s continued access to vital PPE. We are stronger together.

6:09 PM - Apr 6, 2020

[ It seems to me that all 3 countries are just looking out for their citizens during this global crisis. That is their job. No one wants to watch their people going without protection. So they worked it out equitably.]
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Is there a current/up-to-date (as much as possible) list of the death toll by state anywhere online? A friend is telling me Louisiana is 4th or 5th on the list--last I heard, they were 2nd only to NY, has this changed? TIA.
If there's anyone in the NOLA area near Loyola who might be willing to help my son with getting groceries etc., please PM me. He's stuck alone in an apartment off-campus with no car/transportation, little money (I'll help him as much as I can, which won't be easy), and an Uber would cost more than he has for groceries. I'll try to look into some potential delivery options today but I think most have a minimum order requirement and I'm swamped/behind at work and need to focus on catching up. Will also copy this over to the LA thread. TIA.
@MamaOV so sorry for your son. I hope someone can help him out. My daughter and her friends were in a similar situation. College students don't have much, and they were busy with school, work, planning Spring break, graduation.

They didn't get to go to Las Vegas for Spring break, I told them not to go. They won't be going to graduation or any parties.

Hopefully someone can be found to help him out.
@MamaOV so sorry for your son. I hope someone can help him out. My daughter and her friends were in a similar situation. College students don't have much, and they were busy with school, work, planning Spring break, graduation.

They didn't get to go to Las Vegas for Spring break, I told them not to go. They won't be going to graduation or any parties.

Hopefully someone can be found to help him out.

Thank you. I'm extremely worried about him, he was breaking down and crying last night because he's so overwhelmed by everything right now. I still hadn't heard anything about graduation (other than their original promise that they'd only postpone, but not cancel entirely, if it came to that), so I googled last night and found out they'd updated a page on their website canceling (postponing indefinitely) graduation. They haven't yet sent out an e-mail or anything. Unfortunately Spirit airlines is only giving credits (which won't help in my case and we'll lose the money), not refunds, so I hadn't canceled our trip yet while waiting on a graduation decision from the school.
Wow Mickey. Keep that man home and isolated!
Just my opinion :)

Thanks. But truthfully, so many people his age are in the same situation. The answer is to just keep them boxed up, away from every one, for the rest of their lives? He equates himself as a "house cat" now. His life is even more limited and restricted than it was before.

There is no easy answer here, for any of us. It seems like, unless there is a vaccine, the plan is that most everyone is going to get COVID19. Just not all at once.
What’s your husbands first name? I would like my Quaker Meeting to hold him in the Light.

Are you a non-theist Quaker? Would you mind holding my Dad in the Light? He is in hospital, about to be released to nursing home but he is dying. I'm so worried about him being all alone there (we can't visit him cause virus).
We've got problems in Virginia. Finally the media speaks out. Our Governor is very elusive and evasive refusing to provide details on preparedness, dates, qualities of PPE and lack of testing. Yesterday, he discounted the Washington University model, refusing to except or acknowledge the new date. When questioned would we be ready by April 20th. he said VCU college is working on a model for Virginia that maybe ready by the END of the week.

In rural SW Virginia, we are waiting up to 14 days for test results. We have local hospitals with numerous patients in ICU that are not being counted. The state lab refuses to test for hospitals, using all resources for nursing homes in the Richmond area, where 28 patients have died.

Virginia likely has more COVID-19 cases than state numbers suggest. This is why.

As of Monday, 24,521 people in Virginia had been tested for the coronavirus and 2,878 tests had come back positive, confirming infection.

Virginia falls in the middle of the country when comparing how many COVID-19 tests have been completed — placing 23rd out of 50 states and the District of Columbia, in spite of being the 12th most populous state in the country, according to an analysis of data reported by the COVID Tracking Project and the World Population Review. North Carolina, for example, had gotten results back on 40,045 tests and Maryland had gotten 29,617 test results back as of Monday.
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