Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #45

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Hmmm, speaking of McDonalds, ugggh:

Protests hit South LA McDonald’s after employee tests positive for coronavirus

“Employees say safety measures aren’t being taken seriously by ownership

A South Los Angeles McDonald’s location was the site of protests on Sunday and again today as employees staged a vocal walkout to protest what they say is the lack of proper health and safety equipment during the coronavirus pandemic. One unnamed employee at the Crenshaw district location has tested positive for COVID-19, reports Fox 11, which led to a vocal protest that eventually involved police this morning.”
My Nephew in Toronto continues to have mild symptoms. He said the headache and facial ache is so much better. That seemed to be worse than body aches. No fever at this time. He is Navy strong. He served in the U.S. Navy before returning to Canada to marry his high school girlfriend about 10 years ago.
The source used in the article is from Worldometer, but they do not have a curve per state. And again from there it is a Louisiana Link with numbers, no curves.
Is there any other source with a curve statistics for different states (or at least for Louisiana)?

I truly believe these statements are just optimistic because the number of hospitalizations have decreased. And I think they say this to keep giving hope to the public. Many will use this hope to keep doing what they need to do (stay at home), but others will use it as a means to get back to life. MOO SO it's kind of like a double-edged sword. I can not see us rounding the curve UNTIL our numbers steady or drop, not keep rising.
I have not found any sources for Louisiana that shows a potential curve date, and I have searched . Many sources say, too soon to tell. Personally, I don't understand how we are going up and up and up and then all of a sudden just drop (the curve). Seems we would plateau a while before this happens, but again, that's MHO.
My Nephew in Toronto continues to have mild symptoms. He said the headache and facial ache is so much better. That seemed to be worse than body aches. No fever at this time. He is Navy strong. He served in the U.S. Navy before returning to Canada to marry his high school girlfriend about 10 years ago.

Has your nephew been tested? Please refresh my memory on the situation with your nephew, Bravo.

Thanks for your sweet words Bravo. My plan is to eat some comfort food then go to sleep and rest. Sometimes you just have to say I’m going to rest today moo. Sure it’s important to do things, of course it is, but it’s also important imo to say “you know what? This sucks. I’m going for a long nap.” Otherwise it’s just too much to process and handle at one time! Moo Anyway I’m a big fan of rest rest rest. If you’re tired then maybe you need rest. I’m tired. Emotionally tired. If I don’t rest I will worry myself to becoming physically ill. I’m a strong believer in stress negatively affects the body and makes you sick. So I’m managing my own stress right now and focusing on keeping it together mentally and staying rested and separated from the news as necessary. Hope that makes sense. Too exhausted to be clear.

ETA: I also have severe fibromyalgia. If I get too upset and stressed I will have a major flare up. Feeling one now (stabbing arm and shoulder pains) so going to rest.

Sorry if this post is too personalized. Mods please delete if necessary and I won’t be offended lol.

The point of this post was to advise and emphasize extra rest as necessary (again).
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Has your nephew been tested? Please refresh my memory on the situation with your nephew, Bravo.

Thanks for your sweet words Bravo. My plan is to eat some comfort food then go to sleep and rest. Sometimes you just have to say I’m going to rest today moo. Sure it’s important to do things, of course it is, but it’s also important imo to say “you know what? This sucks. I’m going for a long nap.” Otherwise it’s just too much to process! Moo Anyway I’m a big fan of rest rest rest. If you’re tired then maybe you need rest. I’m tired. Emotionally tired. If I don’t rest I will worry myself to become physically ill. I’m a strong believer in stress negatively affects the body and makes you sick. So I’m managing my own stress right now and focusing on keeping it together mentally. Hope that makes sense. Too exhausted to be clear.
Yes you need to take care of you. Glad your resting when tired. It is a very draining time for you. Last I talked with Nephew he had not been tested. Toronto has been hard hit as well as Ontario in general. He spoke with Health Unit who instructed him from there after assessing him as having the virus. Thanks for asking sweets.
Just started reading this new thread....has anyone brought up the recent theory that Covid 19 is more of a blood disease rather than respiratory? Here is a layman's article that explains it better than I can. Food for thought and many on the frontlines are finding this out for themselves....****NO Ventilators...High 02 Sat....CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC??****MOO
this is an important read-Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its s…
April 6 2020
Pink eye may be an overlooked symptom of COVID-19
''TORONTO -- Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, and other abnormal eye conditions could be a less common symptom of COVID-19 and also a possible source of transmission, according to several recent studies.

The preliminary findings, along with an anecdotal report, prompted the American Academy of Ophthalmology to recommend health-care workers not only protect their mouth and nose with a mask, but also their eyes, by wearing goggles or a shield, when caring for patients who may have COVID-19.

“Existing data suggest that conjunctivitis is an uncommon event as it relates to COVID-19,” the Academy wrote on Friday.''

''Another COVID-19 study involving 38 patients from Hubei province that specifically looked at conditions relating to the eye found that a dozen of them had eye-related symptoms including “conjunctival congestion”. Eight of the 12 patients were considered “severe” or “critical” cases, suggesting that these ocular symptoms were more common in patients with severe pneumonia, the study’s authors wrote.

“Because unprotected eyes were associated with an increased risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-1, in support of our current results, our results might suggest that SARS-CoV-2 might be transmitted through the eye''
I have been keeping a journal since it hit over here. You know the ole pen and paper way. It will be a piece of history that future family generations will have. Basically daily entry of stats. Some I have what we did that day, which wasn't much.

good idea - the diary will be interesting reading for your descendants
I keep all my appt's on a wall calendar (old school) but just started writing other trips down (which are only vet or grocery trips) for contact tracing purposes. I walk everyday but will only write down if something significant happens - I usually don't get anywhere near other people.
Has your nephew been tested? Please refresh my memory on the situation with your nephew, Bravo.

Thanks for your sweet words Bravo. My plan is to eat some comfort food then go to sleep and rest. Sometimes you just have to say I’m going to rest today moo. Sure it’s important to do things, of course it is, but it’s also important imo to say “you know what? This sucks. I’m going for a long nap.” Otherwise it’s just too much to process and handle at one time! Moo Anyway I’m a big fan of rest rest rest. If you’re tired then maybe you need rest. I’m tired. Emotionally tired. If I don’t rest I will worry myself to becoming physically ill. I’m a strong believer in stress negatively affects the body and makes you sick. So I’m managing my own stress right now and focusing on keeping it together mentally and staying rested and separated from the news as necessary. Hope that makes sense. Too exhausted to be clear.

ETA: I also have severe fibromyalgia. If I get too upset and stressed I will have a major flare up. Feeling one now so going to rest.

Sorry if this post is too personalized. Mods please delete if necessary and I won’t be offended lol.

The point of this post was to advise and emphasize extra rest as necessary (again).

This resounds with me. I've had some major stress in my household I won't go into. I finally called my cardiologist march 31 as my normally well controlled with meds blood pressure was hitting some high notes. I'm monitoring twice a day and its improving. He's getting a lot of calls about blood pressure. Easier to look for alternate ways to manage stress because if he ups meds than later on theres going to be a bunch of dizzy people calling him because they now have low blood pressure. Rest, destress. Jmo
Just started reading this new thread....has anyone brought up the recent theory that Covid 19 is more of a blood disease rather than respiratory? Here is a layman's article that explains it better than I can. Food for thought and many on the frontlines are finding this out for themselves....****NO Ventilators...High 02 Sat....CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC??****MOO
this is an important read-Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its s…

@10ofRods posted something similar a few threads back. Very interesting!
Just started reading this new thread....has anyone brought up the recent theory that Covid 19 is more of a blood disease rather than respiratory? Here is a layman's article that explains it better than I can. Food for thought and many on the frontlines are finding this out for themselves....****NO Ventilators...High 02 Sat....CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC??****MOO
this is an important read-Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its s…
tabitha111 - Thank you for this!
You may have a search for my location history on google.
Your location history may be turned off.
When I go to Google maps there is a little red circle on the right. I tap that and a menu comes up.
Location history has a crooked arrow icon. Click it and scroll. You should be able to see if the history is on or off.
Or do a search from the phone settings tab that looks like a gear for "location history"
Hope that helps!

no red circle & I googled & got the same instructions about a timeline that isn't there
no results found for location history in settings
thanks anyway
I'll look into it further later
This is what i already also tried, but it leads to a page with numbers, but no curves again. Do me a favour and hit this link on the far right for Louisiana?
I already did that and it came up with a map and circles. Other states had a lot more data. Is that what you found?
Very interesting. Didn't you post an article before explaining more about the red blood cells? Can you link that previous article, and do you have the link to the nurses data you are reading? I have seen some exrays of how the lungs are damaged/fluids sooo quickly.

The nurse's forum is private (but a nurse sent it to me, as I work in a medical setting as part of my teaching job). I can find an article though.

Here's a new one, suggesting that CoVid19 interferes with iron (and therefore red blood cells). It also apparently seals off white blood cells from components that make them viable, thereby disabling the immune system in SOME individuals:

A novel treatment approach to the novel coronavirus: an argument for the use of therapeutic plasma exchange for fulminant COVID-19

Clearly, it enters through the lungs (and there's a paper that's in pre-print that says ventilators may actually push more virus into the bloodstream!) but the way that it kills may be more in the blood than in the lungs.

Also a pretty well done and concerning article on CV19 and the nervous system:

And here's a non-technical article on how the lungs can remain normal - but oxygenation in the blood does not:

COVID-19 Hypoxemia: A Better and Still Safe Way - REBEL EM - Emergency Medicine Blog

This last article is another in a series that says ventilators may not be the way to go for most.
Just started reading this new thread....has anyone brought up the recent theory that Covid 19 is more of a blood disease rather than respiratory? Here is a layman's article that explains it better than I can. Food for thought and many on the frontlines are finding this out for themselves....****NO Ventilators...High 02 Sat....CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC??****MOO
this is an important read-Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its s…

Yeah. I end up saying it on every thread, it seems. Thanks for helping! Truly, the pre-prints and the newly juried publications are all pointing this way, and it makes perfect sense. Also, pneumonia is more endemic in some states (NY and NJ) than others (many reasons) yet people are still dying of CoVid (without pneumonia - especially in Texas and Louisiana, where pneumonia is less common).

Pneumonia is a killer for many CoVid patients, of course, but the main mechanism by which CoVid makes us vulnerable may very well...not be the lungs. Certainly it is not good for the lungs, but if it also shuts off T-cells and disables hemoglobin, that's a whole different thing we have to treat to save those people (6% of positives?) who become severely anoxic.
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