Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #45

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There is also a cruise ship called the Ruby Princess which the Australian government is planning to launch an investigation about. A lot of the Australian cases are suspected to have come from that cruise ship. Not sure where that is ATM. These ships seem to be floating death traps this year. I am not sure where the Ruby Princess is now. I am also not sure what the UK Foreign Office have done with the UK passengers that they recently flew back from Miami that were on the Coral Princess. Hopefully they are in quarantine somewhere in UK. What a mess. Why aren't the US passengers being quarantined? Or are they quarantining on board?
Just started reading this new thread....has anyone brought up the recent theory that Covid 19 is more of a blood disease rather than respiratory? Here is a layman's article that explains it better than I can. Food for thought and many on the frontlines are finding this out for themselves....****NO Ventilators...High 02 Sat....CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC??****MOO
this is an important read-Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its s…
I actually printed this out and have read it a few times.
Very interesting!
The nurse's forum is private (but a nurse sent it to me, as I work in a medical setting as part of my teaching job). I can find an article though.

Here's a new one, suggesting that CoVid19 interferes with iron (and therefore red blood cells). It also apparently seals off white blood cells from components that make them viable, thereby disabling the immune system in SOME individuals:

A novel treatment approach to the novel coronavirus: an argument for the use of therapeutic plasma exchange for fulminant COVID-19

Clearly, it enters through the lungs (and there's a paper that's in pre-print that says ventilators may actually push more virus into the bloodstream!) but the way that it kills may be more in the blood than in the lungs.

Also a pretty well done and concerning article on CV19 and the nervous system:

And here's a non-technical article on how the lungs can remain normal - but oxygenation in the blood does not:

COVID-19 Hypoxemia: A Better and Still Safe Way - REBEL EM - Emergency Medicine Blog

This last article is another in a series that says ventilators may not be the way to go for most.

Yes....someone paying attention! My son even brought up this to me the other day and I was heartened that he had heard/read the perhaps word is getting out. If there ever was a game changer...this is it. Someone (a nurse) said if she was ever hospitalized for Covid that could someone give her a RBC transfusion or Plasma + red blood transfusion.
April 6 2020
Pink eye may be an overlooked symptom of COVID-19
''TORONTO -- Pink eye, or conjunctivitis, and other abnormal eye conditions could be a less common symptom of COVID-19 and also a possible source of transmission, according to several recent studies.

The preliminary findings, along with an anecdotal report, prompted the American Academy of Ophthalmology to recommend health-care workers not only protect their mouth and nose with a mask, but also their eyes, by wearing goggles or a shield, when caring for patients who may have COVID-19.

“Existing data suggest that conjunctivitis is an uncommon event as it relates to COVID-19,” the Academy wrote on Friday.''

''Another COVID-19 study involving 38 patients from Hubei province that specifically looked at conditions relating to the eye found that a dozen of them had eye-related symptoms including “conjunctival congestion”. Eight of the 12 patients were considered “severe” or “critical” cases, suggesting that these ocular symptoms were more common in patients with severe pneumonia, the study’s authors wrote.

“Because unprotected eyes were associated with an increased risk of transmission of SARS-CoV-1, in support of our current results, our results might suggest that SARS-CoV-2 might be transmitted through the eye''
Glad you posted this. My son, in the UK, had flu about three weeks before the lockdown and just before this pandemic really started spreading. It was bad enough for him to stay at home for 3 days, with the usual flu symptoms - cough, runny nose, fever. He recovered, but a week later got sick again, he described how he felt as being very run down, together with the coughing and other flu symptoms. No sooner had he recovered from this second bout, he developed a stye, and once that healed, a mouth ulcer appeared. I was slightly alarmed and puzzled with him being sick all the time, but put it down to the cold weather. He’s fine now, though and working from home. I'm wondering now after reading your post...
I can’t get Dr. LW out of my head.


Coronavirus kills Chinese whistleblower ophthalmologist


Wuhan hospital announces death of whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang - CNN
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I posted during the weekend that my elderly parents and sister wanted to have a get together on Sunday for Easter. It would have been 14 of us and I was horrified they would even consider such. I had decided, as badly as I hate to hurt my parents, that I was just not going to attend. Got a call from my sister earlier today (she is the favorite) saying she spoke to my mother, who agreed it is NOT a good idea.

I can’t tell you how relieved I am. I just couldn’t believe they were even considering such foolishness!
Just started reading this new thread....has anyone brought up the recent theory that Covid 19 is more of a blood disease rather than respiratory? Here is a layman's article that explains it better than I can. Food for thought and many on the frontlines are finding this out for themselves....****NO Ventilators...High 02 Sat....CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC??****MOO
this is an important read-Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its s…
Who is the author of this article? It is interesting but how do we verify their authority or credentials?
@tabatha111 I have thought that the Coronavirus is definitely a blood disease, with respiratory vector. This could be why more individuals with Type A blood are more susceptible to serious complications.

Been watching this, type A- here.
Photos show China coming to a standstill to mourn everyone who died of coronavirus, including whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang
Apr 4, 2020, 7:31 AM


Police officers in Wuhan stand in silence as traffic stops during a three-minute silence to coronavirus victims on April 4, 2020.
Getty Images

  • China held a three-minute-long national moment of silence to honor victims of the novel coronavirus on Saturday morning.
  • Among those who were honored was Li Wenliang, the Wuhan doctor who sounded an early alarm about the city's coronavirus outbreak. The Chinese Communist Party declared him a "martyr" on Thursday.
  • The national mourning coincided with Qingming Festival, or "Tomb-Sweeping Day," when people traditionally visit their ancestors' graves. This year the Chinese government advised people against the practice to maintain social-distancing guidelines.

There is also a cruise ship called the Ruby Princess which the Australian government is planning to launch an investigation about. A lot of the Australian cases are suspected to have come from that cruise ship. Not sure where that is ATM. These ships seem to be floating death traps this year. I am not sure where the Ruby Princess is now. I am also not sure what the UK Foreign Office have done with the UK passengers that they recently flew back from Miami that were on the Coral Princess. Hopefully they are in quarantine somewhere in UK. What a mess. Why aren't the US passengers being quarantined? Or are they quarantining on board?
Here’s a link to the Ruby Princess...what a mess! This whole cruise line situation is a mess and I feel like the cruise lines are trying to make others deal with their problem, as so many have suffered.
Ruby Princess Criminal Probe: Why Did 2,700 Passengers Leave Coronavirus Cruise Ship In Sydney?

This Coral Princess in Miami is another mess. The cruise line said they had 2 people that needed hospitalization along with two deceased on board in their disembarking information sent to the port. 13 people needed hospitalization and another person died. They are not arranging for charter flights and coaches for all the passengers...sounds like they want Miami to do it. The situation is always different once they have docked. Sad and pathetic as these passengers sit on that floating Petrie dish.
Mar 24
The city of Wuhan will end the world's harshest coronavirus lockdown after 11 weeks. The world is petrified that the virus will come back.

“Fears of a 'boomerang effect'
Dr. Ben Cowling, an epidemiologist at the University of Hong Kong who researches influenza transmission and control measures, told Business Insider there are two ways the virus can make a resurgence as residents emerge from their homes, return to work, take their children to school, and go shopping.

  • First, a small number of residents who were under lockdown could still have the virus when restrictions lift, but not know they're sick. Those people could then spread it, starting a new wave of infections.
  • Second, international travelers could bring the virus back into the country.
"What happened in Wuhan could happen repeatedly to a city," Cowling told Business Insider.

"They can shut down for a month, but then when they reopen, they're still going to have an epidemic starting again, and I don't see the long-term plan for those locations."

"Are they going to just cycle? Just down one month in every three months?" Cowling said.”
I posted during the weekend that my elderly parents and sister wanted to have a get together on Sunday for Easter. It would have been 14 of us and I was horrified they would even consider such. I had decided, as badly as I hate to hurt my parents, that I was just not going to attend. Got a call from my sister earlier today (she is the favorite) saying she spoke to my mother, who agreed it is NOT a good idea.

I can’t tell you how relieved I am. I just couldn’t believe they were even considering such foolishness!

Nice job stepping up. You got the discussion going by your actions.
Glad you posted this. My son, in the UK, had flu about three weeks before the lockdown and just before this pandemic really started spreading. It was bad enough for him to stay at home for 3 days, with the usual flu symptoms - cough, runny nose, fever. He recovered, but a week later got sick again, he described how he felt as being very run down, together with the coughing and other flu symptoms. No sooner had he recovered from this second bout, he developed a stye, and once that healed, a mouth ulcer appeared. I was slightly alarmed and puzzled with him being sick all the time, but put it down to the cold weather. He’s fine now, though and working from home. I'm wondering now after reading your post...
I try not to put my symptoms in the Covid-19 template (so to speak). 5 weeks ago, after eating lunch out, I stopped at the grocery store, immediately felt hot, sweaty, left with only the things I had in my cart. Later, I took Cold-Eeze, had runny nose, cough, fever at night. Recovered, but still have sinus drainage and dry cough. I also had a stye, and the start of a mouth ulcer (salt water rinse helped). I've not been out and about, much since, and except for the cough and the stye hasn't healed, I'm fine. Mine was a simple case of a spring time cold, my eyes are red at times because of the spring pollen. Glad to hear whatever it was your son is better.

Coronavirus: What do the figures tell us about Boris Johnson's chances of a full recovery?

Well, news that the prime minister hasn't been put on a ventilator could be a crucial sign, according to the latest figures from an intensive care research centre.

Numbers won't tell the full story, as every case depends on a multitude of extremely personal factors, but, like those now-famous charts showing the curve of cases and deaths, they can help us get a sense of the bigger picture.


These figures come from the Intensive Care National Audit & Research Centre (ICNARC) which releases reports on patients with COVID-19 admitted to ICUs.

The latest was published on Saturday and examines the experience of 2,249 patients.

Most are still receiving treatment so we must be careful about drawing conclusions, but there are currently outcomes for 690 patients, around half of whom have died.

This bare fact shows just how serious admission to critical care is for most patients.

But anyone wondering specifically about Mr Johnson can find hope in another statistic.

According to his official spokesperson, the prime minister has not been placed on a mechanical ventilator, instead receiving "standard oxygen treatment", most likely using a device which blows air into the lungs.

Patients who don't go on a ventilator in the first 24 hours in an ICU survive 83% of the time.

Those who are put on a ventilator in that period have a much lower survival rate - just 32%.

This is correlation, not causation, so we don't know why that is, but while it's worth stressing again the limited nature of the data, on an individual level, this is good news.
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