Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #45

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@tabatha111 I have thought that the Coronavirus is definitely a blood disease, with respiratory vector. This could be why more individuals with Type A blood are more susceptible to serious complications.

Been watching this, type A- here.
I'm type A+.

Not the brightest candle on the cake here, but what is the connection to Type A specifically that makes our blood "more susceptible to serious complications"? I've seen that mentioned elsewhere but have somehow missed the why? and/or the how?
Acting secretary of the Navy has submitted his resignation after calling ousted aircraft carrier captain 'stupid' - CNNPolitics

Acting Secretary of Navy resigns.

This whole situation, shows how important effective communication skills are in any environment. This looks like a breakdown of communication with everyone involved.
His words went beyond poor communication skills. They were flat-out mean-spirited and uncalled for. I wonder why he felt so empowered, and if he had been goaded from higher up. JMO. His resignation may or may not be accepted.
Just started reading this new thread....has anyone brought up the recent theory that Covid 19 is more of a blood disease rather than respiratory? Here is a layman's article that explains it better than I can. Food for thought and many on the frontlines are finding this out for themselves....****NO Ventilators...High 02 Sat....CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC??****MOO
this is an important read-Covid-19 had us all fooled, but now we might have finally found its s…

If you search the past few threads for the words ventilate, ventilator etc, you will find a bunch of articles as well as a video from an ER doc about this.
I'm type A+.

Not the brightest candle on the cake here, but what is the connection to Type A specifically that makes our blood "more susceptible to serious complications"? I've seen that mentioned elsewhere but have somehow missed the why? and/or the how?

Fact check: Does blood type A make you more likely to get coronavirus?

Maybe we are not "doomed". This article states that it is too early to tell if Type A blood is more susceptible to Coronavirus.

I don't know, there is so much that they don't know about this disease.
N.Y. Virus Deaths Hit New High, but Hospitalizations Slow: Live Updates
Updated 18 minutes ago

Here’s what you need to know:

“Five weeks into the coronavirus outbreak, officials in New York and New Jersey, the two states hit hardest by the pandemic, hoped that the number of virus-related deaths had reached a peak and would flatten or drop for a third straight day.

It did not happen.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Tuesday that 731 people had died of the virus since Monday, the state’s highest one-day total yet by more than 100.

“Behind every one of those numbers is an individual, is a family, is a mother, is a father, is a sister, is a brother,” Mr. Cuomo said at his daily briefing in Albany. “So a lot of pain again today for many New Yorkers.”

New Jersey’s toll also hit a new one-day high on Tuesday, with 232 people dying of the virus since the previous day, Gov. Philip D. Murphy said. On Sunday and Monday, deaths in the state were in the double digits.”
I truly believe these statements are just optimistic because the number of hospitalizations have decreased. And I think they say this to keep giving hope to the public. Many will use this hope to keep doing what they need to do (stay at home), but others will use it as a means to get back to life. MOO SO it's kind of like a double-edged sword. I can not see us rounding the curve UNTIL our numbers steady or drop, not keep rising.
I have not found any sources for Louisiana that shows a potential curve date, and I have searched . Many sources say, too soon to tell. Personally, I don't understand how we are going up and up and up and then all of a sudden just drop (the curve). Seems we would plateau a while before this happens, but again, that's MHO.
I think the plateau comes once the social distancing reduces further cases from developing. This should begin to happen 14 days or so after lockdown IMO.
New York City stockpiled ventilators for a pandemic, only to later auction them off: report
3 hours ago

Video at link:
NYC doctor appeals for more life-saving medical supplies
Dr. Stuart Ditchek, NY pandemic response group, asks the federal govenemnt to deliver ventilators and critical coronavirus medications immediately to New York City area”


ProPublica reported Monday that the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene issued a report in 2006 on the city's preparedness for pandemic influenza -- similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu or the 2019 novel coronavirus -- that projected the city would need thousands of extra ventilators in order to properly treat all of its residents who got sick. The plan was then put into action, with the city initially buying 500 ventilators before it ran out of money to buy more and to maintain the ones it had already stockpiled, according to ProPublica.

Those ventilators were then auctioned off some time before 2016 because the city could not afford to maintain them in working order, partially because the model of ventilator the city had purchased was no longer in production after 2009, the report said.”


“The outlet also reported that New York City set out to purchase over one million N95 face masks -- the type suggested for use to protect against the coronavirus -- in order to distribute them to health professionals. It purchased less than one-quarter of that and the masks all eventually expired.”
Imagine there's no Covid
It really needn't be this way
Had we but heeded warnings
There'd be far fewer dead today
Imagine honest leaders
Caring for us all --
You may say we should expect this
This callousness and moral gray
I hope someday we'll learn our lesson
And love need no longer be naivete
More Aid Coming For Small Businesses, Senate Majority Leader McConnell Says

I truly hope so. This virus has done so much damage. And think of the young people set to graduate, and what they hoped for in terms of jobs. This has been an interesting time for my own young adult, who has been working on a culinary degree.

Thank you for posting this article.

I have also posted it over here in the “financial/economic relief” thread:

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
There are barely any vehicles on the road, but the majority of the ones I do see are amazon, fedex, US mail trucks and UPS trucks. God bless these drivers and delivery workers. They are heroes right now too. I salute them internally every time they drive by.
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I try not to put my symptoms in the Covid-19 template (so to speak). 5 weeks ago, after eating lunch out, I stopped at the grocery store, immediately felt hot, sweaty, left with only the things I had in my cart. Later, I took Cold-Eeze, had runny nose, cough, fever at night. Recovered, but still have sinus drainage and dry cough. I also had a stye, and the start of a mouth ulcer (salt water rinse helped). I've not been out and about, much since, and except for the cough and the stye hasn't healed, I'm fine. Mine was a simple case of a spring time cold, my eyes are red at times because of the spring pollen. Glad to hear whatever it was your son is better.

Thanks for sharing your almost identical symptoms and your common- sense for realising its just ordinary flu. Hope you recover fully, soon.
His words went beyond poor communication skills. They were flat-out mean-spirited and uncalled for. I wonder why he felt so empowered, and if he had been goaded from higher up. JMO. His resignation may or may not be accepted.

Yes. Ex-Acting Secretary Moody exhibited unprofessional and abusive behavior in public.

He was berating Captain Crozier for the same thing.

Good thing Moody is gone. We need more mature and professional leadership at this time. At all levels.
I posted during the weekend that my elderly parents and sister wanted to have a get together on Sunday for Easter. It would have been 14 of us and I was horrified they would even consider such. I had decided, as badly as I hate to hurt my parents, that I was just not going to attend. Got a call from my sister earlier today (she is the favorite) saying she spoke to my mother, who agreed it is NOT a good idea.

I can’t tell you how relieved I am. I just couldn’t believe they were even considering such foolishness!

I am so glad for you that wisdom prevailed. It's hard, but staying away is the loving thing to do for extended family right now.
My 19 yo son is in the ER. He was there 2 days ago and told he had pleural effusion/water on his lung. He left NY state 2 weeks ago. He's clearly worse and struggling to breath. No one was allowed to go back in with him. A police officer was there to tell my mil the rules had now changed. Please pray for him and that he can advocate for himself while he can also barely breath. He's only 19 yo and he barely slept last night.
Holding him in the Light
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