Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #46

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Nope. Our monthly insurance premium is $570. Month.
I'll be watching the outcome of this for sure.

RED BANK - Restaurant Nicholas, an upscale eatery in town, wants a superior court judge to declare that insurers have to pay for business losses caused by the state-ordered shutdowns in the fight against the novel coronavirus.

The restaurant filed suit in Monmouth County Superior Court against Liberty Mutual Insurance arguing the insurer is obligated to pay for the restaurant's losses caused by Gov. Phil Murphy's Executive Order 107, which restricts the restaurant's business to take-out only.

The lawsuit, which seeks a declaratory judgment against Liberty Mutual, is among what is likely to be a cascade of lawsuits aiming to parcel out who gets saddled with business losses tied to the pandemic. The suit was filed Friday.

Some insurance companies have already begun to send letters to policyholders informing them that their policies exclude losses resulting from a virus or bacteria, which would include coronavirus. See this letter from Traveler's Insurance to its policyholders regarding COVID-19.

A bill introduced in the New Jersey Legislature would require insurance companies to cover business interruptions due to global virus transmission or pandemic, such as COVID-19.

According to the lawsuit, the restaurant claims Liberty Mutual is obligated to compensate Restaurant Nicholas for losses under coverages known as business income, extra expense, and civil authority.

Under these coverages, the lawsuit argues, Liberty Mutual is obligated to pay for losses that occurred during a suspension of operations that were caused by direct physical loss, damage or caused by a civil authority, such as Murphy's order.

The governor's order bars nonessential businesses from operating and restrictions restaurants to takeout or deliver.

James Maggs, the attorney for Restaurant Nicholas, said they haven't filed a claim with Liberty Mutual yet, but are looking to get a judge's ruling requiring insurance companies to pay for business interruption losses caused by COVID-19 social distancing measures.

Coronavirus in NJ: Should insurers be on the hook for Shore businesses' COVID-19 losses?

COVID-19: Business Interruption General Information
Understanding Your Insurance Policy

COVID-19: Business Interruption General Information | Travelers Insurance

@KALI Have you read anything like this in your state?
Just finished up Apr 6 WHO PC, some quick notes for reference in case I need to find it later:

Dr. Mike talks some about the approaches to transitioning out of lockdown when it happens, that there are steps that are taken. It’s not all done in one mass movement. Paraphrasing, first there may be one release, say schools for example, then a period to wait and watch, then another group, and so on. This must only be done when hospital beds are not full, so there is maximum room for “absorption” if needed. He also said WHO will release specific guidance to various countries about this, based on each individual situation.

Additionally Dr. Mike talked about studies wrt to the amount of the viral “dose” which leads to infection/transmission.

WRT to Africa, Dr. Tedros talked about a continental approach which is also in line with the National approaches, as well as a team of business leaders who can get together to discuss business related issues. (I am very loosely paraphrasing here)

Dr. Tedros also gave some beautiful words of really heartfelt appreciation for health workers both at the beginning and the end of the conference.

Dr. Mike again expressed his respect for Dr. Fauci, and referred to him as “eminent”.
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Thanks for the post and not shooting the messenger here but before WHO takes a beating, I want to watch the PC for myself and make sure this article is accurately presenting its assertions. I’m very behind on the conferences, I’m still on Apr 3 or 6 conference.

Eta: Because of the above quoted article, I might have to just skip straight to today’s conference, and try to go back later to the others I’ve missed if I can. I don’t want to miss a single Q&A with Dr. Mike and Dr. Maria.

Eta2: No way in hell these doctors are going to support something which is potentially the cause of a pandemic killing thousands of people and infecting 2 million. No way. These people, Doc T and company, are about saving lives and helping advise on containment, mitigation, research, prevention, etc etc. They want to fix the problem not recreate it. That I am sure of.

Something must be taken out of context or wrong with that article and I’m going to get to the bottom of it. Again not shooting the messenger.

I see it’s ABC news. I’ve commented on other threads that they are shoddy Imo and flat out incorrect sometimes. I have examples to prove it in other threads.

Going in for the PC.
I'm glad you're going to dig for more info on this. Having said that, WHO is not an organization I've ever paid much attention to, although I'm positive it does have some excellent and dedicated professionals working for it. I don't consider Dr. T to be one of them, moo. I do appreciate your work in sharing what you find, M, and know that your heart is in the right place :)
South Korea is holding an election during the coronavirus crisis


Large public gatherings are a jarring sight during a pandemic.

But South Korea has never postponed an election -- and the coronavirus is not stopping this one.


New York's Fire Department reports no new Covid-19 cases for first time during outbreak


“Some of our members have been sick with the virus themselves and got well and have come back to work to serve the city, serve the people of the city. I’m really incredibly proud of them,” Nigro said.

“More people right now have gone back to work each day than go out sick."

Michigan extends coronavirus-related business closures through April 30


The orders will impact restaurants -- which are limited to carry-out and delivery orders only -- bars, gyms, theaters, casinos and other places of "public accommodation," and will remain in place until April 30.

"By extending these Executive Orders, we ensure that our state continues to do all it can to suppress the spread of COVID-19 by limiting in-person interactions and services as much as possible right now, while also ensuring that vital goods and supplies get to the people who need them most as quickly and safely as possible," Whitmer said in a statement.


China identified 89 new cases of novel coronavirus on Monday

The new cases raise the mainland China total to 82,249. The death toll remains at 3,341. A total of 77,738 people have been discharged from hospital, authorities said.

All but three of the new cases recorded Monday were imported from other countries, according to the NHC.


The creator of an influential coronavirus model says the US can stop transmission this summer


“The one thing we absolutely know for sure is that social distancing measures work,” said Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington. “It leads to a situation where every case is infecting less than one other case, and that means if you keep the course, you’ll get transmission essentially down to zero.”

Murray said that’s happening in Italy and China and there’s “no reason it wouldn’t work here.”


A group of pastors is suing California's governor over restrictions on religious gatherings


The suit was filed Monday in the US District Court for the Central District of California by the Dhillon Law Group, which is led by Harmeet Dhillion -- a Republican Party official -- on behalf of four plaintiffs, three of whom are pastors.


The group argues in the suit that Newsom and other state officials “in a gross abuse of their power, have seized the coronavirus pandemic to expand their authority by unprecedented lengths, depriving plaintiffs and all other residents of California of fundamental rights protected by the US and California Constitutions, including freedom of religion, speech, and assembly, and due process and equal protection under the law.”


A teenager tried to smuggle his friend inside a suitcase to get around India's lockdown

A 17-year-old boy has been caught trying to smuggle his friend into his home inside a suitcase to get around lockdown rules in India.

The incident occurred in the city of Mangalore in the southern state of Karnataka, where the building association of the boy's home has banned outsiders to restrict the spread of coronavirus.


US Navy carrier to stay at sea to avoid coronavirus


The carrier, which left on its current deployment in November, will complete what the Navy calls the “sustainment” phase of its operation at sea, the officials said. Sustainment, during which the ship can quickly get underway to respond to any emergency, is normally conducted pierside, so sailors can get some time ashore with families and friends.

“The Navy is taking this measure to maintain the strike group’s warfighting capability while ensuring the safety of the crew,” the Navy statement said.
“In the face of COVID-19, we need to protect our most valuable asset, our people, by keeping the ship out to sea,” Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, commander of the US 2nd Fleet, said in the statement.


New Zealand extends coronavirus state of emergency for 7 days: Live updates - CNN

Making note as I’m dozing off to find out which cities/provinces in China have the new cases mentioned above and have the sources of transmission been identified. Are they also imported cases, likely imo.


CNN's early reporting on the novel coronavirus: Articles, videos and posts from January and February 2020 - CNN
I'm glad you're going to dig for more info on this. Having said that, WHO is not an organization I've ever paid much attention to, although I'm positive it does have some excellent and dedicated professionals working for it. I don't consider Dr. T to be one of them, moo. I do appreciate your work in sharing what you find, M, and know that your heart is in the right place :)

Thanks for the compliment, :) , but any negative words about Dr. Tedros certainly won’t be well received by me. How much do you know about him to say he’s not a dedicated professional? Let’s not go there. Ending that discussion.
Yes I agree we seem to be about 2 weeks behind them. Have you heard of anyone receiving the CV19 small business grant yet? ( the one from local councils ) I had a call saying it should be in the account by end of this week. I am a bit incredulous but we'll see. Will keep everyone updated.

Anyone got their US stimulus cheque (check) yet?
There was a warning on the tv news yesterday about small business loan scammers and to be cautious about giving the caller too much personal information. The advice: when you get a call from someone purporting to be a bank representative, ask them what date did you apply and what was the amount of loan you requested. The bank will know this information; a scammer will not.

We haven't received the stimulus deposit yet.

Good morning everyone from sunny London.
Did anyone else struggle through Easter? Having four days off made me realise how much I need the structure of work. Just knowing the laptop is open, I have conference calls booked in, work to get on with - IDK, I was looking forward to that break but really it couldn’t come to an end fast enough for me.

The Times is carrying an article this morning saying England’s lockdown will continue until May 7th (I would link, but lost the story as soon as I read it...) but this won’t be announced until Thursday.

In the absence of any motivation to complete the tasks on my Quarantine List, I have at least spent a lot of time planting vegetable seeds in the garden. And I’m picking new recipes at random in order to broaden my cooking horizons. On Saturday and for the first time ever, I made a black bean jambalaya that was so good I ate leftovers for breakfast and immediately made another big batch for lunches this week.
So on my gratitude list today is the cookery book that was destined for the charity shop because I initially thought it was too intricate. Sometimes, I love being wrong :D

Stay safe today, Sleuthers ❤️
Coronavirus: Long-term care facilities required to notify family, residents of cases within 24 hours

There are 6,975 cases of coronavrius in Ohio and 274 deaths, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

The state is reporting 2,033 hospitalizations total and 898 hospitalizations currently. There have been 613 ICU admissions.

Of the cases reported, there are 6,881 confirmed and 94 probable.

There are six probable deaths and 268 confirmed.

“The good news is we’re staying flat,” Acton said.
My Mom's retirement community notified us that there has been one staff member confirmed with CV.

So far none of the 200 residents have been confirmed with the virus. The residents are confined to their individual apartments for the next 6 weeks. And have been quarantined since March 11th.

Crossing my fingers and praying hard....
My post doesn't mention the White House at all.

I stand by my statement that these Governors haven't said when they will re-open their States so no jumping the gun that I can see.

I do hope that they don't drag their feet too long in doing so. That could be worse than jumping the gun. JMO

I'm wracking my brain to think of how delaying the restoration of nyc non-essential services will impact the rest of the US. Bad theater and fewer overpriced restaurants to start?
A local politician in my area is asking people who are able to do their own grocery shopping to do so, and save deliveries for people who truly cannot go to the stores themselves.

I think that is a valid request. I have stopped using delivery for my bi-weekly fresh groceries, and my kids go for us, or ewe go ourselves, all suited up in protective gear, during Senior Hour.

I know there are people who truly cannot risk going to the market, or have no safe transportation, and they need to use the delivery services more than we do. JMO
That is a wonderful story!! She deserves to be a celebrity for her ingenuity!!We have some remote farms in our county that sell at a number of farmers markets, which are not open they have started a new business called VeggieBoxx--- They bring 10 pound boxes of veggies to various drop off points throughout the county. I know they are doing well as well. And in FL, there is so much fresh in-season fruit and veggies right now.. so all good.
I saw 2 gray haired grandmotherly women, sitting behind a small table, in my neighbourhood. They were wearing colourful masks and had a sign saying___ ---____MASKS = $5

They had a small table of home made masks for sale. A few people were purchasing them as I drove past.
My Mom's retirement community notified us that there has been one staff member confirmed with CV.

So far none of the 200 residents have been confirmed with the virus. The residents are confined to their individual apartments for the next 6 weeks. And have been quarantined since March 11th.

Crossing my fingers and praying hard....
Praying here for your mom and all inside.
I had an appointment scheduled to have the crown replaced, but they cancelled it & closed down that week. They said it is not ideal to leave the crown out for so long, but not considered an emergency. I definitely don't want to risk going into a dentist office. I'm in NY & it is really the least of my concerns.
You should be able to buy a crown repair kit from a pharmacy that includes adhesive. I have used them in the past for emergencies.
Good morning here from a hopefully sunny and calm day in south jersey.
What a day yesterday was. Hubzy ‘s laptop quit on him 9ish a.m........
Meanwhile it is lashing it down outside and windy as...

Internet out at 10 what the....ok...I’ll take my mid morning nap, no probs.

Woke up at electric......still windy and raining.

I thought of the people in Mississippi and surrounding area that their lives and or homes. Reminding hubs that we are lucky.

Storms suck when they do damage like that !
Prayers to all affected.

I went to bed before sundown (as usual).....having faith in our electric company. In all my years in southern nj the electric is never out for long. ......but when I got up in by midnight it was still dark in the house. No electric.

An hour later I opened my eyes to see light streaming in under the door. Woot!
I got a Facebook sponsored ad from a local wellness clinic advertising antibody testing for $249. Maybe they have a website I can link with it on it.

[moments later] They have website but nothing on COVID19 antibody testing. Not going to link it because it doesn’t seem legitimate to me but I could be wrong. A lot of people seem excited to have it done. The clinic is pushing that it’s legitimate testing.

I wonder how many other “local” wellness clinics are pushing the same tests that people are seeing. Not sure I want to push back on their Facebook page either.

ETA: since it’s a real clinic I’m tempted to to post the link to let you have at them with questions. They are saying FDA approval isn’t required that they don’t approve tests, just devices. Thoughts?
It may not be a coronavirus antibody test but an antibody test for something else. Unless the ad specifically says coronavirus antibody test. MOO
Coronavirus: Dozens fined for heading to the beach during lockdown

Dozens of day trippers have been fined for ignoring lockdown rules to head to the seaside and soak up the bank holiday sunshine.

Brighton was a particular hotspot, with Sussex Police issuing more than 50 fixed penalty notices (FPNs) to people from outside the county for breaching coronavirus travel restrictions.

Over the whole of the Easter weekend Sussex Police handed out more than 100 fines, including to a couple from St Albans, Hertfordshire, who made a 150-mile round trip for a stroll on the beach at Camber.

However Sussex Police chief constable Giles York said most people had complied with the lockdown restrictions and praised the "incredible community spirit across the county".

He added: "Unfortunately, a small number of people from outside of the county deemed it appropriate to visit the area, and these people were engaged with, explained to and encouraged to go home, with enforcement being a last - but necessary - resort in some cases.
Coronavirus: Care home in voluntary lockdown to keep residents safe from COVID-19

A care home has been locked down by its owner, who has even installed bunk beds for staff so they could move in.

Larry Berkowitz owns St Brelades care home in Herne Bay, Kent, which looks after women with dementia and other health conditions.

After seeing the suffering in Italy and Spain due to COVID-19, Mr Berkowitz put his care home into lockdown, banning non-essential visitors, including the regular hairdressers and entertainers.

He asked some of his staff to move into the care home if they were able to and he installed bunk beds for them in rooms normally reserved for meetings and other office space.

He told Sky News: "We've locked our home and we've asked carers to live in the home. We've been amazed at how keen and motivated they have been to do it, they now live with the residents.

"It means that we've isolated ourselves from the outside world and shield ourselves from the real world outside of here.
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