Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #54

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I’m still hunkered down and intend to stay that way, but it’s clear from near-neighbours who have an ever-revolving door of new visitors on a daily basis, and friends who tell me the local shopping centre is as busy as it was pre-pandemic, with almost zero masks and gloves being worn - that many, many people have decided for themselves the lockdown has been lifted. Is life at home really so boring for them that they need get out of the house and run the risk of infection. TBH, I didn’t understand people before the pandemic, now I just don’t get them at all.
I sound grouchy tonight. I’m really not, however I am so incredibly concerned about a second wave that may prove even more lethal than this one.
Which shops are open in the shopping centre?
On a lighter note thank god I was not around back then. This has been a hardship and I have all the wonders of technology around me which makes it 99.9% easier and I still hate the restrictions. What did people do back then just stare at the wall I guess .

They probably played board games, musical instruments, planted gardens and other normal things that people did before society was commandeered by technology.
I’m still hunkered down and intend to stay that way, but it’s clear from near-neighbours who have an ever-revolving door of new visitors on a daily basis, and friends who tell me the local shopping centre is as busy as it was pre-pandemic, with almost zero masks and gloves being worn - that many, many people have decided for themselves the lockdown has been lifted. Is life at home really so boring for them that they need get out of the house and run the risk of infection. TBH, I didn’t understand people before the pandemic, now I just don’t get them at all.
I sound grouchy tonight. I’m really not, however I am so incredibly concerned about a second wave that may prove even more lethal than this one.
I'm worried about Wave 2 too. And with the next wave, there really is no excuse not to be prepared - by social distancing to reduce spread, with personal household preparations, and state/national plans.

Wave 2 will be the test of who we are, imo.

They probably played board games, musical instruments, planted gardens and other normal things that people did before society was commandeered by technology.
Been doing all of those things ourselves here (not the musical instruments - radio!) and enjoying them.

Also the First World War was still going on when it broke out of course, poor things.
They probably played board games, musical instruments, planted gardens and other normal things that people did before society was commandeered by technology.
Washed clothes by hand, hung them to dry, ironed everything. Cooked every single meal from scratch every single day. Fixed whatever was broken, mended whatever was ripped. Perhaps made their own clothes, toys. Looked after elders and neighbors in need. They were busy, I have no doubt.

I’m still hunkered down and intend to stay that way, but it’s clear from near-neighbours who have an ever-revolving door of new visitors on a daily basis, and friends who tell me the local shopping centre is as busy as it was pre-pandemic, with almost zero masks and gloves being worn - that many, many people have decided for themselves the lockdown has been lifted. Is life at home really so boring for them that they need get out of the house and run the risk of infection. TBH, I didn’t understand people before the pandemic, now I just don’t get them at all.
I sound grouchy tonight. I’m really not, however I am so incredibly concerned about a second wave that may prove even more lethal than this one.

i am so with you--'i am expecting this virus to explode exponentially
with all the idiots acting like there is no irus to worry about
I'm worried about Wave 2 too. And with the next wave, there really is no excuse not to be prepared - by social distancing to reduce spread, with personal household preparations, and state/national plans.

Wave 2 will be the test of who we are, imo.


I think the world is going to be completely caught off guard with the second wave. That is, everyone is relaxing restrictions, gradually resuming life with masks, and assuming that transmission is reduced in nice weather. We know the virus sits dormant, multiplying, in us for up to 2 weeks. When the second wave hits, there will be no 2 weeks warning.
I was on a national conference call this morning with university and college administrators and legal experts regarding potential lawsuits against colleges and universities in fall 2020 from students and employees (faculty and staff). Apparently there is a bill in Congress right now (as mentioned in the above post) that would protect universities from lawsuits if a student or employee contracted COVID-19 while on campus (think residence halls, classrooms, etc.). Universities would have to have measures like social distancing and other mitigation practices in place. But suppose a student went to an off-campus party and was infected there, and brought the infection back to his residence hall, and other examples of how difficult it would be to enforce the safety measures. So universities might support this legislation through their national advocacy groups in Washington. No decision to support or not support has been made yet.

EBM grammatical edit

It's why we have a court system. Better to let the judge decide and set some precedent for these cases than to deny someone the right to private action when an employer has been willfully negligent, forcing employees to work in unsafe situations. Individuals need some level of protection. Without it, employers and other institutions will ignore safety standards with impunity. A right without a remedy is not a right at all.
I get why the rich care but some of the comments I see on places like Twitter and so on who seem to jump on any bandwagon and are stupid and think this is a conspiracy. Money is all well and good but no point to it if you are dead.

Some parts of the economy are supply chain and that has to continue. Clothing shops are not a necessary service/goods. It will be interesting to see if shopping as a habit, rather than purpose, ends.
I don’t know what Europe is like but we was still letting flights in from all over the world with no testing done when they got off.
I am only aware of Madrid shutting down in March.

I totally agree. I canceled some summer domestic travel. While I would love a change of scenery and to see some family members on the trip, nobody has the desire to actually travel. It's a time, imo, for staying nearby. We don't need to be jet setters right now.

Not sure how many airlines will survive, however. I would like an airline to make bold changes and make flying fun and comfortable like it used to be. I'm not eager to buy a ticket to be in enclosed space....AND deal with no leg room, no baggage check, etc. Make the process comfortable and virus-safe and people MIGHT be interested in traveling again. But then, staying in a hotel doesn't really appeal to me right now either.


I hope they return passenger money for their cancelled flights rather than useless vouchers. Money is still owed from the airlines cancelled March trips (from personal experience).
It's why we have a court system. Better to let the judge decide and set some precedent for these cases than to deny someone the right to private action when an employer has been willfully negligent, forcing employees to work in unsafe situations. Individuals need some level of protection. Without it, employers and other institutions will ignore safety standards with impunity. A right without a remedy is not a right at all.

Interesting story unfolding in one of the largest meat processing plants in Canada. Many people got sick, everyone was off work, and there was a return to work order despite Union objections. Testing increased to include all employees. Better oversight is in place to reduce or omit further transmission at the plant.
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