Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #55

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Snipped and bolded by me.

Interesting! BMI over 25 is not necessarily obese, but at the low end of "overweight." That means even people with some extra pounds are at greater risk.
  • Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI is 18.5 to 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI is 25 to 29.9
  • Obese: BMI is 30 or more
Normal weight ranges: Body mass index (BMI)

There is a chart at the link to find your BMI or other calculators can be found by googling.

Let's get up off the couch! :)

Thanks for the chart....I am definitely depressed now.:(
Health Unit just called and my Covid test was negative as I felt it would. So I can go back to work next Thursday for my minimal hrs. It was required of me to have one since I have not worked since March 26th. Which seems like a lifetime ago. I'm looking forward as I miss my "people" and most of the staff. Key word most lol.
Figuring out the stats on coronavirus in Wales

Part of the article below. Rest at link.

How many people are in hospital with coronavirus?

NHS Wales also gives us figures weekly about how many patients are being treated.

  • About 40% of acute hospital beds are empty, with 677 confirmed cases in Welsh hospitals and 343 suspected cases
  • One in five intensive care beds are occupied by people with confirmed or suspected coronavirus - 50% lower than the peak
  • On 7 May, there were 81 patients with confirmed or suspected coronavirus in critical care
  • Just over 52% of patients in critical care units have coronavirus
  • Hospital admissions with Covid-19 have averaged 128 a day in the past week, slightly more than the previous week
Why are all these different figures from different sources?
The ONS and public health bodies are measuring things in a different way - and information is available at different times so do not expect to see the same thing.

The ONS gives figures based on all deaths registered involving Covid-19, according to what a doctor puts on the death certificate, whether in or out of hospital.

The virus may not be the main cause of death, just a factor. Recent ONS analysis suggests heart disease was the most common main pre-existing condition found in 14% of deaths involving coronavirus.

The figures include when Covid-19 is reported on the death certificate, but there does not need to have been a positive test, it could be it was just suspected by the doctor.

People have up to two weeks to register deaths but more than 80% are usually registered in Wales within a week. The ONS also provides provisional updated totals based on the latest death registrations available. All figures come out weekly.

Public Health Wales issues daily updates and provides an online dashboard to show numbers of deaths and positive tests for coronavirus.

Most of the deaths it includes are in hospitals - it receives information on a daily basis from health boards.

It only includes a "proportion" of deaths in care homes and relies on health boards to report them, but it is looking to develop this.

It will only include deaths which were given a positive test for Covid-19 in a laboratory - not any suspected cases.

Coronavirus deaths in Wales

Updated daily at 14:00 BST. Includes updates following revisions
Source: Public Health Wales, 7 May 2020
It is a snapshot of deaths, notified by the previous day, but the hope is we get an understanding more of what is happening before the "gold standard" figures from ONS two weeks later.

But the daily bulletin is not necessarily "new" deaths but those ready to be reported by PHW on that particular day. So it can include deaths reported by health boards, which could be from several days ago.

The data is revised and PHW refines and verifies it and then each individual fatality is assigned to the date at which it occurred.

PHW has also revised the figures on two notable occasions - once after it emerged Betsi Cadwaladr health board had been using a different computer system and had under-reported numbers.
That's just skeezy. But I'm still mad about an incident in my town regarding a food truck. They changed the ordinance afterwards but I'm still mad lol. Jmo

I'm in a small southern town. We have 4 food trucks and one that sells donuts, all licensed by VDH. We have a community effort to provide lunch for healthcare, EMT and LE workers.

Everyday a food truck is at a different location with free lunch. All food truck workers are wearing mask and gloves preparing food and a separate worker collects donations or payment.

Our small local restaurants have a similar set up. Everything is curb side or delivery. We can donate to provide free meals, as well. Everyone wearing masks.

This is a great program. Everyone gives what they can, we honor those who are providing care and the restaurants stay open.

We had a gas event a couple weeks ago. Several gas stations sold gas for .69 per gallon to EMT, LE and HCWorkers.

Maybe the issue was, not providing protection, mask/gloves.

Midland County, Texas Virus Report - 100 cases - 10 deaths. Over half the cases and half the deaths are all involving the Staff and patients at one Medical/ Senior Care Center......My families and I are all safe and well....... Yall have a safe and happy day..............moo...p.s. Please send rain and spare toilet paper rolls......moo
Snipped and bolded by me.

Interesting! BMI over 25 is not necessarily obese, but at the low end of "overweight." That means even people with some extra pounds are at greater risk.
  • Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI is 18.5 to 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI is 25 to 29.9
  • Obese: BMI is 30 or more
Normal weight ranges: Body mass index (BMI)

There is a chart at the link to find your BMI or other calculators can be found by googling.

Let's get up off the couch! :)

That's just depressing, BMI of 25 is a risk? . Along with learning you may need to pay 2 state income taxes, my day is going downhill in a hurry.
I'm in a small southern town. We have 4 food trucks and one that sells donuts, all licensed by VDH. We have a community effort to provide lunch for healthcare, EMT and LE workers.

Everyday a food truck is at a different location with free lunch. All food truck workers are wearing mask and gloves preparing food and a separate worker collects donations or payment.

Our small local restaurants have a similar set up. Everything is curb side or delivery. We can donate to provide free meals, as well. Everyone wearing masks.

This is a great program. Everyone gives what they can, we honor those who are providing care and the restaurants stay open.

We had a gas event a couple weeks ago. Several gas stations sold gas for .69 per gallon to EMT, LE and HCWorkers.

Maybe the issue was, not providing protection, mask/gloves.


The one in my town was a control issue. Granted, the one in Chicago may have been different. But calling them out like that? Ugh. Jmo

I am so pleased your town is treating people right. :)
In a word, no. This whole thing has been horrible for kids, imo. They are bored out of their minds and looking for anything to fill the empty days. jmo
Some people in my area started a section on NextDoor regarding life lessons that can be taught to kids at this time when parents and kids have extra time at home. Making productive use of their time during stay-at-home or quarantine.

Parents post “life lessons” and others add to the list lessons they have taught their kids. Some of the lessons I saw posted included laundry done properly, ironing, all kinds of cleaning, budget balancing, table manners, etiquette, cooking, baking, job interview practice, how to properly write a thank you note, etc. All types of interesting projects.

Quite a few families are participating in writing letters to be delivered to nursing home residents. Kids draw pictures and write notes and letters then they are dropped off at nursing homes to be delivered to residents at random.
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Lots of stuff for kids online, some of it actually educational. What about online school?

They have to do school online, but school is nearly over here. And although some classes are actually taught online, for mine it's mostly just a lot of assignments turned in electronically. That takes an hour or two a couple days a week at most. The rest of the time they spend sleeping, gaming and developing other bad habits depending on which kid. | Fortunately (imo) my oldest son's trainer is letting him train on the down low every week day and a good group of his friends are not being quarantined. My oldest daughter may start back to work in retail next week -- she finds out today -- and she's very excited about that. That's how bored she is lol

eta: I don't mean to say that they're all skilled in all those areas (hardly! lol). But they are at their various age appropriate levels. The two oldest, for example, have jobs and interview skills, in addition to the other skills. My oldest even has a pretty impressive LinkedIn account. My son, otoh, does his laundry and ironing, but has no interest in cooking or baking. Just lots of interest in eating :)
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Midland County, Texas Virus Report - 100 cases - 10 deaths. Over half the cases and half the deaths are all involving the Staff and patients at one Medical/ Senior Care Center......My families and I are all safe and well....... Yall have a safe and happy day..............moo...p.s. Please send rain and spare toilet paper rolls......moo
Well I can send you some snow!! Light flurries flying but it's still snow! 2 weeks ago I was sitting out reading in the sun. Oh well another week of unstable weather and I see some 60's and 70's coming.
Some people in my area started a section on NextDoor regarding life lessons that can be taught to kids at this time when parents and kids have extra time at home. Making productive use of their time during stay-at-home or quarantine.

Parents post “life lessons” and others add to the list lessons they have taught their kids. Some of the lessons I saw posted included laundry done properly, ironing, all kinds of cleaning, budget balancing, table manners, etiquette, cooking, baking, job interview practice, etc. All types of interesting projects.

I'm proud to say that those lessons, with the possible exception of budget balancing in the case of my oldest girl, are skills we don't need to work on. Plus, at their age, getting out of the house and social interaction is absolutely essential, imo. There's only so much time they can healthily spend learning life lessons imo. Plus, I'm working, so there's no enforcer.

eta: this reminded me it was my birthday recently, and my oldest daughter baked me my favorite cake from scratch! I totally thought she would just go buy one.
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Idle Musing - What would this Virus Crisis would have been like for all of us without the Internet ? Just the TV, radio, newspapers, and "word of mouth" for info, rumors, and instructions/suggestions/ facts? from our State Authorities ?........... moo
Midland County, Texas Virus Report - 100 cases - 10 deaths. Over half the cases and half the deaths are all involving the Staff and patients at one Medical/ Senior Care Center......My families and I are all safe and well....... Yall have a safe and happy day..............moo...p.s. Please send rain and spare toilet paper rolls......moo
I'd gladly send you some of this cold Ohio rain but IMO there's no such thing as spare toilet paper rolls at this time.
Well I can send you some snow!! Light flurries flying but it's still snow! 2 weeks ago I was sitting out reading in the sun. Oh well another week of unstable weather and I see some 60's and 70's coming.
We will take it......Lots of hot, dry. 90*f - 100*f days are already here..........High here of 75*f today...... I may have to get out my coat.....LOL !.... No one is volunteering their spare TP ?????.....LOL !......moo
Tonix Pharmaceuticals licences three Covid-19 vaccine candidates

Vaccine info from a horsepox source.

Tonix Pharmaceuticals has signed a research collaboration and exclusive licensing agreement with the University of Alberta in Canada for three new vaccine candidates to prevent Covid-19.

The partnership will develop the three vaccine candidates, which are based on the horsepox vector platform and designed to express various SARS-CoV-2 antigens.
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