Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #55

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We followed Ben in the first few threads. He was first in Wuhan during the shutdown there, and he always wore swim goggles when he went out, in addition to his mask due to that exact reason. One reason why I haven't gone out, is because I would want to have protection of my eyes yet I think I would be the ONLY one who is doing such.

Has anyone been out and seen persons with swim goggles on?
I dont think you need swim googles. I found big sunglasses that are fit to wear over your regular glasses, and they make a tight fit to your face, and give full coverage. And they come in 'indoor' yellow lenses too so I wear them inside the market and the bank.

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item 3 Tac HD Day Night Vision Glasses Driving Men Sport Wraparound Fit Over Sunglasses 2 -Tac HD Day Night Vision Glasses Driving Men Sport Wraparound Fit Over Sunglasses
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Are you taking a fever reducer? Ibuprofen would be good and aspirin might be even better if you can tolerate it.
No no no, back in late Feb early March a report came out of France warning against taking Ibuprofen during the pandemic, saying there was evidence of it potentially aggravating the virus in some patients. And even if a person tests negative, this virus has shown that results may not always be what they seem to be. Ibuprofen has been off the menu in the UK since then with the taking of Paracetemol being the advice given. X
No no no, back in late Feb early March a report came out of France warning against taking Ibuprofen during the pandemic, saying there was evidence of it potentially aggravating the virus in some patients. And even if a person tests negative, this virus has shown that results may not always be what they seem to be. Ibuprofen has been off the menu in the UK since then with the taking of Paracetemol being the advice given. X

Thank you for mentioning this - I've been thinking it.

Advice at the beginning of this pandemic was to let fever take its course, fever is the bodies best defence to fight the virus. The downside is that some had a hyper-immune reaction that resulted in the immune system attacking the body.
So tomorrow is quite a big day here in Victoria Australia

unlike other states in Australia our premier ( kinda like your mayor or senator ) has decided he won't be reversing lockdown for this state, and while i understand we've just had a bad outbreak at this meat packing facility

its going to be interesting because tomorrow night at midnight the state of emergency that was issued for Victoria runs out, lots of people expect he'll probably extend it for another month

he also says he's going to release his own "road map" about our future in this state and Covid-19

so where as other states are starting to go back to normal abiet very slowly im not sure what our future holds in the south here
Doesn't the tribe have the legal ability to keep people off tribal lands in situations like this?

I don't blame them. There is a long deadly history of immigrants spreading disease to the Native Americans, that they had not immunity to. A lot of them were wiped out that way.
I don't blame them either. Both tribes have issued strict stay-at-home orders and curfews for their communities, unlike Noem who has has not issued a stay-at-home order for the state.
Sounds like the Sioux tribes are doing more to prevent the spread of the virus than the governor. Good for them. Leave them alone.
So tomorrow is quite a big day here in Victoria Australia

unlike other states in Australia our premier ( kinda like your mayor or senator ) has decided he won't be reversing lockdown for this state, and while i understand we've just had a bad outbreak at this meat packing facility

its going to be interesting because tomorrow night at midnight the state of emergency that was issued for Victoria runs out, lots of people expect he'll probably extend it for another month

he also says he's going to release his own "road map" about our future in this state and Covid-19

so where as other states are starting to go back to normal albeit very slowly im not sure what our future holds in the south here

Interesting that meat packing plants around the world are having outbreaks at the same time. Canada also had outbreaks at Canada Post, Purolator and Amazon facilities.

Canada's Premiers have released a phased relaxing of restrictions - the roadmap. Every 10 days more businesses open. If numbers get worse, everything is stepped back.

In Australia, if numbers are small, best to continue to self-isolate until contagious people they can be traced, the infection stopped. Islands have the best advantage in pandemic as long as they protect supply chain.
What if the cows are sick, and that's why people at meat packing plants are getting sick around the world at the same time. Seems odd that there are meatpacking plant outbreaks in the USA, Canada and Australia simultaneously.
What if the cows are sick, and that's why people at meat packing plants are getting sick around the world at the same time. Seems odd that there are meatpacking plant outbreaks in the USA, Canada and Australia simultaneously.
I SWEAR I got sick from picking up meat at my butcher on March 26th.
A friend of mine got sick as well.

I am actually still coughing. I started running a fever 14 days after getting my meat. (A months worth)
I meant to repackage when I got home and I totally forgot!
A week after I picked up the meat I defrosted some ground beef for meatloaf.
I also forgot the butcher doesn't add the absorbent pad. When I opened my fridge it was a bloody mess! I touched the paper and plopped the meat out, cleaned my counter and fridge up with bleach spray and I don't think I washed my hands! DUH!!!
A week later I woke up with a 103.7 fever. Muscles aches and the list goes on.
I think it was on the paper that I froze when I got home!

I was tested a week after my symptoms began. I was negative for Flu A, Flu B and my white blood count was over 12,000 (high) with my lymphocytes low. I forget what that # was.
I was SICK for 16 days!
I have thought about getting the IgG and IgM test done
Sweden numbers
Cases 25,921
Deaths 3,220
Deaths per million pop 319

These figures are way below UK, Italy, Spain and France so what are we doing wrong?
Hope to get some advice on what to do...I’m having terrible lower back pain, and most recently it has started to be painful up and down my left leg, (like a pinched nerve feeling).
If I call an ortho Dr., I imagine they can only due telehealth, and I don’t see how that’s going to help. Would it be wise to visit the Dr. or hospital right now?
It’s gotten so bad that I can only walk for 5 minutes without it feeling like I’m going to collapse in pain.
Ughhhh. This virus stinks!!!
Thanks in advance for any ideas on what I should do.

Have you taken any pain killers?

Call your doctor and follow their advice.
My first impulse is to say "not any more" even though California actually dropped below its projected death tally today - so we're doing our part!

Opening up means motels, rental car agencies and...state parks? The stats from last year show that a huge percentage of that business sector is tourism from other states.

The overwhelming factor, though, is that in general, people everywhere are more and more acting like CoVid never happened. It's going to take real leadership from all sectors to keep California on its current downward trajectory.

A quick perusal of the data shows an alarming increase (per capita) in Michigan, with 4526 dead. In one state. With a population of 10 million (¼ of the population of California). Of tested cases in Michigan, 10% have died.

Anyway, looking at the CDC data, it's clear we did not "peak," nor have we even plateaued. It's worth noting that Michigan is further north. Massachusetts and New Jersey are still struggling, too. Pennsylvania and Illinois also adding to the total/not yet at peak (that was predicted).

Are people just giving up? Are people really attending infection parties? Why oh why did public officials defy local ordinances to get hair cuts or about the wearing of masks?

I guess it could be worse. I mean, other nations have a higher per capita rate, but I sure do hope the USA doesn't intend to catch up to San Marino...or Belgium...

Some of the countries such as San Marino have such small populations that when we see their per million number of cases, they suddenly have huge numbers. San Marino is an example. It has a total population of only 34,000. They had 650 cases, which translates into nearly 19,000 cases per million. Vatican City is another example. With only 12 cases, they have a rate of 15,000 per million.

I'm hoping that California continues with their downward trend. California has shown some good leadership in the past. I hope that the people show their resolve once again and that this state will completely eliminate CoV-19.
Mystery Inflammatory Syndrome In Kids And Teens Likely Linked To COVID-19

This new information about the syndrome in children and teens is very disturbing. And has greater implications for Summer School programs, Summer camps, daycare.

As if this pandemic situation hasn't been stressful enough for everyone. But most everyone had a sigh of relief that it seemed to not affect children. This is a whole new twist. Has the virus actually evolved? Changed?

Even more disturbing, is that this syndrome affecting children, has been since SCHOOL WAS OUT! What are the implications for when kids are all together?

"Newburger says there needs to be a registry where doctors can report cases "so we can begin to generate some statistics".".

Yes, indeed. Like you, I believe that one reason we don't see outbreaks among children is because schools, daycares and kid's activity groups were shut down. Parents tend not to take them to Walmart and Costco, nor into places of gatherings, with some exceptions, of course. So children have been largely protected. Although evidence shows that children tend not to get serious symptoms of CoV-19, that demographic group hasn't been put into their normal routines where, as a group, they would be tested.

I hope that our leaders have the resolve to wait until more about this is known before exposing children to potential, lifelong harm.
Cruise companies accused of refusing to let stranded crew disembark due to cost

I don't really understand why these ships have not gone to the counties where they are registered to disembark the crew members. Or, actually gone to drop off the crew members in their own countries. Oil is certainly cheap enough now.

Bahamas, Mexico, why not just take the citizens back to their home port? Or at least take the ships to the country of registry. Or the country that their company is incorporated in, Bermuda for Princess, is one. Why isn't Bermuda doing anything?

I guess that the plan was that if there were any actual problems, to just congregate all of the ships in U.S. waters...and make it our fault.

I think part of the costs they’re not willing to cover is the transportation of these crew members from the ship to wherever they are mandated to go for quarantine after disembarking. Each country seems to have their own rules in place, crew not allowed in airport or bus terminals, must take forms of transportation that would not risk the general population.
@LadyL.... so so sorry.. It sounds like it has been a long ordeal for you. Were you, at least, able to be with him, at his side? Or are you farther away from where he was? Whatever happens in these crazy hazy days will be with us forever.... I just hope you have gobs to cherish and remember as days, time passes on...
The Diamond Princess cruise passengers were quarantined at first on board and then Americans were flown to another quarantine on military facilities for another 14-day quarantine. The cruise lines should use the same protocol for their employees.


I have to admit, some of the problems with the cruise ships have baffled me. Not allowed to port?? what to do with them?? It seems that the protocol with the Diamond Princess worked well, and should be used with any ship and any number of crew/passengers.

Have a very Happy Mother's Day, WS ladies...........Hang in there......:)...........moo

Ten arrested and police officer injured at protest against Victoria’s Covid-19 lockdown laws
Australia Virus News.....moo

Thank you Cody. I just had a new grandbaby on Thursday. I'm hoping to meet her today on Zoom. But I so very much wish I could hold her, cradle her wee head in my hand, and smell her sweet newness.

For some weird reason, I find the protest in Victoria more disturbing than those in the US. I guess it pulls the rug out on my idealistic dream that there are no covidiots in Australia.

Maybe we could use some of those cruise ships to house these folks who brazenly put others at risk. And they did it right under the sign that reads, "Thank you to all of Victoria's front line workers". Sheesh!
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