Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #62

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The article was about an interview with McClatchy publishing co, publisher of the News & Observer and many other newspapers. He did the interview last Thursday. Maybe it's just certain media outlets that the WH has said can't have interviews with him, such as CNN...(?)
It is - the OP who stated that originally has said CNN was denied an interview with him and gave a link.
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Yes I know I and another poster posted link. It was on Anderson Cooper this past week. Anderson was not granted permission from the WH to have Fauci on his show. It is apparent many in the press do not have a good relationship with POTUS. Could be cherry picking as to who gets them and depending on content of interview?

White House denies CNN's request to interview Dr. Anthony Fauci - CNN Video
I am looking for your original post to see what point I ignored but the back arrows don't seem to work.

It’s still there. There must have been a glitch. However you already said you didn’t want to reply because your reply would be political, even though my OP made a broad application.

So as I said, I’m moving on....
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I posted the link on the prior thread. He cant give Interviews as he is on the White House Task Force. Any requests go thru the White House. I don't think the Administration wants any science out there currently. IMO

The link posted was CNN and it was ONE interview.

Do you have a link that states ALL interviews are being denied? I can only find where CNN was denied one.
Have other media sources complained?

MHO... I don't see Dr Birx or Dr Fauci being censored by anyone. Dr. Fauci has no problem speaking up about the NFL, rallys or protesters. He carries the same message, no matter how hard the media tries to trap him.

Wear a mask, social distance, and if asymptomatic get a test. His message has NOT changed, how many times does he need to repeat the same message.

I respect Dr Fauci and Dr Birx, this is not their first rodeo in a highly political virus. They both have worked tirelessly to educate, develop treatments for the world on HIV. They are accustomed to standing up to any and all world leaders. They are most respected worldwide.

Do you really think these two could be stopped carrying an important message? I do not. They could easily quit their jobs, will have great pensions to live off and get jobs making more than the goverment could ever pay them. They are loyal and devoted to mankind!!!!

I find it very offensive a media source would make accusations involving these two physicians.


Eta... Here's an interview he did on Wednesday of this week. Covered by CNN...

Anthony Fauci warns of 'anti-science bias' being a problem in US - CNNPolitics
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Why can't everybody just go to the doctor and get a test? Get it over and done with?

If the % are right then it is only 2-5% that have Covid so how on earth are we going to achieve this 80% herd immunity? Is it just a myth?

What reason would I have to go get a Covid test? I have not been sick at all this year. I live in a small, quite isolated community in Montana. There have been about five cases in our county.

So? Why would someone like me even need a test?
I'm not sure where this Dr Fauci not doing interviews is coming from? Maybe CCN??? Although I see CNN did interview him this past week, on CNN.

This interview was in June 18th, did the White House deny this interview?

Personally I would be concerned about speaking with any reporter. Most media is picking and choosing parts of interviews to misconstrue information to increase clicks.

The most accurate information is coming from CDC. Dr. Birx and Fauci review this information daily, they oversee this information.

What does it achieve for Dr Birx or Fauci, to stop working on critical problems, vaccines, hot spots to go on TV and have the media pick and choose what they feel the public should hear?


Public Health Education is a central mission of both the Infectious Disease Center and the CDC. So yes, these people should be out front on this story.

What good does it do? It puts science front and center and gives medicine a public face. Their job is NOT to work on "critical hotspots" (that's not what they do - that's what local public health and medical doctors, nurses and others). Their entire job (and their budgets) are related to showing the American public what research does and what the CDC recommends.

Dr Fauci chose CNN because he knew they would air his interview in its entirety, not cut and paste, and that's exactly what they did.
What reason would I have to go get a Covid test? I have not been sick at all this year. I live in a small, quite isolated community in Montana. There have been about five cases in our county.

So? Why would someone like me even need a test?

Me too but it was suggested a long time ago about getting immunity passports. If one wants to travel for example. Also we would know how close/far away we are from the illusive herd immunity.

Also, that comedian was n't sick either but he collapsed on stage and has tested positive for CV19 - asymptomatic.
I don't believe him. He's allowed himself to be shut down, won't do any media interviews without approval from the White House. If it comes time to announce a vaccine in October, he'll be marginalized to the extent necessary, should he raise any concerns.

The article was about an interview with McClatchy publishing co, publisher of the News & Observer and many other newspapers. He did the interview last Thursday. Maybe it's just certain media outlets that the WH has said can't have interviews with him, such as CNN...(?)
The link posted was CNN and it was ONE interview.

Do you have a link that states ALL interviews are being denied? I can only find where CNN was denied one.
Have other media sources complained?

MHO... I don't see Dr Birx or Dr Fauci being censored by anyone. Dr. Fauci has no problem speaking up about the NFL, rallys or protesters. He carries the same message, no matter how hard the media tries to trap him.

Wear a mask, social distance, and if asymptomatic get a test. His message has NOT changed, how many times does he need to repeat the same message.

I respect Dr Fauci and Dr Birx, this is not their first rodeo in a highly political virus. They both have worked tirelessly to educate, develops treatments for the world on HIV. They are accustomed to standing up to any and all world leaders. They are most respected worldwide.

Do you really think these two could be stopped carrying an important message? I do not. They could easily quit their jobs, will have great pensions to live off and get jobs making more than the goverment could ever pay them. They are loyal and devoted to mankind!!!!

I find it very offensive a media source would make accusations involving these two physicians.


Eta... Here's an interview he did on Wednesday of this week. Covered by CNN...

Anthony Fauci warns of 'anti-science bias' being a problem in US - CNNPolitics

I agree with your remarks. I guess the interview that was denied was specifically for Thursday's CNN Town Hall show.
Me too but it was suggested a long time ago about getting immunity passports. If one wants to travel for example. Also we would know how close/far away we are from the illusive herd immunity.

We are very far away from that "goal". However, this is interesting, due to our very low Covid rates, real estate sales are spiking here. People are buying houses here without even an in person showing.

This is unverified, but from friends telling me that the real estate market in Montana has never been better. Lots of sales from out of state buyers.
Public Health Education is a central mission of both the Infectious Disease Center and the CDC. So yes, these people should be out front on this story.

What good does it do? It puts science front and center and gives medicine a public face. Their job is NOT to work on "critical hotspots" (that's not what they do - that's what local public health and medical doctors, nurses and others). Their entire job (and their budgets) are related to showing the American public what research does and what the CDC recommends.

Dr Fauci chose CNN because he knew they would air his interview in its entirety, not cut and paste, and that's exactly what they did.


Actually, if you had read the interview it was NOT hosted by CNN. So how can you determine the interview as NOT cut and pasted?

Here is a direct quote from the opening article by CNN...

On Wednesday, Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, joined the US Department of Health and Human Services' podcast "Learning Curve" and gave his expertise on the pandemic and the vaccine development process.
He also defended the stay-at-home orders as having saved "millions of lives," and drew attention to anti-science bias and the disproportionate impact the virus is having on the black community.

The article was about an interview with McClatchy publishing co, publisher of the News & Observer and many other newspapers. He did the interview last Thursday. Maybe it's just certain media outlets that the WH has said can't have interviews with him, such as CNN...(?)

I agree with your remarks. I guess the interview that was denied was specifically for Thursday's CNN Town Hall show.

Maybe Dr Fauci, did not want to do the interview. He certainly deserves the protection of the WH. And he certainly has NO problem correcting misinformation, without regard to the source.

I just don't see Dr Fauci joining the political games or be used as a pawn.

Like I mentioned before. Dr. Fauci could easily quit and speak out. It would be a bidding war for his coveted words. He could demand millions for speaking engagements, write books on how he was abused or censured by the white House, and appear daily in TV.

No this man has integrity, well respected and speaks the truth as he know it. That's why every media outlet is begging, demanding interviews. They want ratings and when Dr Fauci speaks America listens. Americans may not do as he ask, but they listen.

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What reason would I have to go get a Covid test? I have not been sick at all this year. I live in a small, quite isolated community in Montana. There have been about five cases in our county.

So? Why would someone like me even need a test?

In Michigan, many employers required their employees to be tested before they could return to work. When those who had been working from home at DH's company returned to the office on May 18, testing was required beforehand. DH plans to go back to the office 2 or 3 days a week on July 6 and will need to be tested prior to his return. He will retire in December and wants to spend some time in the office as part of the "team" prior to retirement.

When I went to the ophthalmologist last week, I asked the tech if she had been tested. She said that everyone had to be tested prior to the reopening of the office/outpatient surgery center. The same thing was true for the office staff and therapists when I went to physical therapy for a few weeks recently. It's possible that not all employers are requiring testing for employees, but this is certainly a reason for people to get tested even if they haven't been sick, don't have symptoms, haven't traveled out of the country, or haven't been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
Have you got a working link for this? I have been using Worldometers but it just doesn't load the country data for me and more, for some reason. It was so easy to sort their data by tests per million to be able to see that.

I suddenly had problems loading it w/o Java Script enabled, so maybe they have made some kimd of update recently, but with Java enabled, go to Worldometers, scroll across to "Tests/1M", and click on the little up/down arrows in the header. This will organise the list from the country most tests/M to the fewest. You probably knew that already, but just in case someone else is trying to figure it out.

Coronavirus Update (Live): 8,982,339 Cases and 468,062 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Regarding "Immunity Passports" Thu 18 Jun 2020
Source: Newsweek
Chinese scientists have cast doubt over whether we have long-lasting
immunity to the coronavirus in 2 studies released this week, prompting
them to question the use of immunity certificates.

According to the scientists, the around 10% of COVID-19
patients in their pre-print study who didn't have antibodies 21 days
after their symptoms started likely "lost" them after they recovered.

In contrast, patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
have been known to carry antibodies for up to 210 days, the researcher

They said, "Very few healthcare
providers had IgG [virus-specific] antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 [the
COVID-19 coronavirus], though a significant proportion of them had
been infected with the virus. After SARS-CoV-2 infection, people are
unlikely to produce long-lasting protective antibodies against this

Symptomatic patients had significantly higher levels of virus-specific
antibodies than the asymptomatic during the period when the virus
could still be detected in their respiratory tracts. Eight weeks after
the patients were discharged from hospitals, 81% of asymptomatic
patients saw levels of their neutralizing antibodies drop compared
with 62% of symptomatic patients.


Echoing their concerns, the medRxiv researchers said, "As infected
people do not develop long-lasting protecting antibodies against
SARS-CoV-2, the idea of immune certificate for recovered COVID-19
patients is invalid."
Weak immune response in asymptomatic cases
Date: Fri 19 Jun 2020
Source: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
Asymptomatic COVID-19 Cases May Have Weaker Immune Responses
...other infections remain
asymptomatic. Neither the clinical features nor the immune responses
of asymptomatic cases have been well described.


. Now, a small study performed by a group from Chongqing
Medical University in Chongqing, China, found that people who fail to
develop COVID-19 symptoms may have a weaker immune response to the
virus. They also found that people's antibody response to SARS-CoV-2
may diminish rapidly after infection, which may have implications for
the interpretation of negative serological results.


Of the 37 asymptomatic patients
-- identified in a group of 178 people with SARS-CoV-2 infection -- 22
were female and 15 were male, with ages ranging from 8-75 years
(median age, 41 years).

The authors found that these patients had a significantly longer
duration of viral shedding, with median duration of viral shedding of
19 days, compared with 14 days in a group of 37 symptomatic patients.
Levels of virus-specific IgG antibodies were significantly lower in
the asymptomatic group than in the symptomatic group during the acute
phase of infection, when the virus could be detected in the
respiratory tract.

Eight weeks after the patients were discharged from the hospital,
antibody levels were measured. Of asymptomatic individuals, 93.3% and
81.1% had a reduction in IgG and neutralizing antibody levels,
respectively, during the early convalescent phase, as compared to
96.8% and 62.2% of symptomatic patients.

In addition, asymptomatic patients had lower levels of 18 pro- and
anti-inflammatory cytokines. The authors suggest that this indicates
that the asymptomatic patients may have had a weaker immune response
to SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The authors also observed that IgG levels began to diminish within 2-3
months of infection in a large proportion of the asymptomatic
patients [...]

They argue that this finding, along with previous analyses of
neutralizing antibodies in patients recovering from COVID-19,
highlights the potential risks of using "immunity passports" and
supports the continuation of public-health interventions and
widespread testing. [,,,]
We are very far away from that "goal". However, this is interesting, due to our very low Covid rates, real estate sales are spiking here. People are buying houses here without even an in person showing.

This is unverified, but from friends telling me that the real estate market in Montana has never been better. Lots of sales from out of state buyers.

It’s happening here too.
Public Health Education is a central mission of both the Infectious Disease Center and the CDC. So yes, these people should be out front on this story.

What good does it do? It puts science front and center and gives medicine a public face. Their job is NOT to work on "critical hotspots" (that's not what they do - that's what local public health and medical doctors, nurses and others). Their entire job (and their budgets) are related to showing the American public what research does and what the CDC recommends.

Dr Fauci chose CNN because he knew they would air his interview in its entirety, not cut and paste, and that's exactly what they did.

The most accurate and unbiase information will come from the CDC, not any media source.

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