Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #70

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Crossing fingers for you, Rose! I’ve got a long wait, yet. Lucky you.

Regarding blood type, a new Harvard study says:

“Blood type is not associated with a severe worsening of symptoms in people who have tested positive for COVID-19, report Harvard Medical School researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital.”

“This evidence should help put to rest previous reports of a possible association between blood type A and a higher risk for COVID-19 infection and mortality,” Dua said.”

I hope they’re right. I have type A, too.

COVID and Blood Type
WAITING ON TEST RESULTS - Well, I have an update to report . . . as I've mentioned before I work in a large church office. One of our members is a doctor with a busy GP practice. He spoke with our pastor today and said that the entire staff could meet in his parking lot tomorrow morning at 8am to be tested AND we would have results in 15 minutes!

Now I may still test positive and I will still be anxious (probably even more so) but at least I'll have something definite to be anxious about, lol.

It's funny but I have type A positive blood (unfortunately) and because I always expect the worst, DH says "A positive? No, you're definitely B negative".

I am A positive as well. It is the second most common blood type after O apparently. I came across this link about 23 and me doing a study for blood types and Covid so I thought I would post it. They are looking for more volunteers.

23andMe finds evidence that blood type plays a role in COVID-19 - 23andMe Blog
That is excellent to hear. We are going into a huge amount of debt with supporting our people like this. But someone (Dr Karl) explained that it is simply the govt borrowing money from the govt (Reserve Bank). The debt can be negated or reduced at some point in time, if required, because it is Aussies loaning money to Aussies.
Oh, I hope you are being sarcastic because I call that printing money and it's a very bad thing. We don't talk much about it here, but very few governments around the world can afford to incur these health care costs and to watch their debt spiral over 100% of GDP. I'm not saying the governments shouldn't play a role (they must) but we can't ignore the very real fiscal problems this is creating at all levels of government.
I do agree with his friend quoted in the article - we need to have compassion for this man. He served our country and died on July 4. Nonetheless, I'm asking for an N-95 mask for my birthday this summer.
Happy birthday to you! Hope you get more than one N-95 mask.
How times have changed. Masks for birthday wish list.

I think a lot of people will wear masks for a long time even after a vaccine is available. I personally would feel insecure without wearing one.
Crossing fingers for you, Rose! I’ve got a long wait, yet. Lucky you.

Regarding blood type, a new Harvard study says:

“Blood type is not associated with a severe worsening of symptoms in people who have tested positive for COVID-19, report Harvard Medical School researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital.”

“This evidence should help put to rest previous reports of a possible association between blood type A and a higher risk for COVID-19 infection and mortality,” Dua said.”

I hope they’re right. I have type A, too.

COVID and Blood Type

Oh thank you slowpoke! I hope Harvard is right too! That would easy my mind considerably.

I did see an article earlier today (someone probably posted it already) from New York's Mount Sinai Medical Center about a new study "that showed a cholesterol-lowering drug could make coronavirus as treatable as the common cold . . . by depriving the virus of nutrients which Covid-19 needs to survive."

Cholesterol-lowering drug could see coronavirus treated like common cold, study finds

The drug is fenofibrate and upon googling it, it seems a more natural alternative to fenofibrate is niacin (vitamin B3). I just happen to take a liquid B supplement that has 300% of the daily recommended amount of B3. And I also take a grassfed beef liver supplement that has lots of the B vitamins. I know it's a reach, and I'm certainly not a doctor or scientist, but I'm gonna claim that as a victory right now, lol.

Good luck with your test! I hope you don't have to wait too long.
Despite looking out for one another, a Texas family is devastated by COVID-19 — Houston Chronicle

“Before he was admitted to a Fort Bend County hospital, Alfonso Rodríguez Jr.’s dad had been complaining of an upset stomach for about a week.

The 86-year-old went to the emergency room, describing bouts of diarrhea and constipation.

He wondered: Could I have the virus?

At the ER, the elder Alfonso Rodríguez was told he likely had a twisted bowel and was sent home.

But days later he was admitted to the hospital and learned that he had COVID-19. Then the unthinkable happened — the disease tore through their family, claiming the lives of Alfonso Rodríguez Jr.’s father, his mother, Porfiria, 87, and his younger brother, Rudy, 55, in less than two weeks.”

Sent home with a suspected twisted bowel? That would be emergency surgery. Sad story, whatever happened.
Oh, I hope you are being sarcastic because I call that printing money and it's a very bad thing. We don't talk much about it here, but very few governments around the world can afford to incur these health care costs and to watch their debt spiral over 100% of GDP. I'm not saying the governments shouldn't play a role (they must) but we can't ignore the very real fiscal problems this is creating at all levels of government.

No, I am not being sarcastic. And, yes, it is printing money. But it is kept as a loan on the books so as to not affect the value of our dollar. It could be an internal loan that sits there for a very, very long time.

If, in the future, we are better placed to reduce that loan ... then that will happen.
We are not going to let our people suffer simply due to money. Our people's health matters the most.

The govt appears to be careful as to how additional funds are distributed. At the moment it is being distributed to keep people healthy and retain their jobs.

If ScoMo was doing the wrong thing, his party would oust him as leader.
(We vote for the party, not the individual, in Australia.)
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The US is also giving money towards the development of this vaccine, along with 2 others. Here's some info from the last hearing on Operation Warp Speed.

Testimony on Operation Warp Speed: Researching, Manufacturing, & Distributing a Safe & Effective Coronavirus Vaccine

Personally, I have a little more faith in foreign countries developing a good vaccine. The US research and drug development system has changed over the last 20 yrs and is much more influenced by pharma companies and politics. It's similar to the trend in cancer research. European scientists are more free to pursue research without outside influence.

9 Pharmaceutical Companies Racing For A COVID-19 Vaccine

There's five US companies on this list working full speed on creating a vaccine. No mention of politics hampering their work.

9 Pharmaceutical Companies Racing For A COVID-19 Vaccine
Did you know that we also have private health insurance?
We are all covered by the national healthcare system ... but many of us also have private health insurance. This allows us to choose which dr we want to see, allows us to avoid surgery waiting lists, and other benefits.

So the insurance companies are still thriving.

No, I didn't know that - but I'm not surprised. Why not both? Recently, as I approach a certain age, I am eligible for Medicare. Turns out to be a great plan, and I can supplement with private insurance, etc., if I wish.

Makes lots of sense - but for Americans, you have to have had a job for X amount of time and then get to a certain age to get this public health insurance.
No, I am not being sarcastic. And, yes, it is printing money. But it is kept as a loan on the books so as to not affect the value of our dollar. It could be an internal loan that sits there for a very, very long time.

If, in the future, we are better placed to reduce that loan ... then that will happen.
We are not going to let our people suffer simply due to money. Our people's health matters the most.

The govt appears to be careful as to how additional funds are distributed. At the moment it is being distributed to keep people healthy and retain their jobs.
Oh I agree - health of the citizens should be the number one priority. No doubt at all. But labelling it a loan or even having the best excuse in the world to print money doesn't change the fact that it generally leads to economic disaster in the long run. Great book on this: "This Time is Different" by Reinhart and Rogoff about ten years ago.


Oh I agree - health of the citizens should be the number one priority. No doubt at all. But labelling it a loan or even having the best excuse in the world to print money doesn't change the fact that it generally leads to economic disaster in the long run. Great book on this: "This Time is Different" by Reinhart and Rogoff about ten years ago.

I will check out the book. Thanks. :)

I am not sure that any western country is doing anything but printing money to cover this crisis. No-one (imo) is pulling these huge amounts of assistance money out of a savings account. We all are running our countries with debt these days ... even under 'normal' circumstances.

There will be budget juggling, and indefinite loans.
I will check out the book. Thanks. :)

I am not sure that any western country is doing anything but printing money to cover this crisis. No-one (imo) is pulling these huge amounts of assistance money out of a savings account. We all are running our countries with debt these days ... even under 'normal' circumstances.

There will be budget juggling, and indefinite loans.
You make a lot of good points and I apologise if I engaged in improper debate. On the bright side, I think this drug dexamethasone is going to make a real difference to those with severe cases of COVID. And it's pennies a pill!
What's wrong with private money being used to develop a vaccine?

When I read about the Russians trying to spy on the vaccine research recently, I thought what a shame it is that vaccine research isn't a collaborative effort of all the best scientists in the world. Humanity was able to build the International Space Station, a scientific collaboration among nearly 20 countries with Russia as a major contributor.

If we could collaborate on that project, how much more effort should we be putting into working together for a vaccine. We should continue working together to decide how it will be distributed to areas of greatest need first, then to all humanity, so that even the poorest countries will have vaccination programs. With all the very best researchers working together, CoVid could be driven from the world.
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