Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #81

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JMHO...I would think any and all reporters in the WH press pool would consider/know the risk of exposure. They report on it daily. Many were in attendance at the SC nomination ceremony. If they are uncomfortable or feel a risk to their health, it is certainly permissible and I think should be encouraged to have the risk/exposure discussion with their employer.


You betcha. Great point in that this is a story in itself that they cannot report on right now, thanks for pointing such out and look forward to someday hearing about it more.

Excellent observation. As you are pointing out, discussions must have been rampant potentially.

Thanks for such observation for us all to consider awaiting in the future for such to come out.
Noted that in the tweet she did, she was very clear that her notification was from the White house, not the health dept. So that's a gimme as to why she didn't have to isolate? ;):mad::eek:o_O

Perhaps they believe, as was noted previously, that the Federal Government employees are EXEMPT while on duty from DC regulations and laws re COVID. Perhaps health laws too from CDC?

BRB with link on such that they are exempt.
The WH is federal property. DC has no jurisdiction over Federal property.
Found this to be interesting...Trump is being given a drug that suppresses the immune system. And, he's out in a parade?

One of the physicians treating President Trump, Dr. Brian Garibaldi, said Sunday the President is being given the steroid drug dexamethasone as part of his Covid-19 treatment.

It's an indication that Trump's condition is worrying, as the drug should not be given to anyone who is not ill enough to justify the downsides of taking steroids -- including that it suppresses the immune system.

October 4 Trump Covid-19 news
Trump has been prescribed drugs that medical experts say can seriously impair his cognitive function. Last night the New York Times reported that steroids, which Trump is reportedly taking, specifically dexamethasone, are known to “affect mood, causing euphoria or a general happiness.”

“Don Jr. Thinks Trump Is Acting Crazy”: The President’s COVID Joyride Has the Family Divided
I just love these unnamed sources that the media keeps finding that give us reports on how bad President Trump is.

Now his own son is against him. JMO
It was reckless: he exposed other people to Covid for a photo op.

Myself, I'm moving towards the main issue is his health. What is important for his disease, his health, His infection. In that anyone, especially he, should be resting a recuperating and protecting the Office of the President of the United States with his health.

As Dr. Seheult, Dr. Hansen, Dr. Campbell have stated and we have seen statistics... 7-10 days post hospitalization is when it goes one way or another and rest rest is good for long term as the science goes.
State Department cable to embassies points to well wishes for Trump and ignores fact that he is at Walter Reed

A cable was sent by the State Department public affairs office on Saturday to embassies around the world providing guidance about what America’s diplomats abroad could say about Trump being diagnosed with Covid-19, but it gave no guidance about the health status of the President who was at Walter Reed medical center by the time the cable was sent.

“If you followed what happened over the weekend, there was inaccurate information coming out from the administration anyway, so it is better we didn’t share that with our allies,” said a second State Department official who received the guidance.
Trump has been prescribed drugs that medical experts say can seriously impair his cognitive function. Last night the New York Times reported that steroids, which Trump is reportedly taking, specifically dexamethasone, are known to “affect mood, causing euphoria or a general happiness.”

“Don Jr. Thinks Trump Is Acting Crazy”: The President’s COVID Joyride Has the Family Divided
That crossed my mind yesterday when watching the drive-by. Dexa can cause serious mental status changes. This lack of judgment could be a side effect.

I hope they are watching him closely as long as he remains on it. It wouldn't be recommended or wise for him to make important decisions until it has cleared his system.
I agree Katy.

I'm not one to point fingers because when I do I know three fingers are pointing directly at me.

Since I'm one year younger than our President I try to be as cautious as I can, but I would be dishonest if I said I've followed it each, and everytime.

I know the majority may disagree with me, and I highly respect all who do, but I think it was very important for PT to be seen out, and about since our adversaries are watching like a hawk. Imo, it is highly important for our national security for the world to know he's combating the virus, and doing very well. As our president he must show strength, and courage. It lets all of the countries who wouldn't like anything better than to see him on his death bed know he is still fully in power not only as our president, but Commander in Chief who is still very capable of fulfilling his duties. Imo, it was done to send a strong message.

As for the SS, I agree with you. From everything I've read they were fully suited in all proper PPEs most likely like all of our doctors, nurses or other first responders or maybe even more so since I believe I read they had respirator equipment on as well.

As far as what other doctors say who haven't even treated PT, I bypass those articles for they really have no relevant value for me, jmo.

You are also correct about patients being able to leave the hospital, and return a short time afterwards. As long as the attending physicians agree, I don't have a problem with anyone doing so.

One of our close friends had all of his employees follow the CDC guidelines to the T each, and every day. Yet two of his employees contracted it with one of his longtime workers passing away from it. Even though they all worked in very close proximity with each other only those two were infected.

It shows this disease is very unpredictable. Look at how many in LE have had it even though masked, and some have died from it. Of course they have had thousands of unmasked protestors all across the nation screaming in their face most assuredly with the protestors spit landing on their face even though LE were masked.

I do worry about the long term isolation, and shutdowns, and how it's going to affect thousands or perhaps millions.

The collected data in so many subject matters during Covid will be interesting to learn, imo.

How many are committing suicide, and what category? How many more are overdosing on drugs? Will we find out child abuse, and DV has greatly worsened? How many are committing murder/ suicides? How many will wind up being alcoholics? How many will die because they were afraid to go to the hospital for care or needed surgeries?

I wouldn't be surprised if the data on all of those serious issues could result in being as high or higher in total as the death rates from Covid.

I also wonder if the soaring homicides, and attempted murders we are seeing will also be related to Covid shutdowns somehow?

Everything seems to have worsened since we were struck by this virus.

While Covid may be at the center the ripple effects will be far reaching when all the data is collected, and done. Imo

@oceanblueeyes So well stated. You are absolutely right! The country and the world needs to see that America is well protected by our Commander in Chief. Our enemies will seek what they consider a 'weak' time to take advantage of the situation.
Fauci says he doesn’t want to comment on Trump’s Sunday SUV ride

Dr. Anthony Fauci said the period when someone is contagious is “usually before they get symptomatic and for a few days thereafter."

“The general guidelines are when is it safe for a person to go out from the time they get symptoms is probably around 10 days from the onset of symptoms –– you usually have no virus and in the studies that have been done, those people generally are not at all infective to other people,” Fauci said.

When asked about the President riding in an SUV on Sunday about four days after he reportedly showed symptoms, Fauci responded, “I don’t want to really go there and comment on that.”
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Ooooo more shocking news from the WH (and beyond at this point)

Along with the Assistant Press Secretary, Principal Assistant Press Secretary, as well as "various middle level employees" of the WH (number not reported).

What disturbs me is that I keep reading and hearing in comments on the internet and various vloggers that it doesn't matter that all these people have it, as they aren't very sick.

The reason CoVid is such a difficult virus to contain is that people are most contagious before they have symptoms (and for their first few days of symptoms).

If a person is going to have their whole immune system crash and get a severe, stormy case - they are then less contagious (partly because they can hardly breathe or talk).

The president and his staff are near the peak of their own ability to transmit - I hope they protect their families.
The WH is federal property. DC has no jurisdiction over Federal property.

Yep, and just for one day, one moment, outside... they did.

This photo, taken just "one moment during the pandemic": is going to win so many photojournalism awards MOO. This photo is worth a thousand words and posts MOO as everyone in the US will remember the day.


Biden said he is happy to debate Trump on 10/15 if scientists deem it is safe

For a moment of levity, here’s footage of Jill Biden physically pulling back her husband as he speaks to reporters.
“Come back,” she says, steering him backward.
“I’m sorry,” he replies.
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