Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #81

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Do they owe it to the American people to disclose each and every person ? IDK but it seems like they should ?
These are public figures. I think they have a responsibility to tell the American public how far this virus has spread within the White House and those associated with the White House.
Boris Johnson has admitted the UK public are furious at the continued coronavirus restrictions, but said scientific advice suggested a vaccine or mass testing would be possible by spring.

The prime minister said people should “behave fearlessly but with common sense” and carry on with their lives as much as possible while obeying the rules.

He said the situation was “going to continue to be bumpy through to Christmas, it may even be bumpy beyond” and that he appreciated people’s fatigue.

“They’re furious at me and they’re furious for the government, but... this is the only way to do it,” he said. “As prime minister I couldn’t take a course that could expose us to tens of thousands more deaths in very short order.”

Boris Johnson: public are furious about Covid restrictions
Not furious at restrictions. Furious at behaviours that result in them. And so called techy glitches that skew figures and put us at risk.

Thats my opinion anyway.
These are public figures. I think they have a responsibility to tell the American public how far this virus has spread within the White House and those associated with the White House.

I have a memory of learning very specific details about a President's colon and polyps. I think it was Reagan? Then again, so much of what I've seen/heard from the modern WH is unprecedented. Imo
These are public figures. I think they have a responsibility to tell the American public how far this virus has spread within the White House and those associated with the White House.

Well, it just goes to show that the Rt is way off for such events that don't follow recommendations

SOMEONE was the person that spread this to others... point being made.. ONE person can spread to so many if both don't take measures of distancing and masks etc.. MOO

... are we up to 8 at the Rose Garden... 16 at the debate (5 named... 11 others unnamed staff iirc? staffers included which haven't been in media much)... so much of the Rt being one to one.
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WASHINGTON, DC – Judicial Watch announced today that a federal judge ordered the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to begin producing communications and other records of National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci and Deputy Director H. Clifford Lane about the World Health Organization (WHO), China, and the coronavirus.

U.S. District Court Judge Dabney L. Friedrich on September 22 ordered HHS to begin producing 300 pages of potentially responsive records per month beginning on October 21. In a September 21 court filing, HHS said the agency could begin producing 300 pages of responsive records to the Daily Caller News Foundation beginning on November 30, eight months after receiving the Daily Caller’s request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The total number of responsive records is approximately 4200, which would push off the full release of the records until at least 2022. HHS also alleged that Fauci must personally review each one of his emails before they are released.

The judge’s order came in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Judicial Watch on behalf of the Daily Caller News Foundation (Daily Caller News Foundation v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services(No. 1:20-cv-01149)).

The lawsuit was filed after HHS failed to respond to an April 1, 2020, FOIA request seeking:
  • Communications between Dr. Fauci and Deputy Director Lane and World Health Organization officials concerning the novel coronavirus.
  • Communications of Dr. Fauci and Deputy Director Lane concerning WHO, WHO official Bruce Aylward, WHO Director General Tedros Anhanom, and China.
The time period for the request is January 1, 2020 to April 1, 2020.

Judge rejects HHS effort to stall release of Fauci emails until after election

Honestly, IMO, his failure to take this seriously and implement a national strategy was, and continues to be, a much more serious national security threat. That Rose Garden ceremony was an unbelievable example of hubris that has come home to roost. Maskless, no social distancing, gathering numerous officials in one place both inside and outside, and all of it on tape. The US is demonstrating it's weakness to the world.

Not to mention these same failures are why the White House is now a Covid hot spot. It didn't have to happen. But it was more fun to make fun of people with masks and act like only weaklings wear masks and social distance. This proud determination to ignore science is the reason we are in such bad shape. It's going on so long because of our own failures. I'm grateful to live where I do-in a sane MA where the gov responds to facts on the ground. I'm staying in my New England bubble but damn, as a country, we are in sad shape.

I agree with this. Even if he is feeling poorly, putting forth a brave front is in our nation's security interests.
Trump has been prescribed drugs that medical experts say can seriously impair his cognitive function. Last night the New York Times reported that steroids, which Trump is reportedly taking, specifically dexamethasone, are known to “affect mood, causing euphoria or a general happiness.”

“Don Jr. Thinks Trump Is Acting Crazy”: The President’s COVID Joyride Has the Family Divided
Interesting! I'm quite familiar with dexamethasone. We use dexamethasone for preterm labor patients who are at risk of early delivery. It's used quite often on my high census OB unit.

"Dexamethasone accelerates maturation of fetal lungs, decrease number of neonates with respiratory distress syndrome and improves survival in preterm delivered neonates. Optimal gestational age for use of dexamethasone therapy is 31 to 34 weeks of gestation." [Stimulation of fetal lung maturation with dexamethasone in unexpected premature labor] - PubMed.

It appears the dosage for Covid is 6 mg per day for up to 10 days. For fetal lung maturity it is 12 mg x 2 days (doses)
Is this chart ok? He also works on the the clovid19 tracking project.

Clovid at the White House:
Tableau Public

Thank you for posting these links! This is a very helpful chart that shows people who've tested positive, negative, and whose status is unknown. I had found the chart a few days ago and shared with friends. When I heard about Kaleigh's positive test, I checked the chart and found that she had been added already. I expect there will be many additions to come.
Interesting! I'm quite familiar with dexamethasone. We use dexamethasone for preterm labor patients who are at risk of early delivery. It's used quite often on my high census OB unit.

"Dexamethasone accelerates maturation of fetal lungs, decrease number of neonates with respiratory distress syndrome and improves survival in preterm delivered neonates. Optimal gestational age for use of dexamethasone therapy is 31 to 34 weeks of gestation." [Stimulation of fetal lung maturation with dexamethasone in unexpected premature labor] - PubMed.

It appears the dosage for Covid is 6 mg per day for up to 10 days. For fetal lung maturity it is 12 mg x 2 days (doses)

I was given it at 24 weeks 13 yrs ago. Kid still can’t sit still but it worked.
That crossed my mind yesterday when watching the drive-by. Dexa can cause serious mental status changes. This lack of judgment could be a side effect.

I hope they are watching him closely as long as he remains on it. It wouldn't be recommended or wise for him to make important decisions until it has cleared his system.
Where then are the people who will just say no to him? Is this a situation where the patient dictates to the medical staff? Perhaps they have zero say in any of it, even if he wanted to check himself out of the hospital.
I was given it at 24 weeks 13 yrs ago. Kid still can’t sit still but it worked.
I'm so glad you received the medication! I think the info I posted showed the "optimal" age, but we also give it to much early gestational age. I've actually seen it administered to 23 week gestation. It's still VERY helpful at that age.

I did notice that the route of administration is different with Covid-19. For preterm labor we administer it as an intermuscular injection. For Covid-19 the route of administration is oral or IV infusion.
COVID-19 outbreak of nearly 50 inmates, employees reported at Massachusetts jail

A coronavirus outbreak at a Massachusetts jail has infected nearly 50 inmates and employees, authorities said over the weekend.

The Middleton House of Correction has seen an increase in COVID-19 cases at the facility, with 25 inmates and 21 employees testing positive for the viral respiratory infection, according to the Essex County Sheriff’s Department.

Another two positive cases were reported among contractors, the department said in a statementSaturday.

Due to the recent case uptick, the Middleton facility has been closed to visitors, and movement within the jail has been minimized to combat the spread of the virus, according to the department’s statement.

The department also coordinates daily with the courts to minimize inmate transportation by using video conferencing and specialized scheduling, the statement said.
Live updates: Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis, treatment and recovery

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Two of McEnany's deputies test positive

Two of White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s deputies have tested positive for coronavirus, according to two sources familiar with their diagnoses.

Chad Gilmartin, principal assistant press secretary, and Karoline Leavitt, assistant press secretary, have contracted Covid-19 and are working from home. It’s unclear exactly when they tested positive.
More at link
MGH doctor says not to forget White House essential workers with outbreak |
As efforts to track down who may have been exposed to the outbreak of the coronavirus at the White House continue, the chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital is urging officials not to forget those who may have been impacted by the virus cluster who don’t have political titles.

During an interview with CNN, Dr. Rochelle Walensky stressed the importance of including essential workers in the ongoing contact tracing at the White House, who also, she said, should be receiving rapid testing and support for being potentially exposed to the virus with the outbreak.

“There’s been a lot of discussion about senators, about campaign staffers, and others who have been close to the president,” Walensky said. “My understanding is that there are about 300 other essential workers who work in the White House. People who work in the facilities, who work on the grounds, and these are probably more vulnerable persons than maybe even some of the senators we have been talking about in terms of the communities from which they come. And in terms of the people who they live with, their ability to really quarantine at home. And I just want to make sure we’re remembering those people as potential contacts for this president.”


Screen shots above are clusters shown in the below from today's Cuomo presser .. He focuses on the virus and health and transmission.

It's a *thing* that the first round hit those most vulnerable for deaths (nursing homes etc). The natural order for a pandemic MOO

@Bravo, I haven't followed Trudeau for some time... shame on me. I need to relook.
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