Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #87

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*I started out making a list of articles regarding an uptick in child suicides beginning with a couple of studies. There are literally pages and pages of google search hits in the news. I could read no longer. I had to stop and get out. I feel like I’m lost in a futuristic science fiction movie and I can’t crawl out of the television screen. This can’t be happening. Can it? Is it? It is, isn’t it?

Any change in the risk of suicide associated with covid-19 is likely to be dynamic. The 20% decrease in Japan early in the pandemic seemed to reverse in August, when a 7.7% rise was reported.9 Evidence from previous epidemics suggests a short term decrease in suicide can occur initially—possibly linked to a “honeymoon period” or “pulling together” phenomenon.5 Trends in certain groups may be hidden when looking at overall rates, and the National Child Mortality Database has identified a concerning signal that deaths by suicide among under 18s may have increased during the first phase of lockdown in the UK.

Trends in suicide during the covid-19 pandemic

The pandemic has forced people out of their comfort zones and impacted their emotional and mental health. And while adults may be better equipped to handle the disruptions, children have been greatly impacted.

This is best illustrated by the Indian state of Kerala, which had initially won worldwide appreciation for the way it had handled the COVID situation. However, as the virus continued to spread its tentacles, Kerala’s success with the pandemic was short-lived. And what came to the fore was even more alarming – that of children taking their lives. According to the official record, a total of 66 people committed suicide during the lockdown, including children. And in these cases, reasons were seen to be seemingly minor, for instance normal disciplining by parents for bunking online classes or playing mobile games.
Suicide among children during Covid-19 pandemic: An alarming social issue

To date, more than 17,000 people have taken their own lives this year in Japan. October self-inflicted deaths were up 600 year on year, with female suicides, about a third of the total, surging over 80%. Child suicides, while a much smaller portion of the total, are also higher.
Suicide claimed more Japanese lives in October than 10 months of COVID

Suicides among children up due to coronavirus |

4th CCSD suicide raises concern of mental health crisis during COVID-19 pandemic | KLAS

Arizona superintendent concerned about student suicide amid COVID-19 pandemic

Why is no one talking about this? Suicides outnumbered COVID-19 deaths in Placer County well into September

“The story is this: On the night of Saturday, Sept. 26, at the peak of OMB’s annual three-day Mecktoberfest event, many of the people in the large crowd that had gathered in the beer garden off of Yancey Road behaved as if they’d never heard of social distancing or face coverings — basically, as if the pandemic didn’t exist.

In the aftermath, the city’s oldest brewery was blitzed by the local media and scrutinized by Mecklenburg County health officials (which eventually linked five COVID-19 cases to the festival), and critics on social media lambasted OMB for its poor judgment, with some even calling for a boycott.”

“The other part of the problem — the damning one, for OMB — was the fact that Marrino’s staff did nothing to remind them.

Instead, “We kind of said, ‘Oh my goodness. Let this evening be over.’”

For whatever reason, on that Saturday night, it just didn’t occur to Marrino or his staff how grave the repercussions could be, either from a PR standpoint or from a public health standpoint.”
It just didn’t occur to you?
1,000 crowded together drinking, partying, laughing, with no masks?

And this is why the virus is raging--- thoughtless-- i have other descriptions but will just keep them to myself. Ya all get my drift

“The story is this: On the night of Saturday, Sept. 26, at the peak of OMB’s annual three-day Mecktoberfest event, many of the people in the large crowd that had gathered in the beer garden off of Yancey Road behaved as if they’d never heard of social distancing or face coverings — basically, as if the pandemic didn’t exist.

In the aftermath, the city’s oldest brewery was blitzed by the local media and scrutinized by Mecklenburg County health officials (which eventually linked five COVID-19 cases to the festival), and critics on social media lambasted OMB for its poor judgment, with some even calling for a boycott.”

“The other part of the problem — the damning one, for OMB — was the fact that Marrino’s staff did nothing to remind them.

Instead, “We kind of said, ‘Oh my goodness. Let this evening be over.’”

For whatever reason, on that Saturday night, it just didn’t occur to Marrino or his staff how grave the repercussions could be, either from a PR standpoint or from a public health standpoint.”
It just didn’t occur to you?
1,000 crowded together drinking, partying, laughing, with no masks?

And this is why the virus is raging--- thoughtless-- i have other descriptions but will just keep them to myself. Ya all get my drift
They said in the beginning roughly 80% of us will get covid. So....

To the best of my recall, that would occur only if there was nothing done to stop the virus (i.e. herd immunity)- ya, know, kinda like what is going on now--- however, i think when the Biden administration takes over we will have a plan and way to try and contain this monstrous virus. However, containing it will depend on human cooperation and that I am not so sure of.
They said in the beginning roughly 80% of us will get covid. So....

To the best of my recall, that would occur only if there was nothing done to stop the virus (i.e. herd immunity)- ya, know, kinda like what is going on now--- however, i think when the Biden administration takes over we will have a plan and way to try and contain this monstrous virus. However, containing it will depend on human cooperation and that I am not so sure of.
Students enjoy boozy night in Cardiff days after 'firebreak' finished — Daily Mail

“To mark their freedom, people flocked to bars and restaurants in Cardiff last night, braving the rain to mix and meet with friends after two weeks apart.

As part of their freedom, four-people groups from different households are now allowed to join up in cafes, pubs and restaurants.”
Four people groups?

After two weeks apart? Geez, try 8 months apart from your family plus best friends, etc.
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Oregon reports 1,076 new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases, seven new deaths
COVID-19 has claimed seven more lives in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 753, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 12:01 a.m. today.

OHA also reported 1,076 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today bringing the state total to 54,937.

[Personal note: Where I live in Jackson county in Southern Oregon, we had 91 new cases and 2 deaths today. As I mentioned yesterday, our county’s cases are increasing more rapidly than any counties other than the urban counties near Portland in the north. We were one of 9 counties placed on a 14 day freeze Wednesday, to end the day before Thanksgiving. Thankfully, the new 2 week freeze announced today for the entire state will run at least through Dec. 2.]

Governor’s News Conference announcing 2 week freeze:

As Oregon sees a second consecutive day with more than 1,000 new COVID-19 cases, Governor Kate Brown today announced a statewide “two-week freeze.” These new measures are meant to limit group activities and stop the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the state.

While Brown’s new directive includes a lighter touch for some businesses than the last shutdown, the governor also promised Friday to take a hard line with individuals who ignore restrictions on social gatherings — a key reason for exponential case growth the state has seen.

Brown said she’s directing Oregon State Police to work local law enforcement on potentially ticketing, or even arresting, people for breaking the rules.

“In terms of individuals, I am not asking you,” Brown said. “I am ordering you.”

Freeze, Oregon: Gov. Kate Brown restricts businesses again as COVID-19 cases surge

[Personal observation: Governor Brown totally gets the kind of sacrifice this entails for businesses and individuals. She does not do this lightly. In fact, she’s always a few days later than I think she should be in making these announcements because she studies the situation so carefully with her experts. She has never before said she’s “ordering” us to comply because she has always relied on citizens to unselfishly comply. Ha! Unfortunately they don’t. And here we are. :mad: She described how she and her husband would celebrate Thanksgiving under these measures...just their daughter and her partner and zooming the rest of the family.]

Dr. Dean Sidelinger stated it starkly at today’s news conference: “As the state’s health officer, I’m here today to deliver a simple message: COVID-19 is raging across Oregon. The virus is spreading fast, and it threatens to overwhelm hospitals across the state with severely ill patients, if we don’t act now. The two-week freeze Governor Brown just announced will put an urgently needed brake on COVID-19’s accelerating momentum and help us bring the virus back under control. These actions can work, if we follow them.”
At the news conference, Dr. Esther Choo, an emergency medicine physician at Oregon Health & Science University, offered perspective on behalf of the health care provider community:

Health care workers care deeply about our patients and our community. It’s true that we’re learning more about how to treat the disease. But we have also seen first-hand that failing to stay home continues to cost the lives of Oregonians – our neighbors, our friends, our families. The nature of this disease means that people are isolated when they need company and love the most. It’s heartbreaking for me when I see my patients in the hospital isolated and alone.

<Dr Choo paused here to collect herself, close to tears as she continued>

You cheered and rang bells for us and put signs up calling us heroes. I’m asking you to be my hero. I’m asking you to listen to our call for help, again. :(

We have a chance right now to save hundreds or thousands of Oregon families from any more of these painful last goodbyes. Now is the time to double down on the only truly effective measures to stop this virus: Wear a mask, keep your physical distance, wash your hands … and for the next two weeks, please, stay home. Stay home and save my life and the lives of my family, neighbors, friends, and essential workers across the state.
  • Video from today’s news conference in English on YouTube (the news conference start was delayed due to technical difficulties; the conference begins around the 16:36 mark)
  • Video from today’s news conference in Spanish on OHA en Español (la conferencia empieza en 18:18 del video [minuto 18, segundo 18])
  • Transcript of Governor Brown’s remarks
  • News release about the new measures


Oregon, California and Washington issue travel advisories

In another measure to fight the rapid spread of COVID-19, Governor Kate Brown, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Washington Governor Jay Inslee today issued travel advisories urging visitors entering their states or returning home from travel outside these states to self-quarantine. The travel advisories urge against non-essential out-of-state travel, ask people to self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving from another state or country, and encourage residents to stay local.
In addition to urging individuals arriving from other states or countries to self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival, the states’ travel advisories recommend individuals limit their interactions to their immediate household. The advisories define essential travel as travel for work and study, critical infrastructure support, economic services and supply chains, health, immediate medical care, and safety and security.

Oregon Coronavirus Update

Oregon reports 1,076 new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases, seven new deaths
COVID-19 has claimed seven more lives in Oregon, raising the state’s death toll to 753, the Oregon Health Authority reported at 12:01 a.m. today.

OHA also reported 1,076 new confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19 as of 12:01 a.m. today bringing the state total to 54,937.

[Personal note: Where I live in Jackson county in Southern Oregon, we had 91 new cases and 2 deaths today. As I mentioned yesterday, our county’s cases are increasing more rapidly than any counties other than the urban counties near Portland in the north. We were one of 9 counties placed on a 14 day freeze Wednesday, to end the day before Thanksgiving. Thankfully, the new 2 week freeze announced today for the entire state will run at least through Dec. 2.]

Governor’s News Conference announcing 2 week freeze:

As Oregon sees a second consecutive day with more than 1,000 new COVID-19 cases, Governor Kate Brown today announced a statewide “two-week freeze.” These new measures are meant to limit group activities and stop the rapid spread of COVID-19 across the state.

While Brown’s new directive includes a lighter touch for some businesses than the last shutdown, the governor also promised Friday to take a hard line with individuals who ignore restrictions on social gatherings — a key reason for exponential case growth the state has seen.

Brown said she’s directing Oregon State Police to work local law enforcement on potentially ticketing, or even arresting, people for breaking the rules.

“In terms of individuals, I am not asking you,” Brown said. “I am ordering you.”

Freeze, Oregon: Gov. Kate Brown restricts businesses again as COVID-19 cases surge

[Personal observation: Governor Brown totally gets the kind of sacrifice this entails for businesses and individuals. She does not do this lightly. In fact, she’s always a few days later than I think she should be in making these announcements because she studies the situation so carefully with her experts. She has never before said she’s “ordering” us to comply because she has always relied on citizens to unselfishly comply. Ha! Unfortunately they don’t. And here we are. :mad: She described how she and her husband would celebrate Thanksgiving under these measures...just their daughter and her partner and zooming the rest of the family.]

Dr. Dean Sidelinger stated it starkly at today’s news conference: “As the state’s health officer, I’m here today to deliver a simple message: COVID-19 is raging across Oregon. The virus is spreading fast, and it threatens to overwhelm hospitals across the state with severely ill patients, if we don’t act now. The two-week freeze Governor Brown just announced will put an urgently needed brake on COVID-19’s accelerating momentum and help us bring the virus back under control. These actions can work, if we follow them.”
At the news conference, Dr. Esther Choo, an emergency medicine physician at Oregon Health & Science University, offered perspective on behalf of the health care provider community:

Health care workers care deeply about our patients and our community. It’s true that we’re learning more about how to treat the disease. But we have also seen first-hand that failing to stay home continues to cost the lives of Oregonians – our neighbors, our friends, our families. The nature of this disease means that people are isolated when they need company and love the most. It’s heartbreaking for me when I see my patients in the hospital isolated and alone.

<Dr Choo paused here to collect herself, close to tears as she continued>

You cheered and rang bells for us and put signs up calling us heroes. I’m asking you to be my hero. I’m asking you to listen to our call for help, again. :(

We have a chance right now to save hundreds or thousands of Oregon families from any more of these painful last goodbyes. Now is the time to double down on the only truly effective measures to stop this virus: Wear a mask, keep your physical distance, wash your hands … and for the next two weeks, please, stay home. Stay home and save my life and the lives of my family, neighbors, friends, and essential workers across the state.
  • Video from today’s news conference in English on YouTube (the news conference start was delayed due to technical difficulties; the conference begins around the 16:36 mark)
  • Video from today’s news conference in Spanish on OHA en Español (la conferencia empieza en 18:18 del video [minuto 18, segundo 18])
  • Transcript of Governor Brown’s remarks
  • News release about the new measures

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Oregon, California and Washington issue travel advisories

In another measure to fight the rapid spread of COVID-19, Governor Kate Brown, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Washington Governor Jay Inslee today issued travel advisories urging visitors entering their states or returning home from travel outside these states to self-quarantine. The travel advisories urge against non-essential out-of-state travel, ask people to self-quarantine for 14 days after arriving from another state or country, and encourage residents to stay local.
In addition to urging individuals arriving from other states or countries to self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival, the states’ travel advisories recommend individuals limit their interactions to their immediate household. The advisories define essential travel as travel for work and study, critical infrastructure support, economic services and supply chains, health, immediate medical care, and safety and security.

Oregon Coronavirus Update

There are still a lot of exemptions. Exemptions that will cause spread.

I know they are trying, but I'm afraid that they may have to be even tougher than this.

Do you think 'urging' people will do the trick?
I have never felt completely confident that the cart handles and checkout pin pads at the stores have been sanitized. I wear gloves. And avoid the grocery store as much as possible (with delivery)

No, I wouldn't feel confident either. Our grocery stores all provide wipes and hand sanitiser at the doors (a mandatory condition of being open). We wipe down our own cart and basket handles, regardless of what the store does. And sanitise our hands as well, if we want.
Parents Tried to Cover Up a ‘Superspreader’ Dance. Disaster Ensued. — The Daily Beast

“Highlighting that tension—and the difficult task facing the health department—one local woman claimed in a series of Facebook posts that her daughter “did not attend the dance” but that she had added the health department number into her phone in order to avoid their calls.

“I’m sorry, but if you’re OK with your kid ratting other kids out to the health department for attending a private event, you are the bigger problem …. SMDH SOCIALISM,” she wrote. “I don’t have to answer any of their questions. F#%* them.”

Lovely example.

“Emails and phone messages for Matt’s Steakhouse were not returned this week, but the owner did comment on Facebook in response to community complaints, writing that “an event was held here that was put on by a group of parents.”

“We were not participants and did not work the event,” said the owner. “Many of our staff do wear masks. It is their choice. Business owners are struggling to find a balance that works for each of them, us included.”

You own the place. You just gave them the keys to the place and said do whatever you want? How irresponsible is that to your staff and the community? Oh wait, the community are the parents who organized the event.

There is no need to wonder why the numbers have exploded.

All we can do is watch it unfold and wait.

Watching This weeks numbers etc has just been brutal. Imo.

Be safe everyone

2 Mass. House members test positive for COVID-19; State House offices to undergo deep cleaning
More at link
Cleaning crews are sanitizing offices at the Massachusetts State House after two House members tested positive for COVID-19, according to an email obtained by MassLive.

The COVID-positive members were last at the State House on Thursday, according to the email shared with State House staff. A small number of lawmakers and staffers were in the building Tuesday and Thursday for negotiations over a fiscal 2021 budget proposal, which passed Thursday night
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Re: the California advisory.

My brother lives in Hawaii, Big Island. He lives in a bubble and is mostly outside. Though he's not calling Covid 19 a hoax or anything, he just doesn't get it.

He and his wife are arriving here next week, and going to travel from SD to SF area, visiting his wife's relatives, friends for Thanksgiving etc.
And he wants to come over to my place too. He suggested we all go to the local Red Onion for a meal.
No way....I told him he can come over, but they are wearing a mask, and we eat outside, no hugs, no touching, and staying 6 ft apart....outside in the back only. We are both over 65. He complained....with his usual "chill out"

I've been quarantining and super cautious since March, and I'll be damned if I'm going to risk things.
He said he's negative (took a test yesterday..the rapid kind), so he's safe...but doesn't consider two airports ( especially busy LAX) and the 5 hour flight, and the traveling up and down the coast staying in motels etc.
A couple of weeks ago, he said, yeah we are being careful...there are now, yikes, TEN cases on Big Island. 10. (Actually it's more like 1400 total....90 some in Kona where he lives)
We have over a million now in CA.....I sent him the link of latest advisory, but he's ignoring it.

Meanwhile my daughter who is a front line nurse on the east coast, cancelled her trip here for December today. I haven't seen her for over a year.

How do you deal with family members who don't get it? And I don't want them to get sick either. How can we control this thing if people just won't take this seriously, and many who won't even comply?
Massachusetts saw a 51% increase in new COVID cases last week
State health officials confirmed 2,674 new coronavirus cases on Friday in what continues to be an acceleration of the respiratory infection in communities across Massachusetts.

Officials also announced 23 new COVID-related deaths, for a total now of 10,038 confirmed deaths since the start of the health crisis.

The new numbers now show that last week, beginning Nov. 1, saw a 51% increase in cases over the previous week. There were 12,397 new cases from Nov. 1 to Nov. 7, compared to 8,202 the previous week.

There are currently 687 people hospitalized with COVID-19, including 153 patients in intensive care, data shows.

Worcester’s DCU Center to reopen as COVID field hospital as Massachusetts sees second surge
As Massachusetts continues to see a second surge of new coronavirus cases, officials announced Friday that a field hospital would be re-opening at the DCU Center in Worcester.

The field hospital will offer up to 240 beds for COVID patients, Gov. Charlie Baker announced Friday. UMass Memorial will lead all clinical operations at the hospital. Baker announced the activation at a press conference Friday

MEMA and members of the state’s COVID command center continue to look to other locations across the state as possible future field center locations.

Over the next several weeks, it will be built out at the DCU Center, Phillips said.If all goes well, Phillips said, ”it will be ready during the first week of December.":confused:
There are still a lot of exemptions. Exemptions that will cause spread.

I know they are trying, but I'm afraid that they may have to be even tougher than this.

Do you think 'urging' people will do the trick?

I agree that the exemptions can cause spread. What I gleaned from the scientists at the news conference, when they were asked about the exemptions, is that they have shut down activities that have proved to be most likely to cause spread and let the ones least likely stay open. I was glad to see the governor saying she was “ordering” us to comply with the small gathering measure. Unfortunately, that will just dare her enemies to refuse to comply. Of course they were already refusing. Checking local FB comments on the latest news, it’s the same ones who won’t let their freedom be limited as always. If using law enforcement to issue citations causes others to comply, that’s progress. I don’t think the 14 day quarantine for people coming into Oregon from out of state is going to be observed or can be enforced. I really wish more could be done, but I’m not sure what it is, practically speaking, with much of the citizenry in opposition. It’s distressing.
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