Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #87

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Every year my city has a Christmas Pageant. Wonderful colourful floats, children line the city streets, lollies are thrown out to the starstruck children by dancers, clowns and elves, and then at last Santa ... the happy start to the holiday season.

This year it is very different. The pageant has gone ahead, but it was held tonight in the city's stadium - due to covid. Limited tickets sold by lottery. Socially distanced families in the audience. Wonderful Christmas themed floats and entertainment. And widely televised for all the children.

For the first time in the pageant’s 88-year history it will be hosted at Adelaide Oval as a special twilight event.
Airdate: Adelaide Christmas Pageant 2020 | TV Tonight

I hope these happy pics (from TV) are allowed, because we all need a little happy. :)

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The Worst 6 Places You're Going as COVID Surges, Study Says
Restaurants - Gyms - Cafés and coffee shops -
Places of worship - Hotels - Grocery stores

Ventilation Protects You From COVID Better Than Your Mask, Study Says

The 4 Places You're Most Likely to Catch COVID During the Current Wave

We've all gotten used to our bubbles, but I don't think we've really asked whether someone who's in our bubble is also in another person's bubble," Shah told The Post. "People's bubbles are getting big enough to burst."

House parties or gatherings

Dinner parties

Out-of-school socialization (I would add youth sports teams)

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Laws (to force the police to enforce)
Federal financial assistance for the citizenry (so places can close for a while)
And a nationwide travel ban (under emergency health orders)

The airlines are making good money while they are transporting the virus all over the place.
I keep getting emails from a few US airlines (because I have travelled there so much) ... book your flights now for Thanksgiving, great deals for Christmas travel, get triple flight credits if you book by this date ... umm, no thanks.

They say it will cripple the airline business. Our airlines are all flying again, bruised but uncrippled. They weren't allowed to fly for a lonnnggggg time.

I feel your distress. We are so distressed for you all. Let's hope that the president elect's hands are not tied behind his back and he can do what is needed.

Whoever thought that people would be WORSE at controlling the pandemic than they were in 1918.

While there were people in 1918 that were defiant regarding masks, there were not nearly as many as there are now: We have become a spoiled rotten entitled society- a a me me me- society---we also lack "shame"- you cannot shame these people into doing what is right because they simply don't care----we also have a political climate that is obviously way different than 1918-- all of this put together is the perfect storm for the lack of cooperation we are seeing in getting this virus under control.
While there were people in 1918 that were defiant regarding masks, there were not nearly as many as there are now: We have become a spoiled rotten entitled society- a a me me me- society---we also lack "shame"- you cannot shame these people into doing what is right because they simply don't care----we also have a political climate that is obviously way different than 1918-- all of this put together is the perfect storm for the lack of cooperation we are seeing in getting this virus under control.

San Francisco forced people to wear masks during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Did it help?

At the end of October, a full-page headline on the Chronicle lauded the mask order stating, "INFLUENZA MASKS PLAY BIG PART IN CURBING EPIDEMIC."

A typist wearing a mask to protect from the Spanish influenza in 1918. The great flu pandemics of history were first detected between late March and early July, not the midwinter flu season. Credit... PhotoQuest/Getty Images

An advertisement from the Red Cross in the San Francisco Chronicle urging the public to wear face masks during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic in San Francisco.

A group of mask-wearing Californians during the flu pandemic of 1918. Photo: Niday Picture Library

One Oregon newspaper clip reads: "We appeal to your civil patriotism to co-operate with us in our effort to stamp out the Spanish Influenza or "Flu" Plague in Portland by wearing a mask."

When Mask-Wearing Rules in the 1918 Pandemic Faced Resistance
Most people complied, but some resisted (or poked holes in their masks to smoke).
  • Mask-wearing was enforced in the US during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, but many refused, citing the government mandates as threats to their civil liberties.
  • Men needed more convincing to wear masks than did women.
  • Men didn't practice proper personal hygiene and also thought wearing masks was too feminine, so public health officials set forth to rebrand personal hygiene as a display of red-blooded patriotism.
  • Men and boys were primarily depicted in public health advertisements and cartoons during the 1918 pandemic when the Spanish flu swept the US.
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Dr. Seheult has been AWOL due to workload with increasing COVID patients. He's planning to cover many vaccines - the first one he's overviewing is the Pfizer Vaccine.

Well, the first thing that jumps out at me is that Dr Scheult says it is likely we will have a choice of vaccine, so it is important that we know about them so that we can make the choice that is right for us.

And the second thing ... this is the website that he feels we should all be aware of with regard to vaccines.

Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society | RAPS
Laws (to force the police to enforce)
Federal financial assistance for the citizenry (so places can close for a while)
And a nationwide travel ban (under emergency health orders)

The airlines are making good money while they are transporting the virus all over the place.
I keep getting emails from a few US airlines (because I have travelled there so much) ... book your flights now for Thanksgiving, great deals for Christmas travel, get triple flight credits if you book by this date ... umm, no thanks.

They say it will cripple the airline business. Our airlines are all flying again, bruised but uncrippled. They weren't allowed to fly for a lonnnggggg time.

I feel your distress. We are so distressed for you all. Let's hope that the president elect's hands are not tied behind his back and he can do what is needed.

Whoever thought that people would be WORSE at controlling the pandemic than they were in 1918.


Financial assistance would be helpful to help keep citizens from moving about, but it would take an astronomical amount of money. Still, there's a chance...

There's no chance, however, of forcing law enforcement to enforce quarantines. At least, not when it comes to elected county sheriffs, who are actually the highest law enforcement entities in their counties. An elected sheriff can run the FBI right out of the county if he/she chooses, and that's one of the big reasons we don't have strong gun control--hundreds of elected sheriffs have said they will not enforce anything that threatens the 2nd Amendment in their counties.

Governors can limit travel--and they can block persons from other states entering their states--but they can't block travel on federal highways. The feds can, but likely won't because food and other essentials need to get through.

Could they amend our Constitution? Yes, but it would take years and there's very little interest in doing so on any side. Neither Democrats nor Republicans seem interested.

So, we have to look at other options, which, in my opinion, have to appeal to logic and emotions. Americans aren't very good at complying with strong-arm regulations, as everyone has seen already.

Biden won't have any more options available to him than Trump did. His best bet is to be uniting and encouraging, but we've already seen governors and sheriffs who've said they won't comply. Folks in this nation are armed to the teeth and lawmakers have always had to balance rules with rights to prevent pushback.

It's just something our nation has to work around that other nations don't.
Well, the first thing that jumps out at me is that Dr Scheult says it is likely we will have a choice of vaccine, so it is important that we know about them so that we can make the choice that is right for us.

And the second thing ... this is the website that he feels we should all be aware of with regard to vaccines.

Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society | RAPS

I'm just excited it appears a vaccine will be available in the coming months. We need it desperately.
Governors can limit travel--and they can block persons from other states entering their states--but they can't block travel on federal highways. The feds can, but likely won't because food and other essentials need to get through.

One thing that seems to escape people is that when travel is locked down it does not mean essential transport of food and other necessities on federal highways. There is a system for letting this kind of transport flow, which worked very effectively here.

Another thing that I find ultra-frustrating is that there is so much "we cant do this" "we cant do that". How about everyone think of what people will do to get countries out from under this virus?

And if people wont do anything, then you must learn to live with utter devastation of the population. And complete isolation, because no-one wants to go anywhere near these diseased countries.
One thing that seems to escape people is that when travel is locked down it does not mean essential transport of food and other necessities on federal highways. There is a system for letting this kind of transport flow, which worked very effectively here.

Another thing that I find ultra-frustrating is that there is so much "we cant do this" "we cant do that". How about everyone think of what people will do to get countries out from under this virus?

And if people wont do anything, then you must learn to live with utter devastation of the population. And complete isolation, because no-one wants to go anywhere near these diseased countries.

I know you mean well, and I agree that your ideas would likely reduce the spread of the virus. It's just that they're not legal in the US so there's no real benefit in wishing they were.
Our local sheriff announced he would not enforce any of our governors attempts to control the virus a few months ago, and is now publicly blaming the governor for the increased cases. :cool:

This is a pretty common theme in a number of states. We need a unified message that will convince people to follow healthy rules.
One thing that seems to escape people is that when travel is locked down it does not mean essential transport of food and other necessities on federal highways. There is a system for letting this kind of transport flow, which worked very effectively here.

Another thing that I find ultra-frustrating is that there is so much "we cant do this" "we cant do that". How about everyone think of what people will do to get countries out from under this virus?

And if people wont do anything, then you must learn to live with utter devastation of the population. And complete isolation, because no-one wants to go anywhere near these diseased countries.

John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address inspired many. His historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”. Repeating his words would be so appropriate now. Wear a mask, Follow hygiene recommendations as to distancing etc.

At least on the horizon is the availability for a vaccine so those of us who are hibernating will have a choice to protect ourselves from others who refuse to do the least they can do of wearing a mask or social distancing etc and keep passing it forward exponentially.
Enjoyed that thank you :)
Yes we need to stuff a teensy bit of happy into this thread.
(I’m not as optimistic about the vaccine thing as I could be. We’ll see how it goes. I know MAss has been working on distribution. Plans for a while now ). It certainly couldn’t hurt the situation at this point I suppose

Every year my city has a Christmas Pageant. Wonderful colourful floats, children line the city streets, lollies are thrown out to the starstruck children by dancers, clowns and elves, and then at last Santa ... the happy start to the holiday season.

This year it is very different. The pageant has gone ahead, but it was held tonight in the city's stadium - due to covid. Limited tickets sold by lottery. Socially distanced families in the audience. Wonderful Christmas themed floats and entertainment. And widely televised for all the children.

For the first time in the pageant’s 88-year history it will be hosted at Adelaide Oval as a special twilight event.
Airdate: Adelaide Christmas Pageant 2020 | TV Tonight

I hope these happy pics (from TV) are allowed, because we all need a little happy. :)

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