Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #87

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This is the nature of this disease..... we are trying to build the plane, while it has already gone down the runway.

This is why I am more pessimistic about these therapies and vaccines too. I just do not believe we know enough yet to develop the best therapies and vaccines.

Don't get me wrong, the international speed of development is "hopeful" to say the least..... but I really believe we just do not know what we don't know... yet.

In an international study in Science, 10 percent of nearly 1,000 Covid-19 patients who developed life-threatening pneumonia had antibodies that disable key immune system proteins called interferons. These antibodies — known as autoantibodies, because they attack the body itself — weren't found at all in 663 people with mild or asymptomatic Covid-19 infections.

new word for 2021: "autoamtibodies"

EXCELLENT Video!!!!!!!!!!I feel that everyone should keep and re-watch this video!! Dr. Seheult is such a good teacher for those of us with low scientific knowledge........ so keeping up with him as we learn more and more about the various vaccines... will be so helpful.

He will help me understand more about how the vaccines DO actually stack up against one another...

The 1000+ comments after the video are interesting as well.............

I think it was missed, yet touched on in Dr. Seheult's video above as to antibodies against the interferons. He spoke of that many that got the vaccine got such??? Can someone listen and see if they heard the same thing?

Yeah, that's always a risk.

Also, leads to.....The the mRNA vaccine or any vaccine will be seen as foreign by the human body, and may create an antibody against such for the future? The only yearly vaccine I know of is the flu vaccine.. and it always changes the target. We know it's because of antigen drift... but egads.... if the vaccines have to have a different target EACH year IIIIIIFFFF needed as the body creates antibodies to the vaccine itself.

This, I will be following VERY closely.

We don’t need your 7 pm applause. We don’t need your donated pizza. We even don’t need your gratitude.

We need you to wear a mask & keep your distance so you stop killing each other & you literally & figuratively stop killing us. It’s all we ask.
The US is going to have issues with the vac. I see a lot of people saying "not me".

Fortunately, if the vac offers protection, then at least some/many people will be protected.

I dunno.... I keep thinking those attitudes will change...
When they keep coming out with positive results with the vaccines, as Pfizer has done.
I think we are going to get people clamoring to get it......... and then that ol selfishness will come to play again!!

I keep feeling that the infrastructure and distribution are going to be such monumental tasks..
but I believe Pfizer has been pretty clear about international distribution. Am sure there are other countries besides US that have bought doses..

Its like "waiting for the hurricane" still.....
avoiding or clamoring?
enough to go around?
which one will be best?
new definitions of who is vulnerable?
I made clear long ago.. yet
  1. today a good friend is getting married out of state with 150 guests from all over the country. Declined.
  2. In the past week was asked to a Christmas party that usually had over 100 guests. Declined.
  3. Friend asked over for local dining for 2 folks birthday...30 folks. Declined.
  4. Sibling asked me down to T'giving, declined.


Seriously, can you figure out what is going on? I don't get- it is like they live on a different planet!
I dunno.... I keep thinking those attitudes will change...
When they keep coming out with positive results with the vaccines, as Pfizer has done.
I think we are going to get people clamoring to get it......... and then that ol selfishness will come to play again!!

I keep feeling that the infrastructure and distribution are going to be such monumental tasks..
but I believe Pfizer has been pretty clear about international distribution. Am sure there are other countries besides US that have bought doses..

Its like "waiting for the hurricane" still.....
avoiding or clamoring?
enough to go around?
which one will be best?
new definitions of who is vulnerable?

Will they be free? 2 shots are required and price matters.
Will they be free? 2 shots are required and price matters.
How many will get the first shot and actually go back for the second?
Especially if there are side effects?
If employers aren’t paying for sick leave when employees are suppose to test/isolate - will they make arrangements for the vaccine?
Sat, November 14, 2020, 10:08 AM EST

The Dakotas are 'as bad as it gets anywhere in the world' for COVID-19

South Dakota welcomed hundreds of thousands of visitors to a massive motorcycle rally this summer, declined to cancel the state fair and still doesn't require masks. Now its hospitals are filling up and the state's current COVID-19 death rate is among the worst in the world.

The situation is similarly dire in North Dakota, with the state's governor recently moving to allow health care workers who have tested positive for COVID-19 to continue working if they don't show symptoms. It's a controversial policy recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a crisis situation where hospitals are short-staffed.

And now — after months of resisting a statewide mask mandate — North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum changed course late Friday, ordering masks to be worn statewide and imposing several business restrictions. He had avoided requiring masks and refused to enforce limits on social gatherings and business occupancies until late Friday.

“Our situation has changed, and we must change with it,” Burgum said in a video message posted at 10 p.m. Friday. Doctors and nurses “need our help, and they need it now,” he said.

In conservative regions like the Dakotas and elsewhere in the world, it's common to see push back like an “allergic reaction to being told what to do,” said Taylor, author of "The Psychology of Pandemics".

How widespread is COVID-19 across North and South Dakota?
The current rates of infection and death in South Dakota and previously restriction-free North Dakota are what Dr. Ali Mokdad would expect to see in a war-torn nation — not here. “How could we allow this in the United States to happen? This is unacceptable by any standards.”

North Dakota's COVID-19 death rates in the past week are similar to the hardest hit countries in the world right now — Belgium, Czech Republic and Slovenia — according to Saturday New York Times data. That data also places South Dakota's recent per capita deaths among the world's highest rates.

And there's currently nowhere in the U.S. where COVID-19 deaths are more common than in the Dakotas, according to data published by The COVID Tracking Project.

It's a situation “as bad as it gets anywhere in the world," Dr. William Haseltine told USA TODAY.

How did it get so bad?
Mokdad pointed to a number of factors that have made both North and South Dakota vulnerable to the virus' spread. He cited higher rates of preexisting conditions and economic inequality in the region, in addition to health care that lags behind the U.S. standard.

But the lack of regulation from the states' leaders is an ongoing and fixable problem, Mokdad said.

Haseltine, president of ACCESS Health International and author of My Lifelong Fight Against Disease, blamed politicians — especially South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem — for ignoring public health measures that have been successfully used to curb the spread of the virus elsewhere in the world.

Noem has cast doubt on whether wearing masks in public is effective, saying that she’ll leave it up to the people to decide. She has said the virus can’t be stopped.

Noem and Burgum have touted ideals of limited government, with Noem continuing to express concern about how decisive state action could be an example of a government overreach.

But Haseltine framed public health actions another way: Not enacting them is like standing in the way of an ambulance — the ambulance being proven health measures like mask mandates and social gathering restrictions. Even worse, encouraging large scale events in a pandemic as South Dakota has done is equivalent to manslaughter, Haseltine said.

Gov. Kristi Noem won't comply with Biden face mask mandate: He 'doesn't have the authority'


South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
(The Washington Post / Getty Images)
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How many will get the first shot and actually go back for the second?
Especially if there are side effects?
If employers aren’t paying for sick leave when employees are suppose to test/isolate - will they make arrangements for the vaccine?

Dr. Seheult video this am upthread showed that most of the side effects are after the second dosage of the Pfizer vaccine. At least there is that.
Seriously, can you figure out what is going on? I don't get- it is like they live on a different planet!
I don’t understand why otherwise intelligent and reasonable people JUST DON’T GET IT.

People were invited to call a popular radio program today to state whether or not they were having thanksgiving as usual this year. Overwhelming, they are! Most of them stated they are only gathering with family and close friends. But they go on to explain family is flying in from out of state, or driving from other cities. Yikes.
John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address inspired many. His historic words, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”. Repeating his words would be so appropriate now. Wear a mask, Follow hygiene recommendations as to distancing etc.

At least on the horizon is the availability for a vaccine so those of us who are hibernating will have a choice to protect ourselves from others who refuse to do the least they can do of wearing a mask or social distancing etc and keep passing it forward exponentially.

Our problem is the massive amount of people we have institutionalized in the United States. The prison and jail population is never going to be managed with their constant flow of moving people. In, out, transfer, and people who work there and live in the community.

I personally think that it is so out of control, it is not even being reported. The excess deaths in the prison population would no doubt be a staggering statistic.
I don’t understand why otherwise intelligent and reasonable people JUST DON’T GET IT.

People were invited to call a popular radio program today to state whether or not they were having thanksgiving as usual this year. Overwhelming, they are! Most of them stated they are only gathering with family and close friends. But they go on to explain family is flying in from out of state, or driving from other cities. Yikes.


which is what they normally do so they're not making any concessions for the virus
I'm getting really, really angry with people - and scared.

“And if you’re curious, as of Monday, you’d have a 78% chance of encountering someone with an active coronavirus infection at the Denver bar, a 68% chance at the wedding in Baltimore, and a roughly 25% chance at the L.A. Thanksgiving meal.”
I dunno.... I keep thinking those attitudes will change...
When they keep coming out with positive results with the vaccines, as Pfizer has done.
I think we are going to get people clamoring to get it......... and then that ol selfishness will come to play again!!

I keep feeling that the infrastructure and distribution are going to be such monumental tasks..
but I believe Pfizer has been pretty clear about international distribution. Am sure there are other countries besides US that have bought doses..

Its like "waiting for the hurricane" still.....
avoiding or clamoring?
enough to go around?
which one will be best?
new definitions of who is vulnerable?

I kept thinking that the attitude would change about masks. I invested in what the pandemic expert said months and months ago "It is not if people will wear masks, it is when people will wear masks". How bad things had to be.

Somehow I foolishly thought that 200,000 deaths might be enough for people to wear masks.

So now I dont feel at all sure that the vaccine will be taken up nationwide there. It could be another case of "everyone else can get the vaccine to protect themselves against me, I'm not getting it, its just a little virus".
Has anyone looked at Worldometer today? The US has topped the quarter million mark in covid deaths. :(
A quarter of a million people who never would have imagined, last Christmas, that they had mere months to live. Wouldn't see another Thanksgiving or Christmas.

United States Coronavirus: 11,187,394 Cases and 250,994 Deaths - Worldometer

A US friend of a US friend said yesterday that she left work for 4 months maternity leave - she is a carer in an aged care facility. She returned to work not long ago. At least half of her clients were no longer there, new clients in the rooms.
She is also reeling from the loss of her 24 year old healthy friend. All from covid.
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Saturday, November 14 - Another high case / high percent positive day in South Carolina.

S.C.'s daily new COVID-19 case count surpasses 1,000 for 6th time this month

182,943 confirmed positive cases (+1,617)
3,844 confirmed deaths (+9)
Percent Positive - 15.4%

- - - - - - - - - - -

At least for now, the hospital situation seems under control. But for how long?

SC announces 1,617 new COVID-19 cases, 9 additional deaths Saturday

"As of Saturday morning, DHEC says 79.57% of inpatient beds in South Carolina are in use while 74.20% of ICU beds are in use.

There are 781 hospitalized patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 or are under investigation for having the virus, DHEC said. Of those, 183 COVID-19 patients are in the ICU.

DHEC is reporting 1,923 ventilators available in the state with 497 of them in use. COVID-19 patients account for 93 of those."
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