Coronavirus Global Health Emergency, 2019-nCoV

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Coronavirus may be spread by touching contaminated surfaces, WHO warns as global cases surge past 6,000 and the death toll hits 133

There is evidence that the coronavirus 'can also be spread via fomites - when the virus survives on inanimate surfaces for a short period of time,' said Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, a member of the WHO's emergency committee on the outbreak.

If the possibility becomes a certainty, it's a worrying revelation for hospital settings, where patients coming to be diagnosed and treated for coronavirus may touch chairs, tables, beds, railings and much more

@Bravo Thank you. I’m sorry your brother has Crohns. It was the lifetime pneumonia vaccine I was given.
Thanks greg. He manages well. Yes that must be the one my Sis was talking about. It was soooo many years ago when I had it it likely wasn't the new and improved vaccine. Glad u got it. I will def. look into it.
The U.S. added coronavirus screening checkpoints at 15 additional airports across the U.S.:

Screenings were already in place in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and Atlanta.

The checkpoints have been expanded to:
Anchorage, Alaska
Boston, Massachusetts
Dallas, Texas
Detroit, Michigan
El Paso, Texas
Honolulu, Hawaii
Houston, Texas
Miami, Florida
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Newark, New Jersey
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
San Diego, California
Seattle, Washington
Washington, D.C. (Dulles)
San Juan, Puerto Rico

People will also be screened at border crossings in El Paso and San Diego.

Nearly 6,000 Infected with Coronavirus; Plane Carrying More Than 200 Americans from Wuhan, China, Lands in Alaska | The Weather Channel

No DIA (Denver International)
Boo moo
That has my attention. China is very insular, they don't want anyone to know their business.

When they asked for assistance, I think that things are worse than reported.

Journalist William Yang posted this:

"Also, one thing that #China is hiding is the number of death caused by the virus. Credible Chinese media outlet @initiumnews interviewed people working at local cremation centers, confirming that many dead bodies were sent directly from the hospitals to the cremation centers"
I don't know what to think. At first I was not trusting what China was putting out. Then I watched the WHO presser and felt better about China being transparent. Now not so much. I guess WHO isn't going to make such a claim without evidence of it. I guess we will know more in the days to come. Sigh.....
I don't know what to think. At first I was not trusting what China was putting out. Then I watched the WHO presser and felt better about China being transparent. Now not so much. I guess WHO isn't going to make such a claim without evidence of it. I guess we will know more in the days to come. Sigh.....

I don't believe China is being transparent, quite the opposite.
Perhaps they are "self-quarantining" within their own homes? IDK.

I hope not. That would not be effective or good for a few reasons.

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Cabbie kicks out arriving Wuhan passenger
•Jan 28, 2020


This is so awful for everyone involved.

The poor sick man AND
now also those other two are in danger, he was sneezing and coughing, they’re all in tight quarters, windows up I think...the guy in the back doesn’t have a mask much would that mask have protected the other two people? I hope it did and I also hope that poor man got to a hospital.

Guys. That video might have been too much. I might have to bow out of this one. I feel so horrible for all of them. That was the worst video ever. I wish I didn’t watch it, it really puts you right there. This is terrible.

Here’s the link / I was having trouble with the above video so reposting / Disturbing IMO

It’s a bad situation for ALL THREE people.

:( :(

Omg I’m sick. That was SO BAD mooooo.
:( :( :(


I read a similar story—-people detected an accent or something and unrest occurred.
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Biopharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson is mobilizing dozens of scientists to research the genetic code of the Wuhan coronavirus in hopes of developing a vaccine that can stem its spread. If the company is successful on that front, it will be able to leverage its massive global manufacturing capacity to produce hundreds of millions of vaccine doses for use worldwide.

The rapid spread of the coronavirus has prompted a slate of biopharma companies to begin researching vaccines, but Johnson & Johnson is the biggest to enter the fray.

Johnson & Johnson's antiviral treatments for HIV could offer the best chance for people who are already infected with coronavirus. So far, J&J has donated 300 boxes of Prezcobix, an HIV medication containing the active ingredients darunavir and cobicistat, to the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center and Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University for evaluation. It also donated 50 boxes to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention for research purposes. In 2019, Prezcobix sales exceeded $2.1 billion worldwide.

Johnson & Johnson Joins the Hunt for a Coronavirus Vaccine | The Motley Fool

Thank you JerseyGirl. Marking this medicine information / BBM:

J&J has donated 300 boxes of Prezcobix, an HIV medication containing the active ingredients darunavir and cobicistat, to the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center and Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University for evaluation. It also donated 50 boxes to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention for research purposes. In 2019, Prezcobix sales exceeded $2.1 billion worldwide.

2.1 billion in sales last year? You think J&J could afford to donate a few more of those boxes—how much is a box? :eek: How far does it go? I mean, it’s great they donated something, just saying that’s a lot of money.

Making note to follow up more on the above bolded in red.
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"Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne and Health Minister Patty Hajdu provided an update on Canada's response to the coronavirus on Wednesday, saying they had 160 Canadians in China now asking for consular assistance and they had secured a plane to help in the repatriation of those from Wuhan.

Hajdu said that they were working with international partners in setting up protocols for when Canadians being repatriated from China amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, but that they are not in place yet. ""
Coronavirus may be spread by touching contaminated surfaces, WHO warns as global cases surge past 6,000 and the death toll hits 133

There is evidence that the coronavirus 'can also be spread via fomites - when the virus survives on inanimate surfaces for a short period of time,' said Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, a member of the WHO's emergency committee on the outbreak.

If the possibility becomes a certainty, it's a worrying revelation for hospital settings, where patients coming to be diagnosed and treated for coronavirus may touch chairs, tables, beds, railings and much more

@Bravo Thank you. I’m sorry your brother has Crohns. It was the lifetime pneumonia vaccine I was given.

How long is “a short period of time” exactly?


This thread is so bad. It’s like every post is just worse and worse and worse. I hate it. And to think this could get worse before it gets better.

ETA: This reminds me, I wanted to look into how/why exactly SARS ended specifically.
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Coronavirus Toll: Cases & Deaths by Country of Wuhan, China Virus - Worldometer
More at link ..
The Age, Sex and Symptoms of China’s Coronavirus Victims
Bloomberg, Jan. 23, 2020
''The Hubei Health Commission said there were 105 new cases, taking the total to 549, including 495 in Wuhan. Thirty-one people have been cured, though many are being treated in hospitals and are critically ill, the department said. The youngest victim was a 36-year-old male who wasadmitted to hospital on Jan. 9 suffering from fever and fatigue. He died Thursday.

Elsewhere in China, Guangdong province in the south on Friday reported 53 confirmed coronavirus cases, including at least one 10-year-old child. The National Health Commission also said there’d been a death in Hebei province, which surrounds Beijing, though it didn’t provide details of the symptoms.''

''At least nine victims in Hubei had pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, coronary artery disease and Parkinson’s disease, the National Health Commission said. Ten wereaged 80 or over, four were in their seventies, seven in their sixties, one in his fifties and another was 48. Eight of the victims in the province were women and the rest were men.''
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