Couple who adopted 12 children shot to death #1

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Just reading through all these posts, trying to catch up. Good work! Same thought as LindaD crossed my mind - auto theft and/or insurance fraud? Will be interesting to follow.
We had a big storm earlier this afternoon and I lost both cable and internet for awhile. Cable's back, but I'm on dial-up:(

I have lots to catch up on...I just don't understand why these guys would ambush the Billings home. And, now we have guys from Okaloosa involved in this?

WTH is going on??!

I could be completely off on this but I wouldn't put it past complete misinformation.

From what has been gathered here by our super-sleuthers, it appears that Mr. Billings got a judgment for $10 Million in coin or silver or whatever, or $50 million in paper. So these bozos, IMHO, thought this couple had MUCHO money, some how, some way, on the premesis.

That's just my opinion and KISS.

Of course, I could be completely wrong. ;)

LE will pull cell phone records - but I'm wondering if Lpatrick had a secret myspace or other web page. . .

It appears that, while his aunts and uncles don't think he had mental issues, those who knew him as peers certainly did:

youknowwho on July 13th, 2009 11:15 am

I went to high school with the younger Pat; at the time his last name was Poff. His dad was the sensei at the local Tae Kwon Do studio, and Pat was a star - a third degree black belt and a member of the Junior Olympic Team, if memory serves. But he was an extraordinarily odd kid, and not odd in a funny or charming way. He was odd in a frightening and creepy way. He didn’t have friends, but he wasn’t picked on; everyone was sufficiently weirded out by his mannerisms that they just stayed out of his way.

From Gulf Breeze on July 13th, 2009 11:38 am

YouKnowWho - I grew up with Pat in Gulf Breeze as well and you pegged it! Your description of him as a child and teenager is dead-on. I have been trying to describe him to my co-workers today you did it perfectly. He was always vert odd…very unstable…he weirded me out big time. He lived in my neighborhood and I tried my best to avoid him at all times.

I'm sorta lost.........younger PAT????
one of the biological children? adopted child? or friend/suspect????
I could be completely off on this but I wouldn't put it past complete misinformation.

From what has been gathered here by our super-sleuthers, it appears that Mr. Billings got a judgment for $10 Million in coin or silver or whatever, or $50 million in paper. So these bozos, IMHO, thought this couple had MUCHO money, some how, some way, on the premesis.

That's just my opinion and KISS.

Of course, I could be completely wrong. ;)


Yep, but we have wealthier families in the P'Cola area that are more well known, so why were the Billings targeted? And, how could they have known about that $50 million debt?
I'm sorta lost.........younger PAT????
one of the biological children? adopted child? or friend/suspect????

Jr. used have the name of Patrick Poff. He legally changed it in 2000 to LPG Jr. I guess after he met his real Daddy in a jail cell. Guess he thought his Daddy was such a good role model that he wanted to have the same name...
Yep, but we have wealthier families in the P'Cola area that are more well known, so why were the Billings targeted? And, how could they have known about that $50 million debt?

Well, obviously, they didn't know about the video cameras, so maybe they just didn't know about the OTHER RICHER residence of the area. Or.........maybe it was the judgment,.............$10Million or $50Million paper that got their attention.

The culprits in "In Cold Blood" were that stupid. Just because we have all this stuff on CSI and such, the internet, etc. doesn't mean these guys are any smarter than 30 or 40 years ago.

They did pull up in a blazing RED NINE PASSENGER van for all the world to see!!!!!!!!! :eek:


PS.........Like an infamous poster on Webslueths said during the Laci Peterson Case, "There is no class or school on murder.........." or something to that effect. The perp only realizes his mistakes, AFTER THE FACT, IMHO..........fran....
Just caught the end of the story on Channel 3. They showed a vid. of Jr. teaching karate classes to kids (one of my DS's friends was there!). They talked about Poff and his charges under that name. Then a neighbor talking about how Jr. didn't spend much time at his parents' home in GB? That's where he was arrested last night
Yep, but we have wealthier families in the P'Cola area that are more well known, so why were the Billings targeted? And, how could they have known about that $50 million debt?

If an online search was done on the Billings they would find the lawsuit and judgment.
If an online search was done on the Billings they would find the lawsuit and judgment.

But, why even do a search for them in the first place? Why did they pick them instead other wealthier families (not gonna list other family names)?
The motive of robbery does not make sense to me. Even in the context of something similar to the Clutter case. The perps in that case spent a LOT of time turning the house upside down, looking for the money they erroneously thought was there. But these guys were in, and out. Like they went in, killed the couple, didn't see any loot lying on the bed there, and then ran out?
But, why even do a search for them in the first place? Why did they pick them instead other wealthier families (not gonna list other family names)?

They have stated that Coldiron did some yard work for Bud & Melanie on atleast one occassion. So perhaps that is the connection. He sees these people with a big house, several cars, I can guarantee you they were paid and tipped well. All of that and they just get the wrong idea about how much might be available for them to take.

What they don't know is all they had to do was ask. Bud and Melanie would have given them anything they wanted. I don't understand why on top of taking things, money, etc they had to kill them and take away two loving parents from those sweet kids. It was a very unnecessary death.
The sheriff has not released the details of what was taken from the home.

I have been told that they took a safe from Bud's room off of their bedroom. I can't swear it is true since I wasn't there and the sheriff hasn't confirmed it. But I feel it was a credible source.
While I know you intend no harm and certainly this crime is horrible beyond words, much of your speculation and certainly your digging into myspace & facebook links and posting links of other family members -is very hurtful. Its unfortunate, but the persons being charged in these crimes also had innocent family associations and with this being all over the media, friends and others are doing web searches that are turning up speculation and pictures of those that are innocent and grieving and scared. I understand sleuthing, but I have spent the last day consoling family members who happened upon this web site and your speculations. It has done a lot of damage. Much of what you posted may have been "public" but it wasn't something a 13 year old knew until you blasted it here. Take a care. Many are being hurt.
Seriously Im annoyed with whats being said on TV!!!!!! WHY do they keep saying these guys were "professional" & used "precision"???? They broke into a high profile house FULL of people that had EXTENSIVE security.They then used a VERY noticeable getaway vehicle which had the "ringleaders" caught within days!!!!!!!!!! How is this professional?????????

SO very true and ITA. This wasn't "military precision," it was just quick. And had there been no video camera system and they kept their mouths shut, there's a very good chance they might have gotten away with it, unfortunately. The way people get away with crimes is to get in, get out and stay quiet.

Without going too far off topic...

Here's a little background none of the non-locals know: Morgan afaik has NONE, ZERO, ZIP CIVILIAN law enforcement experience. He was an MP back in the day, but that really is something completely different. He beat the 2-time Sheriff who was running for his 3rd term last year. Morgan said he was going to do away with the "good ole boy" system. Yet, he hired on one of the biggest known ANTI-LEO "reporters" (I use that term as loosely as possible) in the panhandle named David Craig to become his public right-hand man aka a Public Information Officer. Craig ran his own "COPS" style show called "Blue Lights" and later "Reality News Network" on a local broadcast channel. Morgan does, though, like to try to sell sensationalism on anything he talks about. Craig and Morgan have both been known to open their mouth and insert both feet -- sad since Morgan has only been in the position for 6 months. I guarantee the State Atty wants him on a very short leash -- which will allow the deputies to do their job without him interfering and making errors.

Just like his initial conference where he stated the location of the van was 3-4 miles from the location of the murders. Wrong! It's almost -14- miles. That's a big difference to me. Then, after the Santa Rosa Sheriff's Office arrested Jr. he said SR county was NE of Pensacola. Uhm, try East.

This is why if you read my notes I posted during the live press conference this afternoon, I might have said in one posting one thing and then in another post state "He is clarifying..." The reporters know he will fumble information, so they weren't just hitting him over and over to be annoying, they were trying to 1) get the facts straight for a FINAL time and 2) let him slip up and give them some extra information.
While I know you intend no harm and certainly this crime is horrible beyond words, much of your speculation and certainly your digging into myspace & facebook links and posting links of other family members -is very hurtful. Its unfortunate, but the persons being charged in these crimes also had innocent family associations and with this being all over the media, friends and others are doing web searches that are turning up speculation and pictures of those that are innocent and grieving and scared. I understand sleuthing, but I have spent the last day consoling family members who happened upon this web site and your speculations. It has done a lot of damage. Much of what you posted may have been "public" but it wasn't something a 13 year old knew until you blasted it here. Take a care. Many are being hurt.

Tell you what if they learn their family members are evil I'm very sorry. But trust me finding that out can't even compare to what some of us have lost.

I have seen nothing posted here that would hurt anyone innocent in their families.

Tell me about total loss of beautiful people you might get some sympathy but not finding out the truth about evil people.
Morgan gets a round of applause from me.
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