Couple who adopted 12 children shot to death #1

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Earlier I referred to the Christmas Day story, that pnj ran in 2005, Melanie talks about adopting one son, from a set of twins. The other twin was "normal" and not adopted out, and stayed with the bio mom. Melanie adopted the other twin....

Now the pics of the infant twins, could be the children she was referring too (in her slide show), however, the other picture is of her and someone she is referring to as HER twin. The one infant clearly has Downs, the other doesn't...

I have already addressed and told the one of atwin story. I'll see if I can find it.
Melanie A Billings
Melanie Anne Billings
Melanie B Billings
Melanie Brock
Melanie A Brock
Melanie Anne Brock
Melonie Brock
Melanie Anne Brock Billings
Melanie Modugo
Melanie A Rea
Melanie B Rea
Elanie B Rock
Pensacola , FL
Frederick , MD
Memphis , TN
Fernandina Beach , FL
Gulf Breeze , FL
Mandeville , LA
Bud S Billings
Byrd S Billings
John S Billings
Melissa K Billings

Civil - Party Search - Suit Hits
Suit Search Criteria

Suit Search Results
Suit # File Date Cause Title Sealed

Found on St. Tammany Clerk of Court site at

Don't know if this will help, but it's strange that it involves Patrick, LLC.
Okay the twin situation. Melanie and Bud adopted one of a set of twins. However it is a really messed up story. I'll tell you what I remember of it. The mother was pg with twins, one with Down's the other (normal). The child with DS, Jake, was put up for adoption and was adopted by a couple in or around tallahassee. Years later that mother got liver cancer I believe it was. The adoptive father had never had much to do with him. The adoptive mother was convinced she was going to die. So Jake was put up for adoption again. Mel and Bud got him when he was 4. He was actually placed into my classroom along with another of the BIllings children at that time. He is an absolute doll. I believe Jake was originally from MId-north of the country, can't remember exactly which state. I do not know that Melanie has ever had contact with the bio parents at all.

Here it is.
With Ann it looked like a bad debt. I wonder if she was a "friend" and went against some money they loaned to her? Since it was a personal loan of some sort in Byrds own name. They do look like they are very generous esp by all these properties warranty deeds. Then again, I could be reading it wrong.

Okay, truthfully I know very little about maritime law and such, so please bare with me...

What if..big IF...The Billings assisted women who needed help...provided them money...helped them 'disappear'...

IF the "women" (ie..Ann), owed them anything and everything...that means that anything and everything dealing with that name (Ann) would be directed to the Billings...Then (Ann) could change her name and start a new life...knowing that at anytime that (Ann) was involved, notified or given would be in safe keeping with the Billings...and they would be the only commonality among the former (Anns) and the new people...(new identities)...

Kind of like they were running a witness protection program, or actually a 'victim' protection program.....
Civil - Party Search - Suit Hits
Suit Search Criteria

Suit Search Results
Suit # File Date Cause Title Sealed

Found on St. Tammany Clerk of Court site at

Don't know if this will help, but it's strange that it involves Patrick, LLC.

This is very interesting!!! I can't get into the actual file on that site though...did you look under Patrick, LLC???
I have already addressed and told the one of atwin story. I'll see if I can find it.

I realized that as I read mistake, however, does that mean that Jake isn't connected to the rape?

Which was my original post... and Thanks for updating me...sorry I was too late to see it...
Okay, truthfully I know very little about maritime law and such, so please bare with me...

What if..big IF...The Billings assisted women who needed help...provided them money...helped them 'disappear'...

IF the "women" (ie..Ann), owed them anything and everything...that means that anything and everything dealing with that name (Ann) would be directed to the Billings...Then (Ann) could change her name and start a new life...knowing that at anytime that (Ann) was involved, notified or given would be in safe keeping with the Billings...and they would be the only commonality among the former (Anns) and the new people...(new identities)...

Kind of like they were running a witness protection program, or actually a 'victim' protection program.....

Okay, yes it is a "BIG IF" -- but this family seemed so caring and generous that I wouldn't put it past them. They also seem to either "give away" or Lend an enourmous amount of money and or property to SEVERAL different people. I would buy your theory!! :blowkiss: Now let me add onto it - what if one of the people/woman they helped were connected to suspects. Normally, I wouldn't embellish so much but they did say a Humdinger made for TV movie here!
I realized that as I read mistake, however, does that mean that Jake isn't connected to the rape?

Which was my original post...

I don't believe so. Jake is now like 9 or 10 years old and originally was born somewhere like Montana, wyoming somewhere up there I believe.
Okay, yes it is a "BIG IF" -- but this family seemed so caring and generous that I wouldn't put it past them. They also seem to either "give away" or Lend an enourmous amount of money and or property to SEVERAL different people. I would buy your theory!! :blowkiss: Now let me add onto it - what if one of the people/woman they helped were connected to suspects. Normally, I wouldn't embellish so much but they did say a Humdinger made for TV movie here!

I LOVE the way you think...I was actually going to go there, but chickened out,iguring I had already made a HUGE leap!...I have mulled this direction over and over this afternoon, and I just can't see where it stops making sense.

I wonder if they 'helped' Bella's mother... Ann S...Is there anymore you could find? I know Katie was Bella's mothers name and Bella's name was Mary Isabella....but I seem to remember an Ann name, from LPG Jr.s ranting...perhaps I am wrong...
I hate to admit it... I personally KNOW one of Byrd's best friends... I haven't gotten around to asking him about Byrd yet. He's been REALLY upset for the last week!
Okay, truthfully I know very little about maritime law and such, so please bare with me...

What if..big IF...The Billings assisted women who needed help...provided them money...helped them 'disappear'...

IF the "women" (ie..Ann), owed them anything and everything...that means that anything and everything dealing with that name (Ann) would be directed to the Billings...Then (Ann) could change her name and start a new life...knowing that at anytime that (Ann) was involved, notified or given would be in safe keeping with the Billings...and they would be the only commonality among the former (Anns) and the new people...(new identities)...

Kind of like they were running a witness protection program, or actually a 'victim' protection program.....

Now that makes sense and would be keeping more inline with the kind of people they were.
Well, I do have Ann S as a 61 year old female though. The address is on a really rural looking road as well!! I don't think there is a connection with the Herkels and Ann. Herkel Family was easily locateable, not sure what JR's issue was there unless Bella hidden.

Would yall take a look, is this Frederick Thornton???

Just find his last long date interesting. June 16th..there is those June dates again!!
I hate to admit it... I personally KNOW one of Byrd's best friends... I haven't gotten around to asking him about Byrd yet. He's been REALLY upset for the last week!

Please let him know there is a whole nation mourning for his friend. I am truely sorry :(
Turn on HLN ASAP!!

Sorry hit the button before I could say why. Talking about the family and who they were etc.. so heartbreaking!
The 2213 North 61st Avenue property sold to the Phillips by the Billings went into foreclosure.

The 5331 North Palafox Street also has another car dealer associated with it. see:"2213 N. 61st Ave"&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl This is a short walk to the location of where the red van was found at 300 Palm Court.

I'm wondering if since Patricia Phillips (notary) knew of the so called Billings family fortune, did she and her husband have any part in this crime? Knowing about the bankruptcy of their home and that they also appear to be somewhat shady characters, they could certainly have played a part. Of course this is IMO.
I would like to point out, that in all the race to find and post information, some confusion occured...

Maybe I am wrong...but Katie Herkel is Bella's mother, Her sister is Jennifer Herkel, and her mother and father are Bill and Becca... I can't find anywhere that it says Katie looks like he can't find a trace of her....

Am I incorrect or over-looking something...
The LE said the murder is on baby moniter moniters children!
OMG, I can't believe it.......imagine the horror of having to watch that at trial????!!!!
No wonder the stupid murderers were found so fast!
This is going to be upsetting as we learn more.
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