Couple who adopted 12 children shot to death #2

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I don't think the bigger agencies (DEA, IRS, etc...) would want David Morgan discussing anything in reference to what they are themselves investigating. Doing so could jeopardize their investigation and possibly tip off the people at which they are looking. Jmo

BINGO. Notice at the end when re-asked about other agencies involved, Morgan said "to the best of my knowledge, no" (or pretty close to that quote)

That's the same Morgan who said "to the best of my knowledge the DEA is NOT involved." Then it became "I won't address that" to "Yes, we called them in to help because I had to pass along information to them."

He also said in today's A.M. press conference that "to the best of my knowledge" no other agencies were involved. :\

BTW, WEAR TV side at the start of their 11 a.m. newscast that the reason the press conference was delayed was because The State Atty and the Sheriff could not agree on what information could/would be released.

These two are not 100% on the same page. One minute one says "this is it" and the other says "we're still looking."

But, oh how I did love the comment "and people in Hell want ice water" by Morgan yesterday.

ETA: It makes legal sense for them to release as LITTLE information as possible so those involved down the road don't realize they're being sought. Also, it makes sense to even give some 'misguided' information to those POIs to make the confess.
I think the current charges are based on information known at the time and just to get them behind bars. The SA=States Attorney will be bringing this case to a Grand Jury and they will hand down the official indictment. IMO, every suspect in this case, with the exception of PW, will fall under Florida's murder rule. They all participated in a crime that resulted in a homicide. They will probably all be charged with Felony murder or Murder one. And I believe they will be DP elegible. The SA will probably stack charge after charge and numerous counts of each will be numerous.
I'm reading the arrest reports...can someone answer a question for me? On Rakeem's report the weapon he was carrying is redacted. Anyone have a clue why that would be done?

The sentence reads: Florence stated he was armed with an ____________ during the commission of this crime.

Not sure, but maybe it's still out being tested and LE doesn't yet want the public to know what the particular weapon was? I don't know...just thinking outloud.
There is VITAL info in these docs if anyone else wants to take a stab at them?

So far I have learned:
Two of the doors leading to the residence had been forced open.

LPG SR was getaway driver of the red van; others, including his son LPG JR arrived in another car, possibly blue. Sumner was the driver and it was an SUV.

LPG JR & Coldiron both were armed.

Thornton & the juvenile have both admitted to participation in the crime.

On the longer video linked here showing the van driving up on the lawn to the house--it showed what looked to be a person in the upper left hand corner of the video just as the van came into the picture. That person/object remained there until just before you could see the van starting to move/leave. I would assume that was a "lookout" standing watch to make sure nobody was coming. That person hasn't been identified, have they?
I'm reading the arrest reports...can someone answer a question for me? On Rakeem's report the weapon he was carrying is redacted. Anyone have a clue why that would be done?

The sentence reads: Florence stated he was armed with an ____________ during the commission of this crime.

I tried last night, since that part was actually "marked" on the copy that was scanned, unlike the "blocked" areas that were added after fact in a photo editor. I tried using Photoshop to play with that line, but I couldn't show anything.

You'll notice on one of the arrest reports it states the Billings were found dead....and there is a long white area most of the width of the page before the rest of the report continues. That area appears to have had a piece of paper placed on it to make sure the words did NOT get scanned in.

That seems to describe how/where they were found and how they were killed.
I immediately felt that the motive was robbery.

It is well known that car dealers carry cash on them and would most likely have a safe at home where they could put it at the end of the day.

This very same type of crime happened in Alabama a few years back where two guys came to the car dealer's home to rob him. He happened to be outside waiting with his son for the bus to come. They killed his little boy right in front of his eyes and then shot him in the head, then dug a shallow grave and laid his son's body on his chest and covered them up. He miraculously lived and was able to get air somehow in the grave. One of the men who killed his son and almost killed him had worked for him in the past. Both men were given the death penalty.

Why it took so many to come into kill two defenseless people, I don't know, all I know is I am so glad that all of them have been arrested and justice will be given to the grieving families.


ITA with your accessment, I think robbery was the sole motive. As far as the amount of different people involved; to me that lends more credibility to a robbery motive more than it being something personal.
A safe heist with the hopes of hitting the jackpot is attractive to a lot of people.

And the Alabama case sounds just as horrifying. Damn.
So far I have learned:
Two of the doors leading to the residence had been forced open.

LPG SR was getaway driver of the red van; others, including his son LPG JR arrived in another car, possibly blue. Sumner was the driver and it was an SUV.

LPG JR & Coldiron both were armed.

Thornton & the juvinile have both admitted to participation in the crime.

On the longer video linked here showing the van driving up on the lawn to the house--it showed what looked to be a person in the upper left hand corner of the video just as the van came into the picture. That person/object remained there until just before you could see the van starting to move/leave. I would assume that was a "lookout" standing watch to make sure nobody was coming. That person hasn't been identified, have they?

Thanks for the post and that brings up an important point that I don't think is clear. I read it last night and forgot to comment on it. "DOOR FORCED" so maybe the doors WERE locked???

Also, because that spot is grey/silver - maybe it is just the corner of the Escalade or something? You can clearly see Gary Sumners Esacalade on his Myspace profile picture.

Also, to whom posted about the weapons, I think you might be right - maybe they haven't established that just yet and that is why it is being blanked out.
We are only allowed to post full names of people if they have been named by LE as being investigated. We need to be very careful about posting innuendo, speculation, unfounded linkages between people, etc. especially if those involve the victim. Pretty often posters' speculations and guesses transform themselves into "facts" a few pages later.

For instance, there have been linkages made here like "Joe Smith is a myspace friend of one of the suspects, and one of his friends lives in another state and has custody issues. The victims had lots of adopted kids. Get the connection?" That's really sloppy.

In my opinion, this thread has gotten way out of hand, way off base, and is no longer very helpful in understanding this crime.

I think the complications and various motives involve the suspects and not the victims, yet I've seen less work done tying the suspects together and delving into their activities (drug debts, prison friendships, missing linkages) than has been done trying (unsuccessfully) to tie the victims to criminal activity.

I'm reading the arrest reports...can someone answer a question for me? On Rakeem's report the weapon he was carrying is redacted. Anyone have a clue why that would be done?

The sentence reads: Florence stated he was armed with an ____________ during the commission of this crime.

Was just about to post about that, but you beat me to it:)
I think the current charges are based on information known at the time and just to get them behind bars. The SA=States Attorney will be bringing this case to a Grand Jury and they will hand down the official indictment. IMO, every suspect in this case, with the exception of PW, will fall under Florida's murder rule. They all participated in a crime that resulted in a homicide. They will probably all be charged with Felony murder or Murder one. And I believe they will be DP elegible. The SA will probably stack charge after charge and numerous counts of each will be numerous.

Very, very true.

They use the 1st charge they can put on you to have you arrested and put into a cell so they can keep you in their control. Then the rest of the charges come together.

And with robbery being a FELONY in Florida, putting it in as a first charge will up every thing else.

Also, I'd guess we'll see charges for the firearms, also, in that stack you mentioned. A felon in possession of a weapon, using a weapon during the commission of a crime, etc. They may drop them eventually and focus on one thing or another, but the charges will definitely be numerous, as you stated.
Well..after some morning rifling through documents - Pamela Long seems to have MANY MANY LLC corporations! Thank goodness for notetaking but this is going to take me awhile to sift through all of this!!!!

Just wanted to add this is NOTCONFIRMED yet but that is what I was reading but it could a similarity not to post something incorrect or false.
SURETY BOND: Byrd Billings on himself or Copyright/trademark

definition of Surety bond:

surety bond:
An agreement by an insurance or bonding company to be responsible for certain possible defaults, debts or obligations contracted for by an insured party; in essence, a policy insuring one's personal and/or financial integrity. In the real estate business a surety bond is generally used to ensure that a particular project will be completed at a certain date or that a contract will be performed as stated.


ALL of his family members including minors have an affidavit for copyright/trademark -- IMO to protect themselves from frivolous lawsuits

My Concern is this:

I doubt many citizens of the united states know anything about becoming a "A Sovereign" an American national!

the poster on craigslist obviously thinks that being a American National would be a great Idea... humm?? Laughs at the law, judges and the court system. why would it be sooo important to him/her to educate people on this?

visualization= a country where no one had to pay taxes, pay tickets, where you do not have to abide by the laws or BE ACCOUNTABLE! dead beat dads could get away with harassment and not paying child support and STILL have access to his children.

For people who may believe that this is a great way to live and would like to make American Citizens aware of this Sovereignty, (get a following-control) might go to great lengths to make it visible. A quick public search could find a family of Sovereigns make headline news, murder, kick a few of the followers under the bus ALL in the name of humanity "a cause", and bring a whole lot of awareness/belief to this way of thinking.

I for one, will not be a tool to spread these peoples insanity. I however wanted all of you to be aware that what we are posting about sovereignty/American nationals could take a snowball effect. --I will edit this post at the end of the day.

Why are they so smug? wondering if they too are laughing at the laws. Has anyone come across any docs on any of these people that state they may be American nationals?

very scary findings.

I want to stress- that IMO the billings docs are for family protection from evil like these people.
I'm reading the arrest reports...can someone answer a question for me? On Rakeem's report the weapon he was carrying is redacted. Anyone have a clue why that would be done?

The sentence reads: Florence stated he was armed with an ____________ during the commission of this crime.
Perhaps the description of the gun was redacted for legal reasons. Judging from the disclosure in this morning's PC regarding NEW evidence, including guns, LE didn't have the weapon(s) at the time Rakeem's statement was publicly released. The State Attorney is very much an ATTORNEY and appears to be eager to walk a straight line on this, so as not to jeopardize the case on a technicality.
I just typed a long post, and it deleted or something.......the short version is:

I will no longer ask questions or make any other posts......mine from the last couple days have been deleted......I don't feel that I made any posts that were out of line.

Going back to being a lurker, I AM NOT A TROLL!!!!!!!

Keep up the good job!
For those who asked about Long Wiggins who WAS released today.

"Pamela Long Wiggins was released from Escambia County Jail on $10,000 bond, Escambia Sheriff’s spokesman Chris Welborn said today." from

My thoughts on only a $10,000 bond:

1) Either they don't think she was as involved as they've thought (which doesn't make sense to me)
2) They couldn't put a HIGHER charge on her, yet, to keep her
3) Maybe she IS involved more and has more information, but they want others still hiding to think she's "free"
4) She is cooperating and will give them more information
5) They may have given her restrictions on where she can't leave Escambia or Santa Rosa counties or even put a GPS bracelet/anklet on her.
6) She may be under 24/7 surveillance

Another question: if Morgan felt for her safety (as he put it) then why would they release her (or why would she WANT to be released, if she were hiding from others)?

It could've been a play on words to 1) get the public to help 2) get her to turn herself in.

Wiggins rode in van, hid Billings' safe. See article
I'm not sure how to link it!
Notes on JPG, Jr.'s arrest report states there were three armed men, two carrying long guns (one possibly a pump shotgun) and one carrying a hand gun. All three armed men got out of the red van. Shell casings at site were 9mm (which is handgun, right?). In his interview, Sr. said Jr. and Coldiron entered with handguns - didn't mention the third person being armed. Sr. ID'd Sumner from photo lineup as the driver of the light-colored SUV. Coldiron also ID'd Sumner from photo lineup as the driver of the SUV.

Both Thornton and the 16-yr-old stated they forcibly entered the residence, and while in the commission of the home invasion, the Billings were shot to death. The 16-year-old admitted to being armed. So since Sr. said both Jr. and Coldiron had handguns, would that make the 16-year-old be carrying a shotgun? Wonder if he was armed due to his age?

Sidenote - on Jr.'s arrest report, it states that he worked at Hondaland in 1999 - is that in Pensacola?
Since I'm the one who wrote it I'll explain. (I'm catchig up and don't know if any one else has commented or not). I'm not biased for or against the Billings. I don't know any one connected to them or the persons arrested for their involvement. I am, though, going down the middle of the road and have found, like the Sheriff and many others on here, that when you open one door you think leads to just -1- thing, it opens a slew of others that you must now travel through.

First: "take kids from others" -- wasn't meant as saying they STOLE them from any one.

Second: That's what adoption is...they take kids from parents a and put them with parents b. I'm not saying this a bad thing, especially when parents are abusive, unable to care for them, etc.

Third: Yes, they are victims. But aren't we trying to find out WHY they were killed? A robbery gone awry isn't adding up to me. Too many loose pieces of the puzzle.

Fourth: It's not victim-bashing, it's looking for MOTIVES. Immediately every one felt sorry for them, including myself, especially considering all of the good deeds they've done. But something brought this group of perpetrators together to do this horrendous thing. For the most part, I'm pretty positive most people who have found information and posted on here have either cited the document or website that shows the information.

Trying to make sense of a senseless crime often involves a darker side than most people ever saw, or want to know about.

Not everyone lives their life in the public eye to be scrutinized like a celebrity. And even those celebrities that we 'see' often have weird connections in their past no one in the public knew (drugs, larceny, batery, etc.)

Five: EVEN IF the Billings' past actually played a part in the "reasoning" [MOTIVE] of these criminals to go do this, I don't believe they deserved to die for it.

I have addressed this before but I will do it again. The Billings adopted most of these children, all but 2, through private adoptions. That means NOONE TOOK them from anyone. Their bio parents felt they couldn't raise a child with disabilities so they searched out someone who could! The two children who were adopted from foster care were adopted because the Billings had already adopted a younger sibling with medical issues as a baby.

They didn't take anyone away from anyone else. They offered a loving home tochildren whose BIO parents did not want them.
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