Court Appearances and Canadian Legal Terms

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I'd think DM's lawyer would be very interested in the letters as well and would be filing a motion if it was a prison guard leak. Have we heard of any interest from his legal team as to the source of the letters or how the media got a hold of them? Or is it more likely they know and the reports are correct about their source so it's a non issue?

That's an interesting question. One that I doubt anyone who knows the answer to would share here. However, I do have to wonder why the finder of the letters, after promoting them so long, decided to sell a small piece to the NP and cancel her plans for an e-book. Unfortunately, with the publication ban in effect, we won't know what motions have been filed until after the trial is over, if then.

That's an interesting question. One that I doubt anyone who knows the answer to would share here. However, I do have to wonder why the finder of the letters, after promoting them so long, decided to sell a small piece to the NP and cancel her plans for an e-book. Unfortunately, with the publication ban in effect, we won't know what motions have been filed until after the trial is over, if then.


Did the ebook get canceled? I wondered what had happened to that. I think I remember so done saying that it would be ready in a couple of weeks, but that was months and months ago. So long ago, I had forgotten all about that announcement, actually.
Did the ebook get canceled? I wondered what had happened to that. I think I remember so done saying that it would be ready in a couple of weeks, but that was months and months ago. So long ago, I had forgotten all about that announcement, actually.

March 20 Update: I’m no longer planning the ebook. A publisher friend talked me out of it. Feel free to leave a comment if you want to know more.
How does this show his interest in manipulating the media? It wasn't him who leaked the letter. It was her and it was also her who decided to share it with someone who wanted to post it publicly and write a book.


DM refers to writing the if it is an ongoing thing, thrill, risk. He's got to understand anyone who spills his secrets online once, is not a confidante and more of an internet publicity specialist. Or specifically befriended for internet publicity. Specific, specialized (what's the difference) and something to do with media. Deja vu?

I think it is likely that the journalist that was investigating the verity of the first letter-leaker letter asked a pile of acquaintances if they had examples of DM's writing and if they could authenticate...leading to a lot of letters being dug up and possibly passed on if they were no longer of meaning to the recipient. I don't know this for a fact but I can imagine this is how a bunch of letters might churn up. Investigative journalism or something like that.
DM refers to writing the if it is an ongoing thing, thrill, risk. He's got to understand anyone who spills his secrets online once, is not a confidante and more of an internet publicity specialist. Or specifically befriended for internet publicity. Specific, specialized (what's the difference) and something to do with media. Deja vu?

I think it is likely that the journalist that was investigating the verity of the first letter-leaker letter asked a pile of acquaintances if they had examples of DM's writing and if they could authenticate...leading to a lot of letters being dug up and possibly passed on if they were no longer of meaning to the recipient. I don't know this for a fact but I can imagine this is how a bunch of letters might churn up. Investigative journalism or something like that.

Well for Heaven's sake if it wasn't for his lawyer(s), apparently he would be yapping to everyone and anyone who may be interested in hearing what he has to say. So with that I just don't understand the upset apple cart about these letters coming out in the MSM. Maybe he is thrilled he had something new finally in print to read about himself? He shared quite a bit of information with RC and seemed happy to oblige. Matter of fact the guard had to haul him away (not literally :D ) when his time was up and he wasn't so happy about that by the sound of it. MOO.

When a prison guard re-enters the room to signal the end of the visit, Millard shrugs his shoulders and hangs up the phone to leave.
Before disappearing behind the door, he stops and looks back for a long moment, waving once.
His smile has vanished.

I’m relying on the advice of my lawyer, and several other lawyers too, all agree, stay quiet. CBS wants to do a lengthy interview. Right now, I feel like doing it. And not just sticking to my personal background; I feel like getting right into the case, and picking it all apart. For heaven’s sake, it’s right in front of everyone’s faces, and no one seems to be able to figure it all out!? This silence is very frustrating.
Personally, I wonder if DM is writing his own book while awaiting his release. :thinking: JMO though.
DM refers to writing the if it is an ongoing thing, thrill, risk. He's got to understand anyone who spills his secrets online once, is not a confidante and more of an internet publicity specialist. Or specifically befriended for internet publicity. Specific, specialized (what's the difference) and something to do with media. Deja vu?

I think it is likely that the journalist that was investigating the verity of the first letter-leaker letter asked a pile of acquaintances if they had examples of DM's writing and if they could authenticate...leading to a lot of letters being dug up and possibly passed on if they were no longer of meaning to the recipient. I don't know this for a fact but I can imagine this is how a bunch of letters might churn up. Investigative journalism or something like that.

That's an interesting theory on the blogger's possible acquisition of the letters that, in my opinion, were obviously written with the expectation of privacy normally attached to hand-written personal correspondences. I would find it more credible if the blogger didn't say that she "recently had a chance to read a batch of jailhouse letters". The use of the word batch implies that the letters we presented to the blogger in a contained group. I would assume that for accuracy sake, the blogger would have explained that she had sought out or gathered up or assemble a collection of letters through various methods or channels. And the fact that she said she had a chance to read them, and not that she acquired them or came into possession of them, makes me assume that she does not own the letters, nor would she then own the copyright on those letters, which I think could be an impediment to publishing them.

I noticed again that she also mentions in the link above that she "understand why people who know Millard don't believe he can be guilty', so that also makes me doubt that his friends and family would happily hand anyone in the media private, personal letters written by someone that they believe in. To me that just doesn't make sense. I would still love to know the true source of the material in question, and have that verified in a way that more than just one media outlet is satisfied with. Of course this is all my opinion only.
That's an interesting theory on the blogger's possible acquisition of the letters that, in my opinion, were obviously written with the expectation of privacy normally attached to hand-written personal correspondences. I would find it more credible if the blogger didn't say that she "recently had a chance to read a batch of jailhouse letters". The use of the word batch implies that the letters we presented to the blogger in a contained group. I would assume that for accuracy sake, the blogger would have explained that she had sought out or gathered up or assemble a collection of letters through various methods or channels. And the fact that she said she had a chance to read them, and not that she acquired them or came into possession of them, makes me assume that she does not own the letters, nor would she then own the copyright on those letters, which I think could be an impediment to publishing them.

I noticed again that she also mentions in the link above that she "understand why people who know Millard don't believe he can be guilty', so that also makes me doubt that his friends and family would happily hand anyone in the media private, personal letters written by someone that they believe in. To me that just doesn't make sense. I would still love to know the true source of the material in question, and have that verified in a way that more than just one media outlet is satisfied with. Of course this is all my opinion only.

In copyright there is a concept of "fair use" where if you do not own the copyright to something you may still freely publish an excerpt that amounts to no more than 10% of the original work. If you read the WS guidelines, you would have read about this. This is why the letters cannot be reproduced in full. Short answer: ABro has the absolute right to publish the excerpts that she did.

It is amazing the work that bloggers do these days. JB the blogger took down JG the CBC host, and now various patrons have fully funded his investigative efforts. Oh yeah, he's into the big bucks now. Never sneer at a professional blogger: they have real power. (Of course JB and Abro are super-bloggers, bloggers but also professional journalists).

So you would like a list of names of people who have provided investigative journalists with information and you ask that they be shamed and named in public?

DM and MS and CN have been properly named and shamed in public and IMO that's where all the bad juju should be directed.

Some may say that the friends and family of DM should receive no attention and be left alone because they did not commit any crime. Is that only if they support DM though? I mean, if friends and family turn against DM, they should then expect no privacy?

Supportive friends and family deserve privacy, but opposing friends and family should be named and shamed?
DM refers to writing the if it is an ongoing thing, thrill, risk. He's got to understand anyone who spills his secrets online once, is not a confidante and more of an internet publicity specialist. Or specifically befriended for internet publicity. Specific, specialized (what's the difference) and something to do with media. Deja vu?

I think it is likely that the journalist that was investigating the verity of the first letter-leaker letter asked a pile of acquaintances if they had examples of DM's writing and if they could authenticate...leading to a lot of letters being dug up and possibly passed on if they were no longer of meaning to the recipient. I don't know this for a fact but I can imagine this is how a bunch of letters might churn up. Investigative journalism or something like that.

Sorry, just not seeing that. I'm sure he didn't know immediately that the letters had been posted. There was some time between them being posted on Facebook and on the blog.

I doubt that the journalist just asked some acquaintances for letters and they obliged, simply from her wording in her blog. Plus, she had also once stated about her problems finding any of his friends/family that would talk to her.

That's an interesting theory on the blogger's possible acquisition of the letters that, in my opinion, were obviously written with the expectation of privacy normally attached to hand-written personal correspondences. I would find it more credible if the blogger didn't say that she "recently had a chance to read a batch of jailhouse letters". The use of the word batch implies that the letters we presented to the blogger in a contained group. I would assume that for accuracy sake, the blogger would have explained that she had sought out or gathered up or assemble a collection of letters through various methods or channels. And the fact that she said she had a chance to read them, and not that she acquired them or came into possession of them, makes me assume that she does not own the letters, nor would she then own the copyright on those letters, which I think could be an impediment to publishing them.

I noticed again that she also mentions in the link above that she "understand why people who know Millard don't believe he can be guilty', so that also makes me doubt that his friends and family would happily hand anyone in the media private, personal letters written by someone that they believe in. To me that just doesn't make sense. I would still love to know the true source of the material in question, and have that verified in a way that more than just one media outlet is satisfied with. Of course this is all my opinion only.

I agree. It seems she came upon a "batch" of letters, which, to me, means they all arrived at once. She changed her blog entry to read "recently had a chance to read a batch of jailhouse letters". As you can see from the comments, her original wording was "I had a big find". She obviously has the letters (or copies at least), didn't just read them, or she wouldn't be able to quote from them.

In copyright there is a concept of "fair use" where if you do not own the copyright to something you may still freely publish an excerpt that amounts to no more than 10% of the original work. If you read the WS guidelines, you would have read about this. This is why the letters cannot be reproduced in full. Short answer: ABro has the absolute right to publish the excerpts that she did.

Those are simply WS guidelines, which incidentally, some get around by making several posts quoting different pieces of the same article. A couple of those letters must have been quite wordy if she's only quoting 10% or less. Didn't she also originally say that she was going to publish the complete letters in her e-book?

Those are simply WS guidelines, which incidentally, some get around by making several posts quoting different pieces of the same article.

The Canadian term is fair dealing

I think 10% is just a guideline (found posted elsewhere outside of WS at universities etc) and even larger excerpts would be allowable in many situations including journalism

A couple of those letters must have been quite wordy if she's only quoting 10% or less. Didn't she also originally say that she was going to publish the complete letters in her e-book?


Well let's not hold things to the 10%, a larger proportion of the letters might be allowable. I am just remembering the rule of thumb from school. I have no idea if ABro intended to publish them in full (link please?)
Sorry, just not seeing that. I'm sure he didn't know immediately that the letters had been posted. There was some time between them being posted on Facebook and on the blog.

I doubt that the journalist just asked some acquaintances for letters and they obliged, simply from her wording in her blog. Plus, she had also once stated about her problems finding any of his friends/family that would talk to her.


Well I guess in the end one or more someone(s) realized that the death of TB really isn't a private M family matter.
I find it interesting how people come here to find out the "goods" about this case and the people connected to it, but then when presented with noteworthy information and facts, nothing but disparaging remarks are made. It's one thing to vouch for the accused, but apparently everyone including LE involved in this case, who have brought information and facts into the MSM gets accused of falsify, skewing and lying about the information published. MOO.
The letters are interesting as a bunch of pre-face-off chirping:

Throughout his letters, Millard makes multiple references to how he has convinced many of the guards and prisoners that he did not kill Bosma, the young Hamilton father who put his Dodge Ram truck up for sale online, went for a test drive with two strangers, and never returned.

At one point Millard turned around to survey the courtroom, looking intently at Hamilton Police Det. Sgt. Matt Kavanagh, who is handling the Bosma case.

By using the jailhouse groupie, DM has been able to get his position right out there: he claims innocence. He gave LE the stink-eye. It's an adversarial system, and DM is already in battle mode, communicating his position to the press via a helpful jailhouse groupie who proved her willingness to abet him by broadcasting his words across social media immediately upon receipt.

It just took a bit for the traditional press to bite, because they have a nasty habit of wanting to authenticate, verify, etc everything.

Don't worry mom, I know what I'm doing. I am telling the world my position. I'm chirping to annoy the opposition and get them off their game.
The letters are interesting as a bunch of pre-face-off chirping:

By using the jailhouse groupie, DM has been able to get his position right out there: he claims innocence. He gave LE the stink-eye. It's an adversarial system, and DM is already in battle mode, communicating his position to the press via a helpful jailhouse groupie who proved her willingness to abet him by broadcasting his words across social media immediately upon receipt.

It just took a bit for the traditional press to bite, because they have a nasty habit of wanting to authenticate, verify, etc everything.

Don't worry mom, I know what I'm doing. I am telling the world my position. I'm chirping to annoy the opposition and get them off their game.

I guess his "stink-eye" depends on yours and one of the reporter's opinions. Intently??

He smiled at a journalist, nodded to homicide detectives and swiveled around in his seat to study the courtroom.
The Canadian term is fair dealing

I think 10% is just a guideline (found posted elsewhere outside of WS at universities etc) and even larger excerpts would be allowable in many situations including journalism

Well let's not hold things to the 10%, a larger proportion of the letters might be allowable. I am just remembering the rule of thumb from school. I have no idea if ABro intended to publish them in full (link please?)

These parts are interesting.

With respect to criticism, review, and news reporting, the user must mention the source of the material, along with the name of the author, performer, maker, or broadcaster for the dealing to be fair.

Copying from a work that has never been published could be more fair than from a published work "in that its reproduction with acknowledgement could lead to a wider public dissemination of the work - one of the goals of copyright law. If, however, the work in question was confidential, this may tip the scales towards finding that the dealing was unfair."
I think DM blew all expectations of confidentiality when he continued to write the letter-leaker after the very first letter between them ended up posted on social media.

Also this groupie was a presumed stranger who made contact with DM...if you are willing to spill your heart to someone you've never met, who shares you with the internet, can you realistically expect privacy?

The source was named ("Copies were provided by a source requesting anonymity") and the author was DM.

I don't think there are any issues really.
Personally, I wonder if DM is writing his own book while awaiting his release. :thinking: JMO though.

You're brilliant, yes, he serialized his autobiography and sent it on to his #1 fan, who collected all the chapters and passed them on to the media, who had always got it wrong up to this point. This was DM's chance to set them straight (a task no family or friend would take on, but a groupie would)

So DM played all these dating games type games with the groupie to show the way he really is.

So he's presented himself in the best possible light I'm sure to this unconditionally supportive unnamed woman.

Do you think his charm comes across?
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