Court: Teaching Credential Required To Home School

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.........While I'm ranting and raving, I'd like to rant some more. I read a few things here that kind of ticked me off. Yes, I'm a working mother and I"m sure that makes me a monster in the eyes of some. But, being as I chose to explore several options and do what is best for my kid, I resent the implication that parents who send their kids to school are somehow letting others handle their kids. I'm sorry if this offends, but the uppity attitude some home schoolers seem to carry with them is a big reason the idea turned me off so much to begin with. Is it too much to ask that we at least realize that there are shades of grey in any given situation? Sorry, I'm a bit riled up at the moment. *storms off muttering curses under her breath at the stupid school admins*

Eire, I think this is a fair criticism of homeschoolers. Not all of them, of course, but it's surely an attitude I've encountered more than once. It's similar to some of the stuff that gets slung around in the SAHM/WM debate. There is room for all types here and we should respect that - choosing one path does not mean you love your kids less or more than someone who choses a different path.

I had the luxury of not having to work when I had kids, but I am a better Mom because of my choice to work and I'm more than comfortable with that choice. Additionally, I thought long and hard about homeschooling, but eventually decided to send my kids to school and that has been the right decision for us. I certainly don't feel like I am letting strangers raise my kids for me - I know all of my children's teachers and am grateful everyday for the role they play in their education and life.
One of my best friends was homeschooled. He's smarter than most people I know, but he's seriously lacking in the social skills. He says things to people that most people wouldn't say out in public, etc. It's funny and extremely embarassing at the same time.

The social skills was my one big draw back of home schooling. But my children play year round sports. Our home school group gets together about once a week. And they play with our neighbors almost everyday. That is more socializing than they would get in public school. They aren't allowed to talk in class, in the hallway, in the restroom and if they get in trouble they can't talk at lunch.
While I'm ranting and raving, I'd like to rant some more. I read a few things here that kind of ticked me off. Yes, I'm a working mother and I"m sure that makes me a monster in the eyes of some. But, being as I chose to explore several options and do what is best for my kid, I resent the implication that parents who send their kids to school are somehow letting others handle their kids.

I just wanted you to know that I would never dare to judge another parent for their choices. To me this is what this is about, parental rights, not how they are taught. I think every parent should have a choice.

Too often folks are quick to think their way is the only way when that is not the fact of the matter. It's what works best for YOUR family that matters. Not everyone has the same experiences and that is what makes the world go round.
I totally understand why some "homeschooling" moms irk some people. I really HATE those women and I am a homeschooling mom!! I am around those types almost daily and they drive me insane!
But the same attitude is shown on this board with women who HATE or STRONGLY disagree with my choice to homeschool. It goes both ways.

We homeschool because we travel out of the country often. Six to seven months a year we are gone. School does not fit our lifestyle. We are *cough* a Catholic family but religion played no part in it. We also did not like the school system and the teachers unions in our area.

I don't care if you send your kids to school or you work. It is your life! You do the best you can. We all do.

It seems everyone is on the same side here: WE ALL WANT WHAT IS BEST FOR THE KIDS IN OUR COUNTRY.

We just have different ideas of what that means but we all love and care and respect our kids so in the long run our kids will turn out as wonderful caring adults and thats all we really want.
Same could be said for public schools. Of course they are too busy trying to not get stabbed, shot, cursed at and trying to teach basic manners, morals, respect (which shouldn't even be their job) etc while trying to teach little Johnny to read and write. The dudes in charge dont care about that. Nor do they care that children aren't cut out of cookie cutter molds and what works for one might not work for another.

This is coming down to money and averages many think. Schools are given funds based on the number of students, 166,000 families make for a lot of funds they don't have.

They also know, via testing, that homeschooled children rank right up there with the public schooled child in testing. They need them.

Personally, I don't care if anyone sends their kids to public schools or homeschools. It shouldn't be the governments worry either. If they start here, next will be private schools...which btw many dont require credentials either...and people PAY them for it. Then when they've jerked those rights away what then?

But folks don't care about parental rights being stripped as long as it's not their rights. Sooner or later though, it IS your rights.

This is not a rant against teachers. Most times their hands are tied with red tape, not enough tools to do the job, poor pay and no respect. It's the Government that this boils down to.

Your right it's not always the teachers fault. I have four children. Two have gone to public school all the way through. One graduates this year and the other is in eighth grade. This was my first year to home school my two little ones, 8 and 9 years old. I was a substitute teacher for several years. There are so many children in one classroom. Not all children learn the same. But public school can't wait until everyone learns it they have to move on. To me that's the difference in public and home school. That and there is so much wasted time in public school.
So long as they only require that those doing homeschooling for their children have the proper education to do so, the education we insist those paid to teach have, I am ok with this idea. If it really is a way for the proverbial camel to get its nose into the tent so that private schools can be done away with, then I don't back the idea. Do you see what I am saying?

Oh, private schools will be next! Some of their teachers aren't qualified either. There are some teachers in the public school that my have the qualification but aren't teaching. I know because I have had to teach my child at night how to do the work he was suppose to learn at school. Don't let a piece of paper lull you into thinking that everyone in public school is getting a great education. If that were so, you wouldn't have children graduating that can't read or write.
Hmmm...I can see The Soviet Socialist Republic of America just over the horizon. This is what it's coming to, people, if you want the government telling you how to do every single thing in your life. Next they'll want me to get a degree in cooking so that I can feed my children properly. Red America here we come. :furious:

Your right. People don't realize this becaue it has started out slow and it always makes sense.
More and more parents are choosing to homeschool nowadays. Some of the parents I have come across doing it are so inept and ignorant it is scary. I think there should be some guidelines in place.

There are those that abuse it. I have had people say to me you could cheat. Cheat who? My children? I personally do not want my children to be stupid. Do I feel stupid sometimes? Yes, there are times that I have no idea how to do something, I do have a College degree. But I always figure it out or I find someone that does know how to do it. We have accountability. I have to meet with someone that keeps up with our grades and the days we attend school. And we have to keep all school work for three years.
That has been my experience as well. :truce: I know the WSers here have good heads on their shoulders (even when we disagree :blowkiss: ) and have enough intelligence to teach their children well. *BUT* I too, have seen the scarey dark, burning STUPID. :eek:

Haven't you seen some of these same type of children in public school? If not, look again.
That she should be teaching them, not getting her hair done. I would find it appllalling if a public school teacher left in the middle of the day to run errands the same as a homeschool mother leaving her kids. If you are gonna teach them at home then do it like you mean it not just when it strikes your fancy. And thats my problem with it, it isn't just that though she does other things that are kinda irresponsible.

Teachers leave their classrooms all the time. They may be in the building but they leave the make copies, make a phone call, go to the restroom. Things can happen when you leave that many children unattended.
Actually, most private schools are not regulated by any government agency. They take no federal funding and do not have to be regulated. They either choose, nor not, to hire certified teachers by a governing body. Many do not.

Most people choose private schools because they do not like mainstream public schools correct? Same thing with homeschooling.

Like private school, it's a legal choice that people take advantage of.

I would have chosen private school. We just couldn't afford it. Homeschooling is the only option left. It is the hardest thing I have ever done. But I can tell how much my children have learned this year. At this point I am not planning on putting my children back in public school until HS.
I"m on the fence as to what I think about this. Yes, some public schools are sub-par and that's putting it mildly. I do believe parents should exercise their rights and options and get their kids the best education they can. On the other hand, I know of two families in my district that claim to homeschool when all they do is let their kids run wild in the neighborhood. Should they be allowed to hide behind the umbrella of homeschooling when they aren't? No, I dont believe they should. Because those kids will become our problem later in life. They probably have less than a 7th grade education right now. I also don't believe that schools should be able to hide behind any umbrella if they aren't providing an adequate education. That's why I oppose tenure and such things,but that's another discussion.

I pulled my kid from her school because of some issues I was not happy with. I did not opt to home school because I know my limitations and what I can and can not teach her. I'm not comfortable taking on the role of teacher when my math skills are dismal. I wanted more for her than my own math-stupid brain could offer, so I chose cyberschool. That works for some parents and myhat is off to them. For us, it's a nightmare. They have no opportunities to mix and mingle with peers, no field trips that aren't 6 hours away from where I live, no support. My kid became really depressed, so we talked an decided to give bricks and mortar school another shot. The school is making my life a living hell at the moment, including having her un-enrolled from her cyberschool but not enrolling her in their school. In short, she's not enrolled anywhere right now and mom is bitching a blue streak all throughtout Pennsylvania. I still don't feel comfortable home schooling her. Would I love it of there was some protection for me right now? Oh hell yes, I would. I'd love to have some judge lay the proverbial smack down on her school because I"m fed up. Sorry, needed a bit of a rant there.

While I'm ranting and raving, I'd like to rant some more. I read a few things here that kind of ticked me off. Yes, I'm a working mother and I"m sure that makes me a monster in the eyes of some. But, being as I chose to explore several options and do what is best for my kid, I resent the implication that parents who send their kids to school are somehow letting others handle their kids. I'm sorry if this offends, but the uppity attitude some home schoolers seem to carry with them is a big reason the idea turned me off so much to begin with. Is it too much to ask that we at least realize that there are shades of grey in any given situation? Sorry, I'm a bit riled up at the moment. *storms off muttering curses under her breath at the stupid school admins*

I have two children in public school and I home school two children. Everyone has to make their own choices. I often find myself explaining my decision to home school. I often feel like I have to defend that decision. I don't know how old your daughter is but I think you would do a fine job home schooling. I know there are times that I feel stupid, math isn't my subject either. But my children are getting to be good at math. I'm determined that they will have better math skills than I do. I hope you find a solution that works for your family. That is what is important. Not where they get the education.
She's 13. My step-daughter is going on 11, but she's staying in cyberschool by choice. If we had access to somebody more equipped to teach the girls math, I'd be more for homeschooling. I've heard of parents sort of banding together to make sure their kids are getting the best each parent has to offer and I think that's a great idea. Unfortunately, my area of the sticks has no network for parents. The schools are woefully ignorant on the subject. In fact, the school superintendent told me the kids were "only in cyberschool" like it's somehow less of a school. Pardon my French, but the jacka$4 didn't even know that the cyberschool is held to the same guidelines as "her" school. Sorry, I'm about to set myself off again.

I hear where you're coming from McDraw, I know parents who think that homeschoolers should justify their decision. I'm not among them, that's a private choice. More power to ya. Of course, I've also known a few of those out there homeschoolers who say I don't love my kids. To them, I simply say bite me. We're exploring some options right now. OK, so I'm really visualizing my Doc Marten up some supreintendents hind quarters. :)
Hmmm...I can see The Soviet Socialist Republic of America just over the horizon. This is what it's coming to, people, if you want the government telling you how to do every single thing in your life. Next they'll want me to get a degree in cooking so that I can feed my children properly. Red America here we come. :furious:

This case only affects California. Most states are more flexible. Some have almost no oversight at all. It isn't "the government." It is just one state.
Governor Says Ruling Must Be Overturned

SACRAMENTO (CBS13/AP) ― Governor Schwarzenegger says the court ruling that says parents must have a teaching credential to home school their kids is 'outrageous'.

The governor issued the following stern statement today regarding the recent ruling by the state's Second District Court of Appeals.

"Every California child deserves a quality education and parents should have the right to decide what's best for their children. Parents should not be penalized for acting in the best interests of their children's education. This outrageous ruling must be overturned by the courts and if the courts don't protect parents' rights then, as elected officials, we will."

The governor adds support to opponents of the ruling who have already said they appeal.
Governor Says Ruling Must Be Overturned

SACRAMENTO (CBS13/AP) ― Governor Schwarzenegger says the court ruling that says parents must have a teaching credential to home school their kids is 'outrageous'.

The governor issued the following stern statement today regarding the recent ruling by the state's Second District Court of Appeals.

"Every California child deserves a quality education and parents should have the right to decide what's best for their children. Parents should not be penalized for acting in the best interests of their children's education. This outrageous ruling must be overturned by the courts and if the courts don't protect parents' rights then, as elected officials, we will."

The governor adds support to opponents of the ruling who have already said they appeal.

Go Arnold!!!!
oh, you hippies... who cares about your civil liberties, I care about making sure those babies get a proper education! while you're at it, let's make sure the government installs that wire tap Bush was talking about, when they come in your house and look over your shoulder to make sure you're teaching your kids how to add 2+2 correctly, OK? its all one trip, right?

YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME!!! *big cheesey grin*
oh, you hippies... who cares about your civil liberties, I care about making sure those babies get a proper education!

I care about making sure my babies get a proper education also. That's why I homeschool. :D
Teachers leave their classrooms all the time. They may be in the building but they leave the make copies, make a phone call, go to the restroom. Things can happen when you leave that many children unattended.

Just so you know, where I teach, we don't leave the children. We may step across the hall to use the restroom, but the door is opened and the teacher next door notified.

My principal would write me up in a heartbeat if I left students unsupervised to make a phone call or go to the restroom. My district is actually very strict on this, as are most of the surrounding ones.

I'm sure it happens at other schools--but the impression that teachers are routinely leaving their students unsupervised and that all public school employees are okay with that, is not I wish to leave uncorrected.

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