
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
While we all have our guesses... does anyone know the actual/official status of this case against Hackett?
I think all these people mentioned includeing SG have some contact or connection to LisK
While we all have our guesses... does anyone know the actual/official status of this case against Hackett?

The motions in court are not yet decided. All discovery is therefore temporarily stayed.
Jan. 30 - next court date.
The motions in court are not yet decided. All discovery is therefore temporarily stayed.
Jan. 30 - next court date.

I tried to search the Suffolk Co court website but was unsuccessful. Do you have link and maybe descriptive terms I should use... i.e. "estate of shannan gilbert" or the case #?
I tried to search the Suffolk Co court website but was unsuccessful. Do you have link and maybe descriptive terms I should use... i.e. "estate of shannan gilbert" or the case #?

WS won't let me upload the current status of the case

Case Number is


Court is Riverhead.

GO there, read the file. I whined to John that I was tired of going to Riverhead
to read the case and asked him to send me the depositions, and he did.

I've helped that man for 5 years behind the scenes. So, he knew he
could trust me.

You gave me a really really hard time about posting pages from deposition.
YOU called me names... that was not very nice you know
I posted a page or two

John emailed me and asked me NOT to post any pages from deposition
a court reporter
took the transcription
and they get $4.00 - $6.00 a page
and it's not right to put any of that court reporters hard work
for free.

So I honor John and I honor the Court Reporter
and I can't post any pages.

I told John I wouldn't and I won't.

I STRONGLY urge you to get to Riverhead and read the file.
it's fascinating.

You will see

John kicked Hacket's butt hard and strong in the depositions 2 and 3.
and read Hackett's notebook

It's going to blow you away.

In every new page of the depositions, Hackett sticks his only good foot
in his mouth.

He's lieing through his teeth. He lies about stupid shyte. He lies about real stuff.
He lies as soon as he opens his mouth.

He's going to sink like the Titanic at the trial.
When you read the deposition, bring a notebook with you, as well as
your cell phone to take pictures.

Take notes.

it's very important.

Hackett is guilty as sin.
WS won't let me upload the current status of the case

Case Number is


Court is Riverhead.

GO there, read the file. I whined to John that I was tired of going to Riverhead
to read the case and asked him to send me the depositions, and he did.

I've helped that man for 5 years behind the scenes. So, he knew he
could trust me.

You gave me a really really hard time about posting pages from deposition.
YOU called me names... that was not very nice you know
I posted a page or two

John emailed me and asked me NOT to post any pages from deposition
a court reporter
took the transcription
and they get $4.00 - $6.00 a page
and it's not right to put any of that court reporters hard work
for free.

So I honor John and I honor the Court Reporter
and I can't post any pages.

I told John I wouldn't and I won't.

I STRONGLY urge you to get to Riverhead and read the file.
it's fascinating.

You will see

John kicked Hacket's butt hard and strong in the depositions 2 and 3.
and read Hackett's notebook

It's going to blow you away.

In every new page of the depositions, Hackett sticks his only good foot
in his mouth.

He's lieing through his teeth. He lies about stupid shyte. He lies about real stuff.
He lies as soon as he opens his mouth.

He's going to sink like the Titanic at the trial.
When you read the deposition, bring a notebook with you, as well as
your cell phone to take pictures.

Take notes.

it's very important.

Hackett is guilty as sin.
So do you think hackett was at brewers the night she disappeared? I think brewer and pak were lying about the number of people at his house. I think there was a card game going on and who is the man who smokes cigars???

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
So do you think hackett was at brewers the night she disappeared? I think brewer and pak were lying about the number of people at his house. I think there was a card game going on and who is the man who smokes cigars???

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

I don't know if H was at Brewers, tho, I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt
that Shannan was at Hackett's

after she ran from
Gus Coletti's
to Barbara Brennan's

to Hacketts.

and John confronts Hackett in the deposition about it.
Hackett has it in his notes, that Shannan....
may or may not have been at his home
at his door
at 5:30am.

THAT morning.

you HAVE to go to the court house and read his notes

Hackett thinks he is the Wizard of Oz
in the land of Oak Beach

and John RIPS the curtain WIDE open
for all to see
that Hacket is a real son of a B******ch.
I don't know if H was at Brewers, tho, I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt
that Shannan was at Hackett's

after she ran from
Gus Coletti's
to Barbara Brennan's

to Hacketts.

and John confronts Hackett in the deposition about it.
Hackett has it in his notes, that Shannan....
may or may not have been at his home
at his door
at 5:30am.

THAT morning.

you HAVE to go to the court house and read his notes

Hackett thinks he is the Wizard of Oz
in the land of Oak Beach

and John RIPS the curtain WIDE open
for all to see
that Hacket is a real son of a B******ch.
It was sinister to watch him in the parking lot faking his heart issue. When i watched that itmade me think, this is what it looks like when the evil was unleashed on the girls. A bit shocking. However, theres at least two more...

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
Scorpio girl, Hackett wrote Shannan may or may not have been at his door.
Why do you think he worded it that way?
WS won't let me upload the current status of the case

Case Number is


Court is Riverhead.

GO there, read the file. I whined to John that I was tired of going to Riverhead
to read the case and asked him to send me the depositions, and he did.

I've helped that man for 5 years behind the scenes. So, he knew he
could trust me.

You gave me a really really hard time about posting pages from deposition.
YOU called me names... that was not very nice you know
I posted a page or two

John emailed me and asked me NOT to post any pages from deposition
a court reporter
took the transcription
and they get $4.00 - $6.00 a page
and it's not right to put any of that court reporters hard work
for free.

So I honor John and I honor the Court Reporter
and I can't post any pages.

I told John I wouldn't and I won't.

I STRONGLY urge you to get to Riverhead and read the file.
it's fascinating.

You will see

John kicked Hacket's butt hard and strong in the depositions 2 and 3.
and read Hackett's notebook

It's going to blow you away.

In every new page of the depositions, Hackett sticks his only good foot
in his mouth.

He's lieing through his teeth. He lies about stupid shyte. He lies about real stuff.
He lies as soon as he opens his mouth.

He's going to sink like the Titanic at the trial.
When you read the deposition, bring a notebook with you, as well as
your cell phone to take pictures.

Take notes.

it's very important.

Hackett is guilty as sin.

Yep, I certainly expressed my opinion (likely more than once) about the excerpts from the depositions you've already posted but I don't remember calling you names. I'm several states away from NY... I don't have the time nor (more importantly) the $ to visit there any time soon.
Anything happen today???

Adjourned until February 21.
John Ray lost his motion to have Hackett fly up from
Florida to be deposed by him for a 4th time.

John requested 60 days to find more evidence.

Good luck - to you John

you are the slimmest, sleaziest piece of crap that I've ever met that passed the bar.
I will not refute your opinion about John Ray as I just do not know enough.

However he is the only one who appears to be doing anything towards seeking justice for Shannan.
I will not refute your opinion about John Ray as I just do not know enough.

However he is the only one who appears to be doing anything towards seeking justice for Shannan.

What makes you think he is trying to get Justice for Shannan?

I've not seen him do ONE thing for Shannan

he doesn't know the first thing about the playing field of his client
and all he does is
do media appearances to be on tele.


I was talking to Bruce Barket bout John - even Bruce said

a) NO criminal charges were pressed against Hackett
b) Looks like John is only using this case for media appearances.

hate to bring it to ya Windsor
JOHN is going to be disbarred.
What have I been saying again and again and again and again 'bout JR?

he's too stupid to know how to tie his shoes, so he wears velcro shoes.


John does NOT know the playing field of prostitution
so how the hell is he going to get evicdence to prosecute Hackett
when the police never charged Hackett and let him go as an innocent man


Are ya' gonna post transcripts of what happened in the charity fraud case against him?? I am (as usual) curious to know details!
What about the gilberts?? Do they want justice, or to just try and move on?
Scorpio.. with what youre saying here about JR and fran, do you know if it was the gilberts who first accused JR/fran of exploiting them? Or was someone in their ear telling them not to trust JR? I live near his office and pass by it often so if I see it close up in the near future, I’ll let you guys know. If hes really disbarred over this.. it would have to make the news locally. If true, and his motives were never to get justice and to just exploit this for media time... what a shame. Hopefully, for the gilberts and justices sake, its not true.. these poor kids have been getting the run around by everyone.

Another question.. have any of these lawyers youve spoken with that have negative opinions of JR... has any of them seemed willing to try and help solve this case rather than see it get buried?

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