Crimewatch Reconstruction 14.10.13 2100GMT

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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hi donjeta,
I was for 7 days in Paris and 7 days in Sweden, with no local knowledge and no language and no friends no car.. for me it would be impossible even to call a taxi on my own after 6 days, let alone commit a crime and hide it so well..

Plus how did they know there were no CCTV cameras around?

Give yourself a little credit, won't you? You speak English, it is quite possible for you to call a taxi in Sweden, and it is not that hard in France either if you can pronounce the place names. And seven days is probably enough time for you to acquire a map. You can look up places in streetview using Google maps never knowing a word of the local language etc..

And I don't really know why knowledge of the local language or friends would be necessary in order to do something that you don't really want to tell about to anybody anyway. I'm not going to approach any locals and ask them where the best places to hide a body are.

How did the abductor know there were no CCTV cameras? (Weren't there?) Do you always have to know? I think some people who find themselves with a body in their hands probably would just take their chances because their other option is basically just fessing up and if they don't like the option what's left?
I'm not the one arguing faulty logic, and that's not what I'm doing.

I simply cannot see why the Cadaver dog alerted at the sites where DNA just so happened to be found.

THIS is the impossible aspect to me...the one thing that cannot be explained away by the "dogs r rong dna is rong" chant.

I don't know if anyone has said that the dogs are wrong. Personally I think the dogs were great within their capacity. They identified areas where DNA was found.

No other McCanns decomposed on that holiday that I know of.

No other decomposing McCanns touched cuddle cat, nor the key fob, nor Kates clothing, nor behind the sofa.

Eddie did not alert to blood, or bodily fluids. He was a HRD dog, a Human Remains Detector dog. He could care less about bleeding noses and nappies - he was used to find body parts and dead bodies

He smelt a dead human body, so he alerted. He was not wrong, that has been proven by the non blood DNA located at the alert sites..

Trainer Martin Grimes said: "Blood could be invisible to the naked eye, but Keela will detect it. It doesn't matter if it's hundreds of years old.
"Eddie smells for the scent of a decomposing human body. He can detect any part of a human body that is decomposing &#8212; hair, bones, flesh, anything.<O:p</O:p
"The smell of a decomposing body is very difficult to get rid of. It can easily be transferred to clothing and on to a person..."
And the key fob:
The car key: A low level incomplete DNA profile which matched the corresponding components in the DNA profile of Gerald McCann was obtained from cellular material on the key card (286C/2007-CRL(12)). This sample has not been sent for further testing using LCN DNA profiling tests. <O:p></O:p>

That DNA is consistent with Madeleine, no matter how many hairs are split.

DNA alone = ok, maybe an innocent explanation

Cadaver alert then DNA found at the alert sites afterward only by forensic examination = a dead McCann laid at those sites.

I believe that on the McCann threads, there is a lack of understanding concerning the difference between the DNA tests used in this case, Low Count Number DNA (LCN DNA), and the DNA tests used by the US and everywhere else, SGM+. The UK and New Zealand (and a few other places) allow that testing but it is considered in the US to be too unreliable. Even if the samples sent to the FSS where prepared meticulously, the odds of getting a good identification were slim. 6% if I recall correctly.
Just talking to my friend in Germany and she watched the programme, and from what she has said its different to ours in the UK. It actually shows Gerry and Jez on the other side of the road, and Jane Tanner walking on the opposite side on her own....

How odd.
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