Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #2

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I don't think anyone could id a "black man dressed in black, with a ski mask on".....

Bingo. The interview was idiotic but hardly dangerous to Jr since his image has been shown all over the place.
I don't think anyone thinks Crystal murdered Haleigh and I didn't see where people were saying that last night.They were more upset she put her child on tv full face letting an abductor that already has taken his sister know he could be id'd,for the second time.And Ronald who has full custody would have been totally opposed to her doing that,she used the opportunity as she's using this whole thing.And without LE putting out an abductor description,she was making a false claim in prodding Jr for a nod.
No bashing- just an observation that was pointed out to me by one of my friends in Law Enforcement- but not working on this case.

From an investigative angle, it is actually more suspicious that Ron has not made negative remarks about Crystal- because it points to him having a feeling about who may have been involved- LE does not recognize dignity or restraint in cases like this. Keep that in mind. They are looking at clues and tips and hard information.

Hi, pi. [for those of you not in-the-know, pirate and I both live relatively near Cummings' home, though she's east and I'm west. Neither of us have a dog in this fight and we don't know each other... I don't think.]

Gotta agree w/you on this thought, though I would use "interesting" rather than "suspicious".

I have commented many times at how incredibly well I think Ron has been at deflecting media questions about the actual investigation. IMO, he has been briefed and coached by FBI and FDLE on how to do this so deftly. He just wants his little girl found.

As I mentioned on the GR thread:
"These people are camped out under funeral home tents out in the middle of nowhere. I promise you, LE is on/near the premises of both tents, whether to watch for suspicious activity or to make sure they are out of harm's way.

Sorry, we might be a bunch of ignorant rednecks, but we're not that stupid. At least I hope not... "

If you presume Crystal S is also innocent and willing to follow LE's guidance re: media, then she is also being used in the investigation.

Yes, I realize that Mama Crystal's innocence is an unpopular stance on WS, but IMO it's just as plausible as anything else we've come up with which is based on
- her reactions vs. how we think we would react [now do tell, can any of us put ourselves in their shoes?]
- emotionally biased opinions by others who have been involved in custody disputes [btw - see below for links to FL Child Support laws]
- dreams, astrology,

Don't think I don't believe any of the above are legit, but most cannot be proven or disproven until the case is resolved.

"These people are camped out under funeral home tents out in the middle of nowhere. I promise you, LE is on/near the premises of both tents, whether to watch for suspicious activity or to make sure they are out of harm's way.

Sorry, we might be a bunch of ignorant rednecks, but we're not that stupid. At least I hope not... "

I'm willing to bet that DCF is watching very closely, too.

Child Support and Custody info
Florida Statutes, Ch. 61 PART II


Florida Courts website, Family Law Self-Help Center
I wasn't referring to her holding a gun on him during the interview. Of course for the immediate moment he wasn't in danger. However, we don't know where Haleigh is, who took her, and why. As long as there are outstanding questions...the motive is unknown and if retalliation is part of the would stand to reason there could be a danger of Rj knowing too much information about the perp to identify him. Silencing a witness can happen many ways.

I do not believe the father's family put Rj's photo out there and they did not want his story out in the media (neither did LE). TN made it very clear they are more concerned about his safety and take this possible threat quite seriously. I back them 100%. When LE tells them to stay quiet, they listen. Crystal has shown repeatedly she doesn't care enough to keep her mouth shut for Rj or Haleigh's sakes. She is more interested in revenge and money, imo.

Crystal did not endanger her son any more than his father has by releasing photos of him playing with his sister. He sat on her lap and munched on chips. In fact, if you watch the 10 minutes he's on GR, you'll see he offered nothing in the way of identification on the perp. Except of course that he was dressed in black and had squeaky shoes. The camera was not on him directly for more than a couple seconds. Most of the time it was a side shot and mostly of his hair.

You might want to look at that slideshow of pictures that someone posted on another thread, images of Jr. and Haleigh provided by Ron. So I will respectfully disagree with you on the notion that Ron and his family have not put out Jr.'s image.

I don't know her motives for going on the GR show, and don't agree that she should have attempted to get her son to relay his story for the media like that. But it is a stretch to suggest she's put her child in danger because of it. Jr's image was out there long before he was on the show.
Well,the fact is,whoever has a child at the time,is responsible for thier care,I am not going to defend Misty at all.She keeps being questioned for some reason.But,what I am saying that what Crystal has been doing since last weekend is wrong.And she should have kept the focus and unity they were starting in finding Haleigh instead of turning it into this,they still have a lifetime of raising siblings of thiers and Chad's together and I just don't see how that will happen easily now.
My general opinon of CS putting Jr. on TV last night kind of goes hand in hand with what I've been thinking for the most part about the adults in Haleighs life.

It seems to me most of the adults in Haleighs life, appear to be doing the best that they can, but they lack an incrediable amount of insight and all of those adults (I'm referring to Mom, Dad, and caregiver for the most part) seem to have a bit of a selfish side when it comes to putting the needs of Haleigh first before their own.

As far as CS, IMHO it was very poor judgement on her part to put her youngest child on TV. For a number of reasons. But, it doesn't really suprise me, when I look at the behaviors of these adults in relation to Haleigh's complete welfare. JMO
I disagree. In the south, you couldn't begin to imagine the offense that is taken to being called "black", I myself am not AA but am offended when I hear it being said.
I don't think RJ would have said "black man" myself. He is only 4 years old. Unless 4 year olds are taught to refer to AA's as "black people" he would have described them differently.

I hate to disagree with you, mydailyop, but I must do so respectfully on this point. This is not my experience, and I have lived here my entire life.

Before I launch into a full explanation/argument, I need to know:
Are you using "black" instead of the "N" word?
Crystal did not endanger her son any more than his father has by releasing photos of him playing with his sister. He sat on her lap and munched on chips. In fact, if you watch the 10 minutes he's on GR, you'll see he offered nothing in the way of identification on the perp. Except of course that he was dressed in black and had squeaky shoes. The camera was not on him directly for more than a couple seconds. Most of the time it was a side shot and mostly of his hair.

I beg to differ. I think that there is a huge gap between showing pictures of your family in order to get your missing child's image out to the public and putting your non-missing child live on national television in an attempt to prove that he saw the alleged kidnapped and has identified his appearance. The former is normal protocol when a child is missing, getting the child's image out there, while the latter is self-serving and dangerous.
I don't think anyone could id a "black man dressed in black, with a ski mask on".....

If you search the Haleigh Cummings discussion board for "ski mask" [use quotation marks], the post made at 3:03 a.m. today will blow your mind.
I hate to disagree with you, mydailyop, but I must do so respectfully on this point. This is not my experience, and I have lived here my entire life.

Before I launch into a full explanation/argument, I need to know:
Are you using "black" instead of the "N" word?

Oh, gosh no..that word fires me up big time.
In general terms, I don't think using "black" is offensive to most AA's, I don't personally like to hear it, but when the term is inserted into a crime scenario, most of the time it is offensive whether true or not.
I am glad your experiences have been better I guess than mine. Just last week 7 kids in our local middle school were suspended for calling a child a "black person" in history class. Here, it is very offensive. Mind you, the ratio is much higher here than where you are..much, much higher.
I also think that going back and forth over being for Crystal or being for Ronald is playing into a three year battle they've had and it to is not focused on finding Haleigh.And if LE is looking at anything there,they should have looked in a dumpster and sent out cadaver dogs from day one,so that could have been put out of the way.And FBI should start handling every missing child case now,since it's a National problem happening way too often.
Crystal did not endanger her son any more than his father has by releasing photos of him playing with his sister. He sat on her lap and munched on chips. In fact, if you watch the 10 minutes he's on GR, you'll see he offered nothing in the way of identification on the perp. Except of course that he was dressed in black and had squeaky shoes. The camera was not on him directly for more than a couple seconds. Most of the time it was a side shot and mostly of his hair.

You might want to look at that slideshow of pictures that someone posted on another thread, images of Jr. and Haleigh provided by Ron. So I will respectfully disagree with you on the notion that Ron and his family have not put out Jr.'s image.

I don't know her motives for going on the GR show, and don't agree that she should have attempted to get her son to relay his story for the media like that. But it is a stretch to suggest she's put her child in danger because of it. Jr's image was out there long before he was on the show.
I am not aware of the father or his family putting out photos of Rj, but they certainly did not say, "He saw the perp take Haleigh" and then give details nor did they have Rj do it for the sake of ratings!! GRRRR!

I don't understand how people can refute the implication of Rj having been made to do this and how he could be affected in the long run. It is definitely NOT a stretch because LE suggested it to TN as a reason not to mention it...and they did not.
I think the point of the child support scam idea was missed.

It wouldn't matter if there was a paternity test run on Haleigh. It's not Ron that she would have been scamming. The results wouldn't have available to the person that she was scamming.
I beg to differ. I think that there is a huge gap between showing pictures of your family in order to get your missing child's image out to the public and putting your non-missing child live on national television in an attempt to prove that he saw the alleged kidnapped and has identified his appearance. The former is normal protocol when a child is missing, getting the child's image out there, while the latter is self-serving and dangerous.

It's normal to put the image of the missing child out there. If people were so worried about Jr's safety, then I wonder why they released his image to the media. That is all. Sitting on his mother's lap munching on chips and nodding his head once in awhile doesn't seem to be terribly threatening. He didn't give much of a description of anyone. Except squeaky shoes. I doubt anyone would feel threatened by a 3 year old (how old is he really? GR said he was 5....anyway) who claims to have seen a person in black.

I will agree that Crystal made a bad decision to give that interview, since it did nothing to add to the case except give people another opportunity to again attack her.
Was reading the Geraldo thread and saw that
putting her son on tv turned Crystal into a murderer!
Really? We don't know who all was in on that.

Bad judgement imo, but can't call her a murderer yet...

I wouldn't say she is a murder but I also wouldnt say it was bad judgement either. Crystal knew the concerns of RC mother about Jr safety yet she still put her son on tv. I wouldnt call putting my child face on TV and pointing at a black man dressed in all black bad judgement. I would call it bad parenting and no concern over the safety of the child.
gettin silly to assume that this raw interview on GR will result in her losing custody of Jr. Ronald has FULL custody already. She has standard visitation. I think it irresponsible of her to do the interview, because it just innapropriate, but it's not a crime and it's not endangering him, no more than several images being release by the Cummings family, no more dangerous than leaving him in the care at night with a 17 yr. old who clearly is no more smarter than crystal herself, no more dangerous than the myspace images that are still out there. Jr is Crystals son....someone dare threaten to take my parental rights away because I mis-stepped in this manor? Over my dead body! Palease spare me the bantor of she shouldnt have any children....blah blah blah. Ronald isn't going to be able to do squat because of this. Thats like the pot calling the kettle black. As ignorant as what we think of what she did, it is uncalled for to get all in an uproar.

I wonder if LE even considers using what Jr.'d think if it was useful info or reliable in anyway, they would of told both families to keep that information hush. But to our knowledge, they havent. Or we'd heard about it by now.
I am not aware of the father or his family putting out photos of Rj, but they certainly did not say, "He saw the perp take Haleigh" and then give details nor did they have Rj do it for the sake of ratings!! GRRRR!

I don't understand how people can refute the implication of Rj having been made to do this and how he could be affected in the long run. It is definitely NOT a stretch because LE suggested it to TN as a reason not to mention it...and they did not.

His picture has been out there from the first day. His description of the "perp" was "someone dressed in black with squeaky shoes" which is NOT very identifying. She should not have allowed him to be interviewed, but only because it didn't really add anything to the case.

(FYI: I once attended a taping of the GR talk show, way back in the 80s....I'm still scarred from that experience. I'll give you that there will probably be long lasting effects for Jr having been exposed...I'm still in therapy for it.)
I have seen several times people indicate that Crystal is uneducated, that she is weak, that she was taken advantage of, and did not use common sense as excuses to why she did this interview. If I bought all those excuses it still does not explain why she did not take the opportunity in the last 3 interviews when she has been bashing Ron, putting Rj in danger, or telling everyone she is really mad at the rumor about her missing and dna, to plead for the return of her missing daughter. It does not take a well educated, common sense, or strong person to do that it just takes a loving mother.
gettin silly to assume that this raw interview on GR will result in her losing custody of Jr. Ronald has FULL custody already. She has standard visitation. I think it irresponsible of her to do the interview, because it just innapropriate, but it's not a crime and it's not endangering him, no more than several images being release by the Cummings family, no more dangerous than leaving him in the care at night with a 17 yr. old who clearly is no more smarter than crystal herself, no more dangerous than the myspace images that are still out there. Jr is Crystals son....someone dare threaten to take my parental rights away because I mis-stepped in this manor? Over my dead body! Palease spare me the bantor of she shouldnt have any children....blah blah blah. Ronald isn't going to be able to do squat because of this. Thats like the pot calling the kettle black. As ignorant as what we think of what she did, it is uncalled for to get all in an uproar.

I wonder if LE even considers using what Jr.'d think if it was useful info or reliable in anyway, they would of told both families to keep that information hush. But to our knowledge, they havent. Or we'd heard about it by now.
They did. TN said they did. So we have heard about it already soon after Crystal started running her mouth about it!! LE did NOT want the information out to the media or the public!
I have seen several times people indicate that Crystal is uneducated, that she is weak, that she was taken advantage of, and did not use common sense as excuses to why she did this interview. If I bought all those excuses it still does not explain why she did not take the opportunity in the last 3 interviews when she has been bashing Ron, putting Rj in danger, or telling everyone she is really mad at the rumor about her missing and dna, to plead for the return of her missing daughter. It does not take a well educated, common sense, or strong person to do that it just takes a loving mother.

ANd being uneducated and weak do not cover the need to be coaxed for a plea when you are in front of a camera and it certainly does not explain being able to emotionlessly recount your son's story of the night your daughter disappeared, less than one month after she went missing.
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