Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #4

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Yet again the operative word being SUPPOSEDLY. And this has WHAT again to do w finding Haleigh? Am leaving tiresome, fruitless distraction you persist in. There is a precious child, named Haleigh missing. JMO

Yes. I said "supposedly". We don't know if the wreck happened first or the seizure.

I think it all matters in finding Haleigh. This is not fruitless or a distraction to be discussing as it could pertain to drug use on Crystal's watch when she had Haleigh on the weekend visits.

What happened on the last visit with Haleigh? I have asked repeatedly what the sleeping arrangements were at Crystal's home. I have asked about Chad's relationship with Rj and Haleigh. I am not finding any answers to pertinent questions in relation to Haleigh and I will keep asking questions.
I have not seen any factual evidence that Misty has a drug issue. I absolutely think she smokes too much, but like I said I have not seen any arrest records, and nothing reported that is based on facts. If there is something out there then we should all see it. IMO

This is the same question I have had on my mind for weeks. How do we know that Misty does all of these drugs? As anybody come forward to say that they have seen her do them or has she admitted to doing them? i know we have the past records and admissions of Ron, Crystal, and Chad but, do we have anything other than rumors on Misty? Sorry I know this is a thread on Crystal but it looked like a good place to ask my question. Thanks!
I found your post interesting given your first post in this very topic, bold is mine:


(bold mine, from previous Crystal #3) Hi txmommy :wave: ...and we were doing so well yesterday... lolol!

1. "Crystal admits doing cocaine while pregnant, this is not a try during pregnancy kind of drug it is a habitual habit at this point and is sometimes in need of intervention."

What Crystal admits to is STOPPING use of cocaine as soon as she learned she was pregnant--unlike dad, who continued using drugs in the home they shared.

2. "Those who don't want to quit drugs while pregnant are in need of someone else caring for the child after delivery."

Those who don't want to quit drugs while PARENTING are in need of someone else to care for their child/ren!

3. "I firmly feel that Ron has demonstrated repeatedly his ability to address ASAP his concerns in regards to the children."

Ron is the one who did not want Crystal to learn to drive; and insisted instead he would be responsible for arranging alternate transportation by his mother to and from Haleigh's doctor appts. during the time they were living together and beyond, yet failed to follow through. Crystal is not the one in whose care Haleigh was when the 22 absences from school occurred during her first few months in school. And Crystal is also not the one who, w/out warning failed to return and kidnapped their two children in violation of the court ordered schedule. It would seem when dad takes the children--nevermind whether there was just cause, whether court sanctioned nor even if legally entitled--he has only altruistic motives... Yet when Mom, in response to now grave and justifiable concern is in a position to seek LEGAL remedies, to rightfully pursue due parental recourse in the prescribed manner, her motives are selfish, sinister and suspect...?

4. "...we (do) not need to speculate the mothers motives for not pursuing child support to establish said paternity."

While attributing the worst most selfish possible motives to mom, for me to say there is a ton of speculating and assigning of benevolent motives re dad going on in your own post would be a gross understatement. And plez, don't even get me started on this doing comparisons of these three women's characters on the basis of looks, mannerisms or vocal tone, I will have cardiac arrest or a stroke... lol. This will have to do for now as it needs to be addressed further in Ron Thread, but w/e we saw eye to eye yesterday, well it was nice while it lasted LOL!!


And it would be which part you find of such particular interest...? That I draw a line between what has been documented in police reports and in case histories--and that which is sheer speculation and rumor? That I make a distinction between what is relevant to the environment from which Haleigh disappeared eg, and one which can yield little if any fruitful clues or evidence? Or maybe it's that I can have concern for the possible implications of lifestyle, associates etc inasfar as they relate to Haleigh's disappearance, w/out the need for further speculation or guesswork re reasons for Ron's present state? Or maybe you just find it interesting that I differentiate between defending one parent to the extent risk factors are overlooked--and erring on the side of caution? W/e it is you find so "interesting" re above statement, pray tell us all and share rather than simply suggest or imply there might be something inconsistent or insincere ... JMO

Please remember attack the post not the poster

Yet again the operative word being SUPPOSEDLY. And this has WHAT again to do w finding Haleigh? Am leaving tiresome, fruitless distraction you persist in. There is a precious child, named Haleigh missing. JMO

Nothing other than rumours from what I have seen
This is the same question I have had on my mind for weeks. How do we know that Misty does all of these drugs? As anybody come forward to say that they have seen her do them or has she admitted to doing them? i know we have the past records and admissions of Ron, Crystal, and Chad but, do we have anything other than rumors on Misty? Sorry I know this is a thread on Crystal but it looked like a good place to ask my question. Thanks!
I have not seen any factual evidence that Misty has a drug issue. I absolutely think she smokes too much, but like I said I have not seen any arrest records, and nothing reported that is based on facts. If there is something out there then we should all see it. IMO

If she had arrest records wouldn't they be sealed since she's a minor?
This thread is turning into a personal one. If you don't like someones opinion regarding Crystal C. you have two options.

1. Pass it up and don't respond
2. Discuss the other person's opinion without personally attacking the poster
Crystal Sheffield had a minor car crash on Crill Avenue in Palatka just before 1 p.m.
Palatka police said Sheffield might have had some kind of seizure before rear-ending another vehicle. They said she then drove herself of Putnam Community Medical Center.
“Ms. Sheffield complained that she had some type of medical episode just prior to the accident, and that’s what distracted her and caused her to run into the rear of the vehicle,” said Palatka Police Department Assistant Chief James Griffiths.

SATSUMA, Fla. - It may have been dumb luck that Crystal Sheffield’s father was driving along State Road 20 in Palatka early Monday afternoon. He says he spotted his daughter’s white SUV on the side of the road with a crowd of people around it. When he got out, he says he ran up to the vehicle and saw his daughter in the middle of a seizure.
Sheffield was taken by ambulance to the Putnam Community Medical Center along with her 11-month-old daughter. Sheffield was admitted, hooked up to oxygen and monitored. Her daughter was looked after and was immediately released suffering no injuries.

It appears the myfox article was written from her Dad's account.Did she run into someone and have a seizure or was she in the middle of a seizure as her Dad said when he happened to be driving down the road and saw her car?She just had a major accident last year where she ran into a tree and totaled her car.

Talk about 2 different stories! Did she drive herself to the hospital or did she go in an ambulance? Maybe this is why we are getting so many different stories and rumors in this case. The news can't even get the same story on an accident!
Talk about 2 different stories! Did she drive herself to the hospital or did she go in an ambulance? Maybe this is why we are getting so many different stories and rumors in this case. The news can't even get the same story on an accident!

Reporter errors are probably a part of it but we've seen inconsistent accounts on video too. It's hard for reporters to get it right if they're told bah humbug.
Thank you Tomsgirl.Tim said things are not as they seem,he left.The amber alert says Missing now.What if a relative from either side heard all these rumors of Haleigh being abused and had her taken?Maybe this would explain why Crystal is just looking at the custody now and Ronald is not acting as she's in danger.I don't know,just trying to figure out their behavior.Maybe they know already.Ronald said in a presser,"she's not your blood."LE said in last big presser,if anyone knows anything,relative or friend,neighbor,call in a tip.It could even be a relative of Misty's.
I do not think that Crystal S. had anything to do with the disappearance of her daughter. Absolutely none. As far as the accusations that she and her ex throw at each other, I give that a "whatever". These two parents were not on the best of terms, obviously, and to add this missing sweetpea to an already less than pleasant relationship, there are going to be words.

As far as the suspected seizure is concerned, it does happen. It does not mean that she is "chronic", but it could have been brought on by stress, lack of eating for a period of time, hormones, or all of the above. I do not think that CPS need to be involved and that her parenting of other children should be a concern. Frankly, I'm surprised at so many hostile posts against this person. CS may not be some poster parent, but I do not believe CS deserves what some post.

FWIW, my son had a random seizure several years ago at the age of 24. Blood tests, CAT scan, and monitoring. Never spent a night in the hospital. Never happened again. License was not pulled and he could drive after all tests came back clear. We were told that seizures can occur for no reason that can be found medically. It does happen....
(respectfully snipped, bold mine) TY! This isn't a mudslinging CONTEST. For Haleigh's sake, we are trying to explore pertinent clues in the environment in which Haleigh was last seen and from which Haleigh inexplicably vanished. Everything else is something in which I've tried mightily to avoid being engaged. If Haleigh had suddenly turned up "missing" while on Crystal's watch, you better believe I would want to know every sordid detail about her past including digging up her drug history, arrest records, every seedy associate, friend, family member and neighbor. But that isn't where Haleigh was last seen nor in whose custody or care she was last known to be--which makes Crystal nothing more than a heartsick parent--apparently affected by her grief. All we've heard is how Crystal shows no sign of grief... maybe this IS her response to stress, initially to the ongoing conflict, and now to that of her CHILD gone missing. For those who can not resist slinging mud, please just ask if it bears some remote relevance to finding Haleigh. TIA JMO:parrot:

I just don't understand the animosity towards Crystal. Is it because she is the bio mother who did not fight for her child, when in some people's minds she should have? Do people feel that ultimately that's why Hayleigh is missing?

Now when Crystal finally gets up the gumption to work towards being the mother she has not been, either she cleaned up, got the adovcacy she needed in terms of legal support or just healed from an abusive situation, people seem to feel she doesn't deserve that chance. I don't get it.

I agree with you Kiki, if Hayleigh went missing on Crystal's watch, I would would want to know every sordid detail. I just don't believe her past is germane to her daughter's disappearance.
I just don't understand the animosity towards Crystal. Is it because she is the bio mother who did not fight for her child, when in some people's minds she should have? Do people feel that ultimately that's why Hayleigh is missing?

Now when Crystal finally gets up the gumption to work towards being the mother she has not been, either she cleaned up, got the adovcacy she needed in terms of legal support or just healed from an abusive situation, people seem to feel she doesn't deserve that chance. I don't get it.

I agree with you Kiki, if Hayleigh went missing on Crystal's watch, I would would want to know every sordid detail. I just don't believe her past is germane to her daughter's disappearance.

My animosity towards her comss from her lies on camera, then changing her story within a minute when confronted. I have a problem with a mother who doesn't even exhibit any tears when she first hears her child is missing. I have a problem with a woman who is so busy making excuses up as she goes along. I have a problem with a mother who only wants custody of her son, not her daughter. I have a problem with a woman who claims to be getting custody yet nothing has been filed in court. I have a problem with a woman who immediately, upon listening that her daughter is missing, the first thing she and her mother do is trash the father. I have a problem when someone who claims to be a better parent yet admits in court that she doesn't even have car seats for her children. I have a problem with a woman with a history of seizures is driving around with an infant in her car. She's the poster girl for bad behavior. That's my reasoning.
Then my next question would be:If that was such an issue for you as a responsible parent RC, why the hello did you allow Misty and others access and sole responsiblity of care for your children. This alone in my opinion is enough for removal of the children from his custody and may be why TN is so anxious to paint Misty as an angel of motherhood.

So why do you think that Ron shouldn't have been leaving his children with Misty? Are you saying that she was on drugs...that she is a drug user? I haven't seen anything from LE that proves for a fact that that is true. There are rumors that she was gone that night...rumors that she had been on a three day drug binge...rumors and more rumors but that is all they are RUMORS.

There are rumors that Ron is a drug user but I haven't heard that from LE either. We don't know much of anything about Crystal and what she is rumored to be doing with her life because she doesn't live in that town and I doubt that any citizens have gone to her neighborhood and talked to her neighbors and friends to see what kind of a life she leads.

As far as Misty watching the kids...I'll bet most people on this forum that have kids have had a babysitter of 16 yrs or 17 yrs watch their kids at one time or another unless they are lucky enough to have family that are always available to babysit. Misty is plenty old enough to watch a 4 and 5 yr old. It sounds to me like she is good with the kids and spends a lot of time doing things with them.

There is no reason on this earth that we know as fact why Ron shouldn't have his kids 24/7. Crystal can accuse him of abusing the kids...being a doper and anything else she wants but she has to prove it in a court of law and I honestly don't think she can do that...not even with her hot shot attorney and big bad bounty hunter.
I have not met him in person. Never said that I have, my post actually says from observing him on tv. Just knowing marijuana users and working with them. It is just my opinion. I have seen him appear very clear headed also. Either way, if he was high on marijuana doesn't mean I think he did something to his daughter, or that he was the cause of what happened to her.

ETA: I know quite a few people who would say that they wouldn't blame him if he was smoking marijuana with all the stress he is going thru right now.

Again, here hoping they find Haleigh safe and get their daughter back.

How do know that Ron hadn't been prescribed some type of medication for anxiety and it was causing him to look like he was on something? Personally I think that he was prescribed something. His daughter was missing and he was clearly stressed to the max...scared to death and I can see him getting some help. It didn't have to be in the form of a drug like pot.

Why is it that the first thing that comes to people's minds is "he was on pot?"
He would have been a fool to have been using an illegal drug with LE all over the just people in general. Give him some credit. Everyone doesn't hit the drugs..pot..when tragedy strikes. Just because he used to do drugs doesn't mean he still does. I just can't see it at all. Ron has been focused on his daughter since she went he should be...I doubt that getting high and having some drug control his thinking was a priority for him.

I watched his interaction with the press and I never once thought that he was high. I worked with drug addicts/alcoholics in a treatment center for years...raised 4 teenagers plus had their friends around all of the time...worked at Middle and High school too. I have seen plenty of people high on various drugs and Ron didn't look to be high to me.
I just heard on HLN,the news4jax article is the right one.The reporter just told what happened,why did Johnny S,her father tell myfoxorlando that he drove up and she was having a seizure at the time?He said an ambulance took her to hospital.The reporter said Crystal drove herself and told the hospital she had a seizure before accident.Why can't people just be quiet or tell the truth,because it makes people not believe you,especially since everyone is a suspect.
So did JS lie about having been there at the scene of the accident and the seizure or was the ambulance bit only wrong?
How do know that Ron hadn't been prescribed some type of medication for anxiety and it was causing him to look like he was on something? Personally I think that he was prescribed something. His daughter was missing and he was clearly stressed to the max...scared to death and I can see him getting some help. It didn't have to be in the form of a drug like pot.

Why is it that the first thing that comes to people's minds is "he was on pot?"
He would have been a fool to have been using an illegal drug with LE all over the just people in general. Give him some credit. Everyone doesn't hit the drugs..pot..when tragedy strikes. Just because he used to do drugs doesn't mean he still does. I just can't see it at all. Ron has been focused on his daughter since she went he should be...I doubt that getting high and having some drug control his thinking was a priority for him.

I watched his interaction with the press and I never once thought that he was high. I worked with drug addicts/alcoholics in a treatment center for years...raised 4 teenagers plus had their friends around all of the time...worked at Middle and High school too. I have seen plenty of people high on various drugs and Ron didn't look to be high to me.

He may have been prescribed something for anxiety. I never said that he wasn't. If you have worked in a treatment center with addicts and alcholics, then you should know what someone under the influence looks like. As I have. It is my opinion, on the tape where he is talking about his new tats that he is high. That is my opinion and I am entitled to it. It is of no concern to me what you have done and experienced in your life. I too have some experience in the matter. My opinion has not changed. I think he was high of marijuana. Period. You may not agree with me, and that is fine. Also, I never said that he wasn't focused on his daughter and finding her. For some odd reason it seems that if you do not think RC is an angel that you have to be against him. I am not against him. No one deserves what is happening to this family. All of them. LE says they have no problem with his story. Neither do I. Misty on the other hand is a different story.
So why do you think that Ron shouldn't have been leaving his children with Misty? Are you saying that she was on drugs...that she is a drug user? I haven't seen anything from LE that proves for a fact that that is true. There are rumors that she was gone that night...rumors that she had been on a three day drug binge...rumors and more rumors but that is all they are RUMORS.

There are rumors that Ron is a drug user but I haven't heard that from LE either. We don't know much of anything about Crystal and what she is rumored to be doing with her life because she doesn't live in that town and I doubt that any citizens have gone to her neighborhood and talked to her neighbors and friends to see what kind of a life she leads.

As far as Misty watching the kids...I'll bet most people on this forum that have kids have had a babysitter of 16 yrs or 17 yrs watch their kids at one time or another unless they are lucky enough to have family that are always available to babysit. Misty is plenty old enough to watch a 4 and 5 yr old. It sounds to me like she is good with the kids and spends a lot of time doing things with them. ETA - I did NOT have family members to watch them. Until they were 16 I watched my children or my hisband did. It was a choice and a sacrifice on our part...worth every minute. No worries of abuse, drugs being taken by the sitter or abduction.

There is no reason on this earth that we know as fact why Ron shouldn't have his kids 24/7. Crystal can accuse him of abusing the kids...being a doper and anything else she wants but she has to prove it in a court of law and I honestly don't think she can do that...not even with her hot shot attorney and big bad bounty hunter.

First of all, I do believe that RC should not have his children because of his obvious felonious illegal sexual contact with a minor. PERIOD. Secondly, have you seen the tattoo video? If you are familiar with the signs of drug intoxication, you could see the signs. Thirdly, any rumors regarding my underage paramour's drug use or association with drugs would be enough cause to negate her being left with my kids. 4) I happen to be one of the wierdos that have never left my children with underage sitters ever. They are 27,26 and 25 with two adopted foster children who are 18&19. NEVER. I remember being a teen and though I considered myself a good kid and mature, my judgement was not what I would want for the welfare of my own children. Kids do not think like adults. It is a clinical fact that the brain is still growing uhtil you are in your 20's. The many myriad of rumors regarding RC's and Misty's drug use and connections to drugs are not replicated with regard to Crystal. Something tells me that all those sources (even though they are rumors) are not wrong. ETA - I did NOT have family members to watch them. Until they were 16 I watched my children or my hisband did. It was a choice and a sacrifice on our part...worth every minute. No worries of abuse, drugs being taken by the sitter or abduction
I do not think that Crystal S. had anything to do with the disappearance of her daughter. Absolutely none. As far as the accusations that she and her ex throw at each other, I give that a "whatever". These two parents were not on the best of terms, obviously, and to add this missing sweetpea to an already less than pleasant relationship, there are going to be words.

As far as the suspected seizure is concerned, it does happen. It does not mean that she is "chronic", but it could have been brought on by stress, lack of eating for a period of time, hormones, or all of the above. I do not think that CPS need to be involved and that her parenting of other children should be a concern. Frankly, I'm surprised at so many hostile posts against this person. CS may not be some poster parent, but I do not believe CS deserves what some post.

FWIW, my son had a random seizure several years ago at the age of 24. Blood tests, CAT scan, and monitoring. Never spent a night in the hospital. Never happened again. License was not pulled and he could drive after all tests came back clear. We were told that seizures can occur for no reason that can be found medically. It does happen....

Thank you for your post..
CS had one seizure a few days before HC disappeared. She has not been able to go to the Dr. because of the situation. I know, first hand, that she is suffering deeply.
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