Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #4

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I have been thinking about this "couch bouncing" and it really
makes no sense to me.
First of all... if he saw the "couch bouncing"... wouldn't he also see what
was making the couch bounce?
Second... if he heard the "couch bouncing"... is that a word a 4 year old
would use if he heard a noise and how would he know it was
the couch and that it was actually "bouncing" verses shaking, bumping,
moving etc?

I agree that "couch bouncing" is not a word a 4 year old would use to describe
any type of movement on or of the couch.
Perhaps it's a term that was used when the kids took to "bouncing on the couch"? From a very young age my kids referred to rough housing as "playing rough" and used the term often to engage their father in getting down on the floor and playing with them. (Never liked it myself; someone always got hurt.) Just a thought...
I use to love Nancy Grace.She is really upsetting me lately.I honestly really don't think Crystal meant anything bad at all putting JR on there.I really think she was just trying to help and believed her sons story like I do and no one seemed to be listening to this little boy.I don't think any one really knew how to handle all this.They never went through this before.
His testimony was part of an ongoing police investigation and Crystal herself said LE asked her not to question Rj. Also, by questioning him in this manner would taint his testimony in a trial which could result in the only known possible eyewitness testimony being tossed out. She did this in spite of what LE had directed her to do. This was her first mistake.

The second mistake was putting her son on national tv if he did see a man take Haleigh because it meant she put him in immediate danger being he could possibly identify the man.

The third mistake was made by exploiting him by having him go on national tv only to serve as a prop to make herself look better to the public.
I hate to say this but could her seizures be from her past drug abuse and some brain disorder? I remember how bad she rocked back and forth when Haleigh was first missing.
Yes stress can bring on seizures if you have a brain problem already. Lack of oxygen, epilespy, tumors, blood pressure, diabetes..........

I thought I was the only one to see her rocking in that lawn chair.
It can be discussed here and dosn't need a thread.
OK! :)

This would indicate they either already know what caused her seizures or perhaps she did not really have one. Since we are not privy to her medical information, it will be difficult to know which one applies in this case.

Sheffield is expected to be okay and should be released from the hospital after minimal supervision. Her father was by her side the entire time she was in the hospital. Her mother was stuck at a different hospital in Jacksonville sitting with another family member, but was in constant contact by phone with her daughter. (Bolded by me)
I thought I was the only one to see her rocking in that lawn chair.
No, you weren't as I commented on it because I mentioned at the time it reminded me of a "tweaker". (I was chastized for it, too! :rolleyes:) Now...I have to wonder if we weren't onto something.
I use to love Nancy Grace.She is really upsetting me lately.I honestly really don't think Crystal meant anything bad at all putting JR on there.I really think she was just trying to help and believed her sons story like I do and no one seemed to be listening to this little boy.I don't think any one really knew how to handle all this.They never went through this before.

NG has driven her ducks to a very poor market this time!!!!:rolleyes:
Varous types of seizures associated with drug abuse and withdrawal

Amphetamine-induced seizures including withdrawal symtoms:

The features of the stimulant-induced seizures were distinct and included the following: (1) the duration of convulsive activity was shortest for cocaine and longest for methamphetamine... (Bolded by me)

Amphetamines stimulate both the body and mind, resulting in feelings of increased confidence, talkativeness, increased energy, rapid breathing and heart rate, and sleeplessness. An overdose of the drugs may cause seizures. Most people who become addicted begin taking the drugs because they enjoy the effects of the drugs. However, as dependence sets in, feelings of withdrawal become more painful and ongoing use of the drugs reduces or eliminates those uncomfortable side effects. Symptoms of amphetamine withdrawal can include sweating, rapid pulse, shakiness, anxiety, hallucinations, nausea, seizures, and increased cravings for the drugs. (Bolded by me)
Wow... I hope she is okay.
Could this be caused by stress?

could be, I had a seizure when my daughter who was 9 months at the time hit her head on the coffee table so hard in made a small dent in her forehead, I freaked out so bad next thing I know I woke up on the floor with my family around me and said I had a full blown seizure a couple min right after she hit her head, we were both at the hospital:( she was ok (thank god) but since then I have had 3 seizures. weird huh?:waitasec:
I hope they did blood work at the hospital. I just can't get over the fact that she was driving around with that baby in her vehicle knowing she had a seizure before. And yet, she is the one accusing Ron of abusing the children.
Seizures don't necessarily have to be falling and writhing on the floor. Crystal could have just zoned out for a few seconds and didn't even realize that she'd had an actual seizure the first time or that it would ever happen again. She may not have even had a seizure this time. Until someone says for sure what it was, she could have passed out, have low blood sugar from not eating properly, extreme stress, have a virus, inner ear infection, severe sinus infection, etc. I hope they did blood work because she could even have something like Lyme disease.
I hope they did blood work at the hospital. I just can't get over the fact that she was driving around with that baby in her vehicle knowing she had a seizure before. And yet, she is the one accusing Ron of abusing the children.

I know. they should have taken her license from her, they took mine right there at the hospital, by law in california in order to get your license back you have to go 6 months without having a seizure. luckily my job was a 15 min walk, so It didnt really effect me. but each time you have one you are suppose to report it to the DMV.:twocents:
Pseudoseizures are a physical manifestation of an emotional disturbance. They resemble epileptic seizures, but, unlike the seizures caused by epilepsy, they are not caused by electrical disruptions in the brain. Physicians believe that pseudoseizures are psychological defense mechanisms, and may be brought on by episodes of severe stress or emotional trauma. The seizures tend to occur when patients try to suppress the trauma, often taking the person suffering with them by surprise, as do epileptic seizures.
So will this accident hurt her custody chances since she was driving after having had a prior seizure without a drivers license with the baby in the car?
I know. they should have taken her license from her, they took mine right there at the hospital, by law in california in order to get your license back you have to go 6 months without having a seizure. luckily my job was a 15 min walk, so It didnt really effect me. but each time you have one you are suppose to report it to the DMV.:twocents:

It's the same in NY. My brother in law who just turned 16 can't get his license due to seizures. He started to have them when he was 11 and they still don't know why. When he's in a seizure he'll try to start fires, do sit ups, or run in place. It's really weird. He's only ever had 2 grand mal seizures.

His neurologist reports right to the DMV. I don't know the procedure everywhere though.
So will this accident hurt her custody chances since she was driving after having had a prior seizure without a drivers license with the baby in the car?
I would say it could be an issue. It will depend on what her medical issues are and if the reports indicate she should not be driving. If she was warned not to drive after the first seizure until they figured out why she was having is a big issue.
It's the same in NY. My brother in law who just turned 16 can't get his license due to seizures. He started to have them when he was 11 and they still don't know why. When he's in a seizure he'll try to start fires, do sit ups, or run in place. It's really weird. He's only ever had 2 grand mal seizures.

His neurologist reports right to the DMV. I don't know the procedure everywhere though.

awww...bless his heart :blowkiss: That's the worst thing about having seizures is doctors often cant tell why you have them. I have had every test done and still nothing.
Benzo's - reducing them too quickly or stopping them cold turkey can also result in seizures. I've assumed Crystal and Ronald were both getting anxiety/sleep/whatever assistance from a Dr. - don't know, but figure they needed it. No idea what caused her seizure or even what kind it was.
Pseudoseizures are a physical manifestation of an emotional disturbance. They resemble epileptic seizures, but, unlike the seizures caused by epilepsy, they are not caused by electrical disruptions in the brain. Physicians believe that pseudoseizures are psychological defense mechanisms, and may be brought on by episodes of severe stress or emotional trauma. The seizures tend to occur when patients try to suppress the trauma, often taking the person suffering with them by surprise, as do epileptic seizures.
It could be stress. The only problem with that is she had it before Haleigh went missing so she would of had to have some kind of stress before that.
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