Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #5

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Originally Posted by Whisperer
It is great that all of you know exactly what it entails to leave a home when your child could be dead and pack, then arrange for an infant and other children to be cared for. To make sure there if food for them while you are gone....and to arrange for someone to drive you because you may crash the vehicle if you are tired or stressed.
Did you bother to ask if any one of us have been faced with this scenario before? You may be surprised.

She could throw clothes and a toothbrush in a suitcase in ten minutes. She had a live-in boyfriend and he is the father of the child. She could wake him up and hand him the child while saying, "This is an emergency! Take care of the baby while I go find Haleigh!". He should be responsible enough to provide for his own child to get food and diapers!

If I was unable to drive myself and my mom lived in my backyard...I bet I would be calling her as soon as I hung up from TN to come pick me up!! She waited over an hour to call her mother or father.
If I came home to find my daughter not in her bed in the middle of the night and the backdoor left first thought would be someone had taken her, too! He had Misty to verify she was gone. I would have called my mom immediately to come and then called 911. There is nothing suspicious about any of that to me at all.

The only reactions which are suspicious to me are from the Sheffield/Griffis clan.

I guess we all project onto others what we would do (or think we'd do) in that same situation. Having had the experience that I had with my son many years ago, my first reaction was to fervently search with no regard for what I was wearing (or wasn't wearing), no thought whatsoever of putting any shoes on before running outside - just a natural reaction to go into motion. SS you state that Misty verified that Haleigh was gone to Ronald but little has been said in statements or on television interviews by Ronald or Misty speaking of any preliminary searching he/she/or they did. I've never heard anything stating that Ronald asked Misty, what in my opinion would be natural follow-up questions after he was told that Haleigh was missing, such as, "well did you check in the other bedrooms, under the beds, in the closets, both bathrooms, down the ramp, out back, behind the house . . .?"
I just find this concerning.
MOO appears Ron has already been tried, convicted and banished. Nice feeling, huh .

How bout putting the shoe on the other foot; appears Crystal has already been tried, convicted and banished. Nice feeling, huh.

How's it feel . . .

I am going to do something I seldom do; however this tactic has been done to my facts quite frequently.

If you are going on MG's statement that CS called her at 5:00 when she was on video immediately after arrival...just maybe she got the time wrong and meant 4:00 am...She said herself she had lost track of time.

This is the kind of reasoning that has been presented to me whenever I give a timeline. Are you going to say it is not possible? Just entertain the thought.

And if it was 4:00am and not 5:00, would you think differently about Crystal. Her mother lives 100 feet from her house, so I would guess it was an error in time...hmmm.

Just something to think me, it does not make any difference. It is clear CS did not drive to Satsuma and steal her daughter and have her hidden for 5 and a half months.

Sprinkle me with some fairy dust and then I will accept this theory about Crystal being the culprit.
I am also glad to see that you have given it thought and now think that RC probably called his mother before 911. That is a big step.

Crystal did not steal Haleigh that night, despite the fact that RC may say so.
To all the posters here who believe Haleigh is safe and Crystal arranged for this to happen and she will appear at some time in the future and live happily ever after, I want to know whatever it is that makes you think this way...

How many child abductions have had the story line you describe?


You know I don't think either parent had knowledge of this, but you do know who I think COULD have arranged this. I think he hasn't been looked at enough and COULD be a key player. :rolleyes:
I am also glad to see that you have given it thought and now think that RC probably called his mother before 911. That is a big step.

Crystal did not steal Haleigh that night, despite the fact that RC may say so.

I also think that some of Ron later actions reflect this thought. I also give that credit to Crystal. In the first days of this the parents acted differently, until they started to think about different scenarios of what could have happened.
IMO if Marie had stayed out of it and not started the mudslinging from the first day forward things would of been so different, and maybe Crystal and RC would of worked together. Too much damage has been done, and unfortunately I don't think it can be repaired at this point. I just pray that Haleigh and JR never see the awful things Crystal and Marie have said about their daddy. We know JR heard Crystal on Geraldo say horrible things about his daddy, I am just hoping he was distracted enough he did not absorb all that was being said. I also hope they don't see the horrible things said about their mother, at least those things did not come from their daddy though which will help some.

My heart just breaks for this little guy.
I am also glad to see that you have given it thought and now think that RC probably called his mother before 911. That is a big step.

Crystal did not steal Haleigh that night, despite the fact that RC may say so.

I do not think Crystal had anything to do with this..... I can not believe she would have taken her, hide her for months-years- and then reconnect with her. Then years or months from now try and live a normal life keeping this secret.... I do not think she could be so cruel to make RJ think Sissy is gone forever....or in time if RJ found out Sissy was alive, would she tell him to keep the big secret from Daddy.... I honestly do not think so.

As for RC calling his Mom before 911...if that did happen I would not think that odd at all.... he appears to be very close to him Mom....

My thoughts on this case is she was abducted by someone who interjected themselve into this sad situation...knew what the heck was going on... crime of opportunity because of how this child was being taken care of...or lack of care for this child.

Mistakes made, oh yes, intentionally, NO WAY....
IMO if Marie had stayed out of it and not started the mudslinging from the first day forward things would of been so different, and maybe Crystal and RC would of worked together. Too much damage has been done, and unfortunately I don't think it can be repaired at this point. I just pray that Haleigh and JR never see the awful things Crystal and Marie have said about their daddy. We know JR heard Crystal on Geraldo say horrible things about his daddy, I am just hoping he was distracted enough he did not absorb all that was being said. I also hope they don't see the horrible things said about their mother, at least those things did not come from their daddy though which will help some.

My heart just breaks for this little guy.

That goes both ways for both of them. Lots of things happen off camera that we don't see. Lots of things are said in the heat of anger, fear, frustration. I think that both sides should have kept the dirty laundry off camera, but you can't go back and unsay it. So lets stop picking at the parents mistakes and look at PLACES she could be. We keep this tit for tat going and it just gets people mad. Need to think of PLACES not people. Do we know if there are places they went on vacations? Traveled too? Moved from or too? For the record, I like Marie. I think if the history is there, that is where you look, and that is what each person did in this case. So can we stop this picking?
I was not picking at all, was commenting on how the mudslinging has effected this case. IMO had the mudslinging not started Haleigh would already be home. With all that has been said it will be impossible for them to work together to bring her home. For the record I don't have a personal opinion on who I like or dislike because that clouds sleuthing in my opinion plus I don't know them personally. I look at the way they each have handled things and IMO the Sheffields took the focus off Haleigh right away and that makes me ask why - why did they want the attention diverted from Haleigh? Several family members of the Sheffield side are moving some out of state some staying in state, another thing that makes me question things. I am sorry you took it tit for tat because that was not what I was doing at all, I think this did not go as planned at all and I think the mudslinging is part of the reason the plan got messed up.

That goes both ways for both of them. Lots of things happen off camera that we don't see. Lots of things are said in the heat of anger, fear, frustration. I think that both sides should have kept the dirty laundry off camera, but you can't go back and unsay it. So lets stop picking at the parents mistakes and look at PLACES she could be. We keep this tit for tat going and it just gets people mad. Need to think of PLACES not people. Do we know if there are places they went on vacations? Traveled too? Moved from or too? For the record, I like Marie. I think if the history is there, that is where you look, and that is what each person did in this case. So can we stop this picking?
IMO after reading the Court papers and looking back at the coverage it became apparent that Crystal's parents are the ones with an interest in Crystal's children and a deep hatred of Ron. The mudslinging was a indication that there was discontent between these two families and obviously Ron and his mother where not fully aware of it, because they stated there was no disputes with Crystal over custody. The damage was done and an apology was made, but, the mud was slung again within days.
So I guess you can't stop the fighting on this thread, because you have to be right.
This is not a fight to be right, by no means, but, a whole hearted effort to keep looking, ask questions, get answers and to find HaLeigh.
So I guess you can't stop the fighting on this thread, because you have to be right.

I'd say you're right, but then I'd be right, and that'd prove your point and I'd get all confused and then ...... uh.......cookie?

Nearly 6 months ago, a young mother found out her child disappeared. Since then, I have seen more mud being slung at her by people on this board than I have ever seen, even at a mud bogging. I don't think people are making excuses for Crystal; people are trying to stay focused on the fact that this young woman is a victim of a crime committed against her daughter.

A victim.

Aren't we supposed to respect the victims of a crime? Crystal, Ronald......parents of a little girl and a young boy. They're victims. I see very little respect for Crystal from so many posters here, I am shocked it is allowed to continue. It is a darn shame.
Except for Crystal knowing Ron better than anyone else, I did not state that I thought Ron was responsible. I'm slowly going through anything I can find on this case that is fact and not assumptions nor rumors. I just wish someone would step up and tell me the secret that nails Crystal to the wall so that I can get the whole story. So far, I have not seen any explanations that point to Crystal's involvement in Haleigh's disappearance. I see plenty where she is guilty of not getting to the MH in a timely enough fashion, guilty of not ardently fighting for custody of the children, then she is guilty of fighting for custody of her children, guilty of having seizures, and other guilts that are covered by thousands of posts. I want to know what evidence there is to suspect this woman. That is all I'm asking for. I would like to examine anyone who could be suspected of this crime.........that includes grandparents of each parent, girlfriends and boyfriends or if some prefer, bride and groom to be, cousins, brothers, sisters, anybody...........any information that could piece together a motive.........

IMO, The only way your questions will be answered is when LE releases all the interviews, evidence, etc. in this case.

There is a lot of speculation, theories and reasons why some should have done this or that and why they didn't etc. No one actually knows any of the players except for what has been spoken via TV shows, media coverage, reviewing child custody hearings.

IMO, we don't know what happened behind closed doors when Crystal and Ron were together nor do we know what happened behind closed doors with Misty and Ron. The only thing we do know is Crystal was very young when she met Ron as well as Misty. What they know at their young ages is so totally different then what many of a more mature age would know and do.
So I guess you can't stop the fighting on this thread, because you have to be right.

IMO, the entire Haleigh forum has to stop the fight on "who is right and who is wrong" as well as "I know more then you" scenarios. It is getting really OLD!
That was a rumor and never substantiated, IIRC.

She had a live-in bf to watch the baby. Packing would take less than 10 minutes. No seizures were reported from that morning.

The point is that Crystal was in no hurry to get to the scene. It is suspicious, imo. Is it possible she knew why Haleigh was missing and the reason she didn't rush was because to her there was no urgency? Is it possible she waited to get a phone call from someone saying they had Haleigh out of the state?

Do we know if Crystal was breastfeeding her baby? If she was she would need to take her with her...

If she had been talking to Ron he may have told her he had it under control and to get there when she could..we do not know the facts, it is pure speculation on how or why Crystal did the things she did. LE to my knowledge is not questioning her timeline of events only Misty.
I do not believe Crystal would be able to pull off knowing Haleigh was taken for very long, where is the motive? She would not be able to see her child for god only knows how long why would she or anybody do that.
The only plausible motive at all that I could see is if she really felt there was agressive abuse going on in that home against Haleigh.But even she stated that she did not feel Ron would hurt Haleigh violently.
I have my own concerns regarding all family and actions from the past. People do change and try and better themselves.
Ron and Misty seem to still surround themselves with the party and drug lifestyle given Misty's 3 day fair. I understand that there are people who do not do drugs but still have friends that do so, and that in itself allows your children to be put in a compromising situation as you do not know intentions of people coming in and out of your home or life.
It would be moo..that Haleigh is missing due to the lifestyle surrounding her and RJ. I do not feel Ron, Misty, Crystal or Chad had anything to do with her missing.
I know there for a while there were social groups going on and alot of things were discussed there especially in regards to the Griffis side. If there is anything that can be shared here on the public forum in regards to showing any motive or time lines, actions from the Griffis side I would love to see any of that, if we cant back it then it must be coming from somewhere else that perhaps cant be backed and would be considered pure speculation on the information given, Who possibly gave any information, you could only hope would be being partial to the situation and not have there own agenda as we have seen plenty of on different boards.

Sorry SS I keep rambling on after bumping off this post..:) As everyone here I am just trying to make sense of an already messed up situation and try and find Haleigh and none of this is directed at you personally. Still trying to catch up from lastnight's post's.
Maybe we will hear something today, as the ten days that was discussed has come and passed as well as LE's 30 day meeting....
Let's bring Haleigh home!
IMO after reading the Court papers and looking back at the coverage it became apparent that Crystal's parents are the ones with an interest in Crystal's children and a deep hatred of Ron. The mudslinging was a indication that there was discontent between these two families and obviously Ron and his mother where not fully aware of it, because they stated there was no disputes with Crystal over custody. The damage was done and an apology was made, but, the mud was slung again within days.

bbm, ITA
I'd say you're right, but then I'd be right, and that'd prove your point and I'd get all confused and then ...... uh.......cookie?

Nearly 6 months ago, a young mother found out her child disappeared. Since then, I have seen more mud being slung at her by people on this board than I have ever seen, even at a mud bogging. I don't think people are making excuses for Crystal; people are trying to stay focused on the fact that this young woman is a victim of a crime committed against her daughter.

A victim.

Aren't we supposed to respect the victims of a crime? Crystal, Ronald......parents of a little girl and a young boy. They're victims. I see very little respect for Crystal from so many posters here, I am shocked it is allowed to continue. It is a darn shame.

I just know that remarks that slander, blame or criticize either parent just inflames people. So many people have quit posting due to this. I hate reading this crap. I want to find Haleigh, but apparently it's more important to sling mud. I ask to research PLACES and the response is more of the same. Good luck guys.
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