Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #5

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It has nothing to do with being right or wrong. Basically you do not want me to discuss my theory because I think it involves the Sheffields? I truly am trying to understand here, the finger is pointed and RC is regularly accused of being involved in Haleighs disappearance, every move he makes is discussed and analyzed and thats not considered fighting or trashing a victim, yet I state my opinion and give back up as to what makes me form my theory and thats considered fighting? So bottom line is do not discuss any of the Sheffields actions because people do not believe they are involved, therefore it is just me trashing Crystal?

So I guess you can't stop the fighting on this thread, because you have to be right.
IMO if Marie had stayed out of it and not started the mudslinging from the first day forward things would of been so different, and maybe Crystal and RC would of worked together. Too much damage has been done, and unfortunately I don't think it can be repaired at this point. I just pray that Haleigh and JR never see the awful things Crystal and Marie have said about their daddy. We know JR heard Crystal on Geraldo say horrible things about his daddy, I am just hoping he was distracted enough he did not absorb all that was being said. I also hope they don't see the horrible things said about their mother, at least those things did not come from their daddy though which will help some.

My heart just breaks for this little guy.
I agree. If Marie had not come out throwing around all the wild accusations at Ronald...this would have been so much different. Crystal did not start out being the one to bring up sour grapes...Marie did. Crystal said Ronald was a loving father and would not hurt Haleigh in any way. She also said the children loved Misty. When Marie got the venom flowing, Crystal took sides against Ronald. This is how we all became divided on this case, imo. The accusations proved to be false, but the damage was already done. People still believe the things said and Haleigh is the one who really lost out because of it.

Taking a look at Marie's side of the family was only natural due to what she was saying to draw the attention away from Haleigh. For them to have the nerve to bring up Ronald's past was sheer ignorance when they had so much garbage floating in their own pond. This brought up the people who could be willing and capable of pulling off an abduction from their side.

They only have one thing on their mind and it is revenge...not Haleigh's best interests. We have to look at that closely. This is why, imo, if they took was not to keep her safely tucked away somewhere.
I agree. If Marie had not come out throwing around all the wild accusations at Ronald...this would have been so much different. Crystal did not start out being the one to bring up sour grapes...Marie did. Crystal said Ronald was a loving father and would not hurt Haleigh in any way. She also said the children loved Misty. When Marie got the venom flowing, Crystal took sides against Ronald. This is how we all became divided on this case, imo. The accusations proved to be false, but the damage was already done. People still believe the things said and Haleigh is the one who really lost out because of it.

Taking a look at Marie's side of the family was only natural due to what she was saying to draw the attention away from Haleigh. For them to have the nerve to bring up Ronald's past was sheer ignorance when they had so much garbage floating in their own pond. This brought up the people who could be willing and capable of pulling off an abduction from their side.

They only have one thing on their mind and it is revenge...not Haleigh's best interests. We have to look at that closely. This is why, imo, if they took was not to keep her safely tucked away somewhere.

I agree with this 100%.

When the case first began airing I said, "the mother did it." At first I was just going on appearances and statements given. I was partly just being a smart arse.
When I saw how Marie was acting and then the Geraldo interview, it just cemented in my mind that the maternal side of the family had something to do with this case.
There has yet to be a logical explanation as to WHY Marie and Crystal wanted the focus off of HaLeigh. If someone can figure that out then it might crack this case wide open.

All this is MOO and stuff.
That goes both ways for both of them. Lots of things happen off camera that we don't see. Lots of things are said in the heat of anger, fear, frustration. I think that both sides should have kept the dirty laundry off camera, but you can't go back and unsay it. So lets stop picking at the parents mistakes and look at PLACES she could be. We keep this tit for tat going and it just gets people mad. Need to think of PLACES not people. Do we know if there are places they went on vacations? Traveled too? Moved from or too? For the record, I like Marie. I think if the history is there, that is where you look, and that is what each person did in this case. So can we stop this picking?

Bravo! Very good post, Bern. Nobody is going to find Haleigh sitting behind their computers arguing night and day about who could have done this, or who is the most to blame. This tit for tat stuff is getting really old. No one has produced enough facts to convince me that Crystal or her family is behind this, it's all speculation and rumors, and that's not good enough. Show me something concrete, something that is verified by LE.
So I guess you can't stop the fighting on this thread, because you have to be right.
It isn't a matter of being right. I won't stop defending the Cummings family against the accusations and innuendo here when I honestly believe they had nothing to do with Haleigh going missing. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about the other side of her family at this point or I would be defending them just as vigorously.
IMO if Marie had stayed out of it and not started the mudslinging from the first day forward things would of been so different, and maybe Crystal and RC would of worked together. Too much damage has been done, and unfortunately I don't think it can be repaired at this point. I just pray that Haleigh and JR never see the awful things Crystal and Marie have said about their daddy. We know JR heard Crystal on Geraldo say horrible things about his daddy, I am just hoping he was distracted enough he did not absorb all that was being said. I also hope they don't see the horrible things said about their mother, at least those things did not come from their daddy though which will help some.

My heart just breaks for this little guy.

this is the post I am referring too. What does blaming Marie have to do with finding Haleigh? You have your theory, we all read it. I have mine, but I don't keep picking at Ron to get you inflamed. So do and that's how this keeps going.
I'm starting to think that people here are so intent on continuing the mudslinging that they forget who this is all about. HALEIGH! She loves both her parents, and I would hope that both of them love her enough to forget about the past and work together to bring her home. Both of them have made mistakes and they will have to answer to them, but the bottom line is... which one of them knows the truth and what are they hiding? Seems when we get those answers, we will know where Haleigh is.
It isn't a matter of being right. I won't stop defending the Cummings family against the accusations and innuendo here when I honestly believe they had nothing to do with Haleigh going missing. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about the other side of her family at this point or I would be defending them just as vigorously.

Well, then, you just contradicted yourself with this statement, because that is about as one-sided as you can get. But we're all entitled to our opinions.
I don't intend to defend anybody, but I sure don't see the logic in looking at one side only when it comes to proving a point. Why not admit that the Cummings side has made some mistakes as well? Why not take Ron down off that pedastal you all have placed him on and see that he just might not be as innocent and perfect as you all want to believe he is?

I see faults on both sides. I want the truth no matter WHO ends up being to blame. The only innocent ones in my opinions are these two children, Haleigh and Jr. It's just amazing to me that some seem to forget that.
IMO, The only way your questions will be answered is when LE releases all the interviews, evidence, etc. in this case.

There is a lot of speculation, theories and reasons why some should have done this or that and why they didn't etc. No one actually knows any of the players except for what has been spoken via TV shows, media coverage, reviewing child custody hearings.

IMO, we don't know what happened behind closed doors when Crystal and Ron were together nor do we know what happened behind closed doors with Misty and Ron. The only thing we do know is Crystal was very young when she met Ron as well as Misty. What they know at their young ages is so totally different then what many of a more mature age would know and do.

ITA . Unless one of us fellow posters are a part of either family, we really don't know how one would normally act, react, etc . When I say that I get tired of all the carp re : Ron , its because I honestly don't think that he would ever do anything to hurt his little girl . I also do not think Crystal had anything to do with it, well initially anyway . If she does, I do not for one second believe it was intentional . I believe that a certain person who is neither Ron or Crystal is the one who took Haleigh and after he saw what it blew into and how it possibly affected Crystals health, that was when she was told . I think that this person has no idea what to do now, but if I am wrong, I will really be shocked . Its not right when others bash Crystal or Ron . They are both young parents who have made mistakes . We all have . I don't think any of the HARSH judgers on here can say that they have never made a mistake . I'm so sorry the both of them have to go through any pain that they are going through. No parent, no matter what, should ever have to go through that . I won't feed into the ridiculous banting anymore and I wish I never did . I pray to God my feeling is right on this . Haleigh needs to COME HOME .
I don't see this picking at Marie at all. I believe had the mudslinging not started Haleigh would already be home. I believe Marie started the mudslinging and diverted attention off Haleigh for a specific reason. I am sorry that inflames you.

this is the post I am referring too. What does blaming Marie have to do with finding Haleigh? You have your theory, we all read it. I have mine, but I don't keep picking at Ron to get you inflamed. So do and that's how this keeps going.
Well I do not know who started it wether it be Marie or Teresa by stating Misty was the kids mother, "My Little Girl", Misty stating the kids considered her their mother, they loved her like their own mother. All those statements where said first and Crystal being their mother and Marie being the grandmother I'm sure those statements hurt so it just got inflamed from the get go, and when people are hurt they will come out slinging.
It does take the focus off Haleigh and that was not a good call. I would like to know now what Crystal and Marie are doing to help in the answers for Haleigh as well as Ron and his family..I wonder if we will hear anything today, I sure hope so.
Well, then, you just contradicted yourself with this statement, because that is about as one-sided as you can get. But we're all entitled to our opinions.
I don't intend to defend anybody, but I sure don't see the logic in looking at one side only when it comes to proving a point. Why not admit that the Cummings side has made some mistakes as well? Why not take Ron down off that pedastal you all have placed him on and see that he just might not be as innocent and perfect as you all want to believe he is?

I see faults on both sides. I want the truth no matter WHO ends up being to blame. The only innocent ones in my opinions are these two children, Haleigh and Jr. It's just amazing to me that some seem to forget that.
I am not putting Ronald or anyone else on a pedestal. Everyone makes mistakes. I am talking about them being accused of harming Haleigh and defending them against those accusations with what I believe to be the truth. I will defend people I feel are being truly victimized here. To me, it is the least I can do for Haleigh. Her father may not be an angel, but IMO he has not participated in any way in her disappearance. I haven't contradicted myself at all.
I am so confused lol. Some of the same posters lecturing here and so offended anything negative was said about the Sheffields, have blamed RC for Haleighs disappearance, have called him a druggy, a liar, an abuser, and the list goes on.

I think to get to the bottom of this we have to look at each players behaviors before and after Haleigh went missing. I do not believe the persons responsible for Haleigh missing ever dreamed it would turn into this and go on this long. I think they are at a point they do not know what to do to fix it and not be caught at the same time. I think in their own mind they felt like they were doing the right thing for Haleigh and JR. IMO outside people got involved and in some ways took advantage of the situation and complicated the situation even more. There is a reason LE asked the families to lay low.
I am so confused lol. Some of the same posters lecturing here and so offended anything negative was said about the Sheffields, have blamed RC for Haleighs disappearance, have called him a druggy, a liar, an abuser, and the list goes on.

I think to get to the bottom of this we have to look at each players behaviors before and after Haleigh went missing. I do not believe the persons responsible for Haleigh missing ever dreamed it would turn into this and go on this long. I think they are at a point they do not know what to do to fix it and not be caught at the same time. I think in their own mind they felt like they were doing the right thing for Haleigh and JR. IMO outside people got involved and in some ways took advantage of the situation and complicated the situation even more. There is a reason LE asked the families to lay low.

That was exactly what I was trying to say in my last post .Still haven't been to bed since yesterday so I couldn't really get the words the way I really wanted them .
ITA . Unless one of us fellow posters are a part of either family, we really don't know how one would normally act, react, etc . When I say that I get tired of all the carp re : Ron , its because I honestly don't think that he would ever do anything to hurt his little girl . I also do not think Crystal had anything to do with it, well initially anyway . If she does, I do not for one second believe it was intentional . I believe that a certain person who is neither Ron or Crystal is the one who took Haleigh and after he saw what it blew into and how it possibly affected Crystals health, that was when she was told . I think that this person has no idea what to do now, but if I am wrong, I will really be shocked . Its not right when others bash Crystal or Ron . They are both young parents who have made mistakes . We all have . I don't think any of the HARSH judgers on here can say that they have never made a mistake . I'm so sorry the both of them have to go through any pain that they are going through. No parent, no matter what, should ever have to go through that . I won't feed into the ridiculous banting anymore and I wish I never did . I pray to God my feeling is right on this . Haleigh needs to COME HOME .

I'm 100% in agreement - well said! The way these young parents have acted, and Misty as well, may not be anything like each of us personally would have acted in the same situation. We have all different ages, upbringings, and experiences. None of these young folks have any stage presence in front of cameras and media intrusion, so it is no surprise that they may act very strangely and be uncomfortable. Yet people read evil in their very words, phrasing, facial expressions, and posturing, and condemn them for it.

We all have our pet theories based on what we have observed, and that's just fine. But we really know very little about actual facts. Hopefully, LE does and will eventually break the case. When they do, I hope that we all will join in respecting all the original theories, but be united against whoever has performed this crime against an innocent child and those who love her - regardless of who it will turn out to be.
I don't see this picking at Marie at all. I believe had the mudslinging not started Haleigh would already be home. I believe Marie started the mudslinging and diverted attention off Haleigh for a specific reason. I am sorry that inflames you.

Whether she started it or not, I have no idea why you and others feel it is okay, logical, right, and in any way helpful to continue slinging it back. For months it has been quiet from Marie and Crystal with regard to anything you keep bringing up as mudslinging, yet months later, y'all continue.

Since Marie, your primary source of mud, has stopped, I suggest you do, also.
As I have said before, it doesnt make it right but TN is only human and after listening to the Sheffields say awful things about her son, she responded. Marie started on RC from the very first time she was on camera and I do have to give her credit she did come out and apologize for her comments those first few days.

I wish we would hear something about what the families are doing to get answers.

Well I do not know who started it wether it be Marie or Teresa by stating Misty was the kids mother, "My Little Girl", Misty stating the kids considered her their mother, they loved her like their own mother. All those statements where said first and Crystal being their mother and Marie being the grandmother I'm sure those statements hurt so it just got inflamed from the get go, and when people are hurt they will come out slinging.
It does take the focus off Haleigh and that was not a good call. I would like to know now what Crystal and Marie are doing to help in the answers for Haleigh as well as Ron and his family..I wonder if we will hear anything today, I sure hope so.
As I have said before, it doesnt make it right but TN is only human and after listening to the Sheffields say awful things about her son, she responded. Marie started on RC from the very first time she was on camera and I do have to give her credit she did come out and apologize for her comments those first few days.

I wish we would hear something about what the families are doing to get answers.
Me too busy, I wish we would get answers on where HaLeigh is. The family's mud slinging has not stopped unfortunately, it just continues to muddy things imo
I'm posting this on both Ron and Crystal's thread!

Cool off and settle down, this bickering back and forth trying to convince one another about your take on either of the families has gotten out of hand.

If you have nothing of value to offer other than bringing up old re-hashed discussions, or bring into your posts names of those you've read about, but have nothing to do with anything except feed local gossip, your posts don't belong here.

To all the posters here who believe Haleigh is safe and Crystal arranged for this to happen and she will appear at some time in the future and live happily ever after, I want to know whatever it is that makes you think this way...

How many child abductions have had the story line you describe?

Take a look at any missing children's forum and you will see that many of them were abducted or kidnapped by a parent who didn't have custody of the child. Besides, I for one didn't say that Haleigh will appear at some time in the future and live happily ever after. Those are your words. I do believe that Haleigh is alright and will be joined by her mother and her mother's family in the future when things really cool down. Just my opinion or gut feeling watching Crystal, listening to her, and observing the things she has done since Haleigh disappeared. In all honesty, I never felt she was sincerely crying...kind of like some of the other cases we have had here. All my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
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