Crystal S., Haleigh's mother #5

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OR.......she was stopped at the entrance on Buffalo Bluffs, and the officer which began questioning her there could have called out to the officer at the MH to tell him he had the mom there and would question her. You have absolutely know knowledge of when she arrived and when she was questioned, nor do you have any proof that she arrived within the continued time frame you wish to promote. Her name is on the report YOU hold up as gospel. Therefore, it is JUST as likely that, having heard from a fellow officer that the mother had arrived, just to get his ducks in a row, THIS officer asked questions of the people HE was charged with talking to and got erroneous information.

END OF STORY. Without information, it is embarrassing to have to continue to point out that there is NO INFORMATION AVAILABLE WHICH STATES CONCLUSIVELY WHEN CRYSTAL ARRIVED.

There is also no logical manner in which a person with working gray cells could string any timeline of arrival with guilt of criminal behavior in the disappearance of this woman's child. As you view Ronald and his family as victims of a crime, so too do I view Haleigh's mother and her family as victims of a crime.
It should embarrass Crystal that you have to continue to put out that information. She had ample opportunity while she was all over national television lying about Ronald to clear up where she was while everyone else was looking for Haleigh...but she did not. It should not have been an issue at all here. Crystal has not disclosed her whereabouts for the the hours after 3:49am until she did finally arrive in Satsuma or the time she arrived to help in any way to find her child. She is hiding it on purpose, but what is the reasoning behind it? Is she embarrassed because she didn't rush right there to help find her baby? Or is there another reason she is hiding when she arrived?

Does anyone believe that Crystal was stopped at the entrance and held there for questioning instead of being allowed in to the place her child was last seen?! Not a chance they would do that to a mother. They already had her name and address from Teresa so if she had an ID on her...they would have literally taken her to the mh. I do not see it happening at all the way this was laid out that she was there, being held back, and the officer put her name on the report because some other officer was talking to her. The reason her name was on the report was for contact information and had nothing to do with her being there, imo.

The logical conclusion I reached about Crystal not addressing the time of her arrival is she must have something to hide. Teresa had no problem explaining what she did and when she arrived as per the Greta transcript which Busy posted earlier.
My goal is not to help you change your mind or try and convince you to see things they way I see them. We all have different perspectives on things and thats what makes this site so wonderful. While I respect you don't see anything that makes you think Crystal had anything to do with it, I see things that knock me over that make me think the Sheffields are involved. To me motives and actions all point in that direction. You see things that make you think RC and Misty are involved, yet I don't see those things at all. I can see no motive or behavior that points to RC and Misty.

I have asked myself many times why I don't see the things so many of you see and the only thing I can come up with is from day one I told myself I was not going to base any of my thinking on rumors and I honestly believe rumors have clouded so many of peoples thoughts. You hear certain things enough you start confusing what is fact and what is rumor, and that is so apparent from reading these threads.

I keep thinking if people keep talking about things, keep looking at the facts for all players involved that some of the rumors that have taken on factual life of their own will disappear and maybe just maybe something will click for all of us and the truth can be uncovered regardless of who it points to.

I'm willing to bet that Crystal knows Ron better than anyone else in the entire world, including his mama. There are most likely so many reasons that Crystal was hoping that this was just one more BS prank or controlling move the Ron was making just to pull her strings. I have not seen a single believable excuse or explanation on this thread or anyother thread to make me believe that Crystal had anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance. Believe me, I've goggled everything on this subject and took the time to read every single one of them and I have come to the conclusion that I have not seen anything to justify why Crystal would ever even contemplate harming Haleigh. If anyone has anything to offer to "help" guide me to change my mind, please feel free to "help" me see the way.
Actually if you go to it list the Rita address as well. The documents that people are sourcing for the Lady Lake address are 7 and 8 yrs old. TN told LE the Rita Ln address. I am sure LE has checked her phone records and know exactly where she was and when she got the call from RC regarding Haleigh missing. You have actually proven my point, a rumor has taken on a life of its own and clouded peoples thinking with regards to TN and her arrival time.

Well, I find it curious that though everyone insists that TN lives on Rita Lane, her address is listed in Lady Lake.....more than 2 hours away. Perhaps it's a summer home, that Rita Lane addy.

In the two hours it could take to get from Baker County to Ron's mobile home, They'd already done a search, started knocking on doors of neighbors, blocked the entrance to the Park in AND out, limiting access to the scene almost completely. Seems likely that Crystal, arriving at the Buffalo Bluffs entrance, stating she was the mom of the missing child, was pulled aside and was put to the rigors of initial interviews by an available officer. That officer would likely have called the one at the MH and said (THEORETICAL HAPPENING HERE) "Hey Bob (fictitious name), I have a woman here who claims to be the mother of the missing child. I'm gonna keep 'er down here and start the questioning. Just giving you a heads up." "OKAY, thanks!" says Bob, who makes a notation on his own sheet of who's who. Then he asks around to the people he already has to deal with for whatever information they can give him on Crystal. Seems so simple. Whatever wrong information written on THIS officer's report has no bearing on the report of the officer in charge of questioning Crystal.
It should embarrass Crystal that you have to continue to put out that information. She had ample opportunity while she was all over national television lying about Ronald to clear up where she was while everyone else was looking for Haleigh...but she did not. It should not have been an issue at all here. Crystal has not disclosed her whereabouts for the the hours after 3:49am until she did finally arrive in Satsuma or the time she arrived to help in any way to find her child. She is hiding it on purpose, but what is the reasoning behind it? Is she embarrassed because she didn't rush right there to help find her baby? Or is there another reason she is hiding when she arrived?

Does anyone believe that Crystal was stopped at the entrance and held there for questioning instead of being allowed in to the place her child was last seen?! Not a chance they would do that to a mother. They already had her name and address from Teresa so if she had an ID on her...they would have literally taken her to the mh. I do not see it happening at all the way this was laid out that she was there, being held back, and the officer put her name on the report because some other officer was talking to her. The reason her name was on the report was for contact information and had nothing to do with her being there, imo.

The logical conclusion I reached about Crystal not addressing the time of her arrival is she must have something to hide. Teresa had no problem explaining what she did and when she arrived as per the Greta transcript which Busy posted earlier.

I do nothing for Crystal, never having met her, talked to her, or associated with her. This is MY thought, my intuition, my deductive reasoning. But she owes nothing to the blogosphere to clear up her timeline. It is only fodder for YOUR perspective. There are plenty of people who have questions, but whose questions don't hinge on a timeline of when did Crystal arrive.

As far as Crystal's whereabouts after 3:49 a.m., exactly how does that weigh into Haleigh's disappearance, reported at 3:27? Obviously she couldn't have been in Satsuma snatching her daughter, since you've well presented at most a 2 hour drive to get there.

You claim a purposefulness in hiding a time when she got there; decry a logical and reasonable notion for delay. You do not present a timeline. You've nothing to back up your assertion that Crystal Sheffield arrived in Satsuma in any time that would make your continued assault on her love for Haleigh legitimate.

I BELIEVE CRYSTAL WAS STOPPED at the entrance. No one was allowed in or out. You yourself have asserted that, down in the RT. Point to me exactly when the police report says that TN stated that she was the information consultant on Crystal.

TN's arrival has been well disseminated by Whisperer, and I'll leave that there.
LE didn't then and hasn't yet ever stated, publicly or otherwise, that they had an issue with Crystal's arrival time in Satsuma unlike their statements regarding the inconsistancies in Misty's timeline account, even using the term "key" to the investigation therefore Crystal didn't need to clear anything up BUT I still struggle with trying to understand why Misty, when given ample opportunity on the Today show by Meredith V, didn't clear up the inconsistancies that LE repeatedly stated where "key" to the investigation & finding Haleigh. IMO that would be a reasonable expectation . . .

I thought that Crystal went to the police department before the tent city. The reporter was at tent city, so how would he know whether Crystal had arrived in Satsuma or not? I thought it was later determined that she arrived at mid-morning and then later at 9:30am.

It was still 4 1/2 hours after MG was called, but who knows what arrangements had to be made with kids, packing, etc. For all we know the poor girl could have had a seizure.
I do nothing for Crystal, never having met her, talked to her, or associated with her. This is MY thought, my intuition, my deductive reasoning. But she owes nothing to the blogosphere to clear up her timeline. It is only fodder for YOUR perspective. There are plenty of people who have questions, but whose questions don't hinge on a timeline of when did Crystal arrive.

As far as Crystal's whereabouts after 3:49 a.m., exactly how does that weigh into Haleigh's disappearance, reported at 3:27? Obviously she couldn't have been in Satsuma snatching her daughter, since you've well presented at most a 2 hour drive to get there.

You claim a purposefulness in hiding a time when she got there; decry a logical and reasonable notion for delay. You do not present a timeline. You've nothing to back up your assertion that Crystal Sheffield arrived in Satsuma in any time that would make your continued assault on her love for Haleigh legitimate.

I BELIEVE CRYSTAL WAS STOPPED at the entrance. No one was allowed in or out. You yourself have asserted that, down in the RT. Point to me exactly when the police report says that TN stated that she was the information consultant on Crystal.

TN's arrival has been well disseminated by Whisperer, and I'll leave that there.
I don't have a handful of posts in the RT, IIRC. I don't remember stating that no one was allowed in or out of the mh park...but I could have said that. Still, they would not prevent the mother from going where the rest of the family was located inside the park unless they had good reason to believe she was involved in some way.

Her delay was not reasonable when she had a child missing, imo. There is no question she should have been there 2 hours after she received the call which would mean by 6:00am at the latest. She did not even call her mother and father until 5:00am so we know it wasn't possible she could have arrived before at least 7:00am. That is already wasting two hours she could have been out searching while her child was suffering the worst experience of her young life.

I do not know a mother who would not rush to be there in case her daughter was found to comfort her. I do not know a mother who would want to be anywhere else except the place her daughter was last seen! So I certainly do question her dedication and devotion to Haleigh. She had already proven she wasn't willing to sacrifice for Haleigh and Rj when she refused to pay child support. Show me the love!!

No one has shown me that TN's arrival has proven to be anything except normal. She jumped up and bolted as fast as she could to find Haleigh!! Now...THAT is what a mother does, IMO!!
I thought that Crystal went to the police department before the tent city. The reporter was at tent city, so how would he know whether Crystal had arrived in Satsuma or not? I thought it was later determined that she arrived at mid-morning and then later at 9:30am.

It was still 4 1/2 hours after MG was called, but who knows what arrangements had to be made with kids, packing, etc. For all we know the poor girl could have had a seizure.
That was a rumor and never substantiated, IIRC.

She had a live-in bf to watch the baby. Packing would take less than 10 minutes. No seizures were reported from that morning.

The point is that Crystal was in no hurry to get to the scene. It is suspicious, imo. Is it possible she knew why Haleigh was missing and the reason she didn't rush was because to her there was no urgency? Is it possible she waited to get a phone call from someone saying they had Haleigh out of the state?
Based on Crystals statements about arriving, I don't believe she went to the police station first. I would think the media would of been very in tune to when the mother of a missing child arrived at the scene. So until we get more info I have to base my timeline with regards to Crystal on her own statements and the media report stating she was still on her way. I am sure Crystal had phone contact with someone during this 6 -7 hour delay maybe giving her updates so she felt no sense of urgency to arrive in Satsuma. JMO

I thought that Crystal went to the police department before the tent city. The reporter was at tent city, so how would he know whether Crystal had arrived in Satsuma or not? I thought it was later determined that she arrived at mid-morning and then later at 9:30am.

It was still 4 1/2 hours after MG was called, but who knows what arrangements had to be made with kids, packing, etc. For all we know the poor girl could have had a seizure.
Does anyone here tonight believe if this was a family member or friend they would Harm HaLeigh to get away with this crime?

I think a family member has Haleigh and no, I don't think she has been harmed. I think she was abducted by someone close to family members and is being well taken care of. I'm just waiting for Crystal to go back home. I hope we can keep track of her and her stepbrother/boyfriend after she goes home which she will have to do one of these days if she hasn't already.

I also believe that she thought she would get custody of RJ as she had a hotshot attorney, etc. It didn't happen though. She didn't ask for custody of Haleigh though. How did she know that Haleigh wouldn't be coming back home any moment and wonder why RJ was living with their mom and she wasn't going to be living with her? I think she knew that Haleigh wouldn't be coming home. She was hoping to get custody of RJ and she already has my opinion. I think the boyfriend/stepbrother picked Haleigh up and took her where she won't be seen for a while. I think we will see Crystal and her man move far away after Crystal goes back home. This is all my opinion of course.

Just wanted to add...take note of how fast Haleigh disappeared from the headlines once Crystal went for custody of RJ. Nothing like taking the focus off Haleigh even though she was still missing and putting the focus all on herself, the attorney, and RJ.
I think a family member has Haleigh and no, I don't think she has been harmed. I think she was abducted by someone close to family members and is being well taken care of. I'm just waiting for Crystal to go back home. I hope we can keep track of her and her stepbrother/boyfriend after she goes home which she will have to do one of these days if she hasn't already.

I also believe that she thought she would get custody of RJ as she had a hotshot attorney, etc. It didn't happen though. She didn't ask for custody of Haleigh though. How did she know that Haleigh wouldn't be coming back home any moment and wonder why RJ was living with their mom and she wasn't going to be living with her? I think she knew that Haleigh wouldn't be coming home. She was hoping to get custody of RJ and she already has my opinion. I think the boyfriend/stepbrother picked Haleigh up and took her where she won't be seen for a while. I think we will see Crystal and her man move far away after Crystal goes back home. This is all my opinion of course.

Just wanted to add...take note of how fast Haleigh disappeared from the headlines once Crystal went for custody of RJ. Nothing like taking the focus off Haleigh even though she was still missing and putting the focus all on herself, the attorney, and RJ.
She didn't ask for custody of either one technically. What Crystal and KP did do was to start a smear campaign against Ronald and Misty in an effort to have Rj taken away from them. It backfired miserably. :p

It appears she isn't going to fight for custody of the children since she fired her lawyer. Maybe she has realized it would be an extra burden on her to have 3 children and no job. Chad has not stepped up to the plate to help her financially with Haleigh and Rj. He hardly went to Satsuma to help find Haleigh, imo.

I hope you are right and Haleigh was taken by him so they could all move somewhere far away. At least it would mean she was still alive and not going through some horrific torture at the hands of a sexual deviant.
To all the posters here who believe Haleigh is safe and Crystal arranged for this to happen and she will appear at some time in the future and live happily ever after, I want to know whatever it is that makes you think this way...

How many child abductions have had the story line you describe?
<<Maybe she has realized it would be an extra burden on her to have 3 children and no job. >>

SS..this statement goes both ways.
To all the posters here who believe Haleigh is safe and Crystal arranged for this to happen and she will appear at some time in the future and live happily ever after, I want to know whatever it is that makes you think this way...

How many child abductions have had the story line you describe?
How many missing children are there? How would we know their "storyline" unless the people responsible for arranging such a scenario had been captured, arrested, and convicted with the child returned? There could be many, many children still out there with people who have abducted them to get them away from another parent. There is no way to calculate the numbers.
<<Maybe she has realized it would be an extra burden on her to have 3 children and no job. >>

SS..this statement goes both ways.
Crystal is the only parent who did not work for a living. So how can it go both ways?! :confused: Ronald had a job at the time of Haleigh's disappearance and without her help...had supported both children for years.
I personally think Haleigh is in heaven and her mother Chrystal had nothing to do with it. It seems obvious to me, and I could be wrong and I'm basing this on my personal criminal experience and observation, is that Ron and Misty have full knowledge of where Haleigh is and what happened. Their responses and actions just scream guilty. I accepted that Haleigh was dead when I learned of his slogan on his truck "only God can judge me" and the tattoos. I've watched the videos and read countless blogs. I think children's services in Florida should be very ashamed of leaving Jr. in the custody of Ron and Misty. Ron is incapable of loving anyone but himself and one day Misty will learn this the hard way. These of course are my opinions only.
Porcine...I agree with your observations. I have spent much time in the system. It really does scream "foul"....and LE knows it!
>snipped by me<
Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
No one has shown me that TN's arrival has proven to be anything except normal. She jumped up and bolted as fast as she could to find Haleigh!! Now...THAT is what a mother does, IMO!!

ITA! I'm not claiming that TN's timely arrival at Ron's home is a reflection on her - IMO it's a reflection on Ronald that he would call her that quickly - he had just arrived home from work and had just learned that Haleigh wasn't in her bed - certainly not enough time to go outside, call out Haleigh's name while searching the grounds or to check inside the vehicle that was in the driveway that night - Instead his immediate thought is that someone took her. Yeah, I find that very suspicious.
I do not find TN's 'drivin like a bat out of hell' to get there anything other than what any loving Grandma would do in this situation.

>snipped by me<
Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
No one has shown me that TN's arrival has proven to be anything except normal. She jumped up and bolted as fast as she could to find Haleigh!! Now...THAT is what a mother does, IMO!!

ITA! I'm not claiming that TN's timely arrival at Ron's home is a reflection on her - IMO it's a reflection on Ronald that he would call her that quickly - he had just arrived home from work and had just learned that Haleigh wasn't in her bed - certainly not enough time to go outside, call out Haleigh's name while searching the grounds or to check inside the vehicle that was in the driveway that night - Instead his immediate thought is that someone took her. Yeah, I find that very suspicious.
I do not find TN's 'drivin like a bat out of hell' to get there anything other than what any loving Grandma would do in this situation.

If I came home to find my daughter not in her bed in the middle of the night and the backdoor left first thought would be someone had taken her, too! He had Misty to verify she was gone. I would have called my mom immediately to come and then called 911. There is nothing suspicious about any of that to me at all.

The only reactions which are suspicious to me are from the Sheffield/Griffis clan.
It is great that all of you know exactly what it entails to leave a home when your child could be dead and pack, then arrange for an infant and other children to be cared for. To make sure there if food for them while you are gone....and to arrange for someone to drive you because you may crash the vehicle if you are tired or stressed.

It appears that you are trying to convict Crystal on kidnapping or worse of her own daughter.

Maybe we should all take a break and try to find out what each family is doing to help find Haleigh. Maybe we could offer up services or assistance in the plight. Does RC have a website? I will go there after this post. appears Ron has already been tried, convicted and banished. Nice feeling, huh .
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