Crystal S., Haleigh's mother

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LawGirl41 posted this in the Ronald thread, but I thought I'd bring the transcript of the 2005 custodial hearing into this thread as well:

My impressions from this transcript and other things we've been able to read/see:

*Crystal S. did want custody of her children and did attempt to seek it/retain it several times.
*Crystal S. was not equipped to represent herself in the legal system and as a result, she wasn't able to get custody--
* I do not think custody was granted because of a well-measured contemplation of the best interests of the children-- it was about $ and who knew best how to navigate the court system.
* Ronald C. was able to represent himself and maneuver effectively within the legal system. IMO he's a bully and he used the system to bully Crystal.
* Crystal S. seems intimidated by Ronald C. She didn't even obtain a drivers license until after she had separated from/moved away from Ronald C.

-- Basically, I think the entire custodial situation reads like a classic domestic violence-meets- the legal system situation.

I don't think Ronald or Crystal are directly responsible for Haleigh's disappearance, but I REALLY don't think Crystal resonates as vengeful or as if she didn't want to be with her children.

Yes, sadly a very common outcome--whenever there is an imbalance of power, disparities in income, and when children become to one parent simply pawns. JMO2!

I'v been wondering why don't we see Sarah and Marcus,Crystal's siblings.I saw Sarah one time at the first vigil,She looked very uncomfortable about being there,it struck me.I've seen her ms,so she's anything but quiet,much like her Mom.You would think she would be by Crystal's side at one time or the other.And Marcus,he wasn't called into the Sheriff's Dept as Chad was Monday and it was him who Crystal said Ronald talked to.LE went to his house,was there a purpose in that?Could it be they don't feel the same way about Ronald as the others or are not happy with things being said about him by thier mother?
I seems from the last thread that some are getting upset because they view Crystal as a victim and that she is getting picked on. The only victim we know of at this point is Haleigh. Everyone else is a possible suspect. LE has not named a suspect and LE has not cleared anyone in the immediate family. Anyone with a motive could have been responsible here.

I find it interesting that LE is holding no more pressers and pleas for info from the public. IMO, this investigation has gone inside the family.

Haleigh is the only victim. I'm sure that if LE had the evidence to rule someone out as a suspect, they would. But they haven't, and at this point, no one has been cleared.

I agree that LE is looking at the family at this point, and the circle of friends.
ITA, but I quit feeling sorry for someone who keeps making the same bad choices. Also, the documents seem to be a he said she said. Do we know what two charges Crystal is accused of for false reporting? If missed it I apologize and would really like to know. This could indicate a pattern of baseless accusations. I've always wondered if she's behind DFS calls and Ron's drug arrests.

If Crystal is a vengeful person, which is the impression I get so far of her and her family. And she owes a good chunk of child support. This could be motive. I'm just trying to look at all angles.

I read something about falsifying an accident report on a vehicle. But, it's strange because on her MySpace page she's got pictures of a car that's badly damaged. It may be that the she falsified the details of the accident.
I found this article interesting. Yesterday before going in to class I heard channel 6 news report this. Just interesting to me. What about you?

Before the five-year-old disappeared from her Satsuma home February 10th, there was tension building between her parents.

Court documents show Haleigh’s mother, Crystal Sheffield, is behind in child support by about $4,100.

A motion was filed by the state’s Department of Revenue on Ronald Cummings’ behalf against Sheffield for contempt. It was dated February 3rd, a week before Haleigh disappeared.

A hearing was set for Sheffield for March 27.

Ronald Cummings, Haleigh’s father, told First Coast News he received a copy of the document about the hearing the day before Haleigh vanished. Cummings appeared frustrated about the timing of the document’s arrival and his daughter’s disappearance.
I heard that at the time of the custody hearing, she did not have a job, and does not have one now. I have to wonder why a judge would impose child support on a mother who is not even working. Custody was awarded to Ron because he had a job and was able to provide health insurance, and it is my opinion that he manipulated the system in order to get custody. It just does not seem fair to me. That is the only reason I have any sympathy for Crystal, because I believe very young children belong with the mother. (I'm old-fashioned, so sue me.) I have no idea whether she was a good parent or not... maybe at the time, no. But lots of people are suffering financially because of the economy right now, and if she can't pay it, why would Ron file through the court against her? He's making good money, and Misty doesn't have to work, so isn't he being vengeful, too? Maybe we just don't know all there is to this story.
My heart goes out to these little kids who are being used as pawns by the parents. It's always the kids who get hurt the most.
I agree, my heart goes out to all the little ones that are living under this friction. Things that make me go...hmmmmmm:

and really!.....who benefits from Haleigh being removed from home????

There seems to be great strain between Ronald & Crystal, and Crystal is ordered to pay Child Support.

Chad made some snippy comments about Crystal’s “Other Children” on his MySpace Page. He has children of his own from another person who he pays child support to.

Crystal has NO JOB and Chad Griffis will have to pay that Child Support to Ronald after they get married.

There could have been plenty of time for Crystal & Chad or whoever, to drive back to Glen Saint Mary from Ronald’s house, before the Grandma even got the FIRST phone call about Haleigh being missing.

From Crystal’s house to Ronald’s house is 88 miles away, and takes aprox. 1hr 45 min, Less time at night.

CONTEMPT of COURT Charges were filed on the day before Haliegh went missing. ( I assume against Crystal for NON-PAYMENT of CHILD SUPPORT)

Mom Crystal doesn’t look too upset with Haleigh being missing all, to me. They just wants to keep making Ronald look bad.
( Which is not that hard to do )

Crystal will now probably get Custody of Ronald Jr. and NOT have to
pay anymore Child Support!!

NOW Grandma thinks Haleigh is NOT EVEN IN FLORIDA!! Hummmmm?? Interesting!!!!

Oh and let’s not forget that ALL OF A SUDDEN, Grandma Marie is now saying SORRY to Ronald & Misty!

Also, the mother of Chad's children just removed an injunction for protection for her children, that originated May 2006 and was removed November 2008. I would be calling Chad in for interviews too. Good detective work Putnam County.
I heard that at the time of the custody hearing, she did not have a job, and does not have one now. I have to wonder why a judge would impose child support on a mother who is not even working. Custody was awarded to Ron because he had a job and was able to provide health insurance, and it is my opinion that he manipulated the system in order to get custody. It just does not seem fair to me. That is the only reason I have any sympathy for Crystal, because I believe very young children belong with the mother. (I'm old-fashioned, so sue me.) I have no idea whether she was a good parent or not... maybe at the time, no. But lots of people are suffering financially because of the economy right now, and if she can't pay it, why would Ron file through the court against her? He's making good money, and Misty doesn't have to work, so isn't he being vengeful, too? Maybe we just don't know all there is to this story.
My heart goes out to these little kids who are being used as pawns by the parents. It's always the kids who get hurt the most.

Whether you are a man or a woman who have a child, you will be ordered to pay support of at least the minimum. If you can't pay it right now is no concern of the court. They view that if the child lived with you, you would be finding a way to feed, cloth and educate it. And who's to say further down the line the non custodial parent doesn't come into money somehow?

I know when my husband was layed off for a time, he got no breaks on child support. The state took one half of his unemployement check and the remaining balance due went to arrears but was still owed down the line. When he went back to work the state upped the amount they collected to collect ordered support and back child support.
Whether you are a man or a woman who have a child, you will be ordered to pay support of at least the minimum. If you can't pay it right now is no concern of the court. They view that if the child lived with you, you would be finding a way to feed, cloth and educate it. And who's to say further down the line the non custodial parent doesn't come into money somehow?

I know when my husband was layed off for a time, he got no breaks on child support. The state took one half of his unemployement check and the remaining balance due went to arrears but was still owed down the line. When he went back to work the state upped the amount they collected to collect ordered support and back child support.

Here in Florida there has been more leniency for unemployed parents who are in arrears with child support. The unemployment rate in this area is 10-12% and there are literally no jobs out there. Even fast food restaurants are not even accepting applications.

Yesterday I posted (somewhere here) that the amount of arrearage appears to be about a year's worth of child support. Crystal had her baby last April and since she was working in a restaurant, they probably did not hold her job for her while she was on maternity leave. Around that time, the economy here really took a downward spiral.

I have several friends who have been out of work since early last year- some are degreed professionals, others are restaurant and clerical workers. There are seriously no jobs out there. I have a friend who is a CPA who couldn't even get hired at Target as a cashier because she has no cashier experience........ it's insane.

So although being in arrears with child support does not present a positive image, I think we need to look at the big picture- which includes a horrid economy, high unemployment rates and the likelihood that Crystal was simply unable to find a job.

For over two years, Ronald had those children and Crystal paid child support- we have found no public records that show that any legal action was taken due to arrearages in the past.

I have to believe that her not paying has to coincide with having no income and the tanking of the economy.

And because of that I will not call her a deadbeat and I will not assume that she was involved in Haleigh's disappearance to get out of paying child support.
Whether you are a man or a woman who have a child, you will be ordered to pay support of at least the minimum. If you can't pay it right now is no concern of the court. They view that if the child lived with you, you would be finding a way to feed, cloth and educate it. And who's to say further down the line the non custodial parent doesn't come into money somehow?

I know when my husband was layed off for a time, he got no breaks on child support. The state took one half of his unemployement check and the remaining balance due went to arrears but was still owed down the line. When he went back to work the state upped the amount they collected to collect ordered support and back child support.

True...and if she is $4,100 behind, I imagine that would take a long time of nonpayment for her to rack up that amount in arrears. Friend of mine, raising her grandkids, went to court -- biomom wasn't working and the judge based it on minimum wage.
When I read the court records it stated that Crystal was working as a waitress but the court did not know how much she was earning so they based the child support on minimum wage. Ron was earning $10.00 per hour.
One of the reasons that Crystal did not get custody was she didnt bother to show up in court. While she claims that Ron gave a bogus address, from reading the court docs that is not true. Crystal was served the petition for custody in person and she responded (answered) the petition to the courts. If she moved it was her responsibility to give the courts her new address. All notices would have been sent by the courts to the address they had for her, which was prob the address that the court served her with for the petition.
Ron is the one that requested the courts to give Crystal unsupervised visitation with the children believing that it was in the childrens best interest.
Crystals mother said that Crystal has purchased her own home in her own name. What does that tell me? She was more interested in her having material things rather then paying her child support and making sure her children had the things they needed. Maybe, just maybe, had she been paying her child support Ron could have afforded to have adequate child care for them while he worked. JMO
I just wanted to add my two cents FWIW (very little actually:)) I haven't really paid a lot of attention to Crystal and her side of the family. Meaning, I read about them but they really aren't very high on my list as far as what may have happened to Haleigh.

As I said before I do have sympathies for certain players in this case. I've refrained from stating specifically which ones I do have sympathy for because I don't think my emotions, empathy and sympathy make for good sleuthing.

The child support issue. I can excuse and overlook any other notations that have been made about Crystal except for this one.

Do I think that Crystals' non-payment of CS is directly involved in Haleigh's disappearance? *NO* (emphatic no).

But I can't excuse any parent, regardless of their circumstances if they do not provide for their children. Father or Mother. The child suffers. I always err on the side of the child.

O/T but when I did my volunteer work I worked very closely with many families. My mind was always boggled that the needs of the child were, in many cases, at the bottom of the list. I apologize but it has made me almost fierce about children's rights.
When I read the court records it stated that Crystal was working as a waitress but the court did not know how much she was earning so they based the child support on minimum wage. Ron was earning $10.00 per hour.
One of the reasons that Crystal did not get custody was she didnt bother to show up in court. While she claims that Ron gave a bogus address, from reading the court docs that is not true. Crystal was served the petition for custody in person and she responded (answered) the petition to the courts. If she moved it was her responsibility to give the courts her new address. All notices would have been sent by the courts to the address they had for her, which was prob the address that the court served her with for the petition.
Ron is the one that requested the courts to give Crystal unsupervised visitation with the children believing that it was in the childrens best interest.
Crystals mother said that Crystal has purchased her own home in her own name. What does that tell me? She was more interested in her having material things rather then paying her child support and making sure her children had the things they needed. Maybe, just maybe, had she been paying her child support Ron could have afforded to have adequate child care for them while he worked. JMO

The arrearages are about a year's worth of support.

And again, she has never been in arrears before.

We don't know when she purchased her home- perhaps, like thousands of others, she purchased it when the economy was booming and things looked good.

But implying that she is materialistic for purchasing a home and later being in arrearages is wrong.
Ronald didnt file the contempt charge for child support, the state automatically does that when you get behind. If the table were turned and mom had custody of the children and dad decided he didnt want to work, but stay home and take care of a child from a new relationship would you be ok with him not paying child support?

I heard that at the time of the custody hearing, she did not have a job, and does not have one now. I have to wonder why a judge would impose child support on a mother who is not even working. Custody was awarded to Ron because he had a job and was able to provide health insurance, and it is my opinion that he manipulated the system in order to get custody. It just does not seem fair to me. That is the only reason I have any sympathy for Crystal, because I believe very young children belong with the mother. (I'm old-fashioned, so sue me.) I have no idea whether she was a good parent or not... maybe at the time, no. But lots of people are suffering financially because of the economy right now, and if she can't pay it, why would Ron file through the court against her? He's making good money, and Misty doesn't have to work, so isn't he being vengeful, too? Maybe we just don't know all there is to this story.
My heart goes out to these little kids who are being used as pawns by the parents. It's always the kids who get hurt the most.
Ronald didnt file the contempt charge for child support, the state automatically does that when you get behind.

I don't know about Florida, but not all states will automatically file. My ex owes over $50,000 and the child support agency here couldn't care less. They wouldn't file or do anything, even after I repeatedly called and wrote letters asking them to. They only stepped in when I filed a motion of contempt myself.
I don't know about Florida, but not all states will automatically file. My ex owes over $50,000 and the child support agency here couldn't care less. They wouldn't file or do anything, even after I repeatedly called and wrote letters asking them to. They only stepped in when I filed a motion of contempt myself.

In Florida you can have your support collected through the department of revenue if you so choose.

When that happens, the support is paid directly to the state- either by the non custodial parent or through payroll garnishment.

The state processes the payments and sends them to the custodial parent.

When you contract with Dept of Revenue, they will take legal action on your behalf if support is not paid.

That is probably what happened with Ronald and Crystal.
In Florida you can have your support collected through the department of revenue if you so choose.

When that happens, the support is paid directly to the state- either by the non custodial parent or through payroll garnishment.

The state processes the payments and sends them to the custodial parent.

When you contract with Dept of Revenue, they will take legal action on your behalf if support is not paid.

That is probably what happened with Ronald and Crystal.

O/T but that's a good idea IMO. If more states did this then maybe all the deadbeat parents out there would be held responsible.

On topic, I just think it's WAY too coincidental that Crystal was served papers to go to court and then Haleigh went missing. IDK but maybe I'm reading too much into it. Coupled with the child support is her slinging mud left and right. It's all got me suspicious as all get out.
The arrearages are about a year's worth of support.

And again, she has never been in arrears before.

We don't know when she purchased her home- perhaps, like thousands of others, she purchased it when the economy was booming and things looked good.

But implying that she is materialistic for purchasing a home and later being in arrearages is wrong.

Your assessment is correct...literally MILLIONS of people are behind in their child support, that doesn't automatically make them a bad person--some are and some aren't. I think it is a HUGE leap of incorrect assumptions to link a few thousand dollars of child support payments to doing something that will purposely harm your own child. I know that in many custody cases the children are used as pawns with abuse allegations and etc. BUT, this accusation is totally unfounded with the information available at this time.

I still am amazed that people accuse this mother (who wasn't even NEAR those children at the time) of being responsible, yet, they give a sympathy pass to an irresponsible girlfriend and an extremely aggressive father with a LONG, LONG, criminal record. I have heard dozens of recordings of 911 calls, and NEVER have I heard a person behave as he did. I HAVE heard parents in panic, fear, terror, and pain who are desperate for help...but never have I heard one of them accuse and threaten and use vile language toward those responders from whom they are seeking help.
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