Crystal S., Haleigh's mother

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O/T but that's a good idea IMO. If more states did this then maybe all the deadbeat parents out there would be held responsible.

On topic, I just think it's WAY too coincidental that Crystal was served papers to go to court and then Haleigh went missing. IDK but maybe I'm reading too much into it. Coupled with the child support is her slinging mud left and right. It's all got me suspicious as all get out.

I'm going to try to say this in a nice, non offensive way.

I understand where you're coming from- but I don't think Crystal is ambitious (is that the right word?) or cunning enough to actually plan and carry out this kidnapping successfully.
I'm going to try to say this in a nice, non offensive way.

I understand where you're coming from- but I don't think Crystal is ambitious (is that the right word?) or cunning enough to actually plan and carry out this kidnapping successfully.

LOL......That was well worded.....and I AGREE!
Sorry but as a mother who had to fight for child support from a man that refused to work so he wouldnt have to pay it, I have no sympathy for a man or woman who does not make an effort to help support thier children. Crystal has internet, obvious since she in on myspace, take that monthly payment and send it to your children. She is home every day, get a baby sitting job, strap your baby to your back and go pick up cans, go out and cut do what ever you need to do to support your children. There is no excuse for not making an effort to support your children. While you may not be able to make the entire payment at least make an effort. JMO
Sorry but as a mother who had to fight for child support from a man that refused to work so he wouldnt have to pay it, I have no sympathy for a man or woman who does not make an effort to help support thier children. Crystal has internet, obvious since she in on myspace, take that monthly payment and send it to your children. She is home every day, get a baby sitting job, strap your baby to your back and go pick up cans, go out and cut do what ever you need to do to support your children. There is no excuse for not making an effort to support your children. While you may not be able to make the entire payment at least make an effort. JMO

Do you know for certain that she has not?

All we know is the amount of arrearage. We do not know for certain that she has not sent amounts smaller than she is ordered to pay.
I heard that at the time of the custody hearing, she did not have a job, and does not have one now. I have to wonder why a judge would impose child support on a mother who is not even working. Custody was awarded to Ron because he had a job and was able to provide health insurance, and it is my opinion that he manipulated the system in order to get custody. It just does not seem fair to me. That is the only reason I have any sympathy for Crystal, because I believe very young children belong with the mother. (I'm old-fashioned, so sue me.) I have no idea whether she was a good parent or not... maybe at the time, no. But lots of people are suffering financially because of the economy right now, and if she can't pay it, why would Ron file through the court against her? He's making good money, and Misty doesn't have to work, so isn't he being vengeful, too? Maybe we just don't know all there is to this story.
My heart goes out to these little kids who are being used as pawns by the parents. It's always the kids who get hurt the most.

The reason I don't feel sympathy for her situation is that she went on to have ANOTHER child (unmarried) that she obviously couldn't afford.

Her entire year of arrears wasn't caused by the current economy, IMO.

Do we have any idea how much $ Ron makes?
No I dont know for sure but living in Florida and having dealt with Child Support Enforcement for years, my belief is that they do not prosecute when parents are making an attempt to pay. The state is very good about working with non-custodial parents in making payments. The only cases I have ever heard of being prosecuted or people loosing their driver license are those who do not pay anything. JMO
While I do not think that CS is behind Haleigh's vanishing, I also will not completely discount her. There are too many things that make me go hmmm about her. Her being behind in child support in spite of her having the means to buy her own home doesn't sit right with me. Her being served with court papers regarding the non payment of child support the day before Haleigh goes missing--co-inky dink? Her demeanor does not impress me as a mother who is frantic, fearful, worried out of her mind for her missing daughter, her myspace comments regarding her "other brats" that has since been deleted and replaced with loving comments (while adding more pics of H and JR I heard). The fact that she and her mother have taken several opportunities to trash Ron instead of making use of her camera time to make it about Haleigh, by looking into the camera and making an emotional appeal for her daughter to be returned/ and telling Haleigh how much she loves her and that they are all looking for her. And I'll tell you another thing that bothers me about CS, the way she takes forever to answer a simple question, like she is running every word through her head to make sure she isn't going to say anything she doesn't mean to, seems so calculated. I could go on but I'll stop. I don't want to believe a mother could do anything so dastardly to their own child but thats because I assume every mother has loving maternal instincts, but we all know....that just ain't so. moo
Your assessment is correct...literally MILLIONS of people are behind in their child support, that doesn't automatically make them a bad person--some are and some aren't. I think it is a HUGE leap of incorrect assumptions to link a few thousand dollars of child support payments to doing something that will purposely harm your own child. I know that in many custody cases the children are used as pawns with abuse allegations and etc. BUT, this accusation is totally unfounded with the information available at this time.

I still am amazed that people accuse this mother (who wasn't even NEAR those children at the time) of being responsible, yet, they give a sympathy pass to an irresponsible girlfriend and an extremely aggressive father with a LONG, LONG, criminal record. I have heard dozens of recordings of 911 calls, and NEVER have I heard a person behave as he did. I HAVE heard parents in panic, fear, terror, and pain who are desperate for help...but never have I heard one of them accuse and threaten and use vile language toward those responders from whom they are seeking help.

I don't think that non payment of child support always equals a bad person. And FWIW, I'm suspicious of Crystal, but don't give Ron and Misty a pass either.

Sad fact is parents kill their kids for revenge or money all the time. The lady at the below link had her 4 year old son killed for a 5000.00 insurance policy. It is not a huge leap or an incorrect assumption to discuss Crystal as a possible suspect. LE hasn't cleared her. Why should we?

Mother of the year dressed her baby up in his favorite cowboy boots and hat and told him he was going to go see Santa. Then she sent him out the front door to his death.
I'm going to try to say this in a nice, non offensive way.

I understand where you're coming from- but I don't think Crystal is ambitious (is that the right word?) or cunning enough to actually plan and carry out this kidnapping successfully.

Alot of criminals aren't, which is why they eventually get caught.
While I do not think that CS is behind Haleigh's vanishing, I also will not completely discount her. There are too many things that make me go hmmm about her. Her being behind in child support in spite of her having the means to buy her own home doesn't sit right with me. Her being served with court papers regarding the non payment of child support the day before Haleigh goes missing--co-inky dink? Her demeanor does not impress me as a mother who is frantic, fearful, worried out of her mind for her missing daughter, her myspace comments regarding her "other brats" that has since been deleted and replaced with loving comments (while adding more pics of H and JR I heard). The fact that she and her mother have taken several opportunities to trash Ron instead of making use of her camera time to make it about Haleigh, by looking into the camera and making an emotional appeal for her daughter to be returned/ and telling Haleigh how much she loves her and that they are all looking for her. And I'll tell you another thing that bothers me about CS, the way she takes forever to answer a simple question, like she is running every word through her head to make sure she isn't going to say anything she doesn't mean to, seems so calculated. I could go on but I'll stop. I don't want to believe a mother could do anything so dastardly to their own child but thats because I assume every mother has loving maternal instincts, but we all know....that just ain't so. moo

She certainly does herself no favors on camera. How she appears to me: tired (like, if I have to) and lacksidasical and the way she says things slowly and with no sense of urgency in the matter leads me to think that she might know where Haleigh is and she is unconcerned.
She certainly does herself no favors on camera. How she appears to me: tired (like, if I have to) and lacksidasical and the way she says things slowly and with no sense of urgency in the matter leads me to think that she might know where Haleigh is and she is unconcerned.

I wholeheartedly agree that her affect is off concentric. I did give this some thought and as I said before, I am not taking sides whatsoever with all the family members, but my interpretation is that her flat affect might also be explained if she had been prescribed (by a doc) anxiety meds. I don't know.
I wholeheartedly agree that her affect is off concentric. I did give this some thought and as I said before, I am not taking sides whatsoever with all the family members, but my interpretation is that her flat affect might also be explained if she had been prescribed (by a doc) anxiety meds. I don't know.

Kat, I wish then that the media or she herself would preface her appearance and her remarks with: (She is) I am on anxiety meds. I know you agree with me that she is setting alarms off with what appears to be her lack of concern.
I agree, my heart goes out to all the little ones that are living under this friction. Things that make me go...hmmmmmm:

and really!.....who benefits from Haleigh being removed from home????

There seems to be great strain between Ronald & Crystal, and Crystal is ordered to pay Child Support.

Chad made some snippy comments about Crystal’s “Other Children” on his MySpace Page. He has children of his own from another person who he pays child support to.

Crystal has NO JOB and Chad Griffis will have to pay that Child Support to Ronald after they get married.

There could have been plenty of time for Crystal & Chad or whoever, to drive back to Glen Saint Mary from Ronald’s house, before the Grandma even got the FIRST phone call about Haleigh being missing.

From Crystal’s house to Ronald’s house is 88 miles away, and takes aprox. 1hr 45 min, Less time at night.

CONTEMPT of COURT Charges were filed on the day before Haliegh went missing. ( I assume against Crystal for NON-PAYMENT of CHILD SUPPORT)

Mom Crystal doesn’t look too upset with Haleigh being missing all, to me. They just wants to keep making Ronald look bad.
( Which is not that hard to do )

Crystal will now probably get Custody of Ronald Jr. and NOT have to
pay anymore Child Support!!

NOW Grandma thinks Haleigh is NOT EVEN IN FLORIDA!! Hummmmm?? Interesting!!!!

Oh and let’s not forget that ALL OF A SUDDEN, Grandma Marie is now saying SORRY to Ronald & Misty!


This post is showing up dated today. Is this correct?
Kat, I wish then that the media or she herself would preface her appearance and her remarks with: I am on anxiety meds. I know you agree with me that she is setting alarms off with what appears to be her lack of concern.

Yes concentric, I would think that it should be mentioned if she is taking prescribed meds because yes, her behavior is setting off alarms!
Well it was discussed that when Ron looked "stoned" on Geraldo...that he was probably being prescribed something....I figure she probably is as well.
Well it was discussed that when Ron looked "stoned" on Geraldo...that he was probably being prescribed something....I figure she probably is as well.

To be honest with you tehcloser I would be hard pressed to believe both parents haven't been prescribed something for extreme anxiety. By extreme anxiety I mean the worst case of anxiety one can imagine. And that would be to have your 5 yr. old beautiful beloved daughter go missing in the middle of the night. Both parents must be beside themselves.
Well it was discussed that when Ron looked "stoned" on Geraldo...that he was probably being prescribed something....I figure she probably is as well.

She collapsed and fainted the 2nd day. What doc in his right mind would not have prescribed anti-anxiety Rx to parents, g'parents, et al.?

I don't have any idea who's responsible for what, I just know that I would have already shattered into a million shiny pieces if one of my kids just vanished into thin air.
I think Crystal's demeanor has more to do with a general sense of defeat and exhaustion than anything else.

I think if we met her on a good day she would not be terribly different. That persona is not out of the norm when you get into that socioeconomic in this part of Florida- and in the south in general.

I'm college educated and I speak in public on a regular basis professionally. However, if I were in the spotlight because my child was missing- knowing that every word and mannerism I conveyed would be scruitinized relentlessly, I believe I would be a bundle of nerves and would hesitate and make certain that what I say comes across in the manner in which I intend.
Pirate I agree with you about the can see it in her eyes.
So, supposing Crystal was part of a conspiracy to get Haleigh back, just how long could Haleigh be hidden, and if this plan was discovered, does she have a boatload of evidence to prove that RC and MC were abusive? It seems like this whole thing would just backfire on her.
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