Crystal S., Haleigh's mother

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When I read the court records it stated that Crystal was working as a waitress but the court did not know how much she was earning so they based the child support on minimum wage. Ron was earning $10.00 per hour.
One of the reasons that Crystal did not get custody was she didnt bother to show up in court. While she claims that Ron gave a bogus address, from reading the court docs that is not true. Crystal was served the petition for custody in person and she responded (answered) the petition to the courts. If she moved it was her responsibility to give the courts her new address. All notices would have been sent by the courts to the address they had for her, which was prob the address that the court served her with for the petition.
Ron is the one that requested the courts to give Crystal unsupervised visitation with the children believing that it was in the childrens best interest.
Crystals mother said that Crystal has purchased her own home in her own name. What does that tell me? She was more interested in her having material things rather then paying her child support and making sure her children had the things they needed. Maybe, just maybe, had she been paying her child support Ron could have afforded to have adequate child care for them while he worked. JMO

I wonder how she paid for Dr visits while pregnant and the hospital bill?
I don't know about Florida, but not all states will automatically file. My ex owes over $50,000 and the child support agency here couldn't care less. They wouldn't file or do anything, even after I repeatedly called and wrote letters asking them to. They only stepped in when I filed a motion of contempt myself.

That's sad. Here in Tx they will throw your butt in jail. My SIL's ex got behind and the state filed and he had to spend weekends in jail because he didn't pay. They also will take your income tax return money. Have you tried going through the State's Atty General??
Since we're not getting down to brass tacks here today, anyway, I'd like to register my displeasure with the name of this whole thread.

Crystal S, biological mom

'Scuse me? Far as I can tell, Crystal S is the only mom.

I believe we started saying biomom because there is another crystal and didn't want to get confused between the two.
Good points.

This is going to come across horribly, but I just don't see her as caring enough to do that. And that doesn't mean that I don't think she loves her kids- but I do think that she's not one that would fight like hell and rock the boat.

After all, she lost the kids in the first place for not having her act together and fighting to win. I just don't think she has that "eye of the tiger" win at all costs drive in her.

Some people make things happen. Other people tend to let things happen.

I think Crystal is the latter.

In family court it doesn't matter. Unless you can afford a great attorney and the retainer is usually about $5000 & that's just to start.
You have to live through family court to understand how it works. There's always a loser and the court will rarely admit when it's wrong.
And to think that a missing child's mother would use a national tv outlet to trash the father and not beg for your daughter's return.For the grandma to stand with with haughtiness and satisfaction on her face,instead of sorrow and worry.That was totally heartless and used for nothing more than a custody battle,it was disgusting and sick.I felt so sorry for Ron and his grandmother that beg for the return of Haleigh.And Ron never said one word against them,but that he loved Haleigh and he will find her.

If RC has a right to talk to Misty the way he did during the 911 call and it's justified by all because he was mad, I think Haleigh's mom has every right to be just as po'd at Ron and Misty for letting her daughter get stolen. Remember it was ok when Ron said it to Misty, "why'd you let my daughter get stole b#!#!."
In family court it doesn't matter. Unless you can afford a great attorney and the retainer is usually about $5000 & that's just to start.
You have to live through family court to understand how it works. There's always a loser and the court will rarely admit when it's wrong.

ITA. Family Court is a very scary environment for that reason.
A mother's desperation could be born out of knowing that your daughter is being sexually abused.

How many other women have had to take this road in an effort to save their child?

This is my first post, but I have been following along closely since the beginning. I'm curious about this comment as I haven't seen anything said about this before (maybe I missed it), but it's something I had wondered about before.
This is my first post, but I have been following along closely since the beginning. I'm curious about this comment as I haven't seen anything said about this before (maybe I missed it), but it's something I had wondered about before.

Welcome aboard kmh. I have to admit I've never seen that mentioned before either.

Happy posting!
I just have to say, as someone who knows what it's like to have a family member missing, I couldn't rest. My family and I felt we knew who was responsible and, believe me, we threw mud in that direction. This was not a high profile case, but if it had been, I'm sure the media would have caught some of our remarks. During all the waiting, our moods would go from what people might call a party atmosphere, to tears and I kept a bottle of wine close by to help relax me when I felt like I was going to scream. Once they found my sister's body and I knew she was gone, it was very hard for me to get out of bed.
Again, I don't know what happened to Haleigh, but maybe one family just feels more hopeful right now and one family feels less hopeful.

I am so sorry for your loss.
I just have to say, as someone who knows what it's like to have a family member missing, I couldn't rest. My family and I felt we knew who was responsible and, believe me, we threw mud in that direction. This was not a high profile case, but if it had been, I'm sure the media would have caught some of our remarks. During all the waiting, our moods would go from what people might call a party atmosphere, to tears and I kept a bottle of wine close by to help relax me when I felt like I was going to scream. Once they found my sister's body and I knew she was gone, it was very hard for me to get out of bed.
Again, I don't know what happened to Haleigh, but maybe one family just feels more hopeful right now and one family feels less hopeful.

I'm sorry for your loss kidz. I appreciate that you could share with us how devestated you were about your beloved sister.
My guess- medicaid.

If you can't afford it, then you don't need to have kids. I get tired of my tax dollars paying for this type of stuff..but that's just me.
Just have to vent about the song the mom has on her myspace page. Go rest high on that mountain? I would not have that if I were looking for my child alive. IDK. It just bothers me.
Just have to vent about the song the mom has on her myspace page. Go rest high on that mountain? I would not have that if I were looking for my child alive. IDK. It just bothers me.

Maybe it brings her peace or something. Or it could hold a special memory of some kind. :waitasec:
I don't think income should have a total bearing on one's ability to have children, but I understand the thought behind the post. Some young adults do have a difficult time getting started financially, but can end up being the most productive if they apply themselves. I don't mind helping those who want to continue to help themselves in the long run. The laws should be more stringent when dealing with those who repeatedly take advantage of the system tho.
Maybe it brings her peace or something. Or it could hold a special memory of some kind. :waitasec:

I agree. It's a church song- maybe holds a special place in her heart for some reason.

)Police want dna from Crystal!

SATSUMA, FL -- Investigators want a DNA sample from Crystal Sheffield, the mother of Haleigh Cummings, while cadaver dogs scour the woods and fields around the girl's home for any signs of the missing girl.

The five-year-old has been missing since she went to bed on the night of February 9th.

Late Thursday afternoon, detectives came looking for Sheffield, who had apparently gone to the doctor.

The detectives are trying to track her down after going to the wrong office. Investigators would not comment on what type of DNA sample they need, or why.

All morning, the cadaver dogs have been looking through and under a number of people's homes in Heleigh's neighborhood.

)Police want dna from Crystal!

SATSUMA, FL -- Investigators want a DNA sample from Crystal Sheffield, the mother of Haleigh Cummings, while cadaver dogs scour the woods and fields around the girl's home for any signs of the missing girl.

The five-year-old has been missing since she went to bed on the night of February 9th.

Late Thursday afternoon, detectives came looking for Sheffield, who had apparently gone to the doctor.

The detectives are trying to track her down after going to the wrong office. Investigators would not comment on what type of DNA sample they need, or why.

All morning, the cadaver dogs have been looking through and under a number of people's homes in Heleigh's neighborhood.

OMG..they have something to compare it to?
The fact that they are trying to track her down makes it sound urgent?

)Police want dna from Crystal!

SATSUMA, FL -- Investigators want a DNA sample from Crystal Sheffield, the mother of Haleigh Cummings, while cadaver dogs scour the woods and fields around the girl's home for any signs of the missing girl.

The five-year-old has been missing since she went to bed on the night of February 9th.

Late Thursday afternoon, detectives came looking for Sheffield, who had apparently gone to the doctor.

The detectives are trying to track her down after going to the wrong office. Investigators would not comment on what type of DNA sample they need, or why.

All morning, the cadaver dogs have been looking through and under a number of people's homes in Heleigh's neighborhood.
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