Crystal S., Haleigh's mother

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I don't know all children are so different, and at that age they are so impressionable. They tend to lean towards the ones that they are with the most. And if MC is the one that is taking care of them 24/7 then I can see how they look at her like that.

Me,too and as I have a similar experience. I met a guy,he moved in and he brought his kids, youngest 5/oldest 9, in a couple weeks later(they were with church people in another city). they called me mom from the first day. Just because you give birth to someone doesn't make you a mom. Their birth mother has never been a mom to them even when she had them when they were married.
this has touched a little close to home for husbands ex falsely reported him for domestic abuse while they were married and he was arrested because he is a big man and she was little and they didn't want to figure out what really happened (he has never even raised his voice to me so I know its not true) and it is on his record so we have to keep some paperwork he got from the clerk's office to present anytime we do something where our credit or background is checked (apartment, employment...) she also kept his dauughter after one visitation and when the police got her back 4 weeks later, she told them he molested her...she reported us to CPS a few times most recently the christmas before if my little one goes missing all of that will be all over the news...btw she owes us $6000 in child support. she also disappears for months and even for 2 yrs then returns to sue us for not letting her know where her daughter that time we had lived in the same place for 3 years and we have always kept the same phone number...that is when she was finally put on child support...we had to spend thousands in lawyer's fees. again, if our little girl goes missing this would be all over the news and GR would have a field day. ;-) Sorry this is so long but I just needed to say all of that. Court documents do not always give the full story and as we have seen on all these post it is really up to the judge you get. there is no way for us to know what is really going on between these families...

we apply our personal dealings to their lives. Becuz of my situation i am partial to the father since CS reminds me of his ex.
Hi all....I usually just lurk but I decided to post today because I wanted to comment on something. I've seen quite a few people discussing the fact that the bio mom seems angry and I agree....she does seem angry. BUT I tried putting myself in her position and I can actually see why she is angry. I would be furious as well....along with all the other normal emotions that you would expect to feel in this type of situation. I would be angry that a judge saw fit to give custody of my children to a man who has an arrest record as long as my arm. I would be angry that while in his custody my children were being "watched" by a 17 yr old child who he was playing house with. I would be angry that while in his custody being "watched" by the 17 yr old that my daughter went missing. I would be angry at that and much more.
Let me just relate a situation that I was in about 8 years ago. Its a long story but I'll try to make it brief. When my ex and I were going through our divorce we had a temporary custody hearing for our 3 year old son. Prior to the hearing & while we were seperated my ex was arrested for possesion of cocaine and pain pills and also for DUI 2nd offense.He was an addict at that point and I did not trust him to take proper care of my son. He had no license and so he had his brother in law drive him up for the hearing from another state. While we waited at the court house for our case to be called my step father saw my brother in law go into the bar and grill across the street. He decided to go inside himself to see if BIL was drinking and of course he was. He talked to the bartender and the bartender told him that BIL had had 5 beers in 45 minutes time. When we were called before the judge my lawyer actually had the bartender testify that my ex's licensed driver had drank 5 beers in a short amount of time. Long story didnt make any difference. Even though I got custody the judge ordered that my precious baby boy had to go with his father for the weekend to another state and I had to turn him over within the hour. It didnt matter that my ex had no license & had recently been arrested for possesion or that his driver had been drinking. I was told that if I didnt turn him over I would be found in contempt of court & placed in jail and he would get him anyway. Was I worried? YES! Was I scared to death for the safety of my child? YES! But I was also mad as hell! I was so furious at everyone. My ex, my b-inlaw,the judge, my ex's lawyer....even my lawyer! lol Even though he did do his best and later said he had never seen anything like that happen in his life.

Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to say that sometimes you feel more than one or two emotions. They really can run the spectrum. Just my opinion fwiw.

Thanks for sharing Prayin_4_Grace. What a terrible situation! What's wrong with these judges! They seem to ignore safety issues and what's best for the child, to be "fair" to the parents. The child should come first. I can well imagine the range of emotions you went through, as well as the emotions those involved in this case are experiencing.
Because TN or RC have not talked badly about anyone of the family members.All they want is Haleigh back.I think even the BioMom would not have unless pushed into it,because at first she was not talking badly about RC.I wish it had stayed that way for JR's sake.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember reading that Crystal had to call LE to be able to get her scheduled visitation with RJ the 1st weekend that Haleigh was missing. If that's true, I would say that was the 1st punch so to speak and what pushed her. IMO there was no reason or excuse for trying to keep her from him, especially with Haleigh missing and what everyone is going through. Do I think they should've done that GR interview? Not really...but I also don't agree with RC or his side trying to keep RJ from her.
There is a whole lot of difference between becoming a Mom to someone's kids and being a 17 year old girlfriend of 5 months. Ya think that relationship had staying power? Or was she just going to be another in a long line of Mother of the month? It's wrong to do that to your kids. And yes it looks like he has done it before....remember the possible other child.
There is a whole lot of difference between becoming a Mom to someone's kids and being a 17 year old girlfriend of 5 months. Ya think that relationship had staying power? Or was she just going to be another in a long line of Mother of the month? It's wrong to do that to your kids. And yes it looks like he has done it before....remember the possible other child.

ITA. I didn't date for about a year and a half after I split with my ex. I dated the new guy for about 4 son was really attached to him during that time. He was 4-8 yrs old. After that, I decided that I would hold off from dating until my son is a little older. Having a man around isn't that important to me when there's no guarantee on how long they'll be around. Does that make sense?
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember reading that Crystal had to call LE to be able to get her scheduled visitation with RJ the 1st weekend that Haleigh was missing. If that's true, I would say that was the 1st punch so to speak and what pushed her. IMO there was no reason or excuse for trying to keep her from him, especially with Haleigh missing and what everyone is going through. Do I think they should've done that GR interview? Not really...but I also don't agree with RC or his side trying to keep RJ from her.

No correction needed. That is what has been reported.

Haleigh has already gone missing on his watch---then he's gonna keep RJ from her???

I would have had Geraldo AND Jerry down there.... :mad:
ITA. I didn't date for about a year and a half after I split with my ex. I dated the new guy for about 4 son was really attached to him. After that, I decided that I would hold off from dating until my son is older. Having a man around isn't that important to me but my son is and I couldn't having him getting attached to someone again when there's no guarantee that they'll be there in the future. Does that make sense?

Total sense. When you are single and have kids, they come first. You don't just bring a new person in every few months! We have a blended family. Hubby had 2 boys and a girl and I had 2 girls and a boy. He had full custody of his, and I mine. They all call him Dad, and me Mom. We could not possibly love them any more than if we had had them all together.

But I was not 17 ...we were fully functioning adults, without drug and alcohol in our lives. We both had stable homes for our kids before we got together.

This particular 17 year old has had toooooo many issues in her life to be able to function normally for herself, much less 2 kids. IMO.

ETA...And Misty has NEVER had her own children to start with....that also figures into this.
No correction needed. That is what has been reported.

Haleigh has already gone missing on his watch---then he's gonna keep RJ from her???

I would have had Geraldo AND Jerry down there.... :mad:

The report I read, which I am trying to find, is that CS was sick or had a doctor's appt. and after that went to a hotel room so then LE brought JR to her but not because RC was keeping him from her just because of the confusion. Again, I am trying to find the article.
Many innocent parties suffer scrutiny so stop and think before you post every name/rumor/post you find on the Internet that hasn't been verified.

This is the video of the interview Crystal did with Firstcoast news while LE was searching for her missing daughter in a dumpster.

I wouldn't give a darn what people were thinking of me in a time like this, who cares what they say. Her daughter is missing and they are searching a dumpster, I don't get the anger, I would be balling my eyes out. Maybe they are just so tired and mad at what has happened they come off as not caring. I just can't read some of the reactions.
I sometimes wonder if she has the strong emotional connection and bond to Haleigh? Some parents just don't seem to have that I said before my daughter's bio mom is exactly that same way. In the past she has brought my daughter home to us to take to the hospital even though she has a copy of the insurance card. Then she didn't call to find out what happened...

I don't think she took the girl...I just don't think the bond is as strong...
I tend to disagree! I have a step son whom I love and care for everyday. His father has custody of him and he lives with us! While I fill that "mom" role in his life...his mother doesn't have any part in his life...I am still his step-mother not his mom! I treat him just like I do my own son and would give my life for him if needed but that still doesn't make me his mom! I would never refer to myself as his mother either! Yes, I know a lot of you will not like that response but its true!!!
We respected their mom and called her mommahername. The kids were the ones who ASKED if they could call me mom instead of by my first name and I was not going to tell them no. They could call me what they felt most comfortable with and as long as we all understood our was fine. We included their mother as part of our extended family when she chose to hitchhike into town now and then to see them. I still see nothing wrong with it and neither does their mommahername.

I noticed Crystal in the beginning seemingly not to have a problem with Misty. Did I just imagine this? She said the kids loved her etc. (I guess I will have to find the clip again.)
I noticed Crystal in the beginning seemingly not to have a problem with Misty. Did I just imagine this? She said the kids loved her etc. (I guess I will have to find the clip again.)
Oh, I remember that too. I don't believe her one bit though.

JMO, but she wasn't happy about Misty at all.
I have seen pictures of Ron and Haleigh and of Misty and Haleigh, but none of Crystal and Haleigh have I just missed them?
If Haleigh was not missing and all of the dirty laundry thrown out there for the public to see, I wonder if some would feel differently about the judges decision.

1. Crystal had no job or source of income
2. Ron had a job and source of income
3. Crystal neglected to get Haleigh to several drs appointments and Jr to 1
4. Ron had drug charges
5. Crystals mom the person who Haleigh, Jr, and Crystal would be living with and
providing care for the children had drug charges
6. The judge viewed the domestic violence reports
7. The judge viewed DFC reports from both Crystal and Rons home
8. Crystal did not show up for a court hearing, even though she was personally served
and responded to the petition
9. Crystal and Ron both said they had no problem with the kids having unsupervised
10. Ron tested clean on drug test and had proof of that
11. Crystal said she tested clean on drug test but had no proof of that

I honestly cannot see how the judge could of made a different decision than he did.
Can I have a link to what JS wrote at bottom of custody papers,someone said he added a number of reasons why Ronald should not get custody?Was it JS who had CPS out to Ronalds?He didn't have visitations,did he?Crystal only saw the kids four days a month,she lived on property of her Mom and step father,I wonder when JS would have had an opportunity to see Haleigh and know what was going on at Ronald's,if he didn't go there or see Haleigh much.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 6:30 a.m.
"People around here know me," said Sheffield, a Putnam County resident. "If anyone around here has my granddaughter, just bring her home to me. She's my first baby from my first baby. Please bring her back. ... I'm going to look around hell and half of Georgia until I find her."
Thursday, February 12, 2009
An uncle, Andrew Sheffield, believes she is alive, but the mystery of her whereabouts continues.
"It's fishy," he said. "Somebody knows something."

Are there any pics of Andrew,the uncle,is he at campsite?I just never heard about him till I read this in the paper.
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