CT- Annie Le, 24, Yale Student, Missing 9/8/09 #1

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Apuzzo, an accountant in Yale's Department of Pharmacology, told CNN affiliate WFSB that Le was conscientious, energetic and "very excited" about getting married.
Contacted via e-mail by CNN, Apuzzo declined to comment, saying her superiors had
asked her to refer all media inquiries to the university's public affairs office.
She did, however, forward a letter sent by Yale University Police Chief James Perrotti to all faculty, students and staff.
The letter states Yale police, the FBI, Connecticut State Police and New Haven police are investigating Le's disappearance. Her friends, colleagues, family members and fiance are assisting police, the letter said.
like why am I not surprised at the lack of info being released to the media!
Hi Everyone,


A comment was left by a friend at the link below saying that Annie was known to transport mice between her lab and the building she disappeared in. It's possible that she could be the target of an animal rights activist, but they aren't common around Yale.

Is it possible it was mice in a cage covered over with a blanket when she was seen on camera and not papers???

Thanks for all the great updates.


my bold of Sarah's quote
Thank you for this info Sarahhod, it appears that everyone just blew right past your post. I see where it's been speculated it was a baby, papers, packages etc. Now we know it was probably specimen mice. The thought of animal rights activists is certainly worth entertaining.

If FBI left the building at 2pm today with no comment says to me they didn't find anything. Why did Annie leave all personal effects at the lab before entering the building?
I gather all cell phone calls have been traced....and why was it noted that Annie did not fill "safe" at Yale. Was there a Yale Professor stalker? Annie was a teacher assistant, I am going to go back and see who she taught class with.


someone spank me with the conspiracy theory stick puuulease..

but I DID FIND THIS KINDA CREEPY that it was submitted the day she went missing (check the date that is above the author's name which I respectfully will not post here)

eta: the publish day is today... the submit date was the 8th... tuesday....

Okay, I took this one step further and could possibly be why Annie Le was scared. These research scientists all talk. Maybe why the secrecy.
Yale Daily News - The Nation's Oldest College Daily
Because Yale is such a large animal research facility, the University has " ... and her associates at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) want ...
Okay, I took this one step further and could possibly be why Annie Le was scared. These research scientists all talk. Maybe why the secrecy.
Yale Daily News - The Nation's Oldest College Daily
Because Yale is such a large animal research facility, the University has " ... and her associates at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) want ...

From your link:

“I’m sorry, but given the recent PETA attacks on campus, I don’t feel comfortable talking about my research in a newspaper.

By mid-afternoon Friday officials reported no new leads. That left people continuing to wonder, with no facts to support either thesis, whether Le’s mysterious disappearance had to do with her upcoming wedding or whether it was foul play.
The latter scenario has already produced some unwelcome national publicity for New Haven at a time when crime has dropped 10 percent over last year. It creates ominous echoes of the still-unsolved 1998 murder of Yale undergraduate Suzanne Jovin and the 1991 murder of undergraduate Christian Prince. Murders — or mysterious disappearances — of Yale students have a way of doing that.

Investigators searching for a Yale University graduate student who disappeared days before her wedding were reviewing security-camera footage, checking building blueprints and examining her computer, a Yale spokesman said Friday.
More than 100 local, state and federal law enforcement personnel were involved in the investigation into Tuesday's disappearance of Annie Le, said Yale spokesman Tom Conroy.
Investigators were reviewing footage from some 75 cameras on and around the building where Le was last spotted, Conroy said. So far, they have not seen footage of her leaving the building, he said.
Annie could have had many enemies just because of what she did and where she did it:

1. PETA - those for the ethical treatment of animals - they have the capacity to become violent, as some of their past deeds demonstrate

2. those against 'stem cell research' can be violent as shown by the past

3. Fellow Ph.D. researchers - research is incredibly competitive - it is their future - the findings can bring fame and be an ultimate gift to society

4. Fellow Medical Students - the right research can bring notoriety, as well as be the ultimate gift to society

All of the above would have a motive - right? Not sure about opportunity??

Then we have people who work in the labs; people who clean, order supplies, maintenance etc., what would their motive be? Everything written about Annie says she got along with everyone...happy, robust, energetic, and kind.

Seems to me whomever did this to Annie had to know the building extremely well. EVERY exit is covered by a video camera (have read this many times). Annie was seen going in the building and has a documented card swipe.

What I don't know is how a nearby perp (sex offender) would get into the building - how would he do that? Who has been missed - anybody? just rambling
Unless he was a fellow research student, Professor etc. Glad to see more information coming out today. This is indeed a mystery.
Seems like everyone on here has covered all the angles. Headline News was interviewing some people who's names we have already discussed but no new information came out.

Here is a link
to some other PETA articles written by the person who submitted the Animal Rights letter to the Yale Daily News. No disrespect to the author for linking, but since people suggested the lead I thought pertinent to post.

I guess we'll have to wait until thorough background checks are done of everyone who had access to that building - students, teachers and maintenance staff included.
NEW HAVEN - Federal investigators called in more than a dozen state police detectives Friday to help conduct interviews of people known to be in the research building that missing Yale student Annie Le was last seen entering on Tuesday morning.

Authorities have been unable to find any evidence on surveillance tapes that the 24-year-old graduate student, who was to be married this weekend, left the building that day, sources said.

They are now going through the slow process of interviewing everyone they believe was in the building after 10 a.m. to see if anyone saw her or anything suspicious.

As a fourth day passed with no sign of Le, sources said investigators are leaning away from the theory that she is a bride with cold feet and more toward the possibility she is the victim of a violent crime.

Yale University Chief of Police James A. Perrotti announced Friday evening that the University is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to Le's whereabouts.

I know they reported that the alarm that went off was determined to be a malfunction, but I wonder if this is in fact true or is it what they are saying at this point so as not to heighten fear.

The PETA angle is plausible, IMO. The more I read about PETA and Yale researches, whew!

google Professor Marina Picciotto from Yale and PETA

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