CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #5 FOUND DECEASED

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It's not that list. This lists a TON of people - including the techs (names which are not on the site that has been posted). Is it Ok to post google words that could bring you to the page then?

just no names here I think is the policy.
I've often wondered that too. I just make a mistake in something and I get so wound up I have to tell someone immediately. If I accidently killed someone in an accident I doubt I would ever get over it. I would also be compelled to call the police and turn myself in.

I really don't understand it- I think that's why I get drawn into crime stories.

I'm the eact same way...and so are my boys...my husband on the other hand could walk away if he realized a clerk gave him too much money back in change :)
...but not me...I'm too honest...
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU1tK3hGdBA"]YouTube - NHPD: Arrest not imminent in Yale homi[/ame]
Thank you! I am just hoping I am not taking on too much of a "know it all" tone.

Not at all! You'd be crazy to think that! Your posts are very on target and educational. Thanks so very much!
It's not that list. This lists a TON of people - including the techs (names which are not on the site that has been posted). Is it Ok to post google words that could bring you to the page then?

scubagirl I would ask a Moderator or an Admin if I were in doubt about posting something. JMHO.

You can find them on the front page of this forum, (missing) down in the lower left hand corner, that way you can PM them.
Is it OK to post? I thought that wasn't allowed.

I don't see why you couldn't post a link. You're not violating anyone's privacy by posting a link to a public site, and as long as we don't start posting names (or even initials) of random people on the list, I think it might be a helpful tool in our inquiries.
scubagirl I would ask a Moderator or an Admin if I were in doubt about posting something. JMHO.

well - the way I found it was to google the school name dot edu and animal technician directory and it should be on the first page
(I'll let people try to figure out which link on their own - but it should be pretty obvious)

the link to check the court dockets:
I've spoken to several people today who are covering the story. The background police are telling them: Annie was called by the killer and told that he/she was at Amistad and needed her to come over there quickly, possibly under the ruse of dropping something off. The killer knew her and she trusted this person enough to do what he/she said. She had a "relationship" with the killer, they were "friendly". She was NOT going there to do any sort of work or experiments, but instead solely to meet this person who had summoned her. They all say she was "cut up pretty badly", another used the term "mutilated".
Welcome, Postdoc! The whole autoclave thing makes me so upset- I can barely stand to think of it as a possibility. I so hope that is not the case. I've always been afraid of those autoclaves- I watch too many horror movies, I guess.

i just googled "autoclave human being" and found a quote from a book called "biosafety in the lab: prudent practices..." written by the national research council (1989)... the book states (p. 41):

autoclaving is not the recommended method for decontaminating large volumes of contaminated waste because the time period is too long and the chamber size is usually too small. the lack of volume reduction and the failure of the autoclave process to render body parts unrecognizable are also limitations to this process.
Thank you! I am just hoping I am not taking on too much of a "know it all" tone.

Your explanations are so clear Labrat...thank you for all you have contributed. Your information has answered many a question. ! :blowkiss:
It's not that list. This lists a TON of people - including the techs (names which are not on the site that has been posted). Is it Ok to post google words that could bring you to the page then?

I don't see a problem with posting a link to a resource which is like a directory of employees.
I've given the link privately to someone else on this board to see if they agree it's worth posting. I'll let them decide if they want to post (or ask a mod).

I think a compromise is to post the link in a way such that it would not be Googleable. If some people from websleuths were looking at my web page because they thought I might be a "person of interest" in some crime, I would probably consider it harmless and get a good laugh out of it.

On the other hand, if my name started to come up first when people googled for the victim, and there were media camped outside my office, then it would not be so funny.
Fox reporting now...not much new....Yale campus has added security. Something about a tailgating incident....
Jovin family releases letter to Rell
Updated: Tuesday, 15 Sep 2009, 12:27 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 15 Sep 2009, 12:25 PM EDT
The parents of Suzanne Jovin, a Yale student whose 1998 homicide remains unsolved, publicly released a letter they wrote to Gov. Jodi Rell, pleading for more funds for the state's forensic science lab.

Here is the letter in its entirety:

Governor M. Jodi Rell
Executive Office of the Governor
State Capitol
210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06106

An open letter to the Governor of Connecticut, Ms. M. Jodi Rell
September 14, 2009

Dear Governor Rell,

Tragedy has again struck Yale University in New Haven. Almost 11 years after the savage murder of our daughter Suzanne Jovin, a senior undergraduate, another young woman in the prime of life, Annie Le, has met the same fate. On the basis of our own experience, we agonize and lament with the family and close friends of this latest victim.

We hope that the person guilty of this terrible crime can be apprehended quickly, which was unfortunately not to be true in the case of our daughter. However, Suzanne has not been forgotten and a team of very experienced, determined, and committed investigators are engaged in an methodological examination of all facts and circumstances related to the crime.

We are very grateful for this effort. However, during a recent visit to New Haven and consultation with the investigative team as well as with the officials of the State&#8217;s Attorney&#8217;s office, Mr. Michael Dearington and Mr. James Clark, it became apparent that potential forensic investigations, made possible by significant advances in technology in the intervening decade, are not being carried out due to shortcomings in the Connecticut Forensic Science Laboratory. This facility, once regarded as a leading forensic unit in the country, is suffering from understaffing and inadequate funding. As a consequence, the unit is struggling to satisfy the needs of ongoing and emerging investigations, not to speak of &#8220;cold cases&#8221; such as the murder of our daughter.

The latest university-related crime in New Haven underscores the vulnerability of individuals - particular women - even on the campuses of renowned universities. One should not compound the tragedies of Suzanne Jovin, Annie Le, and other victims by failing to apply the necessary resources for resolving the circumstances of the crimes committed against them. That is, resources that can lead to identifying, prosecuting and convicting the perpetrators. We appeal to you, in your capacity as governor of the State of Connecticut as well as a mother and grandmother, to rectify the shortcomings of the State Lab by providing the funds and expertise, in and/or out of state, for conducting the forensic studies required to achieve these ends, specifically in the case of our daughter Suzanne.

We are releasing this letter to the public because of our conviction that a general awareness of this situation will exert an appropriate influence on all the government officials in the legislature and executive branches responsible for such matters. We would also hope that heightened awareness will help to rectify the social circumstances that engender such heinous crimes.

We thank you for your assistance.

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Thomas M. Jovin
Dr. Donna J. Jovin
Zur Akelei 17
Göttingen, Germany
parents of Suzanne Jovin, Yale undergraduate, class of 1999.

Video: Hundreds Gather At Vigil For Annie Le

Video: Police Narrow In On Suspect In Yale Killing

I've spoken to several people today who are covering the story. The background police are telling them: Annie was called by the killer and told that he/she was at Amistad and needed her to come over there quickly, possibly under the ruse of dropping something off. The killer knew her and she trusted this person enough to do what he/she said. She had a "relationship" with the killer, they were "friendly". She was NOT going there to do any sort of work or experiments, but instead solely to meet this person who had summoned her. They all say she was "cut up pretty badly", another used the term "mutilated".

OMG! He called her! He must have been obsessed - how could you think you'd get away with it after you called?
I've spoken to several people today who are covering the story. The background police are telling them: Annie was called by the killer and told that he/she was at Amistad and needed her to come over there quickly, possibly under the ruse of dropping something off. The killer knew her and she trusted this person enough to do what he/she said. She had a "relationship" with the killer, they were "friendly". She was NOT going there to do any sort of work or experiments, but instead solely to meet this person who had summoned her. They all say she was "cut up pretty badly", another used the term "mutilated".

If this is true then it would explain why she left her purse, keys and cell phone in her office; she apparently thought she would drop whatever it was off and then go right back.???????????? that has been nagging me...
I typed in a search
at google
"I am an animal technician at Yale>"
the part that shows the results are there, however,
when you click on the link
it is a redirct, error processing

I do not want to list the names but there were two animal assistant techs that appeared, not that it means anything
I don't know who she was. The Dr nor my ex would tell me. I said the exact same thing to the Dr that she should know. If I were wearing her shoes I would want to know just like you said. We should have that right as victims or would be victims. I think I had it pieced together that is was a woman that worked at a gas station on his way to work. I went OVER and OVER and OVER his normal routines to try and figure it out. The only person I came up with, thru my own detective work, was an older (50ish) sweet lady at the gas station. It could very well have been someone that he worked with at the plant tho. I will never know and hate that. I don't know if he still harbors an attachment for her. We only talk when necessary and my skin crawls every time. I can say the other thing that always stood out to me is that in 8 yrs he never hollered at me, not once. I did a lot of hollering tho lol. I just always thought I was the unstable one b/c he could ALWAYS keep his cool and I would get upset about stuff. I would NEVER trust anyone that doesn't have some sort of temper as crazy as that sounds.

You are an amazing person. I definitely feel your frustration over what was not done. I cannot imagine how tough all of that must have been then. How strong you are. Thank you again for telling your incredible tale. It is good for clueless folks like me to know these important things.
I typed in a search
at google
"I am an animal technician at Yale>"
the part that shows the results are there, however,
when you click on the link
it is a redirct, error processing

I do not want to list the names but there were two animal assistant techs that appeared, not that it means anything

The link I found lists over a dozen animal techs (in addition to a ton of other employees)

the way I found it was to google the school name dot edu and animal technician directory and it should be on the first page
(I'll let people try to figure out which link on their own - but it should be pretty obvious)

the link to check the court dockets:
I don't mean to interrupt any conversations but I can't stand the thought that anyone thinks this is a spontaneous murder!!!! Pat Brown, criminal profiler, along with so many others, present and think of this murder as spontaneous, not pre-meditated...sort of like, seize the moment. The stuffed clothes in the ceiling along with Annie stuffed in the wall, sounds hasty, like an out of control moment. Spontaneous? I'm not so sure.

There is no doubt this was a crime of passion. Annie wasn't a random choice, he knew her. Let's take a...what if this happens:

Bruise a psychopath's ego, the result, more likely than not, is rage. If your intellect nicks his feelings of inferiority, you will be seized as an object for power and control. Become the subject of a psychopath's sexual desire, you will be the center of ruminating fantasies and the sexual object he wants to conquer.

Rage, need for power and control and ruminating fantasies culminating in murder. How is this NOT pre-meditation? Are people thinking a psychopath doesn't feel before the murder? Or do people think a psychopath isn't 'aware' of such feelings and therefore exonerates him from the responsibility of pre-meditation? Or, do people see a different definition of pre-meditation? Sorry, this 'spontaneous' stuff just gets to me. Why are so many saying 'not premeditated'...why are so many saying 'spontaneous'? I don't get it? TIA

Well, yes, I do think it was spontaneous. Here is my reasoning:

I do think that the perp had noticed her and formed an attachment in his own mind. He may have even convinced himself she felt the same way. From all accounts she was a friendly, vivacious woman- it is very likely they saw each other inside that facility often and may have chatted a bit. He may have given this a great deal of significance.

I do not mean spontaneous in the sense that he just snapped and killed the first person he saw. It was absolutely about her specifically. I mean spontaneous in the sense that I do not think he woke up that morning and thought to himself, "Today I am going to kill her and conceal her in a wall."

He might have heard she was leaving soon for her wedding, or even not, maybe he hit on the first time they were both there with not too many other people around. I think he approached her and told her his feelings or was so sure that she felt the same way that he got physical with her, she fought back, and he killed her.

I know that legally, intent and pre-meditation can always be argued, since you can always stop before the person is dead, but I do not think that way. So yes, to answer your question, I do have a different definition of premeditated. The psychopath I knew was not big on advance planning. Everything was very spur of the moment. Of course this did not exonerate him for his actions. You are every bit as guilty whether your planning was three months or 3 seconds. I did see Pat Brown also and she said there are no crimes of passion. I think when people say spontaneous they mean lack of long term planning to specifically murder. I would think his plan was actually to possess her.
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