CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #7 FOUND DECEASED

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Re. The fire alarm being set off deliberately: has anyone considered it was done by the offender in an attempt to cover up the fact she'd not left the building? Firstly it'd make finding her exit on CCTV more difficult, and secondly I'd imagine there'd be a lot of people leaving at once, therefore not being recorded by the swipecard system.
I am not at all being flippant..but.. perhaps it would be considered "attempted" strangulation?

The only reason I'm making a deal about it is that there are 's out there who strangle almost to death repeatedlly as a form of torture, like BTK for example. Rader would strangle his victims until they lost consciousness, then let them revive, then strangle them again. He would repeat the pattern over and over again, forcing them to experience near- death, becoming sexually aroused at the sight of their struggles" http://www.shvoong.com/humanities/1725319-btk-killer/

Or, say, someone is beaten and strangled, but the cause of death is a blow to the head, for instance. So, this person was strangled, but not to death.

When you write that someone is strangled, they didn't necessarily die of it, no matter what the on-line dictionary says.
I have definitely considered that she could have pulled the alarm. But it does seem like she would have been found by the firemen. Don't they check all of the floors? If she pulled the alarm, there is no way the perp would have had time to put her in the wall.
I've never known a Caucasian man who had an interest in Asians, other than a sexual fixation based on violence depicted in *advertiser censored*. I'm sure it happens, like when a Caucasion marries an Asian, or is adopted by an Asian family, or travels to Asia, but I doubt this was the case.

The fact that the study of Asian cultures and languages is now one of the most popular and rapidly increasing areas of interest for college students would seem to contradict this assumption completely. These cultures are within one of the most lucrative and expanding business and trading markets in the world. International companies send executives to seminars to learn more about the Asian culture on a regular basis.
In addtion, there are literally hundreds of thousands of Caucasian men who are married to Asian women and Asian men who are married to Caucasian women. None of them, and I know many, are based on any type of deviant behavior at all!
In addition, many high schools who teach Asian languages either require or give extra credit to those who also participate in extra curricular club activities involving those cultures.
Actually, I do too. I married an Asian woman as well. For him, though, to be in a club with them seems to be very odd.

I'm creeped out over his participation in a charity for "single pregnant women" (women who are actually or potentially at their most vulnerable??).

Made me think of Bundy & his working for a rape crisis hotline. [shudder]
I've never known a Caucasian man who had an interest in Asians, other than a sexual fixation based on violence depicted in *advertiser censored*. I'm sure it happens, like when a Caucasion marries an Asian, or is adopted by an Asian family, or travels to Asia, but I doubt this was the case.
I am sorry, but I am shocked by this statement. It is so untrue.
I have definitely considered that she could have pulled the alarm. But it does seem like she would have been found by the firemen. Don't they check all of the floors? If she pulled the alarm, there is no way the perp would have had time to put her in the wall.

There was no alarm pulled. It was a sensor, like smoke detectors in a house, that went off.
I know many interracial couples. It's very common nowadays. And it's usually white men with asian women, not the other way around.

Many people have a "type" they are attracted to, but, IMO (and I'm no expert), I think fixating on one race is rather compulsive behavior that objectifies the women the man is obsessed with. It's looking like RC has fixation/objectification issues. I really find it hard to believe he would have killed Annie over mice. I think he had developed a warped attraction to her.
True. She could've accidentally pulled the alarm in the struggle or pulled it on purpose, thinking it may be a way to get emergency personnel rushing in there and hopefully save her life.
The fact that the study of Asian cultures and languages is now one of the most popular and rapidly increasing areas of interest for college students would seem to contradict this assumption completely. These cultures are within one of the most lucrative and expanding business and trading markets in the world. International companies send executives to seminars to learn more about the Asian culture on a regular basis.
In addtion, there are literally hundreds of thousands of Caucasian men who are married to Asian women and Asian men who are married to Caucasian women. None of them, and I know many, are based on any type of deviant behavior at all!
In addition, many high schools who teach Asian languages either require or give extra credit to those who also participate in extra curricular club activities involving those cultures.

It's my opinion, based on my observations, of course. I think it is unlikely that this crime had anything to do with LOVE of food or culture. It has to do with hate.
Re. The fire alarm being set off deliberately: has anyone considered it was done by the offender in an attempt to cover up the fact she'd not left the building? Firstly it'd make finding her exit on CCTV more difficult, and secondly I'd imagine there'd be a lot of people leaving at once, therefore not being recorded by the swipecard system.

your post has got me thinking...i wonder if everyone had to swipe their card individually to re-enter the building after the alarm or if the the door was opened and everyone filed in?
Remember the age group. Japanese Anime is huge with the early 20's college age sect. There is one such group at my son's college he wants to join and my son is married to a curvy half Mexican girl. He has no attraction to Asians but adores Anime-and he and his friends find all things Asian as fascinating as a result. A college aged kid belonging to that kind of group may have nothing whatsoever to do with the murder.
  • Main Entry: stran·gle
  • Pronunciation: \ˈstraŋ-gəl\
  • Function: verb
  • Inflected Form(s): stran·gled; stran·gling \-g(ə-)liŋ\
  • Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estrangler, from Latin strangulare, from Greek strangalan, from strangalē halter — more at strain
  • Date: 14th century

transitive verb 1 a : to choke to death by compressing the throat with something (as a hand or rope) : throttle b : to obstruct seriously or fatally the normal breathing of c : stifle
2 : to suppress or hinder the rise, expression, or growth of <repression strangles free speech>intransitive verb 1 : to become strangled
2 : to die from or as if from interference with breathing
&#8212; stran·gler \-g(&#601;-)l&#601;r\ noun

Merriam Webster

I think the use of the word "strangled" is just fine based on this. Lawmakers may have their own definition.
Re. The fire alarm being set off deliberately: has anyone considered it was done by the offender in an attempt to cover up the fact she'd not left the building? Firstly it'd make finding her exit on CCTV more difficult, and secondly I'd imagine there'd be a lot of people leaving at once, therefore not being recorded by the swipecard system.
Welcome to WS, Niff. I have to agree. I do believe the alarm was set off deliberately and this could be one reason.
I am not at all being flippant..but.. perhaps it would be considered "attempted" strangulation?

Not necessary. A person can be strangled without dying. As with most words, there is more than one definition.


The American Heritage® Dictionary

stran·gu·la·tion (str&#257;ng'gy&#601;-l&#257;'sh&#601;n)

1. The act of strangling or strangulating.
2. The state of being strangled or strangulated.
2. Pathology Constriction of a body part so as to cut off the flow of blood or another fluid: strangulation of the intestine.


verb, -gled, -gling.

&#8211;verb (used with object)
1. to kill by squeezing the throat in order to compress the windpipe and prevent the intake of air, as with the hands or a tightly drawn cord.
2. to kill by stopping the breath in any manner; choke; stifle; suffocate.
3. to prevent the continuance, growth, rise, or action of; suppress: Censorship strangles a free press.
&#8211;verb (used without object)
4. to be choked, stifled, or suffocated.

Also noted on Wikipedia:
Strangling is compression of the neck that may lead to unconsciousness or death by causing an increasingly hypoxic state in the brain.[1] Fatal strangling typically occurs in cases of violence, accidents, and as the mechanism of suicide in hangings. Strangling does not have to be fatal;
At the risk of sounding stupid, and prefering to look stupid rather than ignorant....could someone please translate this for me?!?! No, I'm not kidding, I'm sorry. :blushing:

LOL, I am NO DNA expert. But what that little clip from that one study said is that with long periods of irradiation or autoclaving, DNA from dried saliva could be destroyed. Again, I really don't think it's pertinent to the case.
They are not saying that it DNA couldn't be destroyed from wet saliva, only that they didn't test it, or any other number of sources of DNA.
Not necessary. A person can be strangled without dieing. There is more than one definition.

Also noted on Wikipedia:
Perhaps this explains why there were reports of Annie not dying until 4PM, even though the crime had been committed hours earlier. I sure hope she didn't suffer...
your post has got me thinking...i wonder if everyone had to swipe their card individually to re-enter the building after the alarm or if the the door was opened and everyone filed in?

Precisely. On the CCTV pictures it doesn't seem like there's a barrier system; if it's anything like my university then it's a swipe on the door and people can just file in. Certainly raises some questions.
your post has got me thinking...i wonder if everyone had to swipe their card individually to re-enter the building after the alarm or if the the door was opened and everyone filed in?

Good question.

I worked for an insurance company, and we had to swipe our badges. There were often "tailgaters" and it even got to the point where they had someone watching to make sure you had.

We were supposed to wear our badges all the time, so there was no "excuse" for anyone having left the building without theirs (if they had forgotten theirs that day, they were issued a numbered temporary badge).
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