CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #7 FOUND DECEASED

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It's not hard to imagine. Lab protocols are very well defined and often tedious and may be unnecessary to follow to the letter of the law. It's definitely not unheard of for somebody to use them for ulterior motives but this guy must have been unbelievably unhinged to get that enraged over them.

unhinged indeed!
I just can't imagine Annie being the one who was not following protocols. I think it would be the other way around. Does anybody find it odd that a number of family members worked at the lab? Were they up to something nefarious that Annie was leading onto?

Given that the RC and his girlfriend are self-proclaimed animal lovers, I wonder whether there may be some truth to this. That said, this is the same source that reported "gruesome animal experiments", so you have to remain skeptical.

Research involving animals is regulated extremely tightly, almost to the point where it can become quite difficult to plan and carry out experiments. A sad fact of research is that many mice are sacrificed as part of experiments, but it is safe to say that in my experience, while they are alive, they are treated with the upmost respect.

I would be very surprised if Annie Le, being relatively new to research, would be working outside established protocols. Rather, I imagine she would be erring on the side of caution.
Really? Over lab protocols?

Still wouldn't be surprised if he was obsessed with her, that e-mails about the mice were just a way to have interaction with her.

Annie sent a picture of her rear end to the admissions office when she didn't get into Princeton?? WTH? I don't think that's cute - I think it's bizarre. I guess it's a small thing, but it's a weird thing to do.

It would be a funny thought but to actually do it ...that's not nice at all.
Hi I usually lurk, but I had a thought I wanted to share. Forgive me if this has already been floated around. Could it be possible that Annie and Ray had a fling at one point and he couldn't get over it and killed her knowing she was about to marry someone else? I only mention it because I read in another thread that supposedly his fiancee wrote on her blog in 2008 that she was annoyed that there was a rumor that Ray was cheating on her with someone in the animal research lab. And during the press conf last night, a reporter asked what Annie and Ray's relationship was, and the detective paused and seemed like he was going to say something but then just said "They worked at the same Yale facility". The two of them having an affair seems unlikely based on reports about her - she seemed devoted to her fiance and straight as an arrow - but I thought I'd float it out there. If I've learned anything in life it is that anything is possible.
Given that the RC and his girlfriend are self-proclaimed animal lovers, I wonder whether there may be some truth to this. That said, this is the same source that reported "gruesome animal experiments", so you have to remain skeptical.

Research involving animals is regulated extremely tightly, almost to the point where it can become quite difficult to plan and carry out experiments. A sad fact of research is that many mice are sacrificed as part of experiments, but it is safe to say that in my experience, while they are alive, they are treated with the upmost respect.

I would be very surprised if Annie Le, being relatively new to research, would be working outside established protocols. Rather, I imagine she would be erring on the side of caution.

I'm just confused as to why a person who loves animals enough to murder a human being would work in a place where animals are killed - even if the mice are treated with respect during life. It just doesn't add up.

We also have a report from a neighbor that he kept his dog in a crate all day. Someone who is nuts about animal rights likely wouldn't do that. (Of course, the neighbor reports aren't necessarily accurate.)

If the motive was about protocol with the mice, I'm guessing the motive was protocol, not animal rights.

I think it would likely have more to do with an obsessive need to have protocol/procedures followed to the letter.
I'm just confused as to why a person who loves animals enough to murder a human being would work in a place where animals are killed - even if the mice are treated with respect during life. It just doesn't add up.

We also have a report from a neighbor that he kept his dog in a crate all day. Someone who is nuts about animal rights likely wouldn't do that. (Of course, the neighbor reports aren't necessarily accurate.)

If the motive was about protocol with the mice, I'm guessing the motive was protocol, not animal rights.

I think it would likely have more to do with an obsessive need to have protocol/procedures followed to the letter.

I agree - I does not make sense. It seems more likely - as someone else mentioned - that the protocol issue was used as excuse to interact with Annie Le to satisfy an infactuation. Of course, I could be completely wrong.
Really? Over lab protocols?

Still wouldn't be surprised if he was obsessed with her, that e-mails about the mice were just a way to have interaction with her.

I think it was love interest PLUS something else.
Hi I usually lurk, but I had a thought I wanted to share. Forgive me if this has already been floated around. Could it be possible that Annie and Ray had a fling at one point and he couldn't get over it and killed her knowing she was about to marry someone else? I only mention it because I read in another thread that supposedly his fiancee wrote on her blog in 2008 that she was annoyed that there was a rumor that Ray was cheating on her with someone in the animal research lab. And during the press conf last night, a reporter asked what Annie and Ray's relationship was, and the detective paused and seemed like he was going to say something but then just said "They worked at the same Yale facility". The two of them having an affair seems unlikely based on reports about her - she seemed devoted to her fiance and straight as an arrow - but I thought I'd float it out there. If I've learned anything in life it is that anything is possible.

Good point, and we don't know if perhaps Annie and her boyfriend took a break at some point.
IMO, I don't think it was a sexual thing either. POI, probably has a past of being very "controlling". I can see a scenerio of two indivduals being roughly the same age. Annie clearly had so much going for her and from what we've heard carries, a "big stick" and doesn't take crap from anyone. POI, probably hated the fact that a girl of same age can have more authority than he because of the path that her life was taking...getting a high level degree, having influence in this academic setting. The only thing he had control of were the rodents in this setting. I suspect we will hear in coming days that more than Annie had problems with this particular tech. I also suspect that knowing what we know of Annie thus far, he probably had some encounters with her based on "rodent issues", and Annie probably rubbed him the wrong way. Obviously someone with such control issues probably stewed on the fact that Annie had more power, given her position. I think the longer this went on, his anger turned into rage.

I do feel better that the basement or at least the part of it that the murder took place and then the moving he did from room to room has less of a chance for the defense to scream contaimination since getting into those rooms in the basement would have required those card swipes.
Isn't it crazy though, that this guy went back to the same place that he did this because the police didn't close the now "crime scene". Work as usual for him. He probably cleaned his mess for the next few days. Wow! This investigation went so horribly wrong at the beginning I'm afraid.

Annie sent a picture of her rear end to the admissions office when she didn't get into Princeton?? WTH? I don't think that's cute - I think it's bizarre. I guess it's a small thing, but it's a weird thing to do.

I "think" I read that she just thought about doing that but didn't actually do it. I read that this morning somewhere, will see if I can find it again.
Well here is my cents on this whole dang mess....I think that the POI was someone that made Annie feel very uncomfortable possible for a variety of reasons, he possibly had a crush on her and was stalking her, or they just plain and simple did not like one another, the fact that she had a job that was higher up than his could have also contributed to the conflict..

Then you take the fact that as Labrat has stated when you are working within a close proximity as people who work in labs for numerous hours a day, I am sure that Annie had made comments to some of her co-workers that the POI was weird and made her feel uncomfortable, well once she says that and it starts going around the office it probably would not have taken much to get back to the POI girlfriend, sister and brother-in-law..This may have been the reason that the girlfriend stated on her myspace page that RC was NOT having an affair with a girl in the lab....Now instead of having just 1 person that is giving you crap at work you have 4 and they are for all intensive purposes family....This alone could have caused alot of stress at home for the POI and all the family members keep chatting about what a B**CH this girl in the lab is and blah blah blah.....At this point I think the POI thought well if she just disappears right before her wedding they will think she just got cold feet and took off...

I think if we ever get the true story of what happened in this case you would find out that the POI planned on going back into the lab and putting Annie in a suitcase and rolling her out to the parking garage and poof she is gone, and therefore so is the problem for him and his family....You can also use this same theory if he was stalking her and upset that she was getting ready to marry...But the POI did not plan on this thing blowing up as fast or as big as it did, and he therfore had no way to get her out of that building...

But I certainly do not think this had anything to do with protocols or mice, but I do think that for someone in that low of a level position to be complaining about someone with her degree of education shows that there was no love lost between these two and he wanted to get her in trouble...

I hope this makes sense being typed out cause it makes sense in my mind...
Isn't it crazy though, that this guy went back to the same place that he did this because the police didn't close the now "crime scene". Work as usual for him. He probably cleaned his mess for the next few days. Wow! This investigation went so horribly wrong at the beginning I'm afraid.

Excellent point! DO we know that he was back at work for days? I guess so, why not? Did police shut off that room the day Annie went missing, or did they not yet know that that would be the crime scene? Maybe what was left in the ceiling was a mistake by the killer, residual from a bunch of clothes. If you think of it, if he had access over days why would he have left that stuff in the ceiling? Surely he had the time and opportunity to remove everything. I bet the killer was devising a way to remove the body -- but time ran out. What if Annie hadn't been repored missing till the next morning? I wonder if the killer was planning a middle of the night trip to the lab.
The girlfriend is the one most likely to have tipped LE that RC came home from work last Tuesday with different clothes on since they live together.

Someone recognized the bloody clothing found in the ceiling tiles as belonging to RC. My guess it was her.

Annie sent a picture of her rear end to the admissions office when she didn't get into Princeton?? WTH? I don't think that's cute - I think it's bizarre. I guess it's a small thing, but it's a weird thing to do.


<snip> Le did her undergraduate work at the University of Rochester; Princeton University had been her first choice, but her dream school turned her down. Her response, recalled former classmate Cierra Silva Montes, was to send a photograph of her rear end to the dean of admissions.

It doesn't actually say she did it.
Kimmer...I was posting about middle of the night return to the lab just as you were posting the same theory.
Not trying to make her look bad but maybe whenever they interacted at work she talked to him in a belittling way (for whatever reason). Maybe she didn't even realize it. Eventually over a long period of time the resentment built up inside of him. The mice incident may have been the last straw. Maybe they exchanged some harsh words. She called him this or that or told him to kiss her butt (along the lines of what she did to the Princeton dean of admissions). He being not so rational goes ballistic.

Just trying to understand what could push someone over the brink.
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