CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #7 FOUND DECEASED

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Annie sent a picture of her rear end to the admissions office when she didn't get into Princeton?? WTH? I don't think that's cute - I think it's bizarre. I guess it's a small thing, but it's a weird thing to do.

I think it's hysterical and shows that she had a light heart and good sense of humor. I wouldn't personally do it...but I'm sure it was anonymous and I would laugh quite hard if I were opening the mail.
Are those just random details? The mice email story was published AFTER the articles and video clips just discussed were. NYDN specifically remarked that the animal testing was “gruesome,” and then the next morning came out with the information about emails and mice protocol. We know Le’s research work was on metabolic changes in proteins… yet news sources seem to be emphasizing that she worked with mice. Maybe there really is something to the animal abuse/mice angle that the news sources have info on but cannot yet discuss in full, but are making sure to mention in their stories.

I apologize if that sounds too ridiculous!

Not at all. The Bennett Lab is interested in a class of enymes (proteins) which are important in regulating how cells respond to extracellular signals - such as hormonal (eg: insulin) stimulation. Annie was basically interested in how these enzymes are involved in regulating metabolism, and this information may have relevance to diabetes, as well as other diseases such as cancer.

My guess is she was probably doing a lot of glucose tolerance tests in the animal facility. Basically fasting mice, giving them an injection of glucose, and then monitoring how well the mouse deals with the elevated blood sugar. Nothing more than taking a blood sample every 15 minutes.

I am sure some mice were sacrificed to look at the metabolic changes in verious tissues - perhaps lipid accumulation in the liver etc. These experiments (terminal) would have been done back in the Bennett lab, and would involve euthanizing the animal prior to dissecting the relevant organs.

Hope this helps :)
this raised my brow a bit, it's a quote from their myspace page...


makes me wonder exactly when this was written and who she was referencing exactly.... the part about being together for financial reasons was curious as well, wondering if that's what was said of her by someone??

Agree with you, kikid. And I suppose one could chalk it up to the casual nature of MySpace, but never would I mistake this girl for an English major. Isn't she a Yale student as well?
hello all !

im new here :/ but been following the case, and the thread here, and its an incredible site you got here.

But someone here posted a a link to YaleDailyNews's twitter here, when i went in i saw a brief "contact us" to a twitterprofile, when i reloaded the page it was gone.

Went to the twitterprofile, and heres what it said (that was just some time before the arrest):

You can see it yourself on the profile: http://twitter.com/alicialutes

But what triggered me was that the editor asked for the profile to contact them, and then suddenly all hell broke loose. But if its true, then he already got some history of violence ( restraining order ).

alicialutesI think I have tweeter's remorse.
10 minutes ago from web
My grandson is in pre vet university and yes he had to dissect many animals in his 2 years of high school in biology classes, then in pre vet it has been chickens, pregnant pigs and others he never mentions now since we all weny YUCK!
Sorry that's how they learn. As an animal lover he had a hard time with it.
We all did, but it is for the health of live animals later. IMO
Right, I know this, just wanted to throw it out there. Question that's in the back of my mind is I think they only administered the poly to him b/c they suspected him due to the scratches involved. I know it can't be used against him in court, but wondering why he would consent to one in the first place...unless his lawyer told him to. Also, was his lawyer present when they came to take him in last night? Do you know? Back to the poly question...maybe they didn't like all of his answers so they performed a poly due to the surrounding circumstances, to help lead them in an appropriate direction. What about if the others just "lied" better, therefore polys weren't administered to them...or maybe they just didn't give consent. I'm kind of stuck on somebody else being involved, also...just in the back of my mind, that is.
Scratches...tells me he had some on arms. Unless they asked and he opened took off his shirt. Poly most probably before lawyer -- VERY UNLIKELY lawyer says OK to poly. Clark was released to LAWYER after dna take.
alicialutesI think I have tweeter's remorse.
10 minutes ago from web

I believe it's possible to view the Twitter cache even if the a/c is marked private...can't one just clear out their temp files so the ip isn't linked or tracked & try to view again? I'm going to do a search on that name and if I can get the page to come up, I'll take a snapshot of it...
When is the next presser? any news on if he was really released?
I have seen both released 3 am and not???
This is a most confusing case........is it because 2 LE involved?
YALE and city???
O/T, after the first autopsy I sat in on, I ate peanuts for months...and nothing cooked...especially spaghetti.
When is the next presser? any news on if he was really released?
I have seen both released 3 am and not???
This is a most confusing case........is it because 2 LE involved?
YALE and city???

Confirmed released at 3am.
This guy sounds borderline personality disorder or bipolar or both. Sounds like he took his job really serious and wanted all the rules and his rules followed too. I think he just snapped, rage, killed her. Non sexual. (supposedly her clothes were on) Not Premediated. If he was planning to kill her he would not have done it where he worked with tons of people around.

Thats just what i think.

I have BPD & know others with BPD or bipolar, and I have to disagree with that. Control issues, yes, but I would hesitate to 'diagnose' him because of unstable behavior. (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder#DSM-IV-TR_criteria & [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Current_diagnostic_criteria_for_bipolar_disorder[/ame]) It brings a negative stigma to people who actually suffer from mental illness when people jump to such conclusions. Very few people with such a diagnosis would kill someone.
alicialutesI think I have tweeter's remorse.
10 minutes ago from web

Interesting that all of the tweets concerning this case are now gone. This morning the mention of knowing the POI was still there, but that too is now gone.
The simple theory is almost always the answer. She arrived at the Lab to work, he saw her saw his chance to asault her, did assault her and it went too far and then he tried to hide her. Maybe it could have been anyone, but she arrived just as the thoughts were entering his mind.
Morning All, How long do you think it will take to get his DNA tests back? Dr Baden says it can be done in 2 or 3 days.
Interesting that all of the tweets concerning this case are now gone. This morning the mention of knowing the POI was still there, but that too is now gone.

you mean from this one person or in general?
I have a question that one of our scientists may know the answer to. I'm not sure how I feel about this dismemberment thing, yet. However, if Annie scratched the perp, could they have cut off her fingers and put them into an autoclave to sterilize the dna underneath of her nails? If only fingers were cut off, would that be considered dismemberment? I seriously have no idea the technicalities with the term dismemberment. I know it's a stretch...just thinkin'.

Also, Annie was asphyxiated. This does not necessarily mean she was strangled. She could have had a rag put over her nose/face, she could have been injected with something to choke her, she could have had something stuffed inside of her mouth...there's many different methods that could be used to asphyxiate. Just wanted to throw that out there.

And I hope this next question doesn't get lost in this thread...but...do we know that every person that had access to that area was given a lie detector test - or was the only person to have a poly the poi? We do know that around 200 people were interviewed by police. I wonder if RC's girlfriend & family members were given the poly. What about if the girlfriend took RC's lab attire and is the actual one that did this...maybe RC knew something, which would throw his poly off? That's a stretch...but just maybe, ya never know.

Does anyone find it ironic that a letter was sent to the State of CT by the Jovin family and all of a sudden they crack down on the POI? I do. Is there a reason the 2 adults, JH & RC were seen getting into a car on SUNDAY with suitcases and it takes law enforcement a couple of days to get a search warrant to search his residence? What was in the suitcases? Could there be evidence that is not obtainable now?

Editing b/c I originally put Levin. It's the Suzanne Jovin family's letter to CT that I am referring to.

Jersey Girl, autoclaves kill germs. DNA is not a germ. I believe the DNA would be intact after autoclaving. That doesn't mean the perp knew this, though.
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