CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #7 FOUND DECEASED

DNA Solves
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I think two people are going to wind up in jail before it's overwith. In spite of all of the speculation, rumor and changing reports.....I still get the sense that one person started it, and the other came in behind that person and finished it. Just based on what I've read from the GF, I'd guess she could be quite the protective one over HER man, whether it was issues relating to relationships OR job related matters. She says he won't speak up for himself, remember?

What up with the family all getting ino the car with suitcases?
This is from the Journal: Forensic Science International: Genetics (2009)

UV irradiation and autoclave treatment for elimination of contaminating DNA from laboratory consumables
Lisa A. Gefrides, a, , Mark C. Powella, Michael A. Donleya and Roger Kahna

aHarris County Medical Examiner's Office, Forensic Biology Laboratory, 1885 Old Spanish Trail, Houston, TX 77054, United States


Laboratories employ various approaches to ensure that their consumables are free of DNA contamination. They may purchase pre-treated consumables, perform quality control checks prior to casework, and use in-house profile databases for contamination detection. It is better to prevent contamination prior to DNA typing than identify it after samples are processed. To this end, laboratories may UV irradiate or autoclave consumables prior to use but treatment procedures are typically based on killing microorganisms and not on the elimination of DNA. We report a systematic study of UV and autoclave treatments on the persistence of DNA from saliva. This study was undertaken to determine the best decontamination strategy for the removal of DNA from laboratory consumables. We have identified autoclave and UV irradiation procedures that can eliminate nanogram quantities of contaminating DNA contained within cellular material. Autoclaving is more effective than UV irradiation because it can eliminate short fragments of contaminating DNA more effectively. Lengthy autoclave or UV irradiation treatments are required. Depending on bulb power, a UV crosslinker may take a minimum of 2 h to achieve an effective dose for elimination of nanogram quantities of contaminating DNA (>7250 mJ/cm2). Similarly autoclaving may also take 2 h to eliminate similar quantities of contaminating DNA. For this study, we used dried saliva stains to determine the effective dose. Dried saliva stains were chosen because purified DNA as well as fresh saliva are less difficult to eradicate than dried stains and also because consumable contamination is more likely to be in the form of a collection of dry cells.
I never go anywhere without my cell phone and my Blackberry. I'm on call 24/7, but even if I weren't, I would not go ANYWHERE without my cell. It's a personal safety thing.

How close together were the two buildings? Maybe they were close enough together and she walked between them so often that it almost felt like the same building?

They were a bit of a hike down a few blocks-there's a map in earlier posts
Annie was so tiny.........I don't understand the 'took her apart'
BUT behind my washer/dryer is a chase with the wires and plumbing......
the service panel is only about 12x12 inches. Did RC have to get her through a panel like that? meaning some of her would go through and others couldn't fit??? I'm sick with thinking of this..........

I think the space in the chase was something like 2' x 2'. Annie was less than 5 ft. Bend her in half and she is just over 2 ft. The news reports always state that she was "stuffed" behind the wall. Imagine the POI shoving her into that space so he could cover the opening. She would be squashed and maybe her arm got dismembered in the process. Sorry so graphic.
I can't keep up with all the younger and more "agile" brains on here so I'm going to risk looking as "fluff- headed" as I am and ask:

Has it been established that she DID go to the lab to "work"? I thought I had read somewhere that she got a call asking her to bring "something" to the Amistad building and that was what she was doing but she did not go there to actually work right then: she left her purse, keys, phone at Sterling.Can anyone set me straight on this? And if she did get a call to go to Amistad does anyone know from whom she received the call / request? TIA if you can help me out. You "guys" are amazing!!!:smile:

reports seem to be still conflicting on this-one that she was booked in that morning, another that he asked her over-or can you book in last minute?
I have a question that one of our scientists may know the answer to. I'm not sure how I feel about this dismemberment thing, yet. However, if Annie scratched the perp, could they have cut off her fingers and put them into an autoclave to sterilize the dna underneath of her nails? If only fingers were cut off, would that be considered dismemberment? I seriously have no idea the technicalities with the term dismemberment. I know it's a stretch...just thinkin'.


I think people were talking about the autoclave because they were speculating about how the fire alarm got triggered. One person on one site said, "I know that in my lab, I can accidentally set off the fire alarm by opening the autoclave too fast."

I doubt anyone tried to do anything to Annie's body with an autoclave. It wouldn't be out of the question for someone to have intentionally or unintentionally triggered the fire alarm using the autoclave, though.
His tweets are now "protected"..you can't look at them.

clean and delete your whole temp cache & history, or reboot...then search the name & pull up the cache instead of the official "now-time" link...you should be able to see it and do a screen capture shot. Once you go off from that link, though, it will show up as protected, so you'd need to take care of all pages before going off the cached link.
Just a thought or two about the supposed scratches on RC's chest...

That to me would point toward a sexual assault. If he had just choked her, wouldn't the scratches be on his hands?? If his hands were around her neck, she would be grabbing at his hands, not scratching at his chest?

Hi coolmom,
I think I read that he did have scratches on his hands and arms, but also had some on his chest. I don't think the scratches on the chest necessarily indicate a sexual assault. I feel morbid for even imagining this, but she probably was flailing her hands/arms trying to defend herself during the attack, and was trying to connect anywhere on his body to try to stop him. Plus, we don't know the details yet--if she was indeed strangled, we don't know if he was facing her, or approached her from behind, etc which may change where Annie was able to scratch him.

My general thoughts so far. . . I think this was about his male ego and control the one tiny little space that he was able to exert some influence in. I worked in the pharmaceutical research field for a dozen years. It's not true of every company I worked for, but in general, there was what I called academic snobbery--the techs versus the people with Bachelor's degrees versus the people with PhD's versus the few with MD/PhD's. I had a Bachelor's degree and was dismayed to find out that at some companies, it didn't matter what you "could" do--it all boiled down to the academic level that you achieved. And quite often, in all honesty, a person with 5 years experience and a BS degree was more capable in the lab than someone just entering the field with a PhD, just as I am sure there were jobs that the technicians could have done that were being doled out to those of us with bachelor's degrees. Didn't matter though--if you didn't have a PhD, you could spend your entire career working your buns off and never seeing the level that someone who waltzes in fresh from their Post-Docs. I've never worked in an academic science lab, but my coworkers told me it was even worse--way more narrowly defined roles pretty much exclusively dependent on what your level of education was.

I'm sure as a "tech" that this guy felt like he was at the bottom of the bunch and so he overcompensated by being a complete control freak. And Annie was a woman his age, was completely beautiful and charming and had achieved so much more than he ever would dream of achieving. And he obviously sounds like he has had some issues with women (and I think when men have "issues" with women, it's the beautiful and talented ones that garner the most resentment--probably because on one hand, he was attracted to her, yet on the other hand her success made him feel resentful). And although Annie's initial response to his griping was conciliatory and cooperative, maybe Annie had gotten sick and tired of him nit-picking her for every little thing that she did "wrong" in regards to the animals--plus I'm sure she was probably stressed out about her upcoming wedding (she probably had a billion things to do and was just at a higher anxiety level). Maybe she said something that wasn't really that horrible, but in his eyes, was a great insult. And he struck out at her--a representation in his eyes of all his resentment and frustrations--and took her life away from her in a horribly brutal way.

Bottom line. . . I don't care what his excuses are, he deserves to be put away in jail for the rest of his life. I'm just trying to figure out why he would do this. In the end, he needs to go away. Just because you feel like a bottom of the barrel, insecure loser doesn't ever give you the justification for hurting another human being!!!!
I think the official statement is she was carrying papers. I've looked at that pic so many ways it gets more distorted everytime. I can't even guess as to what she's carrying.

The unconfirmed rumor is that yes, she was called to the lab unexpectedly.

Anyone, feel free to correct me if I have any of this wrong.

bolded by me.

Sorry if this has already been posted--I may not be as up to date as others since there were about 17 more pages posted when I woke up this a.m. ! Still trying to catch up.

Anyway: I thought she had reserved a lab space in Amistad for 10 a.m., and they normally left purses and other belongings in Sterling Hall while they worked in the labs at Amistad? Correct me if I am wrong!

It kind of makes sense that someone might have called her to come to Amistad---like the killer, for example, so he could carry out his horrible plan. However, I thought she had reserved a spot--something the lab technician would know about by checking a list or the computer or something.

I think people were talking about the autoclave because they were speculating about how the fire alarm got triggered. One person on one site said, "I know that in my lab, I can accidentally set off the fire alarm by opening the autoclave too fast."

I doubt anyone tried to do anything to Annie's body with an autoclave. It wouldn't be out of the question for someone to have intentionally or unintentionally triggered the fire alarm using the autoclave, though.

? I'm confused by this...I never suggested they put Annie in an autoclave... My original question was I wonder if the perp cut off her fingers (the ones she could have scratched the perp with) and tried to autoclave them but it was a very speculative brainstorm and highly unlikely. Then I was thinking maybe the autoclave could have been used for the choice of weapon (s) and material used for cleanup, then possibly thrown away in the dumpster...maybe even in a biohazard bag? I have absolutely no idea...only brainstorming.
I had no idea the hierarchy was so rigid in those environments, but it does make sense.
clean and delete your whole temp cache & history, or reboot...then search the name & pull up the cache instead of the official "now-time" link...you should be able to see it and do a screen capture shot. Once you go off from that link, though, it will show up as protected, so you'd need to take care of all pages before going off the cached link.

There is no need to clear your cache before viewing Google's cached version. Clearing your cache means that when you go to a page, it will load everything from the site, since nothing is stored on your computer. Just FYI. :)
Kaybee, I agree with everything you said about academic snobbery. I have seen it in the companies I have worked for. A lot of PhD's are on their high horse and treat those with lower academic credentials like little peons. To be fair, some of them are quite nice and treat everyone with respect, even the cleaners.
bolded by me.

Sorry if this has already been posted--I may not be as up to date as others since there were about 17 more pages posted when I woke up this a.m. ! Still trying to catch up.

Anyway: I thought she had reserved a lab space in Amistad for 10 a.m., and they normally left purses and other belongings in Sterling Hall while they worked in the labs at Amistad? Correct me if I am wrong!

It kind of makes sense that someone might have called her to come to Amistad---like the killer, for example, so he could carry out his horrible plan. However, I thought she had reserved a spot--something the lab technician would know about by checking a list or the computer or something.

This hasn't been clarified yet-both things have been said
I was wondering -can you reserve a lab space last minute-like could she have called to book after he called her
Ironic that you ask this b/c I was astonished when I heard Baden (and Lee on another station) say it could take 24-72 hours...KNOWING FULL WELL THAT YALE'S AMISTAD BUILDING DOES THIS VERY SAME DNA TESTING AND IS A BETTER LAB IMO THAN THE FBI'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know about forensic DNA testing being done at Yale, since forensics requires stuff like chain-of-custody, but DNA testing is no longer considered very difficult. Lots of labs do it. There are commercially available kits that make it pretty much foolproof. It would really boil down to where the state has a contract/could do it most inexpensively and quickly. There isn't a reason why turnaround time would be faster or slower at the state lab, and something sent to the state lab could still be sent on to another big reference lab.

No matter what, you can expect accurate results - better, really, for the big commercial labs which are highly standardized.
bolded by me.
It kind of makes sense that someone might have called her to come to Amistad---like the killer, for example, so he could carry out his horrible plan. However, I thought she had reserved a spot--something the lab technician would know about by checking a list or the computer or something.

Didn't an article this morning say he got to Amistad after she did? So if he did call her to go there, it would have been from elsewhere, which sounds planned. Versus him seeing something in the lab that frustrated him and prompted him to call her over, that is.
Hi coolmom,
I think I read that he did have scratches on his hands and arms, but also had some on his chest. I don't think the scratches on the chest necessarily indicate a sexual assault. I feel morbid for even imagining this, but she probably was flailing her hands/arms trying to defend herself during the attack, and was trying to connect anywhere on his body to try to stop him. Plus, we don't know the details yet--if she was indeed strangled, we don't know if he was facing her, or approached her from behind, etc which may change where Annie was able to scratch him.

My general thoughts so far. . . I think this was about his male ego and control the one tiny little space that he was able to exert some influence in. I worked in the pharmaceutical research field for a dozen years. It's not true of every company I worked for, but in general, there was what I called academic snobbery--the techs versus the people with Bachelor's degrees versus the people with PhD's versus the few with MD/PhD's. I had a Bachelor's degree and was dismayed to find out that at some companies, it didn't matter what you "could" do--it all boiled down to the academic level that you achieved. And quite often, in all honesty, a person with 5 years experience and a BS degree was more capable in the lab than someone just entering the field with a PhD, just as I am sure there were jobs that the technicians could have done that were being doled out to those of us with bachelor's degrees. Didn't matter though--if you didn't have a PhD, you could spend your entire career working your buns off and never seeing the level that someone who waltzes in fresh from their Post-Docs. I've never worked in an academic science lab, but my coworkers told me it was even worse--way more narrowly defined roles pretty much exclusively dependent on what your level of education was.

I'm sure as a "tech" that this guy felt like he was at the bottom of the bunch and so he overcompensated by being a complete control freak. And Annie was a woman his age, was completely beautiful and charming and had achieved so much more than he ever would dream of achieving. And he obviously sounds like he has had some issues with women (and I think when men have "issues" with women, it's the beautiful and talented ones that garner the most resentment--probably because on one hand, he was attracted to her, yet on the other hand her success made him feel resentful). And although Annie's initial response to his griping was conciliatory and cooperative, maybe Annie had gotten sick and tired of him nit-picking her for every little thing that she did "wrong" in regards to the animals--plus I'm sure she was probably stressed out about her upcoming wedding (she probably had a billion things to do and was just at a higher anxiety level). Maybe she said something that wasn't really that horrible, but in his eyes, was a great insult. And he struck out at her--a representation in his eyes of all his resentment and frustrations--and took her life away from her in a horribly brutal way.

Bottom line. . . I don't care what his excuses are, he deserves to be put away in jail for the rest of his life. I'm just trying to figure out why he would do this. In the end, he needs to go away. Just because you feel like a bottom of the barrel, insecure loser doesn't ever give you the justification for hurting another human being!!!!

kaybee, your post reminds of Raven Aberoa's blog that was recently posted in Janet's forum here...he was going on & on about his "weaknesses" & lack of education, and how he had to be "aggressive" & fanatically in control of the minute details of daily life to achieve his goals.

Gives me the willies just thinking about creeps like this.
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