CT CT - Janice Pockett, 7, Tolland, 26 July 1973

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DNA Solves
Richard said:
Where is he now?
That is the question. I know Smile22 has been asking around, so far with no luck-she even checked with the fire station where he worked, there may be a lead to him there.
If anyone else can come up with a lead as to where this guy might be, your help wil be greatly appreciated.
ok sent to me was articles some of them had unkown suspects with compsit drawings if anyone wants to see the pictures let me know and i will email them to you here is info i took from the files to post up here alot of them are very promssing.

anibal nick sanabria he was charged by state police with raping a stafford women hitch hiker he had picked up in vernon where he then took her to coventry, he also confessed to other rapes

in dec of 1975 a 17 year old girl was waking down rockvilles union street where a mustached man pulled up and offered her a rid. she refused and continued walking, again the man appeared on foot and said he would give her a ride she refused and he grabbed her. she noticed he had a pistol in his hand she managed to grab away and ran home. he was described as about 5'6 150, neck length brown hair parted on one side to cover his ears

in sept another girl same year was attacked after leaving volunteer work at the local hospital. she had seen a man walking the man came up to her grabbed her from behind and told her not to scream or ill crush you. she struggled free screamed and ran home unharmed. he was described as being 5'6 but stocky dark jacket dark rimed glasses and a dark knitted cap

another attack in november of 75 she was assaulted as she returned to her home one evening the man attaked as she opened the door. she tried to close the door but he got in after a struggle no rape he left. he also had the knitted cap but his description was white male 19-20 slight build with short dark hair and a fuill beard between 5'3 and 5'6 he was wearing a red nylon jacket as well as the cap

even leblanc of holland mass attempted abduction of a 17 yesr old vernon girl i belive the article was written circa 75

the battalion cheif of the rockville fire dept was arresteed on three sex related charges stemming from a 1977 and 1978 inncident involving family. lester waite sr 37 was charged with risk of injury to children and two counts of fourth degree sexual assault. they accurred during the spring of 77 and the summer of 78 they also found a sawed off shotgun in his home during the investigation
it was brought to my attention from janices sister about another man david Vaicunas of windsor locks ct was looked at as a possible suspect but was never cleared the reason being le looked into him started questioning him to much. he got mad and got a laywer after the police dept it was some sorta of a order where they couldnt ask him any more questions he was also caught trying to grab a girl off her bike in vernon. which again is very close to tolland. he was a driver at the time i think a driving instructor. i did some research on his name i didnt have the correct spelling and me being a quater lithaunian i knew that he was beacuse of the last name. it would be intresting to know if that order has expired the statue of limitations of some kind
just wanted to let everyone know that their are still no new leads or any suspects i have found as of yet im still working on looking into the last suspect i found out about but im hitting some dead ends and such. as always if anyone is intrested in her case just send over a pm
smile22 said:
just wanted to let everyone know that their are still no new leads or any suspects i have found as of yet im still working on looking into the last suspect i found out about but im hitting some dead ends and such. as always if anyone is intrested in her case just send over a pm
Have you seen the site www.haveyouseenandy.com ? There are a couple of suspects mentioned there and the thoughts are they might be linked to this case.
That website is so sad (the digging photographs especially!)! I wanted to find out more about the documentary and this blurb says it all (almost)


"Have You Seen Andy?"

In August 1976, 10-year-old Andy Puglisi vanished while playing at a Lawrence, Massachusetts, public pool. Despite a six-day search Andy was never found and to this day the case is unsolved. Now Andy's friend, Melanie Perkins, who was at the pool on the day of his disappearance, has made a documentary about her missing friend.

"I said to myself as a little girl, 'When I grow up I'm going to try to find him,'" Perkins says as she recalls the horrifying days following Andy's disappearance. After working on documentaries for 15 years, Perkins decided to make her own in 1998. "It had to be something that I felt really strong about," she says. "That's when Andy's case came to mind."

Perkins returned to Lawrence and started looking through Andy's case file. Her research uncovered new information, which motivated the police to re-open the case. As the film retraces the day of Andy's disappearance, Perkins also interviews Andy's parents, the suspects in the case, and follows the police as they investigate new leads. "I had no idea what I was getting myself into," she says as renewed interest in the case brought a Boston Globe and network news stories. But Perkins says her doc is different from their stories. "A lot of times they glorify the suspects, and the victim gets lost," she says. "That's what's different about my film, the victim becomes the important part of the story."

Filming wrapped up this past summer. It was shot on BETA and DV by Stephen McCarthy and is currently being edited by Rachel Clark. The doc was recently picked up by HBO for a 2007 broadcast. But Perkins believes it has theatrical potential and is submitting it to festivals in hopes of distribution.
About the fingerprint... they recently identified a woman who was murdered almost 30 years ago. Her prints were taken at the time but they didn't get a hit using the manual process that was done then. All the evidence was filed away.

When a cold case detective scanned it into the automated database they got a hit right away and an ID was made.

So... they may have taken fingerprints, but has anyone entered them into today's computer system(s)?
PonderingThings said:
About the fingerprint... they recently identified a woman who was murdered almost 30 years ago. Her prints were taken at the time but they didn't get a hit using the manual process that was done then. All the evidence was filed away.
When a cold case detective scanned it into the automated database they got a hit right away and an ID was made.
So... they may have taken fingerprints, but has anyone entered them into today's computer system(s)?
Very good point. The same might be said of advances in DNA technology and in photographic recognition computer software. A data base of either, using photos of missing persons, and DNA samples from relatives, might be a significant tool for future resolutions of these cases. This is actually being done on a limited level by the US Military JPAC organization in Hawaii as a means of identifying recoverd remains of American service men lost in action.
yes i have seen the website and yeas there are alot of suspects one of them who claimed he killled andy and janice but his story didnt hiold true when no bodys were found and his dates were off and i belive everything he mentioned was listed in the news papers and he wqs dying. also im not sure if fingerprints were ever taken from the bike or if any were found or anything you would have to ask sister who is the sister of janice she would know more about the fingerprints and stuff
There were no fingerprints (other than Janice's) found on her bike when it was dusted back in 1973. No evidence at all was ever found at the scene. Of course, it initially was treated as a missing child case with no foul play suspected, and any possible evidence could have been destroyed by the massive search. Thankfully, procedures have changed for missing child situations.
There were/are many suspects in Janice's case, but no solid evidence.
sister said:
There were no fingerprints (other than Janice's) found on her bike when it was dusted back in 1973. No evidence at all was ever found at the scene. Of course, it initially was treated as a missing child case with no foul play suspected, and any possible evidence could have been destroyed by the massive search. Thankfully, procedures have changed for missing child situations.
There were/are many suspects in Janice's case, but no solid evidence.
Hi Sister, I am sorry you don't have any answers about your sister after all this time. I am curious if your parents are still living? Do they remember anyone trying to befriend Janice before she was taken?
My parents are still alive; however not in the best of health. I recall my mother mentioning one suspect she had, a distant relative; however he was cleared at the time.
nothing new but i was at my local walmart and on the missing childrens area in the entrance janices poster was their. so its nice to see that they are posting up really old cold cases
this month on the 26th will mark the 33rd year that she has been missing. not many clues few suspects one of which got mad when le went to question him and got legal people involved who then told le to back off. this suspect said that le was harrasing him and such. could he have known something? could he have been involved? this person is also known in the town he lives in he is involved with the high school and sports among things
Today is the 33 year that Janice went missing lets all say a prayer for her wherever she is. 33 years and still no answers. she went on a bike ride and probably thought about all the things she was going to do that day or plans she may have had with other children. She went on that bike ride and never came back. its so sad. Im searching for answers for clues things to help find her. ive hit road blocks dead ends someone knows something but why wont they speak up
Another year has gone by and still no answers about my sister. I feel that someone must know something, but is not talking, or maybe doesn't even realize that they hold valuable information. State police were supposed to speak with Nathaniel Bar Jonah in Montana, but that seems to have been stalled.
have you contacted the state police ask them about it?. tell them you want answers about your sister keep on talking to them pressuring them. If they know that you wont back off they will do something.
Happy belated 41st birthday janice where ever you are :HappyBday
bumping for janice that this year we will be closer to or finding the answers we need in her case

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