CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #62

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From the beginning, she carried on for years an affair with a married man, disrespecting his wife and their children while setting a horrible example for her own daughter.

She had the gall to move into the home of a married man, blatantly ignored the court mandated rules that she was not allowed in the presence of Jennifer’s children but did not adhere to the rules during the ski trip and there are photos to prove this as these are all facts. Listen carefully to what the nanny said and to what the Fore employee said…to the many experts in forensics. It isn’t hard to see they planned this crime and used gloves, ponchos etc. but the little things will be their undoing. The unexpected things. That’s why FD committed suicide, he knew his fate but MT thinks she can play the fool and no one will be the wiser. We shall see…

Michelle Troconis lied to the police. Not once, not twice but countless times, these are facts.

She made deplorable comments about a mother of five when she was missing etc.can you even imagine? It’s truly enough to make one gag. It really does speak to her true character and motive. It’s now crystal clear how much she wanted Jennifer Dulos dead. She loathed her.

From that morning: MT said FD was there (described what he was wearing), answered Fotis’ phone (purposefully left hot her to answer to create the alibi that he was home) right on cue to the carefully written in perfect English alibi scripts (conveniently leaving out the trash trek), Starbucks jaunt where her legs are shaking and arms crossed and body language experts 100% attributes that to nervousness, anxiousness, discomfort) and right through the 80 ms house cleaning (let’s be honest, she doesn’t clean the spec houses ever),she followed him to the car wash, watched as he withdrew cash to pay for it when he typically uses his company cc after all it was work-related, etc. they all add up. She was there ever. Step. Of. The. Way. Before and after. Until she was disposed of by FD when she was no longer useful and he moved onto AC.

It’s laughable when her family says she is innocent as she is the furthest thing from that and they are her family and refuse to believe the truth about Michelle Troconis. FD and MT used burner phones and burner apps. It’s not that hard to see the writing on the wall.
It’s not that hard to follow the facts…
I think they honestly have enough after today to convict her of conspiracy. I wasn’t sold before today, but now I’m sold.

The state is doing an awesome job of pointing out who she really is.
Affairs are common. Custody battles are common. People can act terribly during divorce. This is not rare. So to say that MT did 'terrible things' like moving in with FD and seeing his kids, while these might be unacceptable, they are not uncommon. They are actually quite frequent.
BUT...one spouse does not usually end up dead! So rather than focus on 'the affair' I would focus on the absolutely terrible and unacceptable outcome for Jennifer Dulos.

@Snoopster, I agree that affairs are common, custody battles are common and that people can act terribly during divorce.

But, what isn't common are what I believe are termed 'high conflict divorce proceedings' such as was seen in Dulos v. Dulos and I don't think the affair/divorce/custody can be separated from what happened to JF as it was the main event in the lives of FD, JF and MT and her daughter. I simply cannot think of one part of the lives of the 3 involved in the Dulos marriage that wasn't touched by the divorce proceeding.

CT has seen its share of such high conflict divorces over the years but iirc the Dulos v Dulos case was in the Top 10 in this category based on length of case time and motions filed and certainly cost. This category of divorce is rare and the toxicity of these cases often results in unfortunate unintended consequences such as perhaps what happened to JF imo and the spillover psychological effects on the children (victims all including Nicole Begue who was used by both FD and MT to communicate improperly with the Dulos children).

So, but I don't see how to separate the toxicity of the divorce from the murder of JF as the divorce/custody battle was the main event in the sad three ring circus that was FD life at the time (Divorce/Custody, failing business, MT affair and MT daughter living at 4JX)?

FD (and MT) were enraged about the continuing proceedings and the costs associated with the process were beyond what he was able to pay (MT wasn't financially situated to help much other than with incidentals such as food and gas imo). The irony of the situation with MT was that IMO she was simply a tool used by FD to seek revenge against JF for asking for the divorce (yes, I believe she asked for the divorce and then left) and GF for supporting her daughter to financially crush him as they had the wealth to do and which he didn't have the wealth to fight imo. MT was disposable (as seen with quick start of Anna Curry relationship) and someone no doubt who enjoyed the same things (skiing, sex and travel) and was just a side kick as she brought nothing socially to his life and certainly didn't bring money either imo.

My guess is that if FD hadn't murdered JF that his next motion in Family Court would have been for attorneys fees (he'd tried this before but was denied iirc) and support as FORE had no revenue at the time of JF death and high ongoing costs to maintain the properties during a time when the market was soft and FD stubbornly wouldn't sell any of the houses to reduce operating expenses for FORE either. My guess was that MT was paying to keep the lights on and heat on at 4JX and food on the table via her support arrangement for her daughter as FD cash was all taken up with legal bills and keeping FORE houses maintained and taxes paid. It was a financial powder keg imo for FD AND MT and imo it simply exploded and was helped along the way by MT prodding too.

It is very important to realise that at the time of her death that there was no near term resolution of the divorce or custody IN SIGHT even though it had been going on for 2 years! FD knew this, MT knew this and yet we see FD allegedly telling MT that 'she would soon be the mother of 6 children' and that he was 'winning' in Family Court per Defence Counsel. I can safely say that there is no factual basis to understand why FD would make either of these statements other than delusion. FD quite simply lied about the status of the Family Court situation is the only way I can understand what might have happened. Why MT, Troconis Crew and Defence Counsel are choosing to repeat the FD lies is something simply doesn't make sense to me as there is no basis in fact for anything they are saying.

The cost of the divorce/custody had financial crushed FD to the point where he could no longer afford attorneys and was representing himself in Family Court which resulted in chaos as he understood none of the process and couldn't handle the paperwork. JF at one point had legal bills (atty, GAL,Supervision) etc. exceeding $69,000 A MONTH for the divorce alone. This was ON TOP of paying for all expenses relative to maintaining the children as FD did not pay any support for his children for the duration of the divorce/custody proceedings and had discontinued medical insurance for JF and the children so she covered that as well.

SO, the entire financial burden of maintaining the family fell onto JF and required GF financial assistance as FD was effectively a 'dead beat dad'. Meanwhile FD and MT and her daughter were effectively squatting at 4JX which was a house owned by JF and which her father had arranged the mortgage (secured by liquid investments owned by him) and for which FD was responsible for paying interest only each month. FD stopped paying the interest on the mortgage and taxes so this was then all covered by JF and GF to keep the house out of foreclosure for a year or so. If you add up schooling for 5 children in private schools, rental housing in NC, medical insurance, maintenance of children and house etc. and then layer in all the divorce costs which JF was also paying (lawyers, GAL, professionals, Supervision etc.) it was a lot of money and FD was enraged about it as even if it wasn't his money, he and MT felt somehow entitled to it in a way that I simply do not understand. JF did all this herself with assistance from GF. I would term this an unusual situation as how many women (and a DV victim as well) are financially able to manage such a situation financially? I would argue very very few and this is another reason this tragic case is unusual imo.

I also don't see how the affair can be separated from the horrific murder of JF by FD/MT/KM. Just can't do it. As you say, affairs are not new news! But, based on what we saw in this sad case, it wasn't just that FD had an affair with MT and asked for a divorce and walked away? Nope. This isn't what happened. FD instead wanted to keep MT and her daughter and have them move into 4JX with JF and the 5 Dulos children. FD never asked for the divorce even though that was put out in social media by the Troconis Crew and fwiw I believe the JF timeline on the affair and request for divorce to be factually accurate. So, we have another 'unique' aspect of this divorce. FD wanted to move his mistress into the family home and PS he wanted to bring his mistresses daughter along too! Not too typical imo either and certainly something to generate anger and hostility on all sides imo too!

But, the other aspect of why Dulos v Dulos wasn't typical was that not only did FD use MT and her daughter as a psychological tool to torment JF in the divorce and custody proceedings but FD used MT and her daughter as tools to psychologically play games with the Dulos children, especially the two oldest. I believe that all this was done with the full knowledge and support of MT as she was well aware of the Court orders, yet chose to disregard them. MT also knowingly participated in having her daughter contact the Dulos children and FD when such contact was not permitted by the Court. So, we effectively saw FD weaponise MT against JF to torment her via using what she cared about the most which were her 5 children. IDK, this is unusual and its certainly also evil imo. MT clearly didn't mean anything to FD either as he dumped her quickly and moved on to Anna Curry.

So, we have a situation with a high conflict divorce but on top of that severe financial stress on all sides along with extreme psychological manipulation from FD of the 5 Dulos children and JF. I don't put this issue into the 'typical' divorce situation and my speculation is that FD and MT were diabolical in that they effectively weaponised the children (mainly oldest 2 imo) against JF because they knew it was the children that JF cared most about.

So now, you have JF single parent with primary custody trying to keep it all together, certainly paying for everything and then you have FD where every day is 'opposite day' in terms of complying with Family Court orders and his mistress who supports him and prods him hard to resolve things so their lives can get back to normal using children to torture and torment JF - I don't think this is a typical divorce custody situation at all. MT never makes mention of squatting at 4Jx for 2 years or discusses how FD planned to support their lives post divorce. Nope. MT also makes no mention of working for FORE (disclaims knowledge in LE Interviews) but was found in the civil case to have been paid $120,000 a year by FORE. To be noted is that I believe less than $1,000 was distributed the Dulos children after the Probate situation with his estate had been resolved.

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The MT role in the entire situation was iirc detailed in the Family Court file and there were depositions taken from both sides iirc as well (some were sealed at the time too iirc). Your question is a bit vague imo. Fact according to whom? JF, FD or the Court? IMO I view the Court final order as a representation of what was FACT a/o the time of the JF murder.

I believe it factually correct to say that JF in Family Court stated that she believed MT (and her daughter) for reasons which she elaborated on in depositions was someone that she did not want to have access to her 5 children. Fact according to FD was that he didn't agree with JF on the issue of MT and her daughter not having contact with the 5 Dulos children. Fact according to the Court after reviewing the matter was that the No Contact Order for MT and her daughter was NEVER lifted and so remained in place at the time of the murder of JF. As of the date of JF murder the status of FD visitation was supervised, the GAL in place at the time Atty Meehan had been dismissed due I believe to misconduct following an in court investigation and no new GAL was appointed as JF was 'missing' and custody of the 5 children passed to JF mother, GF.

My SPECULATION based on commentary of Defence Counsel and 4 years of social media commentary from MT and the Troconis Crew about the idea that somehow FD was 'winning' in Family Court and MT would soon become the mother of 6 children is quite simply preposterous on the face. The alleged report that cannot be admitted as evidence in the MT trial was never completed in Family Court, the Dr was totally discredited as he refused to show up in Court to speak on the record with Judge Heller and Judge Heller closed the file on the matter by removing the draft report from the Family Court file. My PERSONAL OPINION is that MT, Defence Counsel and Troconis crew references to a discredited and unfinished report from Family Court quite simply represents disinformation as there is no aspect of any their many statements based on fact. My PERSONAL OPINION about any of the just mentioned parties using confidential documents to which they were not party and were not available to them as the Family Court documents were under seal cannot be printed here under TOS.

I still don't understand how Defence Counsel has even been able to talk about the discredited report in this trial and I don't understand either why Judge R hasn't banned its mention? The Family Court file was sealed long before Defence Counsel entered the scene and I'm not going to rehash the entire debacle of the dismissal of the corrupt GAL Atty Meehan again as that horse has been beaten to death. MT had no standing to view the report either as it was 'eyes only' to the parties and their counsel.

So imo it appears the Court sided with JF on the issue of No Contact of MT and her daughter with the 5 dulos children. If you want to call this speculation then feel free as its my interpretation of a Court Order. But, I believe a final Order from a Family Court Judge represents a fact in this situation and as such speaks for itself on the matter.

Given everything in Family Court Dulos v Dulos is sealed now, if you are interested there were some articles that described some of the Family Court issues and there were the statements made by JF attorney on the record explaining exactly what the situation was in terms of the Court Orders in place at the time of the JF murder on the issues of custody etc. IF you are interested in the FD Family Court filings around the time of the murder I would refer you to the social media of the Troconis Crew who have been posting some of these sealed documents now for 4 years in a manner that I believe does not comply with Court Rules on the Family Court Documents for Dulos v Dulos.

My view has always been clear in that the Family Court ruling on the No Contact Order for MT and her daughter was always in place and even if FD petitioned for its removal, this never happened. We know from Court updates that this No Contact Order was not complied with on multiple occasions by FD and MT and as of the time of JF murder that MT and her daughter were not permitted contact with the 5 Dulos children. There was nothing in the record iirc to indicate that anything regarding MT and her daughter would be changing anytime soon but this I believe can be termed my SPECULATION.

This is my last post on this particular issue as this has all been rehashed many times in prior threads but I did want to summarise the 'facts' as I understood them to be at the time of the murder of JF.

Thanks, @afitzy. This is the clarification I was looking for. Although I’ve been around since the beginning of this tragedy, there are gaps in my understanding of some of the deeper specifics such as the no contact order including MT’s daughter and the Dulos kids. I was not aware of specific depositions that took place or other court proceedings that specified this. Life pulls me a million different directions so I don’t always have the time to dig into the details as I’d like to. When I ask a question I’m truly seeking information from a group of people whom I deem reliable, thorough and helpful. If there’s a gap I just can’t figure out, I know someone here can usually fill me in. I hope my tone didn’t come across as questioning the statement itself as I was legit wondering what we knew to be true regarding contact between MT’s daughter and the Dulos kids.
I think they honestly have enough after today to convict her of conspiracy. I wasn’t sold before today, but now I’m sold.

The state is doing an awesome job of pointing out who she really is.

Agreed. Michelle Troconis, per her arrest warrant and third interview, admitted to answering the call from Fotis Dulos’ Greek friend Andreas.

This call was prearranged and his phone was intentionally left at home while he was in NC and it was Michelle Troconis’ prearranged plan to answer this call in a schemed effort to provide him an alibi that he was “home.”

She cannot deny that this was an act of conspiracy (a secret plan or plotting.) Moo
I know many found today not satisfying. I did. I thought the last witness talking about the extracted data was good. He was clear, the spreadsheets gave a good sense of what the phone 1 and 2 were doing. (The state has a harder job now that MT's phone is excluded so this phone evidence is more crucial.) I see that the phone 2 data at 2:41 was at one place at Avon and am remembering that PG and the cleaning of the truck. I see the parts being pulled together. I like seeing that MT is becoming more central to the story--- at home with the phone bc we know that Tacoma left early, the Tacoma key, the raunchy jokes. I think the picture being offered is one where she is seeming more a part of the plan and the plot. I am sad that her phone is excluded because that Cellebrite data would be awesome to dig through.

The background data has been elaborated by the human actions before in this trial. I am looking for more.
Thank you for this perspective! I am one who found yesterday's presentation less than eye opening so it always helps to get a new perspective :)
@Snoopster, I agree that affairs are common, custody battles are common and that people can act terribly during divorce.

But, what isn't common are what I believe are termed 'high conflict divorce proceedings' such as was seen in Dulos v. Dulos and I don't think the affair/divorce/custody can be separated from what happened to JF as it was the main event in the lives of FD, JF and MT and her daughter. I simply cannot think of one part of the lives of the 3 involved in the Dulos marriage that wasn't touched by the divorce proceeding.

CT has seen its share of such high conflict divorces over the years but iirc the Dulos v Dulos case was in the Top 10 in this category based on length of case time and motions filed and certainly cost. This category of divorce is rare and the toxicity of these cases often results in unfortunate unintended consequences such as perhaps what happened to JF imo and the spillover psychological effects on the children (victims all including Nicole Begue who was used by both FD and MT to communicate improperly with the Dulos children).

So, but I don't see how to separate the toxicity of the divorce from the murder of JF as the divorce/custody battle was the main event in the sad three ring circus that was FD life at the time (Divorce/Custody, failing business, MT affair and MT daughter living at 4JX)?

FD (and MT) were enraged about the continuing proceedings and the costs associated with the process were beyond what he was able to pay (MT wasn't financially situated to help much other than with incidentals such as food and gas imo). The irony of the situation with MT was that IMO she was simply a tool used by FD to seek revenge against JF for asking for the divorce (yes, I believe she asked for the divorce and then left) and GF for supporting her daughter to financially crush him as they had the wealth to do and which he didn't have the wealth to fight imo. MT was disposable (as seen with quick start of Anna Curry relationship) and someone no doubt who enjoyed the same things (skiing, sex and travel) and was just a side kick as she brought nothing socially to his life and certainly didn't bring money either imo.

My guess is that if FD hadn't murdered JF that his next motion in Family Court would have been for attorneys fees (he'd tried this before but was denied iirc) and support as FORE had no revenue at the time of JF death and high ongoing costs to maintain the properties during a time when the market was soft and FD stubbornly wouldn't sell any of the houses to reduce operating expenses for FORE either. My guess was that MT was paying to keep the lights on and heat on at 4JX and food on the table via her support arrangement for her daughter as FD cash was all taken up with legal bills and keeping FORE houses maintained and taxes paid. It was a financial powder keg imo for FD AND MT and imo it simply exploded and was helped along the way by MT prodding too.

It is very important to realise that at the time of her death that there was no near term resolution of the divorce or custody IN SIGHT even though it had been going on for 2 years! FD knew this, MT knew this and yet we see FD allegedly telling MT that 'she would soon be the mother of 6 children' and that he was 'winning' in Family Court per Defence Counsel. I can safely say that there is no factual basis to understand why FD would make either of these statements other than delusion. FD quite simply lied about the status of the Family Court situation is the only way I can understand what might have happened. Why MT, Troconis Crew and Defence Counsel are choosing to repeat the FD lies is something simply doesn't make sense to me as there is no basis in fact for anything they are saying.

The cost of the divorce/custody had financial crushed FD to the point where he could no longer afford attorneys and was representing himself in Family Court which resulted in chaos as he understood none of the process and couldn't handle the paperwork. JF at one point had legal bills (atty, GAL,Supervision) etc. exceeding $69,000 A MONTH for the divorce alone. This was ON TOP of paying for all expenses relative to maintaining the children as FD did not pay any support for his children for the duration of the divorce/custody proceedings and had discontinued medical insurance for JF and the children so she covered that as well.

SO, the entire financial burden of maintaining the family fell onto JF and required GF financial assistance as FD was effectively a 'dead beat dad'. Meanwhile FD and MT and her daughter were effectively squatting at 4JX which was a house owned by JF and which her father had arranged the mortgage (secured by liquid investments owned by him) and for which FD was responsible for paying interest only each month. FD stopped paying the interest on the mortgage and taxes so this was then all covered by JF and GF to keep the house out of foreclosure for a year or so. If you add up schooling for 5 children in private schools, rental housing in NC, medical insurance, maintenance of children and house etc. and then layer in all the divorce costs which JF was also paying (lawyers, GAL, professionals, Supervision etc.) it was a lot of money and FD was enraged about it as even if it wasn't his money, he and MT felt somehow entitled to it in a way that I simply do not understand. JF did all this herself with assistance from GF. I would term this an unusual situation as how many women (and a DV victim as well) are financially able to manage such a situation financially? I would argue very very few and this is another reason this tragic case is unusual imo.

I also don't see how the affair can be separated from the horrific murder of JF by FD/MT/KM. Just can't do it. As you say, affairs are not new news! But, based on what we saw in this sad case, it wasn't just that FD had an affair with MT and asked for a divorce and walked away? Nope. This isn't what happened. FD instead wanted to keep MT and her daughter and have them move into 4JX with JF and the 5 Dulos children. FD never asked for the divorce even though that was put out in social media by the Troconis Crew and fwiw I believe the JF timeline on the affair and request for divorce to be factually accurate. So, we have another 'unique' aspect of this divorce. FD wanted to move his mistress into the family home and PS he wanted to bring his mistresses daughter along too! Not too typical imo either and certainly something to generate anger and hostility on all sides imo too!

But, the other aspect of why Dulos v Dulos wasn't typical was that not only did FD use MT and her daughter as a psychological tool to torment JF in the divorce and custody proceedings but FD used MT and her daughter as tools to psychologically play games with the Dulos children, especially the two oldest. I believe that all this was done with the full knowledge and support of MT as she was well aware of the Court orders, yet chose to disregard them. MT also knowingly participated in having her daughter contact the Dulos children and FD when such contact was not permitted by the Court. So, we effectively saw FD weaponise MT against JF to torment her via using what she cared about the most which were her 5 children. IDK, this is unusual and its certainly also evil imo. MT clearly didn't mean anything to FD either as he dumped her quickly and moved on to Anna Curry.

So, we have a situation with a high conflict divorce but on top of that severe financial stress on all sides along with extreme psychological manipulation from FD of the 5 Dulos children and JF. I don't put this issue into the 'typical' divorce situation and my speculation is that FD and MT were diabolical in that they effectively weaponised the children (mainly oldest 2 imo) against JF because they knew it was the children that JF cared most about.

So now, you have JF single parent with primary custody trying to keep it all together, certainly paying for everything and then you have FD where every day is 'opposite day' in terms of complying with Family Court orders and his mistress who supports him and prods him hard to resolve things so their lives can get back to normal using children to torture and torment JF - I don't think this is a typical divorce custody situation at all. MT never makes mention of squatting at 4Jx for 2 years or discusses how FD planned to support their lives post divorce. Nope. MT also makes no mention of working for FORE (disclaims knowledge in LE Interviews) but was found in the civil case to have been paid $120,000 a year by FORE. To be noted is that I believe less than $1,000 was distributed the Dulos children after the Probate situation with his estate had been resolved.


BRAVO! So well said. Thank You.
Another very critical piece of this storyline to mention is that long before JF was murdered by FD, she was worried for her safety and the safety of her children and made that very clear to the authorities in the State of Connecticut by filing many many costly motions, which were denied over an over again (I think the first one was an emergency custody case shortly after fleeing the family home, which was denied). She shared her concerns to the courts handling her divorce that her husband was verbally abusive and that she feared for her LIFE.
All of us here remember this quote:
“I am afraid of my husband,” Jennifer Dulos wrote in an a 2017 affidavit. “I know that filing for divorce and filing this motion will enrage him. I know he will retaliate by trying to harm me in some way.”
I will say I was touched when the state police arresting FD wore purple neckties and pins upon FD’s arrest. Very respectful and moving the needle in the right direction highlighting domestic violence and (finally) admitting it in this specific case. Yay, that.

I’m hopeful that the State of Connecticut will prevail and convict this woman who accompanied her boyfriend in murdering his beautiful, loving, caring, kind and absolutely wonderful wife. They failed JF and her beautiful children, so please don’t do it twice. I have faith in these two prosecutors and their team!
BRAVO! So well said. Thank You.
Another very critical piece of this storyline to mention is that long before JF was murdered by FD, she was worried for her safety and the safety of her children and made that very clear to the authorities in the State of Connecticut by filing many many costly motions, which were denied over an over again (I think the first one was an emergency custody case shortly after fleeing the family home, which was denied). She shared her concerns to the courts handling her divorce that her husband was verbally abusive and that she feared for her LIFE.
All of us here remember this quote:
“I am afraid of my husband,” Jennifer Dulos wrote in an a 2017 affidavit. “I know that filing for divorce and filing this motion will enrage him. I know he will retaliate by trying to harm me in some way.”
I will say I was touched when the state police arresting FD wore purple neckties and pins upon FD’s arrest. Very respectful and moving the needle in the right direction highlighting domestic violence and (finally) admitting it in this specific case. Yay, that.

I’m hopeful that the State of Connecticut will prevail and convict this woman who accompanied her boyfriend in murdering his beautiful, loving, caring, kind and absolutely wonderful wife. They failed JF and her beautiful children, so please don’t do it twice. I have faith in these two prosecutors and their team!

Perfectly said and thank you for the beautiful reminder.

Jennifer was so scared she hired an armed guard for their night at the hotel. Speaks volumes.

I have faith too… justice for Jennifer and her loving family and friends.

FD and the defendant were doing exactly what her story exposes.

They were cleaning. They knew PG was on the move and could show up. Scrambling to clean. Tools -- are they the tools you'd grab if you were going to attempt to remove a seat?

And the lovin' that didn't happen, that's the defendant's tell. It's like her go-to filler when she can't say what was really happening. They were both engaged in distracting PG, diverting his attention. I just haven't settled just yet on what they were actively hiding in that moment. The key accidentally in plain sight? Trash bags just below PG's sight line? The bloody seat?

It's just startling, the innocence of PG in the face of the ugliness of the other two. PG, just a regular work day, hoping to retrieve his own vehicle, load up HIS dirt bike and have a nice weekend with his family. While FT and the defendant were conspiring right in front of him.

We saw the contents of the Albany trash recovery. Blood soaked and still wet. Imagine how wet the blood was on the afternoon of 5/24. And FD is just chatting it up, taking PG on a casual stroll around the back of 80 MS. Such incongruity.

What was the defendant doing during that time? She wasn't cleaning windows. No joke, she's probably never operated a vacuum in her life and a Windex bottle might be the same.

So what was she hiding? Gathering up the cleaning supplies they were using to clean the Tacoma, ran out of time so had to chuck the pail into the backseat?

What a matched set of terrible people.

I agree with you, but, if you will allow me space for a moment to counter a bit of what you said...

Affairs are common. Custody battles are common. People can act terribly during divorce. This is not rare. So to say that MT did 'terrible things' like moving in with FD and seeing his kids, while these might be unacceptable, they are not uncommon. They are actually quite frequent.

BUT...one spouse does not usually end up dead! So rather than focus on 'the affair' I would focus on the absolutely terrible and unacceptable outcome for Jennifer Dulos.
And, yes, her family are blind to what she likely participated in.
And, at least she wasn't married.

Fotis was the one who broke marriage vows, disobeyed parenting agreements, and pressured the children to join an alliance against their own mother.

Also, it's pretty clear that English would be stressful for the defendant in a stressful situation. Her English is excellent and fluent, but not native. She talks around unknown vocabulary to make her point. Yet she lied like crazy about (IMO) not only failing to prevent a murder but participating in committing one (allegedly). Her language deficits don't explain away her lies or actions. She lied about so much. Why waste our time arguing she is lying about English? Her deficits are real, but irrelevant to the crime.

NGL, I avoided this thread for years because those two issues -language and home wreaking- over shadowed what matters: it appears she conspired with Fotis to murder. I don't come to websleuths to assign blame to a marriage going bad (and here the blame is 100% Fotis). I come to discuss crimes. The crime is murder. I think she is a co-conspirator.

AIR, MT said she brought a vacuum cleaner. But don't high-end new houses have built-in central vacuum systems?
80 Mountainside wasn’t a “new” house, as I recall. Dulos didn’t build that one-I think he just reno-ed it. But even an older one should have had a central vac system; they’ve been around for a long time.
And, at least she wasn't married.

Fotis was the one who broke marriage vows, disobeyed parenting agreements, and pressured the children to join an alliance against their own mother.

Also, it's pretty clear that English would be stressful for the defendant in a stressful situation. Her English is excellent and fluent, but not native. She talks around unknown vocabulary to make her point. Yet she lied like crazy about (IMO) not only failing to prevent a murder but participating in committing one (allegedly). Her language deficits don't explain away her lies or actions. She lied about so much. Why waste our time arguing she is lying about English? Her deficits are real, but irrelevant to the crime.

NGL, I avoided this thread for years because those two issues -language and home wreaking- over shadowed what matters: it appears she conspired with Fotis to murder. I don't come to websleuths to assign blame to a marriage going bad (and here the blame is 100% Fotis). I come to discuss crimes. The crime is murder. I think she is a co-conspirator.


Yes, but I think the acrimonious divorce and angry girlfriend are the motive which is an integral part of the crime story in my opinion.
AIR, MT said she brought a vacuum cleaner. But don't high-end new houses have built-in central vacuum systems?
Yes, but our guess long ago that he didn’t want what he was cleaning to end up in the central vac clean out canister. FD wanted MT to sweep up and dispose of whatever outside the house imo. MOO
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