CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #62

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Regarding FD controlling MT…
IMO - sure, she could have been “controlled”, I’m sure it can “happen” to anyone - however-

1. MT old enough to know better, 20 years of adult experience outside FD sphere of influence should have made her wise to an unhealthy relationship (& she seems to be an expert on “healthy” )
2. MT, I’m assuming, has lived independently as an adult for 10 years with a child before FD. Not homeless, not without support, not relying on FD for housing, food, child support.
3. MT claims she is healthy, no health issues to make her vulnerable to control.
4. They weren’t married, engaged or co-owning anything, not even a bathmat. No legal ties.
5. She had her own car, could have left at any time
7. She had not been “separated” from support, she had her family (and friends?)
8. MT had access to medical care and therapist.

He had control over her how?

IMO - she made choices, some bad ones, then doubled-down and made more bad ones. Don’t think JS can sell “control/ignorance/fear or lost in translation” don’t think jury will buy it either. She had every opportunity to help LE, but didn’t, not even a little bit.

Watching her interviews and her silly answers, outrageous detail about completely irrelevant specifics about properties and her literally banging out The Herman report “diagnosis” on the table with her hands, as though she is solving the crime for the detectives: borderline BANG personality BANG disorder BANG - JF did it to herself!
IIRC, MT did not own a car. She did have a dirt boat that wasn’t paid for. I am also not sure about her medical, unless her parents or baby daddy paid for it. But, you are certainly right in that she could have left. Her parents have been by her side through this and I am sure they would have stuck by her and supported her had she appealed to them to help her get away from a man who was toxic. She could have easily told them that she believed he would try to get her involved in unethical and illegal things such as murder. She and she alone, chose to stay with him and helped him engage in both the abuse and murder of JF.
I remember a badge from the bicycle was found in one of the trash bags, but what happened to the rest of FD's bicycle?
No answer but conjecture is that he had to ditch it as it was covered in blood. But, just to be clear, we have never heard status of bike from LE or State. MOO
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IIRC, MT did not own a car. She did have a dirt boat that wasn’t paid for. I am also not sure about her medical, unless her parents or baby daddy paid for it. But, you are certainly right in that she could have left. Her parents have been by her side through this and I am sure they would have stuck by her and supported her had she appealed to them to help her get away from a man who was toxic. She could have easily told them that she believed he would try to get her involved in unethical and illegal things such as murder. She and she alone, chose to stay with him and helped him engage in both the abuse and murder of JF.
Instead we saw what happened was that the entire Troconis family showed up and partied at 4Jx. I think this tells the story. MOO

Was it ever discussed here why JfD did not hire bodyguards? I don’t recall all previous conversations here.

I know she tried to keep things as “normal” as she could for her children, but she had to know things were devolving with FD. His money train was going off the rails.

My heart breaks for all the abused smart-but-not-cunning women and men who are too trusting of societal mores and laws, are rule-following people, and want to believe others will behave that way, too.

I wish they all could see what can be seen from the outside—evil manipulating takers who care for no one except for what they can gain from them. And how very dangerous the takers really are.

This case makes me physically ill.
Yeah. I was discussing this with DH, and his 20/20 hindsight was she should have hired a guard who posed as a cook for the family.

It so terrible.

Regarding FD controlling MT…
IMO - sure, she could have been “controlled”, I’m sure it can “happen” to anyone - however-

1. MT old enough to know better, 20 years of adult experience outside FD sphere of influence should have made her wise to an unhealthy relationship (& she seems to be an expert on “healthy” )
2. MT, I’m assuming, has lived independently as an adult for 10 years with a child before FD. Not homeless, not without support, not relying on FD for housing, food, child support.
3. MT claims she is healthy, no health issues to make her vulnerable to control.
4. They weren’t married, engaged or co-owning anything, not even a bathmat. No legal ties.
5. She had her own car, could have left at any time
7. She had not been “separated” from support, she had her family (and friends?)
8. MT had access to medical care and therapist.

He had control over her how?

IMO - she made choices, some bad ones, then doubled-down and made more bad ones. Don’t think JS can sell “control/ignorance/fear or lost in translation” don’t think jury will buy it either. She had every opportunity to help LE, but didn’t, not even a little bit.

Watching her interviews and her silly answers, outrageous detail about completely irrelevant specifics about properties and her literally banging out The Herman report “diagnosis” on the table with her hands, as though she is solving the crime for the detectives: borderline BANG personality BANG disorder BANG - JF did it to herself!
I think it's important to separate the Dv situation and what she could have done with the crimes. They should not be conflated.

I'm not comfortable hoping into the why didn't she leave stuff. It was because if was her life. None of our business why she didn't leave.

It is our business to say she shouldn't murder.


Was it ever discussed here why JfD did not hire bodyguards? I don’t recall all previous conversations here.

I know she tried to keep things as “normal” as she could for her children, but she had to know things were devolving with FD. His money train was going off the rails.

My heart breaks for all the abused smart-but-not-cunning women and men who are too trusting of societal mores and laws, are rule-following people, and want to believe others will behave that way, too.

I wish they all could see what can be seen from the outside—evil manipulating takers who care for no one except for what they can gain from them. And how very dangerous the takers really are.

This case makes me physically ill.
JF so far as we know only hired bodyguards when she initially took the children to NY. In CT it appears her last house on Welles did have security but it was turned off for some reason.

GF did have bodyguards in NYC and that and her doormen are what kept FD away. Can you imagine that scene?

I think it's important to separate the Dv situation and what she could have done with the crimes. They should not be conflated.

I'm not comfortable hoping into the why didn't she leave stuff. It was because if was her life. None of our business why she didn't leave.

It is our business to say she shouldn't murder.

To clarify this was opinion about whether she was “controlled” (into her current situation) by FD ….
While the Family Court file is sealed at this point, for any that have questions or curiosity about the extent of the huge file, here is link to the case summary of motions and orders that is still available.

Imo this case was nowhere near ending or even heading towards resolution. I believe JF and GF saw no possible way to have shared custody given the issues of FD and MT and the psychological damage inflicted on the children. This is MOO but I believe the case file supports this statement. So, if we see “esteemed defence counsel” suggest otherwise I suggest “watching your wallet” as he is throwing smoke or spaghetti.

FYI replying to myself. There seems to be a difference of opinion on the issue of file being sealed vs documents being sealed. So, when courts open up on Wed I will attempt to resolve the situation and return here to clarify. Sorry in advance for any confusion and stay tuned.
It looks like KM could be the one testifying that Michelle had prior knowledge. This is an excerpt from the article when he was first released.

It was wise planning, on behalf of the state, to have the likeable PG, or the good guy, on the stand before the jury hears from this former lawyer, KM, who's an alcoholic, wife-abusing, misogynist and potential grave digger, planner or organizer of murders. It is not easy for a juror to toss away a state's witness testimony if they appear sincere even when the witness is low down and rotten to the core. He's not a perfect witness and one we may not even hear from at all.

If we do, KM promises to be a devastating witness against the defendant bc he'll say she asked him to arrange an alibi for her. Who knows what else he may reveal? I hope it's bombshell. Come the day of the verdict, Fotis' lover may regret spending her money on a talkative attorney, and instead struck a plea deal. Now, her family may learn more terrible character flaws she seems to possess.

Michi didn't need to write the alibi script because she memorized it. That, for me, shows she was involved, from the beginning, conspiring with the planning and preparation of murdering Jennifer, mother of five, and thwarting justice by participating in the coverup. She was with Fotis on New Albany tossing bloody evidence. She lied and lied some more, then lied about those lies. If this works out where KM carries the ball over the goalpost, then the DA can tie the rest of the evidence with a tight bow. More than anything KM's testimony may force MT to sit in the witness box and tell her lies to the Jury. Yippy Ki Yay!
Thanks for posting this. At the end of the video it says that KM is expected to testify that he overheard MT & FD planning the murder and afterwards heard “we did it”
Week 4 Trial Summary from WFSB - Defence Atty Perspective - Atty Walter Hussey & WFSB Matt McFarland:

He's good, Atty Walter Hussey, isn't he? He knows how to dismiss the detail and paint broad brush strokes using memorable sound bites. I bet MT is kicking Mama and Papa Doc T for not instructing this guy instead of hiring Cut-Price Joe.

Atty Hussey is bright. I could listen to him for ages. Thing is, he is doggedly pro-defence because his tv appearances are all about building his reputation (and business) as a defence atty. I'd like to think that once he's off-air he says to the journalist, "Of course Michelle Troconis, did it. She's in it up to her elbows."

I do wonder if CT Prosecutors have an arrest warrant out for Andreas Tout or his brother in the event they attempt to enter the US?

Clearly seems like they were part of the FD alibi shell game along with MT and KM.

We also haven’t seen any charges filed either against Masiello or Tout for their roles in filing the financial claims that I believe to be false against 61 Sturbridge to prevent GF from claiming any proceeds on her Civil Court judgement. Probably won’t happen but both these two friends of FD helped him every step of the way imo.
I do agree with all of this. Andreas did get intercepted when entering the US after Jennifer’s murder, and his cell phone was confiscated. But I don’t think there was ever anything beyond that, and I don’t even know if that was the same cell he had at the time of the murder. As far as Mark and Harry Masiello are concerned, nothing happened, and I doubt it will.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>
Without reading the actual court docs, it sounds like from this article that they were able to gain AT&T information from her account. The prior ruling was about the search and seizure of her actual phone and the date of the warrant.

Hopefully this will be allowed in…although sounds like we may not hear tomorrow if the snow expectation is as great as they are anticipating.

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Yeah. Fotis controlled her. It doesn't mean she's not guilty.

But I think that was the discussion we were having and some of us feel he did not control her at all, not at all. I am of the opinion that she was in no way controlled by her. Yes, either way, she chose the way of murder it seems, but if she had claimed control early on and ratted out her boyfriend killer she could have likely obtained a good deal. Instead she and her family continue to victim blame and seem to want to defend FD. Very strange and cruel, and more indication he did not and never did control her. She hated JfD all on her own. MOO.
But I think that was the discussion we were having and some of us feel he did not control her at all, not at all. I am of the opinion that she was in no way controlled by her. Yes, either way, she chose the way of murder it seems, but if she had claimed control early on and ratted out her boyfriend killer she could have likely obtained a good deal. Instead she and her family continue to victim blame and seem to want to defend FD. Very strange and cruel, and more indication he did not and never did control her. She hated JfD all on her own. MOO.
She's a tough cookie. A survivor. She hitched her wagon to his star because she thought he had money, as did her Mama. Nor did she ever fear JF. All that about being afraid to be in her house was complete BS, IMO. Looking back, JF should have feared her. It's slowly being revealed in the courtroom. Is her family finally getting the picture? It's been several days since their pressers on the courthouse steps. Had the defendant been completely honest with them? Or are they hearing the latest for the first time?
But I think that was the discussion we were having and some of us feel he did not control her at all, not at all. I am of the opinion that she was in no way controlled by her. Yes, either way, she chose the way of murder it seems, but if she had claimed control early on and ratted out her boyfriend killer she could have likely obtained a good deal. Instead she and her family continue to victim blame and seem to want to defend FD. Very strange and cruel, and more indication he did not and never did control her. She hated JfD all on her own. MOO.
I think you are very entitled to your opinion. From my experience, I interpret her behavior as vulnerable to abuse and I can't think of one anecdote where she challenged Fotis. And I see Fotis' behavior as very deeply controlling, down to spending his time enforcing bogus non-compete contracts and scaring Pawel into thinking he would loose his Green card and his ability to work in Connecticut....I can't recall Fotis in a relationship that was not intensively controlling aside from, sickly enough, Mawhinney. Even in his very favorable 48 hours interview, he was staring at the interviewer like he'd pounce on her if she made one wrong move.

Yet, while I am convinced of this, I don't mind one bit that you are not.

The thing that does get on my nerves iswhen people think victim=innocent. It doesn't at all. And at this point in the game, even though Michelle Troconis might be able at last to admit to herself and the world that she was afraid of Fotis, she now can only lose by doing so. It would only have the downside of being an admission at this point, without any redemptive upsides. The "bigger fish" inJennifers murder took himself outof the game. She has nothing to offer. She had many, many opportunities to crack this case early for the State, and possibly appear at least partially sympathetic to the public, especially if she accepted some punishment for her actions or inactions, and showed remorse. But she did not do this.

People have choices. Even people in corrosive-control relationships. She made hers, and too-bad, so-sad, hope-you-are-convicted to her.

But I think she was in a dangerous relationship, and that happens to a lot of people. Most of them are not murderers.

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